Exemple #1
int RiffFile::open(const char* path)
	// Open the file
	mpFile = fopen(path, "rb");
	   return 1; // error

	RiffChunkHeader root_chunk;

	// Read the header info for the root chunk.
	if (fread(&root_chunk, sizeof(UInt32), 3, mpFile) != 3)
		return 1; // error

	root_chunk.chunkSize -= sizeof(UInt32);  // root chunk has an extra format code in header.

	// Save the location of the root data segment.
	root_chunk.dataStart = ftell(mpFile);
	if(root_chunk.chunkId != STR2FOURCC("RIFF") || root_chunk.dataStart < 0)
		return 1; // error


	return 0; // success
Exemple #2
int WaveFile::open(const char *path)
	int status = RiffFile::open(path);
	if(status != 0)
		return status;
	char s[5];
	FOURCC2STR(formatCode(), s);
	printf("type = %s\n", s);

	if(formatCode() != STR2FOURCC("WAVE"))
		return 1; // error

	// Jump into the "fmt " chunk
	if(push(STR2FOURCC("fmt ")))
		memset(&mHeader, 0, sizeof(mHeader));

		UInt32 fmtSize = chunkSize();
		if(RiffFile::readData(&mHeader, fmtSize) != fmtSize)
			return 1; // error

		assert(mHeader.formatTag == 1); // only uncompressed files are supported 

		// Some writers put a bad block align and/or avgBytesPerSecond value.
		// Let's recalculate it.
		mHeader.bytesPerFrame = mHeader.bitsPerSample / 8 * mHeader.numChannels;
		mHeader.averageBytesPerSecond = mHeader.bytesPerFrame * mHeader.samplesPerSecond;

	// Jump out of the "fmt " chunk

	// Jump into the "data" chunk
		return 1; // error, couldn't find the data chunk

	return 0; // success
Exemple #3
bool RiffFile::push(UInt32 chunkId)
    long start_pos = ftell(mpFile);
    RiffChunkHeader parent_chunk = mChunkStack.back();

    // Seek to start of current chunk, and iterate over children looking for desired chunk id.
    fseek(mpFile, parent_chunk.dataStart, SEEK_SET);
    RiffChunkHeader child_chunk;// = (RiffChunkHeader *)malloc(sizeof(RiffChunkHeader));
    child_chunk.formatCode = 0;
    long parent_end = parent_chunk.dataStart + parent_chunk.chunkSize;
    while(!feof(mpFile) && ftell(mpFile) < parent_end)
        // Read the full header of this child.
        if(fread(&child_chunk, sizeof(UInt32), 2, mpFile) != 2)
            break;  // something went wrong. bail.

        if(child_chunk.chunkId == STR2FOURCC("RIFF") || child_chunk.chunkId == STR2FOURCC("LIST"))
            if(fread(&child_chunk.formatCode, sizeof(UInt32), 1, mpFile) != 1)
            child_chunk.chunkSize -= sizeof(UInt32);
        child_chunk.dataStart = ftell(mpFile);

        // If this child is the one we're looking for, push it and return.
        if(child_chunk.chunkId == chunkId)
           fseek(mpFile, mChunkStack.back().dataStart, SEEK_SET);
           return true;

        // Find the start of our next sibling.
        long next_sibling_start = child_chunk.dataStart + child_chunk.chunkSize;
        next_sibling_start += next_sibling_start % 2; // word align
        fseek(mpFile, next_sibling_start, SEEK_SET);
    fseek(mpFile, start_pos, SEEK_SET);
    return false;