Exemple #1
* CG_Event_Jump
void CG_Event_Jump( entity_state_t *state, int parm )
#define MOVEDIREPSILON 0.25f
	centity_t *cent;
	int xyspeedcheck;

	cent = &cg_entities[state->number];
	xyspeedcheck = SQRTFAST( cent->animVelocity[0]*cent->animVelocity[0] + cent->animVelocity[1]*cent->animVelocity[1] );
	if( xyspeedcheck < 100 )
	{                      // the player is jumping on the same place, not running
		CG_PModel_AddAnimation( state->number, LEGS_JUMP_NEUTRAL, 0, 0, EVENT_CHANNEL );
		CG_SexedSound( state->number, CHAN_BODY, va( S_PLAYER_JUMP_1_to_2, ( rand()&1 )+1 ), cg_volume_players->value );
		vec3_t movedir, viewaxis[3];
		movedir[0] = cent->animVelocity[0];
		movedir[1] = cent->animVelocity[1];
		movedir[2] = 0;
		VectorNormalizeFast( movedir );
		AngleVectors( tv( 0, cent->current.angles[YAW], 0 ), viewaxis[FORWARD], viewaxis[RIGHT], viewaxis[UP] );
		// see what's his relative movement direction
		if( DotProduct( movedir, viewaxis[FORWARD] ) > MOVEDIREPSILON )
			cent->jumpedLeft = !cent->jumpedLeft;
			if( !cent->jumpedLeft )
				CG_PModel_AddAnimation( state->number, LEGS_JUMP_LEG2, 0, 0, EVENT_CHANNEL );
				CG_SexedSound( state->number, CHAN_BODY, va( S_PLAYER_JUMP_1_to_2, ( rand()&1 )+1 ), cg_volume_players->value );
				CG_PModel_AddAnimation( state->number, LEGS_JUMP_LEG1, 0, 0, EVENT_CHANNEL );
				CG_SexedSound( state->number, CHAN_BODY, va( S_PLAYER_JUMP_1_to_2, ( rand()&1 )+1 ), cg_volume_players->value );
			CG_PModel_AddAnimation( state->number, LEGS_JUMP_NEUTRAL, 0, 0, EVENT_CHANNEL );
			CG_SexedSound( state->number, CHAN_BODY, va( S_PLAYER_JUMP_1_to_2, ( rand()&1 )+1 ), cg_volume_players->value );

  //racesow - lm: filter out other players
  if( ISVIEWERENTITY( state->number ))
Exemple #2
void CL_MouseMove( usercmd_t *cmd ) {
	float	mx, my;
	float	accelSensitivity;
	float	rate;
	const float	speed = static_cast<float>(frame_msec);
	const float pitch = cl_bUseFighterPitch?m_pitchVeh->value:m_pitch->value;

	// allow mouse smoothing
	if ( m_filter->integer ) {
		mx = ( cl.mouseDx[0] + cl.mouseDx[1] ) * 0.5;
		my = ( cl.mouseDy[0] + cl.mouseDy[1] ) * 0.5;
	} else {
		mx = cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex];
		my = cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex];

	cl.mouseIndex ^= 1;
	cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex] = 0;
	cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex] = 0;

	rate = SQRTFAST( mx * mx + my * my ) / speed;
	if ( cl_mYawOverride || cl_mPitchOverride )
	{//FIXME: different people have different speed mouses,
		if ( cl_mSensitivityOverride )
			//this will f**k things up for them, need to clamp 
			//max input?
			accelSensitivity = cl_mSensitivityOverride;
			accelSensitivity = cl_sensitivity->value + rate * cl_mouseAccel->value;
			// scale by FOV
			accelSensitivity *= cl.cgameSensitivity;
		accelSensitivity = cl_sensitivity->value + rate * cl_mouseAccel->value;
		// scale by FOV
		accelSensitivity *= cl.cgameSensitivity;

	if ( rate && cl_showMouseRate->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "%f : %f\n", rate, accelSensitivity );

	mx *= accelSensitivity;
	my *= accelSensitivity;

	if (!mx && !my) {

	// add mouse X/Y movement to cmd
	if ( in_strafe.active ) {
		cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( cmd->rightmove + m_side->value * mx );
	} else {
		if ( cl_mYawOverride )
			cl.viewangles[YAW] -= cl_mYawOverride * mx;
			cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw->value * mx;

	if ( (in_mlooking || cl_freelook->integer) && !in_strafe.active ) {
		// VVFIXME - This is supposed to be a CVAR
		const float cl_pitchSensitivity = 1.0f;
		if ( cl_mPitchOverride )
			if ( pitch > 0 )
				cl.viewangles[PITCH] += cl_mPitchOverride * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
				cl.viewangles[PITCH] -= cl_mPitchOverride * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
			cl.viewangles[PITCH] += pitch * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
	} else {
		cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( cmd->forwardmove - m_forward->value * my );
Exemple #3
static void SV_ClipMoveToEntities(trace_t &trace, const CVec3 &start, const CVec3 &end, const CBox &bounds, edict_t *passedict, int contentmask)

	if (trace.allsolid) return;

	int		i;

	CVec3 amins, amaxs;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if (start[i] < end[i])
			amins[i] = bounds.mins[i] + start[i];
			amaxs[i] = bounds.maxs[i] + end[i];
			amins[i] = bounds.mins[i] + end[i];
			amaxs[i] = bounds.maxs[i] + start[i];
	edict_t	*list[MAX_EDICTS];
	int num = SV_AreaEdicts(amins, amaxs, ARRAY_ARG(list), AREA_SOLID);
	if (!num) return;

	float b1 = dot(bounds.mins, bounds.mins);
	float b2 = dot(bounds.maxs, bounds.maxs);
	float t = max(b1, b2);
	float traceWidth = SQRTFAST(t);
	CVec3 traceDir;
	VectorSubtract(end, start, traceDir);
	float traceLen = traceDir.Normalize() + traceWidth;

	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
		edict_t *edict = list[i];
		entityHull_t &ent = ents[NUM_FOR_EDICT(edict)];
//		if (!ent->linked) continue;

		if (edict->solid == SOLID_NOT || edict == passedict) continue;
		if (passedict)
		 	if (edict->owner == passedict)
				continue;	// don't clip against own missiles
			if (passedict->owner == edict)
				continue;	// don't clip against owner
		if (!(contentmask & CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER) && (edict->svflags & SVF_DEADMONSTER))

		CVec3 eCenter;
		VectorSubtract(ent.center, start, eCenter);
		// check position of point projection on line
		float entPos = dot(eCenter, traceDir);
		if (entPos < -traceWidth - ent.radius || entPos > traceLen + ent.radius)
			continue;		// too near / too far

		// check distance between point and line
		CVec3 tmp;
		VectorMA(eCenter, -entPos, traceDir, tmp);
		float dist2 = dot(tmp, tmp);
		float dist0 = ent.radius + traceWidth;
		if (dist2 >= dist0 * dist0) continue;

		trace_t	tr;
		if (ent.model)
			CM_TransformedBoxTrace(tr, start, end, bounds, ent.model->headnode, contentmask, edict->s.origin, ent.axis);
			CM_TransformedBoxTrace(tr, start, end, bounds, CM_HeadnodeForBox(ent.bounds), contentmask, edict->s.origin, nullVec3);
		if (CM_CombineTrace(trace, tr))
			trace.ent = edict;
		if (trace.allsolid) return;

Exemple #4
void CL_MouseMove( usercmd_t *cmd ) {
	float	mx, my;
	float	accelSensitivity;
	float	rate;
	const float	speed = static_cast<float>(frame_msec);
	const float pitch = m_pitch->value;

#ifdef _XBOX
	const float mouseSpeedX = 0.06f;
	const float mouseSpeedY = 0.05f;

	// allow mouse smoothing
	if ( m_filter->integer ) {
		mx = ( cl.mouseDx[0] + cl.mouseDx[1] ) * 0.5f * frame_msec * mouseSpeedX;
		my = ( cl.mouseDy[0] + cl.mouseDy[1] ) * 0.5f * frame_msec * mouseSpeedY;
	} else {
		int ax = cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex];
		int ay = cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex];
		CL_MouseClamp(&ax, &ay);
		mx = ax * speed * mouseSpeedX;	
		my = ay * speed * mouseSpeedY;		

	extern short cg_crossHairStatus;
	const float m_hoverSensitivity = 0.4f;
	if (cg_crossHairStatus == 1)
		mx *= m_hoverSensitivity;
		my *= m_hoverSensitivity;
	// allow mouse smoothing
	if ( m_filter->integer ) {
		mx = ( cl.mouseDx[0] + cl.mouseDx[1] ) * 0.5;
		my = ( cl.mouseDy[0] + cl.mouseDy[1] ) * 0.5;
	} else {
		mx = cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex];
		my = cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex];

	cl.mouseIndex ^= 1;
	cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex] = 0;
	cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex] = 0;

	rate = SQRTFAST( mx * mx + my * my ) / speed;
	accelSensitivity = cl_sensitivity->value + rate * cl_mouseAccel->value;

	// scale by FOV
	accelSensitivity *= cl.cgameSensitivity;

	if ( rate && cl_showMouseRate->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "%f : %f\n", rate, accelSensitivity );

	mx *= accelSensitivity;
	my *= accelSensitivity;

	if (!mx && !my) {
#ifdef _XBOX
		// If there was a movement but no change in angles then start auto-leveling the camera
		extern int g_lastFireTime;
		float autolevelSpeed = 0.03f;

		if (cg_crossHairStatus != 1 &&							// Not looking at an enemy
			cl.joystickAxis[AXIS_FORWARD] &&					// Moving forward/backward
			cl.frame.ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE &&	// Not in the air
			Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("cl_autolevel") &&		// Autolevel is turned on
			g_lastFireTime < Sys_Milliseconds() - 1000)			// Haven't fired recently
			float normAngle = -SHORT2ANGLE(cl.frame.ps.delta_angles[PITCH]);
			// The adjustment to normAngle below is meant to add or remove some multiple
			// of 360, so that normAngle is within 180 of viewangles[PITCH]. It should
			// be correct.
			int diff = (int)(cl.viewangles[PITCH] - normAngle);
			if (diff > 180)
				normAngle += 360.0f * ((diff+180) / 360);
			else if (diff < -180)
				normAngle -= 360.0f * ((-diff+180) / 360);

			if (Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("cg_thirdperson") == 1)
//				normAngle += 10;	// Removed by BTO, 2003/05/14, I hate it
				autolevelSpeed *= 1.5f;
			if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] > normAngle)
				cl.viewangles[PITCH] -= autolevelSpeed * speed;
				if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] < normAngle) cl.viewangles[PITCH] = normAngle;
			else if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] < normAngle)
				cl.viewangles[PITCH] += autolevelSpeed * speed;
				if (cl.viewangles[PITCH] > normAngle) cl.viewangles[PITCH] = normAngle;

	// add mouse X/Y movement to cmd
	if ( in_strafe.active ) {
		cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( cmd->rightmove + m_side->value * mx );
	} else {
		if ( cl_mYawOverride )
			cl.viewangles[YAW] -= cl_mYawOverride * mx;
			cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw->value * mx;

	if ( (in_mlooking || cl_freelook->integer) && !in_strafe.active ) {
		// VVFIXME - This is supposed to be a CVAR
#ifdef _XBOX
		const float cl_pitchSensitivity = 0.5f;
		const float cl_pitchSensitivity = 1.0f;
		if ( cl_mPitchOverride )
			if ( pitch > 0 )
				cl.viewangles[PITCH] += cl_mPitchOverride * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
				cl.viewangles[PITCH] -= cl_mPitchOverride * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
			cl.viewangles[PITCH] += pitch * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
	} else {
		cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( cmd->forwardmove - m_forward->value * my );
Exemple #5
static void CG_DrawGrid(float x, float y, float w, float h, mapScissor_t *scissor)
	vec2_t step;
	vec2_t dim_x, dim_y;
	vec4_t line;
	float  xscale, yscale;
	float  grid_x, grid_y;
	vec2_t dist;
	vec4_t gridColour;

	dist[0] = cg.mapcoordsMaxs[0] - cg.mapcoordsMins[0];
	dist[1] = cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1] - cg.mapcoordsMins[1];

	if (!gridInitDone)
		gridStep[0] = 1200.f;
		gridStep[1] = 1200.f;

		// ensure minimal grid density
		while ((cg.mapcoordsMaxs[0] - cg.mapcoordsMins[0]) / gridStep[0] < 7)
			gridStep[0] -= 50.f;
		while ((cg.mapcoordsMins[1] - cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1]) / gridStep[1] < 7)
			gridStep[1] -= 50.f;

		gridStartCoord[0] = .5f * ((((cg.mapcoordsMaxs[0] - cg.mapcoordsMins[0]) / gridStep[0]) - ((int)((cg.mapcoordsMaxs[0] - cg.mapcoordsMins[0]) / gridStep[0]))) * gridStep[0]);
		gridStartCoord[1] = .5f * ((((cg.mapcoordsMins[1] - cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1]) / gridStep[1]) - ((int)((cg.mapcoordsMins[1] - cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1]) / gridStep[1]))) * gridStep[1]);

		gridInitDone = qtrue;

	if (scissor)
		dim_x[0] = cg.mapcoordsMins[0];
		dim_x[1] = cg.mapcoordsMaxs[0];

		dim_y[0] = cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1];
		dim_y[1] = cg.mapcoordsMins[1];

		// transform
		xscale = (w * scissor->zoomFactor) / dist[0];
		yscale = (h * scissor->zoomFactor) / -dist[1];

		dim_x[0] = (dim_x[0] - cg.mapcoordsMins[0]) * xscale;
		dim_x[1] = (dim_x[1] - cg.mapcoordsMins[0]) * xscale;

		dim_y[0] = (dim_y[0] - cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1]) * yscale;
		dim_y[1] = (dim_y[1] - cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1]) * yscale;

		grid_x = ((gridStartCoord[0] / dist[0]) * w * scissor->zoomFactor) - scissor->tl[0];
		grid_y = ((-gridStartCoord[1] / dist[1]) * h * scissor->zoomFactor) - scissor->tl[1];

		step[0] = gridStep[0] * xscale;
		step[1] = gridStep[1] * yscale;

		// draw
		Vector4Set(gridColour, clrBrownLine[0], clrBrownLine[1], clrBrownLine[2], .4f);
		for ( ; grid_x < dim_x[1]; grid_x += step[0])
			if (grid_x < dim_x[0])

			if (grid_x > w)

			if (scissor->circular)
				// clip line against circle
				float xc, yc;

				line[0] = x + grid_x;
				xc      = line[0] >= x + .5f * w ? line[0] - (x + .5f * w) : (x + .5f * w) - line[0];
				yc      = SQRTFAST(Square(.5f * w) - Square(xc));
				line[1] = y + (.5f * h) - yc;
				line[2] = 1.f;
				line[3] = 2 * yc;
				Vector4Set(line, x + grid_x, y + dim_y[0], 1.f, h);
			line[0] *= cgs.screenXScale;
			line[1] *= cgs.screenYScale;
			line[3] *= cgs.screenYScale;
			trap_R_DrawStretchPic(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], 0, 0, 0, 1, cgs.media.whiteShader);

		for ( ; grid_y < dim_y[1]; grid_y += step[1])
			if (grid_y < dim_y[0])

			if (grid_y > h)

			if (scissor->circular)
				// clip line against circle
				float xc, yc;

				line[1] = y + grid_y;
				yc      = line[1] >= y + .5f * h ? line[1] - (y + .5f * h) : (y + .5f * h) - line[1];
				xc      = SQRTFAST(Square(.5f * h) - Square(yc));
				line[0] = x + (.5f * w) - xc;
				line[2] = 2 * xc;
				line[3] = 1.f;
				Vector4Set(line, x + dim_x[0], y + grid_y, w, 1);
			line[0] *= cgs.screenXScale;
			line[1] *= cgs.screenYScale;
			line[2] *= cgs.screenXScale;
			trap_R_DrawStretchPic(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], 0, 0, 0, 1, cgs.media.whiteShader);
		char   coord_char[3], coord_int;
		float  text_width, text_height;
		vec2_t textOrigin;

		dim_x[0] = cg.mapcoordsMins[0];
		dim_x[1] = cg.mapcoordsMaxs[0];

		dim_y[0] = cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1];
		dim_y[1] = cg.mapcoordsMins[1];

		// transform
		xscale = w / dist[0];
		yscale = h / -dist[1];

		dim_x[0] = (dim_x[0] - cg.mapcoordsMins[0]) * xscale;
		dim_x[1] = (dim_x[1] - cg.mapcoordsMins[0]) * xscale;

		dim_y[0] = (dim_y[0] - cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1]) * yscale;
		dim_y[1] = (dim_y[1] - cg.mapcoordsMaxs[1]) * yscale;

		grid_x = gridStartCoord[0] * xscale;
		grid_y = gridStartCoord[1] * yscale;

		step[0] = gridStep[0] * xscale;
		step[1] = gridStep[1] * yscale;

		// draw
		textOrigin[0] = grid_x;
		textOrigin[1] = grid_y;

		Vector4Set(gridColour, clrBrownLine[0], clrBrownLine[1], clrBrownLine[2], 1.f);

		coord_char[1] = '\0';
		for (coord_char[0] = ('A' - 1); grid_x < dim_x[1]; grid_x += step[0], coord_char[0]++)
			if (coord_char[0] >= 'A')
				text_width  = CG_Text_Width_Ext(coord_char, 0.2f, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
				text_height = CG_Text_Height_Ext(coord_char, 0.2f, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext((x + grid_x) - (.5f * step[0]) - (.5f * text_width), y + dim_y[0] + textOrigin[1] + 1.5f * text_height, 0.2f, 0.2f, colorBlack, coord_char, 0, 0, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);

			Vector4Set(line, x + grid_x, y + dim_y[0], 1, dim_x[1] - dim_x[0]);
			CG_AdjustFrom640(&line[0], &line[1], &line[2], &line[3]);
			trap_R_DrawStretchPic(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], 0, 0, 0, 1, cgs.media.whiteShader);

		for (coord_int = -1; grid_y < dim_y[1]; grid_y += step[1], coord_int++)
			if (coord_int >= 0)
				Com_sprintf(coord_char, sizeof(coord_char), "%i", coord_int);
				text_width  = CG_Text_Width_Ext("0", 0.2f, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
				text_height = CG_Text_Height_Ext(coord_char, 0.2f, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);
				CG_Text_Paint_Ext(x + dim_x[0] + textOrigin[0] + .5f * text_width, (y + grid_y) - (.5f * step[1]) + (.5f * text_height), 0.2f, 0.2f, colorBlack, coord_char, 0, 0, 0, &cgs.media.limboFont2);

			Vector4Set(line, x + dim_x[0], y + grid_y, dim_y[1] - dim_y[0], 1);
			CG_AdjustFrom640(&line[0], &line[1], &line[2], &line[3]);
			trap_R_DrawStretchPic(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], 0, 0, 0, 1, cgs.media.whiteShader);
Exemple #6
void CL_MouseMove( usercmd_t *cmd ) {
	float	mx, my;
	const float	speed = static_cast<float>(frame_msec);

	// allow mouse smoothing
	if ( m_filter->integer ) {
		mx = ( cl.mouseDx[0] + cl.mouseDx[1] ) * 0.5;
		my = ( cl.mouseDy[0] + cl.mouseDy[1] ) * 0.5;
	} else {
		mx = cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex];
		my = cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex];

	cl.mouseIndex ^= 1;
	cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex] = 0;
	cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex] = 0;

	if ( mx == 0.0f && my == 0.0f )

	if ( cl_mouseAccel->value != 0.0f )
		if ( cl_mouseAccelStyle->integer == 0 )
			float accelSensitivity;
			float rate;

			rate = SQRTFAST( mx * mx + my * my ) / speed;

			if ( cl_mYawOverride || cl_mPitchOverride )
			{//FIXME: different people have different speed mouses,
				if ( cl_mSensitivityOverride )
					//this will f**k things up for them, need to clamp
					//max input?
					accelSensitivity = cl_mSensitivityOverride;
					accelSensitivity = cl_sensitivity->value + rate * cl_mouseAccel->value;
				accelSensitivity = cl_sensitivity->value + rate * cl_mouseAccel->value;
			mx *= accelSensitivity;
			my *= accelSensitivity;

			if ( cl_showMouseRate->integer )
				Com_Printf( "rate: %f, accelSensitivity: %f\n", rate, accelSensitivity );
			float rate[2];
			float power[2];

			// sensitivity remains pretty much unchanged at low speeds
			// cl_mouseAccel is a power value to how the acceleration is shaped
			// cl_mouseAccelOffset is the rate for which the acceleration will have doubled the non accelerated amplification
			// NOTE: decouple the config cvars for independent acceleration setup along X and Y?

			rate[0] = fabs( mx ) / speed;
			rate[1] = fabs( my ) / speed;
			power[0] = powf( rate[0] / cl_mouseAccelOffset->value, cl_mouseAccel->value );
			power[1] = powf( rate[1] / cl_mouseAccelOffset->value, cl_mouseAccel->value );

			if ( cl_mYawOverride || cl_mPitchOverride )
			{//FIXME: different people have different speed mouses,
				if ( cl_mSensitivityOverride )
					//this will f**k things up for them, need to clamp
					//max input?
					mx = cl_mSensitivityOverride * (mx + ((mx < 0) ? -power[0] : power[0]) * cl_mouseAccelOffset->value);
					my = cl_mSensitivityOverride * (my + ((my < 0) ? -power[1] : power[1]) * cl_mouseAccelOffset->value);
					mx = cl_sensitivity->value * (mx + ((mx < 0) ? -power[0] : power[0]) * cl_mouseAccelOffset->value);
					my = cl_sensitivity->value * (my + ((my < 0) ? -power[1] : power[1]) * cl_mouseAccelOffset->value);
				mx = cl_sensitivity->value * (mx + ((mx < 0) ? -power[0] : power[0]) * cl_mouseAccelOffset->value);
				my = cl_sensitivity->value * (my + ((my < 0) ? -power[1] : power[1]) * cl_mouseAccelOffset->value);

			if ( cl_showMouseRate->integer )
				Com_Printf( "ratex: %f, ratey: %f, powx: %f, powy: %f\n", rate[0], rate[1], power[0], power[1] );
		if ( cl_mYawOverride || cl_mPitchOverride )
		{//FIXME: different people have different speed mouses,
			if ( cl_mSensitivityOverride )
				//this will f**k things up for them, need to clamp
				//max input?
				mx *= cl_mSensitivityOverride;
				my *= cl_mSensitivityOverride;
				mx *= cl_sensitivity->value;
				my *= cl_sensitivity->value;
			mx *= cl_sensitivity->value;
			my *= cl_sensitivity->value;

	// ingame FOV
	mx *= cl.cgameSensitivity;
	my *= cl.cgameSensitivity;

	// add mouse X/Y movement to cmd
	if ( in_strafe.active )
		cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( cmd->rightmove + m_side->value * mx );
	else {
		if ( cl_mYawOverride )
			cl.viewangles[YAW] -= cl_mYawOverride * mx;
			cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw->value * mx;

	if ( (in_mlooking || cl_freelook->integer) && !in_strafe.active ) {
		// VVFIXME - This is supposed to be a CVAR
		const float cl_pitchSensitivity = 1.0f;
		const float pitch = cl_bUseFighterPitch ? m_pitchVeh->value : m_pitch->value;
		if ( cl_mPitchOverride ) {
			if ( pitch > 0 )
				cl.viewangles[PITCH] += cl_mPitchOverride * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
				cl.viewangles[PITCH] -= cl_mPitchOverride * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
			cl.viewangles[PITCH] += pitch * my * cl_pitchSensitivity;
		cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( cmd->forwardmove - m_forward->value * my );
Exemple #7
void QClipMap46::TraceThroughSphere( traceWork_t* tw, vec3_t origin, float radius, vec3_t start, vec3_t end ) {
	float l1, l2, length, scale, fraction;
	float b, c, d, sqrtd;
	vec3_t v1, dir, intersection;

	// if inside the sphere
	VectorSubtract( start, origin, dir );
	l1 = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
	if ( l1 < Square( radius ) ) {
		tw->trace.fraction = 0;
		tw->trace.startsolid = true;
		// test for allsolid
		VectorSubtract( end, origin, dir );
		l1 = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
		if ( l1 < Square( radius ) ) {
			tw->trace.allsolid = true;
	VectorSubtract( end, start, dir );
	length = VectorNormalize( dir );
	l1 = DistanceFromLineSquaredDir( origin, start, end, dir );
	VectorSubtract( end, origin, v1 );
	l2 = VectorLengthSquared( v1 );
	// if no intersection with the sphere and the end point is at least an epsilon away
	if ( l1 >= Square( radius ) && l2 > Square( radius + SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON ) ) {
	//	| origin - (start + t * dir) | = radius
	//	a = dir[0]^2 + dir[1]^2 + dir[2]^2;
	//	b = 2 * (dir[0] * (start[0] - origin[0]) + dir[1] * (start[1] - origin[1]) + dir[2] * (start[2] - origin[2]));
	//	c = (start[0] - origin[0])^2 + (start[1] - origin[1])^2 + (start[2] - origin[2])^2 - radius^2;
	VectorSubtract( start, origin, v1 );
	// dir is normalized so a = 1
	//float a = 1.0f;	//dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1] + dir[2] * dir[2];
	b = 2.0f * ( dir[ 0 ] * v1[ 0 ] + dir[ 1 ] * v1[ 1 ] + dir[ 2 ] * v1[ 2 ] );
	c = v1[ 0 ] * v1[ 0 ] + v1[ 1 ] * v1[ 1 ] + v1[ 2 ] * v1[ 2 ] - ( radius + RADIUS_EPSILON ) * ( radius + RADIUS_EPSILON );

	d = b * b - 4.0f * c;	// * a;
	if ( d > 0 ) {
		sqrtd = SQRTFAST( d );
		// = (- b + sqrtd) * 0.5f; // / (2.0f * a);
		fraction = ( -b - sqrtd ) * 0.5f;	// / (2.0f * a);
		if ( fraction < 0 ) {
			fraction = 0;
		} else {
			fraction /= length;
		if ( fraction < tw->trace.fraction ) {
			tw->trace.fraction = fraction;
			VectorSubtract( end, start, dir );
			VectorMA( start, fraction, dir, intersection );
			VectorSubtract( intersection, origin, dir );
			l2 = VectorLength( dir );
			if ( l2 < radius ) {
				int bah = 1;
			scale = 1 / ( radius + RADIUS_EPSILON );
			VectorScale( dir, scale, dir );
			VectorCopy( dir, tw->trace.plane.normal );
			VectorAdd( tw->modelOrigin, intersection, intersection );
			tw->trace.plane.dist = DotProduct( tw->trace.plane.normal, intersection );
			tw->trace.contents = BSP46CONTENTS_BODY;
	} else if ( d == 0 ) {
		//t1 = (- b ) / 2;
		// slide along the sphere
	// no intersection at all
Exemple #8
void QClipMap46::TraceThroughVerticalCylinder( traceWork_t* tw, vec3_t origin, float radius, float halfheight, vec3_t start, vec3_t end ) {
	float length, scale, fraction, l1, l2;
	float b, c, d, sqrtd;
	vec3_t v1, dir, start2d, end2d, org2d, intersection;

	// 2d coordinates
	VectorSet( start2d, start[ 0 ], start[ 1 ], 0 );
	VectorSet( end2d, end[ 0 ], end[ 1 ], 0 );
	VectorSet( org2d, origin[ 0 ], origin[ 1 ], 0 );
	// if between lower and upper cylinder bounds
	if ( start[ 2 ] <= origin[ 2 ] + halfheight &&
		 start[ 2 ] >= origin[ 2 ] - halfheight ) {
		// if inside the cylinder
		VectorSubtract( start2d, org2d, dir );
		l1 = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
		if ( l1 < Square( radius ) ) {
			tw->trace.fraction = 0;
			tw->trace.startsolid = true;
			VectorSubtract( end2d, org2d, dir );
			l1 = VectorLengthSquared( dir );
			if ( l1 < Square( radius ) ) {
				tw->trace.allsolid = true;
	VectorSubtract( end2d, start2d, dir );
	length = VectorNormalize( dir );
	l1 = DistanceFromLineSquaredDir( org2d, start2d, end2d, dir );
	VectorSubtract( end2d, org2d, v1 );
	l2 = VectorLengthSquared( v1 );
	// if no intersection with the cylinder and the end point is at least an epsilon away
	if ( l1 >= Square( radius ) && l2 > Square( radius + SURFACE_CLIP_EPSILON ) ) {
	// (start[0] - origin[0] - t * dir[0]) ^ 2 + (start[1] - origin[1] - t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2
	// (v1[0] + t * dir[0]) ^ 2 + (v1[1] + t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2;
	// v1[0] ^ 2 + 2 * v1[0] * t * dir[0] + (t * dir[0]) ^ 2 +
	//						v1[1] ^ 2 + 2 * v1[1] * t * dir[1] + (t * dir[1]) ^ 2 = radius ^ 2
	// t ^ 2 * (dir[0] ^ 2 + dir[1] ^ 2) + t * (2 * v1[0] * dir[0] + 2 * v1[1] * dir[1]) +
	//						v1[0] ^ 2 + v1[1] ^ 2 - radius ^ 2 = 0
	VectorSubtract( start, origin, v1 );
	// dir is normalized so we can use a = 1
	//float a = 1.0f;	// * (dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1]);
	b = 2.0f * ( v1[ 0 ] * dir[ 0 ] + v1[ 1 ] * dir[ 1 ] );
	c = v1[ 0 ] * v1[ 0 ] + v1[ 1 ] * v1[ 1 ] - ( radius + RADIUS_EPSILON ) * ( radius + RADIUS_EPSILON );

	d = b * b - 4.0f * c;	// * a;
	if ( d > 0 ) {
		sqrtd = SQRTFAST( d );
		// = (- b + sqrtd) * 0.5f;// / (2.0f * a);
		fraction = ( -b - sqrtd ) * 0.5f;	// / (2.0f * a);
		if ( fraction < 0 ) {
			fraction = 0;
		} else {
			fraction /= length;
		if ( fraction < tw->trace.fraction ) {
			VectorSubtract( end, start, dir );
			VectorMA( start, fraction, dir, intersection );
			// if the intersection is between the cylinder lower and upper bound
			if ( intersection[ 2 ] <= origin[ 2 ] + halfheight &&
				 intersection[ 2 ] >= origin[ 2 ] - halfheight ) {
				tw->trace.fraction = fraction;
				VectorSubtract( intersection, origin, dir );
				dir[ 2 ] = 0;
				#ifdef CAPSULE_DEBUG
				l2 = VectorLength( dir );
				if ( l2 <= radius ) {
					int bah = 1;
				scale = 1 / ( radius + RADIUS_EPSILON );
				VectorScale( dir, scale, dir );
				VectorCopy( dir, tw->trace.plane.normal );
				VectorAdd( tw->modelOrigin, intersection, intersection );
				tw->trace.plane.dist = DotProduct( tw->trace.plane.normal, intersection );
				tw->trace.contents = BSP46CONTENTS_BODY;
	} else if ( d == 0 ) {
		//t[0] = (- b ) / 2 * a;
		// slide along the cylinder
	// no intersection at all