void MirrorBuffer (BufferType *Buffer) { int i; if (Buffer->Data->ElementN) { Message (_("You can't mirror a buffer that has elements!\n")); return; } for (i = 0; i < max_copper_layer + 2; i++) { LayerType *layer = Buffer->Data->Layer + i; if (layer->TextN) { Message (_("You can't mirror a buffer that has text!\n")); return; } } /* set buffer offset to 'mark' position */ Buffer->X = SWAP_X (Buffer->X); Buffer->Y = SWAP_Y (Buffer->Y); VIA_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { via->X = SWAP_X (via->X); via->Y = SWAP_Y (via->Y); } END_LOOP; ALLLINE_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { line->Point1.X = SWAP_X (line->Point1.X); line->Point1.Y = SWAP_Y (line->Point1.Y); line->Point2.X = SWAP_X (line->Point2.X); line->Point2.Y = SWAP_Y (line->Point2.Y); } ENDALL_LOOP; ALLARC_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { arc->X = SWAP_X (arc->X); arc->Y = SWAP_Y (arc->Y); arc->StartAngle = SWAP_ANGLE (arc->StartAngle); arc->Delta = SWAP_DELTA (arc->Delta); SetArcBoundingBox (arc); } ENDALL_LOOP; ALLPOLYGON_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { POLYGONPOINT_LOOP (polygon); { point->X = SWAP_X (point->X); point->Y = SWAP_Y (point->Y); } END_LOOP; SetPolygonBoundingBox (polygon); } ENDALL_LOOP; SetBufferBoundingBox (Buffer); SetCrosshairRangeToBuffer (); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * mirrors the coordinates of an element * an additional offset is passed */ void MirrorElementCoordinates (DataTypePtr Data, ElementTypePtr Element, Coord yoff) { r_delete_element (Data, Element); ELEMENTLINE_LOOP (Element); { line->Point1.X = SWAP_X (line->Point1.X); line->Point1.Y = SWAP_Y (line->Point1.Y) + yoff; line->Point2.X = SWAP_X (line->Point2.X); line->Point2.Y = SWAP_Y (line->Point2.Y) + yoff; } END_LOOP; PIN_LOOP (Element); { RestoreToPolygon (Data, PIN_TYPE, Element, pin); pin->X = SWAP_X (pin->X); pin->Y = SWAP_Y (pin->Y) + yoff; } END_LOOP; PAD_LOOP (Element); { RestoreToPolygon (Data, PAD_TYPE, Element, pad); pad->Point1.X = SWAP_X (pad->Point1.X); pad->Point1.Y = SWAP_Y (pad->Point1.Y) + yoff; pad->Point2.X = SWAP_X (pad->Point2.X); pad->Point2.Y = SWAP_Y (pad->Point2.Y) + yoff; TOGGLE_FLAG (ONSOLDERFLAG, pad); } END_LOOP; ARC_LOOP (Element); { arc->X = SWAP_X (arc->X); arc->Y = SWAP_Y (arc->Y) + yoff; arc->StartAngle = SWAP_ANGLE (arc->StartAngle); arc->Delta = SWAP_DELTA (arc->Delta); } END_LOOP; ELEMENTTEXT_LOOP (Element); { text->X = SWAP_X (text->X); text->Y = SWAP_Y (text->Y) + yoff; TOGGLE_FLAG (ONSOLDERFLAG, text); } END_LOOP; Element->MarkX = SWAP_X (Element->MarkX); Element->MarkY = SWAP_Y (Element->MarkY) + yoff; /* now toggle the solder-side flag */ TOGGLE_FLAG (ONSOLDERFLAG, Element); /* this inserts all of the rtree data too */ SetElementBoundingBox (Data, Element, &PCB->Font); ClearFromPolygon (Data, ELEMENT_TYPE, Element, Element); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * flip components/tracks from one side to the other */ static void SwapBuffer (BufferType *Buffer) { int j, k; Cardinal sgroup, cgroup; LayerType swap; ELEMENT_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { r_delete_element (Buffer->Data, element); MirrorElementCoordinates (Buffer->Data, element, 0); } END_LOOP; /* set buffer offset to 'mark' position */ Buffer->X = SWAP_X (Buffer->X); Buffer->Y = SWAP_Y (Buffer->Y); VIA_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { r_delete_entry (Buffer->Data->via_tree, (BoxType *)via); via->X = SWAP_X (via->X); via->Y = SWAP_Y (via->Y); SetPinBoundingBox (via); r_insert_entry (Buffer->Data->via_tree, (BoxType *)via, 0); } END_LOOP; ALLLINE_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { r_delete_entry (layer->line_tree, (BoxType *)line); line->Point1.X = SWAP_X (line->Point1.X); line->Point1.Y = SWAP_Y (line->Point1.Y); line->Point2.X = SWAP_X (line->Point2.X); line->Point2.Y = SWAP_Y (line->Point2.Y); SetLineBoundingBox (line); r_insert_entry (layer->line_tree, (BoxType *)line, 0); } ENDALL_LOOP; ALLARC_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { r_delete_entry (layer->arc_tree, (BoxType *)arc); arc->X = SWAP_X (arc->X); arc->Y = SWAP_Y (arc->Y); arc->StartAngle = SWAP_ANGLE (arc->StartAngle); arc->Delta = SWAP_DELTA (arc->Delta); SetArcBoundingBox (arc); r_insert_entry (layer->arc_tree, (BoxType *)arc, 0); } ENDALL_LOOP; ALLPOLYGON_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { r_delete_entry (layer->polygon_tree, (BoxType *)polygon); POLYGONPOINT_LOOP (polygon); { point->X = SWAP_X (point->X); point->Y = SWAP_Y (point->Y); } END_LOOP; SetPolygonBoundingBox (polygon); r_insert_entry (layer->polygon_tree, (BoxType *)polygon, 0); /* hmmm, how to handle clip */ } ENDALL_LOOP; ALLTEXT_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { r_delete_entry (layer->text_tree, (BoxType *)text); text->X = SWAP_X (text->X); text->Y = SWAP_Y (text->Y); TOGGLE_FLAG (ONSOLDERFLAG, text); SetTextBoundingBox (&PCB->Font, text); r_insert_entry (layer->text_tree, (BoxType *)text, 0); } ENDALL_LOOP; /* swap silkscreen layers */ swap = Buffer->Data->Layer[solder_silk_layer]; Buffer->Data->Layer[solder_silk_layer] = Buffer->Data->Layer[component_silk_layer]; Buffer->Data->Layer[component_silk_layer] = swap; /* swap layer groups when balanced */ sgroup = GetLayerGroupNumberByNumber (solder_silk_layer); cgroup = GetLayerGroupNumberByNumber (component_silk_layer); if (PCB->LayerGroups.Number[cgroup] == PCB->LayerGroups.Number[sgroup]) { for (j = k = 0; j < PCB->LayerGroups.Number[sgroup]; j++) { int t1, t2; Cardinal cnumber = PCB->LayerGroups.Entries[cgroup][k]; Cardinal snumber = PCB->LayerGroups.Entries[sgroup][j]; if (snumber >= max_copper_layer) continue; swap = Buffer->Data->Layer[snumber]; while (cnumber >= max_copper_layer) { k++; cnumber = PCB->LayerGroups.Entries[cgroup][k]; } Buffer->Data->Layer[snumber] = Buffer->Data->Layer[cnumber]; Buffer->Data->Layer[cnumber] = swap; k++; /* move the thermal flags with the layers */ ALLPIN_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { t1 = TEST_THERM (snumber, pin); t2 = TEST_THERM (cnumber, pin); ASSIGN_THERM (snumber, t2, pin); ASSIGN_THERM (cnumber, t1, pin); } ENDALL_LOOP; VIA_LOOP (Buffer->Data); { t1 = TEST_THERM (snumber, via); t2 = TEST_THERM (cnumber, via); ASSIGN_THERM (snumber, t2, via); ASSIGN_THERM (cnumber, t1, via); } END_LOOP; } } SetBufferBoundingBox (Buffer); SetCrosshairRangeToBuffer (); }