Exemple #1
void test_kString(KonohaContext *kctx)
    intptr_t i;
    kString *s;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        s = KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, "abcd", 4, 0);
        assert(strcmp(S_text(s), "abcd") == 0);
        assert(S_size(s) == 4);
        assert(kString_is(ASCII, s) == 1);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        s = KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, "abcd", 4, 0);
        assert(strcmp(S_text(s), "abcd") == 0);
        assert(S_size(s) == 4);
        assert(S_text(s) == (char*)s->inline_text);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        static const char *text = "12345678901234567890";
        s = KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, text, 20, StringPolicy_TEXT | StringPolicy_UTF8);
        assert(strcmp(S_text(s), text) == 0);
        assert(S_size(s) == 20);
        assert(S_text(s) == text);
        assert(kString_is(ASCII, s) == 0);
Exemple #2
// boolean NameSpace.import(String pkgname, String symbol);
static KMETHOD NameSpace_ImportPackageSymbol(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kString *key = sfp[2].asString;
	ksymbol_t keyword = ksymbolA(S_text(key), S_size(key), _NEWID);
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	kNameSpace_ImportPackageSymbol(kctx, sfp[0].asNameSpace, S_text(sfp[1].asString), keyword, trace);
Exemple #3
static kBlock* kStmt_ParseClassBlockNULL(KonohaContext *kctx, kStmt *stmt, kToken *tokenClassName)
	kBlock *bk = NULL;
	kToken *blockToken = (kToken *)kStmt_GetObject(kctx, stmt, KW_BlockPattern, NULL);
	if(blockToken != NULL && blockToken->resolvedSyntaxInfo->keyword == KW_BlockPattern) {
		const char *cname = S_text(tokenClassName->text);
		TokenSeq range = {Stmt_ns(stmt), GetSugarContext(kctx)->preparedTokenList};
		TokenSeq_Push(kctx, range);
		SUGAR TokenSeq_Tokenize(kctx, &range,  S_text(blockToken->text), blockToken->uline);
			TokenSeq sourceRange = {range.ns, range.tokenList, range.endIdx};
			kToken *prevToken = blockToken;
			int i;
			for(i = range.beginIdx; i < range.endIdx; i++) {
				kToken *tk = range.tokenList->TokenItems[i];
				if(tk->hintChar == '(' && prevToken->unresolvedTokenType == TokenType_SYMBOL && strcmp(cname, S_text(prevToken->text)) == 0) {
					kTokenVar *newToken = new_(TokenVar, TokenType_SYMBOL, sourceRange.tokenList);
					KFieldSet(newToken, newToken->text, SYM_s(MN_new));
				KLIB kArray_Add(kctx, sourceRange.tokenList, tk);
				prevToken = tk;
			TokenSeq_end(kctx, (&sourceRange));
			bk = SUGAR new_kBlock(kctx, stmt/*parent*/, NULL, &sourceRange);
			KLIB kObject_setObject(kctx, stmt, KW_BlockPattern, TY_Block, bk);
		TokenSeq_Pop(kctx, range);
	return bk;
Exemple #4
static SugarSyntaxVar *kNameSpace_guessSyntaxFromTokenList(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, kArray *tokenList)
	int beginIdx = 0, endIdx = kArray_size(tokenList);
	if(beginIdx < endIdx) {
		ksymbol_t keyword = tokenList->TokenItems[beginIdx]->resolvedSyntaxInfo->keyword;
		if(keyword == KW_TextPattern) {
			ksymbol_t kw;
			if(isSubKeyword(kctx, tokenList, beginIdx, endIdx)) {
				char buf[256];
				PLATAPI snprintf_i(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_%s", S_text(tokenList->TokenItems[beginIdx]->text), S_text(tokenList->TokenItems[beginIdx+1]->text));
				kw = ksymbolA((const char *)buf, strlen(buf), SYM_NEWID);
			else {
				kw = ksymbolA(S_text(tokenList->TokenItems[beginIdx]->text), S_size(tokenList->TokenItems[beginIdx]->text), SYM_NEWID);
			return (SugarSyntaxVar *)NEWSYN_(ns, kw);
		else if(keyword == KW_DOLLAR) { // $TokenPattern
			char buf[256];
			PLATAPI snprintf_i(buf, sizeof(buf), "$%s", S_text(tokenList->TokenItems[beginIdx+1]->text));
			ksymbol_t kw = ksymbolA((const char *)buf, strlen(buf), SYM_NEWID);
			return (SugarSyntaxVar *)NEWSYN_(ns, kw);
	return NULL;
Exemple #5
// ## void AprTable.set(String key, String val)
static KMETHOD AprTable_set(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kAprTable *self = (kAprTable *) sfp[0].asObject;
	const char *key = S_text(sfp[1].asString);
	const char *val = S_text(sfp[2].asString);
	apr_table_set(self->tbl, key, val);
Exemple #6
//## boolean chdir(String path)
static KMETHOD System_chdir(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = PLATAPI formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), S_text(path), S_size(path), trace);
	int ret = chdir(systemPath);
	if(ret == -1) {
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, SystemFault, "chdir", LogFileName(S_text(path)), LogErrno);
	KReturnUnboxValue(ret != -1);
Exemple #7
//## Stat System.lstat(String path)
static KMETHOD System_lstat(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = PLATAPI formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), S_text(path), S_size(path), trace);
	struct stat buf = {}; /* zero */
	int ret = lstat(systemPath, &buf);
	if(ret == -1) {
		int fault = KLIB DiagnosisFaultType(kctx, kString_guessUserFault(path)|SystemError, trace);
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, fault, "lstat", LogText("path", S_text(path)), LogErrno);
	KReturn(KLIB new_kObject(kctx, OnStack, KGetReturnType(sfp), (uintptr_t)&buf));
Exemple #8
static KMETHOD System_lchown(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = PLATAPI formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), S_text(path), S_size(path), trace);
	uid_t owner = (uid_t)sfp[2].intValue;
	gid_t group = (gid_t)sfp[3].intValue;
	int ret = lchown(systemPath, owner, group);
	if(ret == -1) {
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, SystemFault, "lchown", LogFileName(S_text(path)), LogOwner(owner), LogGroup(group), LogErrno);
	KReturnUnboxValue(ret != -1);
Exemple #9
static void RegExp_set(KonohaContext *kctx, kRegExp *re, kString *ptns, kString *opts)
	const char *ptn = S_text(ptns);
	const char *opt = S_text(opts);
	kRegExp_setOptions(re, opt);
	KFieldSet(re, re->pattern, ptns);
	re->reg = pcre_regmalloc(kctx, ptns);
	int cflags = pcre_ParseComplflags(kctx, opt);
	if(!kString_is(ASCII, ptns)) {
		/* Add 'u' option when the pattern is multibyte string. */
		cflags |= PCRE_UTF8;
	pcre_regcomp(kctx, re->reg, ptn, cflags);
	re->eflags = pcre_ParseExecflags(kctx, opt);
Exemple #10
//## PyObject PyObject.(PyObject o);
static KMETHOD PyObject_(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	// consider about module function and class method.
	// Now, PyObject_() support only module function.
	// [TODO] Support class method.
	int argc = kctx->esp - sfp - 2;   // believe me
	kPyObject *pmod = (kPyObject*)sfp[0].asObject;
	PyObject  *pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pmod->self, S_text(kctx->esp[-1].s));
	PyObject  *pArgs = NULL, *pValue = NULL;
	if(pFunc != NULL) {
		if(PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) {
			int i;
			pArgs = PyTuple_New(argc);
			for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
				pValue = ((kPyObject*)sfp[i+1].o)->self;
				PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, i, pValue);
			pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs);
Exemple #11
//## String JSON.getInt(String key);
static KMETHOD kJSON_getInt(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	JSON obj = ((kJSON *)sfp[0].asObject)->json;
	const char *key = S_text(sfp[1].asString);
	int32_t json = JSON_getInt(obj, key);
Exemple #12
// class methodList start ==============================================================================================
// ## void Request.puts(String s)
static KMETHOD Request_puts(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kRequest *self = (kRequest *) sfp[0].asObject;
	kString *data = sfp[1].asString;
	ap_rputs(S_text(data), self->r);
Exemple #13
// ##void Request.setContentEncoding(String enc);
static KMETHOD Request_setContentEncoding(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kRequest *self = (kRequest *) sfp[0].asObject;
	kString *enc = sfp[1].asString;
	self->r->content_encoding = apr_pstrdup(self->r->pool, S_text(enc));
Exemple #14
//## String System.realpath(String path)
static KMETHOD System_realpath(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX], filepath[K_PATHMAX] = {0};
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = PLATAPI formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), S_text(path), S_size(path), trace);
	char *cwd = realpath(systemPath, filepath);
	if(cwd != NULL) {
		const char *konohaPath = PLATAPI formatKonohaPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), cwd, strlen(cwd), trace);
		KReturn(KLIB new_kString(kctx, OnStack, konohaPath, strlen(konohaPath), 0));
	else {
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, SystemFault, "realpath", LogFileName(S_text(path)), LogErrno);
Exemple #15
//## String DIR.readPath()
static KMETHOD DIR_readPath(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kDir *dir = (kDir *)sfp[0].asObject;
	if(dir->dirp != NULL) {
		KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
		struct dirent entry, *result;
		int ret = readdir_r(dir->dirp, &entry, &result);
		if(result != NULL) {
			char *d_name = result->d_name, delim[2] = {'/', 0};
			KGrowingBuffer wb;
			KLIB Kwb_Init(&(kctx->stack->cwb), &wb);
			KLIB Kwb_Write(kctx, &wb, S_text(dir->PathInfoNULL), S_size(dir->PathInfoNULL));
			KLIB Kwb_Write(kctx, &wb, delim, 1);
			if(dir->readerIconv != ICONV_NULL) {
				KLIB Kwb_Write(kctx, &wb, d_name, strlen(d_name));
			else {
				KLIB Kwb_iconv(kctx, &wb, dir->readerIconv, d_name, strlen(d_name), trace);
				KLIB new_kString(kctx, OnStack, KLIB Kwb_top(kctx, &wb, 0), Kwb_bytesize(&wb), StringPolicy_SystemInfo),
				KLIB Kwb_Free(&wb)
		if(ret == -1) {
			KTraceErrorPoint(trace, SystemFault, "readdir", LogErrno);
		kDir_close(kctx, dir);
Exemple #16
//## boolean System.rmdir(String path)
static KMETHOD System_rmdir(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = PLATAPI formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), S_text(path), S_size(path), trace);
	int ret = rmdir(systemPath);
	if(ret == -1) {
		int fault = KLIB DiagnosisFaultType(kctx, kString_guessUserFault(path)|SystemError, trace);
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, fault, "rmdir", LogFileName(S_text(path)), LogErrno);
	else {
		KTraceChangeSystemPoint(trace, "rmdir", LogFileName(S_text(path)));
	KReturnUnboxValue(ret != -1);
Exemple #17
//## boolean System.mkdir(String path, int mode)
static KMETHOD System_mkdir(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	char buffer[K_PATHMAX];
	kString *path = sfp[1].asString;
	const char *systemPath = PLATAPI formatSystemPath(kctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer), S_text(path), S_size(path), trace);
	mode_t mode = (mode_t)sfp[2].intValue;
	int ret = mkdir(systemPath, mode);
	if(ret == -1) {
		KTraceErrorPoint(trace, SystemFault, "mkdir", LogFileName(S_text(path)), LogMode(mode), LogErrno);
	else {
		KTraceChangeSystemPoint(trace, "mkdir", LogFileName(S_text(path)), LogMode(mode));
	KReturnUnboxValue(ret != -1);
Exemple #18
static KMETHOD TypeCheck_Float(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	VAR_TypeCheck(stmt, expr, gma, reqty);
	kToken *tk = expr->termToken;
	sfp[4].floatValue = strtod(S_text(tk->text), NULL);   // just using tramsformation float
	KReturn(SUGAR kExpr_SetUnboxConstValue(kctx, expr, TY_float, sfp[4].unboxValue));
Exemple #19
// ## void Request.setContentType(String type);
static KMETHOD Request_setContentType(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kRequest *self = (kRequest *) sfp[0].asObject;
	kString *type = sfp[1].asString;
	self->r->content_type = apr_pstrdup(self->r->pool, S_text(type));
Exemple #20
//## JSON JSON.get(String key);
static KMETHOD kJSON_get(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	JSON obj = ((kJSON *)sfp[0].asObject)->json;
	const char *key = S_text(sfp[1].asString);
	JSON json = JSON_get(obj, key);
	KReturn(NewJsonObject(kctx, sfp, json));
Exemple #21
static void kArray_executeRegExp(KonohaContext *kctx, kArray *resultArray, kRegExp *regex, kString *s0)
	int stringPolicy = kString_is(ASCII, s0) ? StringPolicy_ASCII : 0;
	if(IS_NOTNULL(regex) && S_size(regex->pattern) > 0) {
		const char *s = S_text(s0);  // necessary
		const char *base = s;
		const char *eos = base + S_size(s0);
		size_t i, nmatch = pcre_nmatchsize(kctx, regex->reg);
		kregmatch_t *p, pmatch[nmatch+1];
		int isGlobalOption = RegExp_isGlobal(regex);
		do {
			int res = pcre_regexec(kctx, regex->reg, s, nmatch, pmatch, regex->eflags);
			if(res != 0) {
				// FIXME
				//LOG_regex(kctx, sfp, res, regex, s);
			for(p = pmatch, i = 0; i < nmatch; p++, i++) {
				if(p->rm_so == -1) break;
				KLIB new_kString(kctx, resultArray, s + (p->rm_so), ((p->rm_eo) - (p->rm_so)), stringPolicy);
			if(isGlobalOption) {
				size_t eo = pmatch[0].rm_eo; // shift matched pattern
				s += (eo > 0) ? eo : 1;
				if(!(s < eos)) isGlobalOption = 0; // stop iteration
		} while(isGlobalOption);
Exemple #22
// String Tagger.parse(String input)
static KMETHOD Tagger_Parse(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	mecab_t * mecab = ((struct _kTagger *)(sfp[0].asObject))->mecab;
	const char *input = S_text(sfp[1].asString);
	const char* result = mecab_sparse_tostr(mecab, input);
	KReturn(KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, result, strlen(result), 0));
Exemple #23
//## Expr Stmt.printError(String msg);
static KMETHOD Stmt_Message2rintError(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kStmt   *stmt  = sfp[0].asStmt;
	kString *msg   = sfp[1].asString;
	SUGAR kStmt_Message2(kctx, stmt, NULL, ErrTag, "%s", S_text(msg));
Exemple #24
//## Expr Stmt.message(int error, Expr expr, String msg);
static KMETHOD StmtExpr_Message(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kStmt   *stmt  = sfp[0].asStmt;
	kinfotag_t level = (kinfotag_t)sfp[1].intValue;
	kString *msg   = sfp[3].asString;
	KReturn(SUGAR kStmt_Message2(kctx, stmt, sfp[2].asToken, level, "%s", S_text(msg)));
Exemple #25
//## JSONFloat JSON.getFloat(String key);
static KMETHOD kJSON_getFloat(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	JSON obj = ((kJSON *)sfp[0].asObject)->json;
	const char *key = S_text(sfp[1].asString);
	double json = JSON_getDouble(obj, key);
Exemple #26
// boolean NameSpace.hate(String symbol);
static KMETHOD NameSpace_hate(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kString *key = sfp[2].asString;
	ksymbol_t keyword = ksymbolA(S_text(key), S_size(key), _NEWID);
	KMakeTrace(trace, sfp);
	kNameSpace_RemoveSyntax(kctx, sfp[0].asNameSpace, keyword, trace);
Exemple #27
//## int Token.error(String s, String s, int begin, int end);
static KMETHOD Token_error(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kTokenVar *tk = (kTokenVar *) sfp[0].asToken;
	if(IS_NOTNULL(tk)) {
		SUGAR kToken_ToError(kctx, tk, ErrTag, "%s", S_text(sfp[1].asString));
Exemple #28
// String Tagger.NBestParse(int n, String input)
static KMETHOD Tagger_NBestParse(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	struct _kTagger *mecab = (struct _kTagger *)sfp[0].asObject;
	kint_t ival = sfp[1].intValue;
	const char *input = S_text(sfp[2].asString);
	const char* result = mecab_nbest_sparse_tostr(mecab->mecab, ival, input);
	KReturn(KLIB new_kString(kctx, GcUnsafe, result, strlen(result), 0));
//## LogPool LogPool.new(String host, int port)
static KMETHOD LogPool_new(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kRawPtr *ret = (kRawPtr *) sfp[0].asObject;
	char *host = (char *) S_text(sfp[1].asString);
	int   port = sfp[2].intValue;
	RawPtr_init(kctx, sfp[0].asObject, logpool_open_client(NULL, host, port));
Exemple #30
static void RegExp_p(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaValue *v, int pos, KGrowingBuffer *wb)
	kRegExp *re = v[pos].asRegExp;
	KLIB Kwb_printf(kctx, wb, "/%s/%s%s%s", S_text(re->pattern),
			RegExp_isGlobal(re) ? "g" : "",
			RegExp_isIgnoreCase(re) ? "i" : "",
			RegExp_isMultiline(re) ? "m" : "");