Exemple #1
void CResizeView::OnFileSave() 
	// TODO: Add your command handler code here
Exemple #2
 Function: LumpExtractor() -Extract Lump gfx from Wolf3D and SOD data files.
 Parameters: fextension -[in] String holding file extension 
                            (must be in '.XXX' format).
             limit -[in] max
             version -[in] extension version. 
                        1 -WL6
                        2 -SOD 
 Returns:   Nothing.

PUBLIC _boolean LumpExtractor( const char *fextension, W32 limit, W16 version )
    W32 i;
    W8 *buffer, *buffer2;
    if( ! fextension || ! *fextension )
        printf( "Invalid file extension passed into LumpExtractor!\n" );
		return false;

// Setup

	if( 0 == FS_Mkdir( LGFXDIR ) )
		printf( "[%s] Could not create directory (%s)!\n", "wolf_gfx.c", LGFXDIR );
		return false;

    if( ! CAL_SetupGrFile( fextension ) )
		return false;
// Allocate buffers

	buffer = MM_MALLOC( 320 * 416 * 2 );
	if( buffer == NULL )
		return false;

    buffer2 = MM_MALLOC( 640 * 400 * 4 );
	if( buffer2 == NULL )
		MM_FREE( buffer );
		return false;

// Decode GFX data

	printf( "Decoding GFX Data...\n" );
//	(void)DecodeText( version );
	for( i = STARTFONT; i < STARTPICS; ++i )
        CA_CacheGrChunk( i, version );
        Fontline( i, version );
    for( i = STARTPICS; i < limit+1; ++i )
        CA_CacheGrChunk( i, version );
        SavePic( i, version, buffer, buffer2 );		

// Shutdown
    MM_FREE( buffer2 );
	MM_FREE( buffer );	

	return true;
Exemple #3
int CGetChatPicTask::Run()
	CBuffer bufPic;
	BOOL bRet;

	if (NULL == m_lpQQUser || NULL == m_lpQQProtocol || NULL == m_lpMsg)
		m_bStop = FALSE;
		return 0;

	if (OP_TYPE_BUDDY_PIC == m_nType)	// 好友图片
		CBuddyMessage * lpMsg = (CBuddyMessage *)m_lpMsg;

		int nCount = (int)lpMsg->m_arrContent.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
			CContent * lpContent = lpMsg->m_arrContent[i];
			if (NULL == lpContent)
			if (CONTENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_FACE == lpContent->m_nType)		// 自定义表情
				bRet = m_lpQQProtocol->GetBuddyChatPic(m_HttpClient, lpMsg->m_nMsgId,
					lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), lpMsg->m_nFromUin, 
					WEBQQ_CLIENT_ID, m_lpQQUser->m_LoginResult2.m_strPSessionId.c_str(), &bufPic);
				if (bRet)
					SavePic(lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), bufPic.GetData(), bufPic.GetSize());
			else if (CONTENT_TYPE_OFF_PIC == lpContent->m_nType)	// 离线图片
				bRet = m_lpQQProtocol->GetBuddyOffChatPic(m_HttpClient, 
					lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), lpMsg->m_nFromUin, 
					WEBQQ_CLIENT_ID, m_lpQQUser->m_LoginResult2.m_strPSessionId.c_str(), &bufPic);
				if (bRet)
					SavePic(lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), bufPic.GetData(), bufPic.GetSize());

		::PostMessage(m_lpQQUser->m_hProxyWnd, QQ_MSG_BUDDY_MSG, NULL, (LPARAM)lpMsg);
	else if (OP_TYPE_GROUP_PIC == m_nType)	// 群图片
		CGroupMessage * lpMsg = (CGroupMessage *)m_lpMsg;

		int nCount = (int)lpMsg->m_arrContent.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
			CContent * lpContent = lpMsg->m_arrContent[i];
			if (lpContent != NULL && CONTENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_FACE == lpContent->m_nType)
				LPCTSTR lpFmt = _T("%[^:]:%d");
				TCHAR cServer[1024] = {0};
				int nPort = 0;

				_stscanf(lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strServer.c_str(), lpFmt, cServer, &nPort);

				bRet = m_lpQQProtocol->GetGroupChatPic(m_HttpClient, lpMsg->m_nGroupCode,
					lpMsg->m_nSendUin, cServer, nPort, lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_nFileId, 
					lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), m_lpQQUser->m_LoginResult2.m_strVfWebQq.c_str(), &bufPic);
				if (bRet)
					SavePic(lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), bufPic.GetData(), bufPic.GetSize());

		::PostMessage(m_lpQQUser->m_hProxyWnd, QQ_MSG_GROUP_MSG, NULL, (LPARAM)lpMsg);
	else if (OP_TYPE_SESS_PIC == m_nType)
		// WebQQ协议目前不支持临时会话发送/接收自定义表情

	m_bStop = FALSE;

	return 0;