Exemple #1
nsresult nsMsgHdr::InitCachedValues()
  nsresult err = NS_OK;

  if (!m_mdb || !m_mdbRow)

  if (!(m_initedValues & CACHED_VALUES_INITED))
    uint32_t uint32Value;
    mdbOid outOid;
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(m_mdbRow->GetOid(m_mdb->GetEnv(), &outOid)))
      m_messageKey = outOid.mOid_Id;

    err = GetUInt32Column(m_mdb->m_messageSizeColumnToken, &m_messageSize);

    err = GetUInt32Column(m_mdb->m_dateColumnToken, &uint32Value);
    Seconds2PRTime(uint32Value, &m_date);

    err = GetUInt32Column(m_mdb->m_messageThreadIdColumnToken, &m_threadId);

    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(err))
      m_initedValues |= CACHED_VALUES_INITED;
  return err;
// Set rcvDate to true to get the Received: date instead of the Date: date.
nsresult nsMsgGroupView::GetAgeBucketValue(nsIMsgDBHdr *aMsgHdr, uint32_t * aAgeBucket, bool rcvDate)

  PRTime dateOfMsg;
  nsresult rv;
  if (!rcvDate)
    rv = aMsgHdr->GetDate(&dateOfMsg);
    uint32_t rcvDateSecs;
    rv = aMsgHdr->GetUint32Property("dateReceived", &rcvDateSecs);
    Seconds2PRTime(rcvDateSecs, &dateOfMsg);

  PRTime currentTime = PR_Now();
  PRExplodedTime currentExplodedTime;
  PR_ExplodeTime(currentTime, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &currentExplodedTime);
  PRExplodedTime explodedMsgTime;
  PR_ExplodeTime(dateOfMsg, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &explodedMsgTime);

  if (m_lastCurExplodedTime.tm_mday &&
     m_lastCurExplodedTime.tm_mday != currentExplodedTime.tm_mday)
    m_dayChanged = true; // this will cause us to rebuild the view.

  m_lastCurExplodedTime = currentExplodedTime;
  if (currentExplodedTime.tm_year == explodedMsgTime.tm_year &&
      currentExplodedTime.tm_month == explodedMsgTime.tm_month &&
      currentExplodedTime.tm_mday == explodedMsgTime.tm_mday)
    // same day...
    *aAgeBucket = 1;
  // figure out how many days ago this msg arrived
  else if (currentTime > dateOfMsg)
    // setting the time variables to local time
    int64_t GMTLocalTimeShift = currentExplodedTime.tm_params.tp_gmt_offset +
    GMTLocalTimeShift *= PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
    currentTime += GMTLocalTimeShift;
    dateOfMsg += GMTLocalTimeShift;

    // the most recent midnight, counting from current time
    int64_t mostRecentMidnight = currentTime - currentTime % PR_USEC_PER_DAY;
    int64_t yesterday = mostRecentMidnight - PR_USEC_PER_DAY;
    // most recent midnight minus 6 days
    int64_t mostRecentWeek = mostRecentMidnight - (PR_USEC_PER_DAY * 6);

    // was the message sent yesterday?
    if (dateOfMsg >= yesterday) // yes ....
      *aAgeBucket = 2;
    else if (dateOfMsg >= mostRecentWeek)
      *aAgeBucket = 3;
      int64_t lastTwoWeeks = mostRecentMidnight - PR_USEC_PER_DAY * 13;
      *aAgeBucket = (dateOfMsg >= lastTwoWeeks) ? 4 : 5;
  return NS_OK;
// Set rcvDate to true to get the Received: date instead of the Date: date.
nsresult nsMsgGroupView::GetAgeBucketValue(nsIMsgDBHdr *aMsgHdr, PRUint32 * aAgeBucket, bool rcvDate)

  PRTime dateOfMsg;
  nsresult rv;
  if (!rcvDate)
    rv = aMsgHdr->GetDate(&dateOfMsg);
    PRUint32 rcvDateSecs;
    rv = aMsgHdr->GetUint32Property("dateReceived", &rcvDateSecs);
    Seconds2PRTime(rcvDateSecs, &dateOfMsg);

  PRTime currentTime = PR_Now();
  PRExplodedTime currentExplodedTime;
  PR_ExplodeTime(currentTime, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &currentExplodedTime);
  PRExplodedTime explodedMsgTime;
  PR_ExplodeTime(dateOfMsg, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &explodedMsgTime);

  if (m_lastCurExplodedTime.tm_mday &&
     m_lastCurExplodedTime.tm_mday != currentExplodedTime.tm_mday)
    m_dayChanged = true; // this will cause us to rebuild the view.

  m_lastCurExplodedTime = currentExplodedTime;
  if (currentExplodedTime.tm_year == explodedMsgTime.tm_year &&
      currentExplodedTime.tm_month == explodedMsgTime.tm_month &&
      currentExplodedTime.tm_mday == explodedMsgTime.tm_mday)
    // same day...
    *aAgeBucket = 1;
  // figure out how many days ago this msg arrived
  else if (LL_CMP(currentTime, >, dateOfMsg))
    // some constants for calculation
    static PRInt64 microSecondsPerSecond;
    static PRInt64 microSecondsPerDay;
    static PRInt64 secondsPerDay;
    static PRInt64 microSecondsPer6Days;
    static PRInt64 microSecondsPer13Days;

    static bool bGotConstants = false;
    if ( !bGotConstants )
      // seeds
      LL_I2L  ( microSecondsPerSecond,  PR_USEC_PER_SEC );
      LL_UI2L ( secondsPerDay,          60 * 60 * 24 );

      // derivees
      LL_MUL( microSecondsPerDay,   secondsPerDay,      microSecondsPerSecond );
      LL_MUL( microSecondsPer6Days, microSecondsPerDay, 6 );
      LL_MUL( microSecondsPer13Days, microSecondsPerDay, 13 );
      bGotConstants = true;

    // setting the time variables to local time
    PRInt64 GMTLocalTimeShift;
    LL_ADD( GMTLocalTimeShift, currentExplodedTime.tm_params.tp_gmt_offset, currentExplodedTime.tm_params.tp_dst_offset );
    LL_MUL( GMTLocalTimeShift, GMTLocalTimeShift, microSecondsPerSecond );
    LL_ADD( currentTime, currentTime, GMTLocalTimeShift );
    LL_ADD( dateOfMsg, dateOfMsg, GMTLocalTimeShift );

    // the most recent midnight, counting from current time
    PRInt64 todaysMicroSeconds, mostRecentMidnight;
    LL_MOD( todaysMicroSeconds, currentTime, microSecondsPerDay );
    LL_SUB( mostRecentMidnight, currentTime, todaysMicroSeconds );
    PRInt64 yesterday;
    LL_SUB( yesterday, mostRecentMidnight, microSecondsPerDay );
    // most recent midnight minus 6 days
    PRInt64 mostRecentWeek;
    LL_SUB( mostRecentWeek, mostRecentMidnight, microSecondsPer6Days );

    // was the message sent yesterday?
    if ( LL_CMP( dateOfMsg, >=, yesterday ) ) // yes ....
      *aAgeBucket = 2;
    else if ( LL_CMP(dateOfMsg, >=, mostRecentWeek) )
      *aAgeBucket = 3;