Exemple #1
void PA_LoadRotBgMap(u8 screen, u8 bg_select, void* bg_map, u8 bg_size) {
s16 charset = -1;
u8 charsetok = 0;
u8 blocksize = rotbg_place[bg_size];
u8 i;
u8 tempsize;
rotbg_size[screen][bg_select] = bg_size;  // Save rot bg size (values 0-3 for 128, 256, 512 and 1024)

PA_DeleteMap(screen, bg_select);

while ((charset < 31 ) && (!charsetok)) {
	tempsize = blocksize;
	for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) {
		if (charblocks[screen][charset + i] == 0) { // Si on a de la place...
	charsetok = !tempsize;  // Si on a trouvé suffisament de blocs, on peut continuer

	PA_BgInfo[screen][bg_select].mapchar = charset; // On place la map à un endroit précis...
	PA_BgInfo[screen][bg_select].mapsize = blocksize;

	DMA_Copy(bg_map, (void*)ScreenBaseBlock(screen, charset), rotbg_sizes[bg_size], DMA_16NOW);

	for (i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) charblocks[screen][charset + i] = 1;  // Les blocs sont occupés
Exemple #2
/* the main function */
int main( ) {
    int x = 0, y = 0;

    /* we set the mode to mode 0 with background 0 turned on*/

    /* set up background 0 */
    REG_BG0_PTR = BG_COLOR256 | TEXTBG_SIZE_256x256 |
        (31 << SCREEN_SHIFT) | WRAPAROUND;

    /* load the palette into background palette memory */
    dma_memcpy((void*) test_palette, (void*) BG_PALETTE_MEMORY,
            256, DMA_32_NOW);

    /* load the tile image into tile memory */
    dma_memcpy((void*) test_data, (void*) CharBaseBlock(0),
            (test_width * test_height), DMA_16_NOW);

    /* copy the tile map itself into memory */
    unsigned short* bg0map =(unsigned short*)ScreenBaseBlock(31);
    dma_memcpy((void*)testmap, (void*)bg0map, 1024, DMA_32_NOW);

    /* we now loop forever displaying the image */
    while (1) {
		//D-pad moves background
		if(!(BUTTONS & BUTTON_LEFT)) x--;
		if(!(BUTTONS & BUTTON_RIGHT)) x++;
		if(!(BUTTONS & BUTTON_UP)) y--;
		if(!(BUTTONS & BUTTON_DOWN)) y++;
        //wait for vertical refresh

		//use hardware background scrolling
		REG_BG0VOFS = y ;
		REG_BG0HOFS = x ;

        int n;
		for(n = 0; n < 4000; n++);
unsigned short angle = 0;

int mapLeft = 0, mapRight = 255, screenLeft = 0, screenRight = 239, nextColumn = 0, prevColumn = 0;
int mapTop = 0, mapBottom = 255, screenTop = 0, screenBottom = 159, nextRow = 0, prevRow = 0;
int moveRight = 0, moveLeft = 0, moveDown = 0, moveUp = 0;
int prevX, prevY ,spaceX, spaceY, movedLeft, movedRight, movedUp, movedDown, rotate, numSprites, numAffSprites, affIndex, currentLeftX_C, currentRightX_C, currentTopY_C, currentBottomY_C, numEnemies, mx, my;
int laserOffset = 3;
int laserYOffset = 4;
int counterFixedPointX = 0;
int counterFixedPointY = 0;
int timeSeed, randSet, enemiesKilled;
int DtoROffset = 180/PI;

unsigned short* bg0map =(unsigned short*)ScreenBaseBlock(31);

SpriteHandler sprites[128];
Sprite Sprites[128];
OBJ_AFFINE *const obj_aff_buffer = (OBJ_AFFINE*)Sprites;

void CopyColumnToBackground(int column, int copyToColumn, int topRow, int bottomRow, const unsigned short* source, unsigned short* dest, int sourceColumns)
	int row;
	column /= 8;
	copyToColumn %= 32;
	topRow /= 8;
	bottomRow /= 8;
void GraphicsManager::DisplayTile(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t tile, uint16_t screenBB)
	uint16_t* ScreenBB = (uint16_t*)ScreenBaseBlock(screenBB);
	ScreenBB[x + (32 * y)] = tile;