Exemple #1
int main (int argc, char * * argv)
	if (argc != 3)
		printf("\nInvalid number of arguments\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	char * in_file = argv[1];
	char * out_file = argv[2];
	int num_b; // number of boxes
	int num_n; // nubmer of nodes

	// arr is an array implementation of a binary tree
	// the root node is the node of index num_n
	Node * arr = Load_File(in_file, &num_b, &num_n);

	double x_tot = 0;
	double y_tot = 0;

	clock_t pack_t = clock();
	Coord * crd = Pack(arr, num_n, num_b, &x_tot, &y_tot);
	pack_t = clock() - pack_t;

	printf("\n\nElapsed Time:  %le\n\n", ((double) pack_t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	Save_File(out_file, arr, crd, num_b);


Exemple #2
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
	if (argc != 5)
		printf("\nInvalid number of arguments");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	//Assign inputs to variables
	char * mode = argv[1];
	char * in_file = argv[2];
	char * seq_file = argv[3];
	char * out_file = argv[4];

	int Size = 0;	
	long * arr;

	double N_Comp = 0;
	double N_Move = 0;

	clock_t sort_t = 0; //keeps track of sort time
	clock_t io_sum = 0; //keeps track of total I/O time
	clock_t io = clock();
	arr = Load_File(in_file, &Size); //Load the fille and store the contents in arr
	io_sum = clock() - io;

	if (*mode == 'i')
		sort_t = clock();
		Shell_Insertion_Sort(arr, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
		sort_t = clock() - sort_t;
	else if (*mode == 's')
		sort_t = clock();
		Shell_Selection_Sort(arr, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
		sort_t = clock() - sort_t;
		printf("\nInvalid argument for sort type");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	io = clock();
	Print_Seq(seq_file, Size);	
	Save_File(out_file, arr, Size);
	io_sum += clock() - io;

	printf("Number of comparisons: %le\n", N_Comp);
	printf("Number of moves: %le\n", N_Move);
	printf("I/O Time: %le\n", ((double)io_sum) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	printf("Sorting Time: %le\n", ((double)sort_t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

Exemple #3
int main (int argc, char * * argv)
	if (argc != 3)
		printf("\nInvalid number of arguments\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	char * in_file = argv[1];
	char * out_file = argv[2];

	// arr is an array implementation of a binary tree
	// the root node is the node of index num_n
	Node * head = Load_File(in_file);

	clock_t pack_t = clock();

	double x_new = 0;
	double y_prev = head -> height;

	Find_Coords(head, &x_new, &y_prev);
	pack_t = clock() - pack_t;	

	double x = -1;
	double y = -1;

	printf("\nPreorder: \n");
	printf("\n\nInorder: \n");
	printf("\n\nPostorder: \n");	
	Postorder(head, &x, &y);
	printf("\n\nWidth: %le\nHeight: %le\n", head -> width, head -> height);
	printf("\nX-coordinate: %le\nY-coordinate:%le\n", x, y);
	printf("\nElapsed Time:  %le\n\n", ((double) pack_t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	FILE * f = fopen(out_file, "w");
	Save_File(f, head);


int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  if(argc != 3) {
    printf("Incorrect arguments\n");

  clock_t io_start;
  clock_t io_end;
  clock_t io_time;
  clock_t sort_start;
  clock_t sort_end;
  clock_t sort_time;

  Node* list = NULL;
  io_start = clock();
  list = Load_File(argv[1]);
  io_end = clock();
  io_time = io_end - io_start;

  if(list == NULL) {
  sort_start = clock();
  sort_end = clock();
  sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;

  io_start = clock();
  Save_File(argv[2], list);
  io_end = clock();
  io_time += (io_end - io_start);

  double iotime = (double) io_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  double sorttime = (double) sort_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

  // Report
  printf("I/O time: %le\n", iotime);
  printf("Sorting time: %le\n", sorttime);

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  if(argc != 6) {
    printf("Incorrect arguments\n");
  char func = argv[2][0];
  int size;
  double ncomp = 0;
  double nmove = 0;
  clock_t io_start;
  clock_t io_end;
  clock_t io_time;
  clock_t sort_start;
  clock_t sort_end;
  clock_t sort_time;

  io_start = clock();
  long *Array = Load_File(argv[3], &size);
  io_end = clock();
  io_time = io_end - io_start;

  if(Array == NULL) {

  if(argv[1][0] == '1'){
    io_start = clock();
    Print_Seq_1(argv[4], size);
    io_end = clock();
    io_time += (io_end - io_start);

    if(func == 'i') {
      sort_start = clock();
      Shell_Insertion_Sort_Seq1(Array, size, &ncomp, &nmove);       
      sort_end = clock();
      sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;
    else if(func == 'b')  {
      sort_start = clock();
      Shell_Bubble_Sort_Seq1(Array, size, &ncomp, &nmove);       
      sort_end = clock();
      sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;
    else {
      printf("Incorrect arguments\n");
  else if(argv[1][0] == '2') {
    Print_Seq_2(argv[4], size);
    if(func == 'i') {
      sort_start = clock();
      Shell_Insertion_Sort_Seq2(Array, size, &ncomp, &nmove);       
      sort_end = clock();
      sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;
    else if(func == 'b')  {
      sort_start = clock();
      Shell_Bubble_Sort_Seq2(Array, size, &ncomp, &nmove);       
      sort_end = clock();
      sort_time = sort_end - sort_start;
    else {
      printf("Incorrect arguments\n");
  else {
    printf("Incorrect arguments\n");
  io_start = clock();
  if(Save_File(argv[5], Array, size) != 0) { // will free the array
  io_end = clock();
  io_time += (io_end - io_start);

  double iotime = io_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  double sorttime = sort_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

  // Report
  printf("Number of comparisons: %le\n", ncomp);
  printf("Number of moves: %le\n", nmove);
  printf("I/O time: %le\n", iotime);
  printf("Sorting time: %le\n", sorttime);

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  // Check to make sure the correct number of input arguments are provided
  if(argc != 5)
    printf("Usage: ./proj1 <sorting_method> <input_file> <sequence_file> <output_file>\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Set these variables to the input arguments (Make things easier)
  char method = * argv[1];
  char * input_file = argv[2];
  char * sequence_file = argv[3];
  char * output_file = argv[4];

  // Used to store values used in this program
  int Size;
  long * values;
  clock_t t_sort, t_load, t_save, t_seq;

  // Load the file, keeping track of the time it takes to load the file
  t_load = clock();
  values = Load_File(input_file, &Size);
  t_load = clock() - t_load;

  // Check to make sure the files was loaded correctly
  if(values == NULL)
    printf("Error loading the input file\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Print the sequence to a file, keeping track of the time it takes to write to the file
  t_seq = clock();
  int i = Print_Seq(sequence_file, Size);
  t_seq = clock() - t_seq;
  // Check to make sure the sequence was correctly output to the file
  if(i == 0)
    printf("Failed to print sequence\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Used to keep track of the number of moves and comparisons in the sorting algorithms
  double N_Comp = 0.0, N_Move = 0.0;

  // Check for the sorting method chosen by the user
  // Keep track of the time it takes to sort the values as well
  t_sort = clock();
  if(method == 'i')
    Shell_Insertion_Sort(values, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
  else if(method == 's')
    Shell_Selection_Sort(values, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    printf("Sorting method must be either i (Insertion) or s (Selection) sort\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  t_sort = clock() - t_sort;

  // Save the sorted array to the output file, keeping track of th time it takes as well
  t_save = clock();
  int returned = Save_File(output_file, values, Size);
  t_save = clock() - t_save;

  // Check to make sure that the file was correctly output to
  if (!returned)
    printf("Failed to output values to file\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if(returned != Size)
    printf("Number of values returned not equal to number of values specified\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // Free the malloced values

  // Display all the required information to the screen
  Screen_Dump(N_Comp, N_Move, (t_save + t_load + t_seq) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, t_sort);

  // SUCCESS!!!
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #7
 * Save_List_Of_Files: Function to save a list of files.
 *  - force_saving_files = TRUE => force saving the file even if it wasn't changed
 *  - force_saving_files = FALSE => force saving only the changed files
static gint
Save_List_Of_Files (GList *etfilelist, gboolean force_saving_files)
    EtApplicationWindow *window;
    gint       progress_bar_index;
    gint       saving_answer;
    gint       nb_files_to_save;
    gint       nb_files_changed_by_ext_program;
    gchar     *msg;
    gchar      progress_bar_text[30];
    GList *l;
    ET_File   *etfile_save_position = NULL;
    File_Tag  *FileTag;
    File_Name *FileNameNew;
    double     fraction;
    GAction *action;
    GVariant *variant;
    GtkWidget *widget_focused;
    GtkTreePath *currentPath = NULL;

    g_return_val_if_fail (ETCore != NULL, FALSE);

    window = ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (MainWindow);

    /* Save the current position in the list */
    etfile_save_position = ETCore->ETFileDisplayed;

    et_application_window_update_et_file_from_ui (window);

    /* Save widget that has current focus, to give it again the focus after saving */
    widget_focused = gtk_window_get_focus(GTK_WINDOW(MainWindow));

    /* Count the number of files to save */
    /* Count the number of files changed by an external program */
    nb_files_to_save = 0;
    nb_files_changed_by_ext_program = 0;

    for (l = etfilelist; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
        GFile *file;
        GFileInfo *fileinfo;

        const ET_File *ETFile = (ET_File *)l->data;
        const File_Tag *file_tag  = (File_Tag *)ETFile->FileTag->data;
        const File_Name *FileName = (File_Name *)ETFile->FileNameNew->data;
        const gchar *filename_cur = ((File_Name *)ETFile->FileNameCur->data)->value;
        const gchar *filename_cur_utf8 = ((File_Name *)ETFile->FileNameCur->data)->value_utf8;
        gchar *basename_cur_utf8 = g_path_get_basename(filename_cur_utf8);

        // Count only the changed files or all files if force_saving_files==TRUE
        if (force_saving_files
            || (FileName && FileName->saved == FALSE)
            || (file_tag && file_tag->saved == FALSE))

        file = g_file_new_for_path (filename_cur);
        fileinfo = g_file_query_info (file, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED,
                                      G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NONE, NULL, NULL);
        g_object_unref (file);

        if (fileinfo)
            if (ETFile->FileModificationTime
                != g_file_info_get_attribute_uint64 (fileinfo,

            g_object_unref (fileinfo);

    /* Initialize status bar */
    et_application_window_progress_set_fraction (window, 0.0);
    progress_bar_index = 0;
    g_snprintf(progress_bar_text, 30, "%d/%d", progress_bar_index, nb_files_to_save);
    et_application_window_progress_set_text (window, progress_bar_text);

    /* Set to unsensitive all command buttons (except Quit button) */
    et_application_window_disable_command_actions (window);
    et_application_window_browser_set_sensitive (window, FALSE);
    et_application_window_tag_area_set_sensitive (window, FALSE);
    et_application_window_file_area_set_sensitive (window, FALSE);

    /* Show msgbox (if needed) to ask confirmation ('SF' for Save File) */
    SF_HideMsgbox_Write_Tag = FALSE;
    SF_HideMsgbox_Rename_File = FALSE;

    Main_Stop_Button_Pressed = FALSE;
    /* Activate the stop button. */
    action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (MainWindow), "stop");
    g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE);

     * Check if file was changed by an external program
    if (nb_files_changed_by_ext_program > 0)
        // Some files were changed by other program than EasyTAG
        GtkWidget *msgdialog = NULL;
        gint response;

        msgdialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(MainWindow),
                                           GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
                                           ngettext ("A file was changed by an external program",
                                                     "%d files were changed by an external program",
        gtk_dialog_add_buttons (GTK_DIALOG (msgdialog), _("_Discard"),
                                GTK_RESPONSE_NO, _("_Save"), GTK_RESPONSE_YES,
        gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (msgdialog),
        gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text(GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(msgdialog),"%s",_("Do you want to continue saving the file?"));

        response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(msgdialog));

        switch (response)
            case GTK_RESPONSE_YES:
            case GTK_RESPONSE_NO:
                /* Skip the following loop. */
                Main_Stop_Button_Pressed = TRUE;
                g_assert_not_reached ();

    for (l = etfilelist; l != NULL && !Main_Stop_Button_Pressed;
         l = g_list_next (l))
        FileTag = ((ET_File *)l->data)->FileTag->data;
        FileNameNew = ((ET_File *)l->data)->FileNameNew->data;

        /* We process only the files changed and not saved, or we force to save all
         * files if force_saving_files==TRUE */
        if ( force_saving_files
        || FileTag->saved == FALSE || FileNameNew->saved == FALSE )
            /* ET_Display_File_Data_To_UI ((ET_File *)l->data);
             * Use of 'currentPath' to try to increase speed. Indeed, in many
             * cases, the next file to select, is the next in the list. */
            currentPath = et_application_window_browser_select_file_by_et_file2 (window,
                                                                                (ET_File *)l->data,

            fraction = (++progress_bar_index) / (double) nb_files_to_save;
            et_application_window_progress_set_fraction (window, fraction);
            g_snprintf(progress_bar_text, 30, "%d/%d", progress_bar_index, nb_files_to_save);
            et_application_window_progress_set_text (window,

            /* Needed to refresh status bar */
            while (gtk_events_pending())

            // Save tag and rename file
            saving_answer = Save_File ((ET_File *)l->data,
                                       nb_files_to_save > 1 ? TRUE : FALSE,

            if (saving_answer == -1)
                /* Stop saving files + reinit progress bar */
                et_application_window_progress_set_text (window, "");
                et_application_window_progress_set_fraction (window, 0.0);
                et_application_window_status_bar_message (window,
                                                          _("Saving files was stopped"),
                /* To update state of command buttons */
                et_application_window_update_actions (window);
                et_application_window_browser_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);
                et_application_window_tag_area_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);
                et_application_window_file_area_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);

                if (currentPath)
                    gtk_tree_path_free (currentPath);
                return -1; /* We stop all actions */

    if (currentPath)

    if (Main_Stop_Button_Pressed)
        msg = g_strdup (_("Saving files was stopped"));
        msg = g_strdup (_("All files have been saved"));

    Main_Stop_Button_Pressed = FALSE;
    action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (MainWindow), "stop");
    g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE);

    /* Return to the saved position in the list */
    et_application_window_display_et_file (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (MainWindow),
    et_application_window_browser_select_file_by_et_file (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (MainWindow),

    /* FIXME: Find out why this is a special case for the artist/album mode. */
    action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (MainWindow),
    variant = g_action_get_state (action);

    if (strcmp (g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL), "artist") == 0)
        et_application_window_browser_toggle_display_mode (window);

    g_variant_unref (variant);

    /* To update state of command buttons */
    et_application_window_update_actions (ET_APPLICATION_WINDOW (MainWindow));
    et_application_window_browser_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);
    et_application_window_tag_area_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);
    et_application_window_file_area_set_sensitive (window, TRUE);

    /* Give again focus to the first entry, else the focus is passed to another */

    et_application_window_progress_set_text (window, "");
    et_application_window_progress_set_fraction (window, 0.0);
    et_application_window_status_bar_message (window, msg, TRUE);
    et_application_window_browser_refresh_list (window);
    return TRUE;
int main (
    int Argc,
    char **Argv)
    // main program - menu for functions with using database

    double cstart, cend;
    int Response = 0;
    int Saved = 0;
    int Size = 0;
    double N_Comp = 0;
    double N_Move = 0;
    long *Array = NULL;
    char Filename[MAXFILELEN] = "";

    while (1)
        printf("TEST MENU\n");
        printf("1. Load array from file\n");
        printf("2. Save array to file\n");
        printf("3. Shell Sort (Insertion)\n");
        printf("4. Improved Bubble Sort\n");
        printf("5. Exit\n");
        printf("Enter your choice: ");

        if (Response == 5) // quit program
            if (Array != NULL)
                printf("Removing and deallocating array\n");
                free((void *)Array);
                Array = NULL;
            return (OK);

        if (Response == 1) // load file
            if (Array != NULL)
                printf("\nRemoving and deallocating array\n");
                free((void *)Array);
                Array = NULL;
            printf("\nEnter input file (including path): ");
            scanf("%s", Filename);
            Array = Load_File (Filename, &Size);
            if (Size <= 0)
                printf("\nError in inputs, file not loaded..\n");
                if (Array != NULL)
                    printf("Removing and deallocating array\n");
                    free((void *)Array);
                    Array = NULL;
                printf("\nLoaded %d long integers\n", Size);

        if (Response == 2) // save file
            if (Array == NULL)
                printf("\nMust load in data from file (option 1) before saving one!\n");
                printf("\nEnter output file (including path): ");
                scanf("%s", Filename);
                Saved = Save_File (Filename, Array, Size);
                if (Saved != Size)
                    printf("Error in saving!  Only %d out of %d long integers saved\n",
                           Saved, Size);
                    printf("Saved all %d long integers\n", Saved);

        if (    (Response > 2)
                && (Response < 5))
            if (Array == NULL)
                printf("\nMust load in data from file (option 1) before sorting one!\n");
                // initialize time function

                cstart = (double) clock();

                // initialize numbers of comparisons and moves
                N_Comp = 0;
                N_Move = 0;

                case 3:
                    printf("Sorting by Shell Sort (Insertion)\n");
                    Shell_Insertion_Sort (Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
                case 4:
                    printf("Sorting by Improved Bubble Sort\n");
                    Improved_Bubble_Sort (Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);

                // print results: Time, N_Comp, N_Move

                cend = (double) clock();
                printf(" Elapsed Time (sec): %f\n", (cend - cstart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
                printf("      # Comparisons: %f\n", N_Comp);
                printf("            # Moves: %f\n", N_Move);
    return (OK);

} // main()
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  if(argc != 6) //check if there are enough input arguments
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  int Size;//Size of the array
  double N_Comp = 0;//number of comparisions
  double N_Move = 0;//number of moves
  clock_t S_time = clock();//the sorting time
  clock_t I_time = clock();//the I/O time
  clock_t temp;
  long *Array = Load_File(argv[3], &Size);
  I_time = clock() - I_time;
  //calling different function depends on the input
  if(atoi(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[2][0] == 'i')
    S_time = clock();
    Shell_Insertion_Sort_Seq1(Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    S_time = clock() - S_time;
    temp = I_time;
    I_time = clock();
    if(Print_Seq_1(argv[4], Size) == -1)
      return -1;
    I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  else if(atoi(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[2][0] == 'b')
    S_time = clock();
    Shell_Bubble_Sort_Seq1(Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    S_time = clock() - S_time;
    temp = I_time;
    I_time = clock();
    if(Print_Seq_1(argv[4], Size) == -1)
      return -1;
    I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  else if(atoi(argv[1]) == 2 && argv[2][0] == 'i')
    S_time = clock();
    Shell_Insertion_Sort_Seq2(Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    S_time = clock() - S_time;    
    temp = I_time;
    I_time = clock();
    if(Print_Seq_2(argv[4], Size) == -1)
      return -1;
    I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  else if(atoi(argv[1]) == 2 && argv[2][0] == 'b')
    S_time = clock();
    Shell_Bubble_Sort_Seq2(Array, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    S_time = clock() - S_time;    
    temp = I_time;
    I_time = clock();
    if(Print_Seq_2(argv[4], Size) == -1)
      return -1;
    I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  temp = I_time;
  I_time = clock();
  if(Save_File(argv[5], Array, Size) == -1)
    return -1;
  I_time = clock() - I_time + temp;
  //print all the necessary result
  printf("\nNumber of comparisons:  %le\n", N_Comp);
  printf("Number of moves:  %le\n", N_Move);
  printf("I/O time:  %le\n", ((double)I_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  printf("Sorting time:  %le\n\n", ((double)S_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  return 1;//if reaches here, safe return