Exemple #1
void SV_ClientEnterWorld( client_t *client, usercmd_t *cmd ) {
	int		clientNum;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_PRIMED to CS_ACTIVE for %s\n", client->name );
	client->state = CS_ACTIVE;

	// resend all configstrings using the cs commands since these are
	// no longer sent when the client is CS_PRIMED
	SV_UpdateConfigstrings( client );

	// set up the entity for the client
	clientNum = client - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	ent->s.number = clientNum;
	client->gentity = ent;

	client->lastUserInfoChange = 0; //reset the delay
	client->lastUserInfoCount = 0; //reset the count

	client->deltaMessage = -1;
	client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;	// generate a snapshot immediately

		memcpy(&client->lastUsercmd, cmd, sizeof(client->lastUsercmd));
		memset(&client->lastUsercmd, '\0', sizeof(client->lastUsercmd));

	// call the game begin function
	GVM_ClientBegin( client - svs.clients );

void SV_ClientEnterWorld( client_t *client, usercmd_t *cmd ) {
	int		clientNum;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_PRIMED to CS_ACTIVE for %s\n", client->name );
	client->state = CS_ACTIVE;

	// resend all configstrings using the cs commands since these are
	// no longer sent when the client is CS_PRIMED
	SV_UpdateConfigstrings( client );

	// set up the entity for the client
	clientNum = client - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	ent->s.number = clientNum;
	client->gentity = ent;

	client->deltaMessage = -1;
	client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;	// generate a snapshot immediately
	client->lastUsercmd = *cmd;

	// call the game begin function
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_BEGIN, client - svs.clients );