void MainFrame::OnExit(wxCommandEvent &event) { if (!SaveWarning()) return; Close(); }
//============================================================================= // Project //============================================================================= void wxGD::MainFrame::OnNewProject( wxCommandEvent & ) { if( !SaveWarning() ) return; wxGUIDesigner::Get()->NewProject(); }
void MainFrame::OnNewProject(wxCommandEvent &event) { if (!SaveWarning()) return; GetData()->NewProject(); }
void MainFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &event) { if (!SaveWarning()) return; SavePosition(wxT("mainframe")); event.Skip(); }
void wxGD::MainFrame::OnClose( wxCloseEvent &event ) { if( !SaveWarning() ) return; SaveLayout(); event.Skip(); }
void MainFrame::OnOpenRecent(wxCommandEvent &event) { if (!SaveWarning()) return; int i = event.GetId() - ID_RECENT_0; assert (i >= 0 && i < 4); wxFileName filename( m_recentProjects[i] ); if (GetData()->LoadProject(filename.GetFullPath())) { m_currentDir = filename.GetPath(); InsertRecentProject(filename.GetFullPath()); } }
void wxGD::MainFrame::OnOpenRecent( wxCommandEvent &event ) { if( !SaveWarning() ) return; wxMenuItem *menuItm = NULL; wxMenuBar *menuBar = GetMenuBar(); if( menuBar ) menuItm = menuBar->FindItem( event.GetId() ); if( !menuItm ) return; wxString filePath( menuItm->GetItemLabelText().AfterLast(' ') ); wxFileName fileName( filePath ); if( fileName.FileExists() ) { if( wxGUIDesigner::Get()->LoadProject( fileName.GetFullPath() ) ) m_lastDir = fileName.GetPath(); } else { wxString message = _("The project file") + " " + fileName.GetName() + " " + _("doesn't exist.") + _("Would you like to remove it from the recent files list?"); int answer = wxMessageBox( message, _("Open recent project"), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES_NO ); if( answer == wxYES ) { for( size_t i = 0; i < m_history.GetCount(); i++ ) { if( filePath == m_history.GetHistoryFile(i) ) { m_history.RemoveFileFromHistory(i); break; } } } } }
void MainFrame::OnOpenProject(wxCommandEvent &event) { if (!SaveWarning()) return; wxFileDialog *dialog = new wxFileDialog(this,wxT("Open Project"),m_currentDir, wxT(""),wxT("wxFormBuilder Project File (*.fbp)|*.fbp|All files (*.*)|*.*"),wxOPEN | wxHIDE_READONLY); if (dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { m_currentDir = dialog->GetDirectory(); wxString filename = dialog->GetPath(); if (GetData()->LoadProject(filename)) InsertRecentProject(filename); }; dialog->Destroy(); }
void wxGD::MainFrame::OnOpenProject( wxCommandEvent & ) { if( !SaveWarning() ) return; wxString wildCard = _("XRC Files"); wildCard.append(" (*.xrc)|*.xrc|"); wildCard.append(_("All files") ); wildCard.append(" (*.*)|*.*"); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _("Open Project"), m_lastDir, wxEmptyString, wildCard, wxFD_OPEN ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK ) { m_lastDir = dlg.GetDirectory(); wxString filePath = dlg.GetPath(); if( wxGUIDesigner::Get()->LoadProject( filePath ) ) m_history.AddFileToHistory( filePath ); } }