Exemple #1
bool CToonThermostat::ParseDeviceStatusData(const Json::Value &root)
	//ZWave Devices
	if (root["deviceStatusInfo"].empty())
		return false;

	if (root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"].empty())
		return false;

	int totDevices = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"].size();
	for (int ii = 0; ii < totDevices; ii++)
		std::string deviceName = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["name"].asString();
		std::string uuid = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["devUUID"].asString();
		int state = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["currentState"].asInt();

		int Idx;
		if (!GetUUIDIdx(uuid, Idx))
			if (!AddUUID(uuid, Idx))
				_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "ToonThermostat: Error adding UUID to database?! Uuid=%s", uuid.c_str());
				return false;
		UpdateSwitch(Idx, state != 0, deviceName);

		if (root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["currentUsage"].empty() == false)
			double currentUsage = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["currentUsage"].asDouble();
			double DayCounter = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["dayUsage"].asDouble();

			//double ElecOffset = GetElectricOffset(Idx, DayCounter);
			double OldDayCounter = m_LastElectricCounter[Idx];
			if (DayCounter < OldDayCounter)
				//daily counter went to zero
				m_OffsetElectricUsage[Idx] += OldDayCounter;
			m_LastElectricCounter[Idx] = DayCounter;
			SendKwhMeterOldWay(Idx, 1, 255, currentUsage / 1000.0, (m_OffsetElectricUsage[Idx] + m_LastElectricCounter[Idx]) / 1000.0, deviceName);
	return true;
Exemple #2
bool CRFLinkBase::ParseLine(const std::string &sLine)
	m_LastReceivedTime = mytime(NULL);

	std::vector<std::string> results;
	StringSplit(sLine, ";", results);
	if (results.size() < 2)
		return false; //not needed

	bool bHideDebugLog = (
		(sLine.find("PONG") != std::string::npos)||
		(sLine.find("PING") != std::string::npos)

	int RFLink_ID = atoi(results[0].c_str());
	if (RFLink_ID != 20)
		return false; //only accept RFLink->Master messages

	if (!bHideDebugLog)
		_log.Log(LOG_NORM, "RFLink: %s", sLine.c_str());

	//std::string Sensor_ID = results[1];
	if (results.size() >2)
		//Status reply
		std::string Name_ID = results[2];
		if ((Name_ID.find("Nodo RadioFrequencyLink") != std::string::npos) || (Name_ID.find("RFLink Gateway") != std::string::npos))
			_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "RFLink: Controller Initialized!...");
			WriteInt("10;VERSION;\n");  // 20;3C;VER=1.1;REV=37;BUILD=01;

			//Enable DEBUG

			//Enable Undecoded DEBUG
			return true;
		if (Name_ID.find("VER") != std::string::npos) {
			//_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "RFLink: %s", sLine.c_str());
			int versionlo = 0;
			int versionhi = 0;
			int revision = 0;
			int build = 0;
			if (results[2].find("VER") != std::string::npos) {
				versionhi = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[2]);
				versionlo = RFLinkGetIntDecStringValue(results[2]);
			if (results[3].find("REV") != std::string::npos){
				revision = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[3]);
			if (results[4].find("BUILD") != std::string::npos) {
				build = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[4]);
			_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "RFLink Detected, Version: %d.%d Revision: %d Build: %d", versionhi, versionlo, revision, build);

			std::stringstream sstr;
			sstr << revision << "." << build;
			m_Version = sstr.str();

			mytime(&m_LastHeartbeatReceive);  // keep heartbeat happy
			mytime(&m_LastHeartbeat);  // keep heartbeat happy
			m_LastReceivedTime = m_LastHeartbeat;

			m_bTXokay = true; // variable to indicate an OK was received
			return true;
		if (Name_ID.find("PONG") != std::string::npos) {
			//_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "RFLink: PONG received!...");
			mytime(&m_LastHeartbeatReceive);  // keep heartbeat happy
			mytime(&m_LastHeartbeat);  // keep heartbeat happy
			m_LastReceivedTime = m_LastHeartbeat;

			m_bTXokay = true; // variable to indicate an OK was received
			return true;
		if (Name_ID.find("OK") != std::string::npos) {
			//_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "RFLink: OK received!...");
			mytime(&m_LastHeartbeatReceive);  // keep heartbeat happy
			mytime(&m_LastHeartbeat);  // keep heartbeat happy
			m_LastReceivedTime = m_LastHeartbeat;

			m_bTXokay = true; // variable to indicate an OK was received
			return true;
		else if (Name_ID.find("CMD UNKNOWN") != std::string::npos) {
			_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "RFLink: Error/Unknown command received!...");
			m_bTXokay = true; // variable to indicate an ERROR was received
			return true;
	if (results.size() < 4)
		return true;

	if (results[3].find("ID=") == std::string::npos)
		return false; //??

	mytime(&m_LastHeartbeatReceive);  // keep heartbeat happy
	mytime(&m_LastHeartbeat);  // keep heartbeat happy
	//_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "RFLink: t1=%d t2=%d", m_LastHeartbeat, m_LastHeartbeatReceive);
	m_LastReceivedTime = m_LastHeartbeat;

	std::stringstream ss;
	unsigned int ID;
	ss << std::hex << results[3].substr(3);
	ss >> ID;

	int Node_ID = (ID & 0xFF00) >> 8;
	int Child_ID = ID & 0xFF;

	bool bHaveTemp = false; float temp = 0;
	bool bHaveHum = false; int humidity = 0;
	bool bHaveHumStatus = false; int humstatus = 0;
	bool bHaveBaro = false; float baro = 0;
	int baroforecast = 0;
	bool bHaveRain = false; float raincounter = 0;
	bool bHaveLux = false; float lux = 0;
	bool bHaveUV = false; float uv = 0;
	bool bHaveWindDir = false; int windir = 0;
	bool bHaveWindSpeed = false; float windspeed = 0;
	bool bHaveWindGust = false; float windgust = 0;
	bool bHaveWindTemp = false; float windtemp = 0;
	bool bHaveWindChill = false; float windchill = 0;

	bool bHaveRGB = false; int rgb = 0;
	bool bHaveRGBW = false; int rgbw = 0;
	bool bHaveSound = false; int sound = 0;
	bool bHaveCO2 = false; int co2 = 0;
	bool bHaveBlind = false; int blind = 0;   

	bool bHaveKWatt = false; float kwatt = 0;   
	bool bHaveWatt = false; float watt = 0;   
	bool bHaveDistance = false; float distance = 0;   
	bool bHaveMeter = false; float meter = 0;   
	bool bHaveVoltage = false; float voltage = 0;   
	bool bHaveCurrent = false; float current = 0;   
	bool bHaveCurrent2 = false; float current2 = 0;
	bool bHaveCurrent3 = false; float current3 = 0;
	bool bHaveImpedance = false; float impedance = 0;
	bool bHaveSwitch = false; int switchunit = 0; 
	bool bHaveSwitchCmd = false; std::string switchcmd = ""; int switchlevel = 0;

	int BatteryLevel = 255;
	std::string tmpstr;
	int iTemp;
	for (size_t ii = 4; ii < results.size(); ii++)
		if (results[ii].find("TEMP") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveTemp = true;
			if ((iTemp & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
				//negative temp
				iTemp = -(iTemp & 0xFFF);
			temp = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("HUM") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveHum = true;
			humidity = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("HSTATUS") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveHumStatus = true;
			humstatus = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("BARO") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveBaro = true;
			baro = float(iTemp);
		else if (results[ii].find("BFORECAST") != std::string::npos)
			baroforecast = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("RAIN") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveRain = true;
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			raincounter = float(iTemp) / 10.0f; 
		else if (results[ii].find("LUX") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveLux = true;
			lux = float(iTemp);
		else if (results[ii].find("UV") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveUV = true;
			uv = float(iTemp) /10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("BAT") != std::string::npos)
			tmpstr = RFLinkGetStringValue(results[ii]);
			BatteryLevel = (tmpstr == "OK") ? 100 : 0;
		else if (results[ii].find("WINDIR") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveWindDir = true;
			windir = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("WINSP") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveWindSpeed = true;
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]); // received value is km/u
			windspeed = (float(iTemp) * 0.0277778f);   //convert to m/s
		else if (results[ii].find("WINGS") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveWindGust = true;
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]); // received value is km/u
			windgust = (float(iTemp) * 0.0277778f);    //convert to m/s
		else if (results[ii].find("WINTMP") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveWindTemp = true;
			if ((iTemp & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
				//negative temp
				iTemp = -(iTemp & 0xFFF);
			windtemp = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("WINCHL") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveWindChill = true;
			if ((iTemp & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
				//negative temp
				iTemp = -(iTemp & 0xFFF);
			windchill = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("SOUND") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveSound = true;
			sound = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("CO2") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveCO2 = true;
			co2 = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("RGBW") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveRGBW = true;
			rgbw = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("RGB") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveRGB = true;
			rgb = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("BLIND") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveBlind = true;
			blind = RFLinkGetIntStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("KWATT") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveKWatt = true;
			kwatt = float(iTemp) / 1000.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("WATT") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveWatt = true;
			watt = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("DIST") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveDistance = true;
			distance = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("METER") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveMeter = true;
			meter = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("VOLT") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveVoltage = true;
			voltage = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("CURRENT") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveCurrent = true;
			current = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("CURRENT2") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveCurrent2 = true;
			current2 = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("CURRENT3") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveCurrent3 = true;
			current3 = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("IMPEDANCE") != std::string::npos)
			iTemp = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
			bHaveCurrent = true;
			current = float(iTemp) / 10.0f;
		else if (results[ii].find("SWITCH") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveSwitch = true;
			switchunit = RFLinkGetHexStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("CMD") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveSwitchCmd = true;
			switchcmd = RFLinkGetStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("SMOKEALERT") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveSwitch = true;
			switchunit = 1;
			bHaveSwitchCmd = true;
			switchcmd = RFLinkGetStringValue(results[ii]);
		else if (results[ii].find("CHIME") != std::string::npos)
			bHaveSwitch = true;
			switchunit = 2;
			bHaveSwitchCmd = true;
			switchcmd = "ON";

	std::string tmp_Name = results[2];
	if (bHaveTemp&&bHaveHum&&bHaveBaro)
		SendTempHumBaroSensor(ID, BatteryLevel, temp, humidity, baro, baroforecast, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveTemp&&bHaveHum)
		SendTempHumSensor(ID, BatteryLevel, temp, humidity, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveTemp)
		SendTempSensor(ID, BatteryLevel, temp, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveHum)
		SendHumiditySensor(ID, BatteryLevel, humidity, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveBaro)
		SendBaroSensor(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, baro, baroforecast, tmp_Name);

	if (bHaveLux)
		SendLuxSensor(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, lux, tmp_Name);

	if (bHaveUV)
  		SendUVSensor(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, uv, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveRain)
		SendRainSensor(ID, BatteryLevel, float(raincounter), tmp_Name);

	if (bHaveWindDir && bHaveWindSpeed && bHaveWindGust && bHaveWindChill)
		SendWind(ID, BatteryLevel, float(windir), windspeed, windgust, windtemp, windchill, bHaveWindTemp, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveWindDir && bHaveWindGust)
		SendWind(ID, BatteryLevel, float(windir), windspeed, windgust, windtemp, windchill, bHaveWindTemp, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveWindSpeed)
		SendWind(ID, BatteryLevel, float(windir), windspeed, windgust, windtemp, windchill, bHaveWindTemp, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveCO2)
		SendAirQualitySensor((ID & 0xFF00) >> 8, ID & 0xFF, BatteryLevel, co2, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveSound)
		SendSoundSensor(ID, BatteryLevel, sound, tmp_Name);

	if (bHaveRGB)
		SendRGBWSwitch(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, rgb, false, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveRGBW)
		SendRGBWSwitch(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, rgbw, true, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveBlind)
		SendBlindSensor(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, blind, tmp_Name);

	if (bHaveKWatt&bHaveWatt)
		SendKwhMeterOldWay(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, watt / 100.0f, kwatt, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveKWatt)
		SendKwhMeterOldWay(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, watt / 100.0f, kwatt, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveWatt)
		SendKwhMeterOldWay(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, watt / 100.0f, kwatt, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveDistance)
		SendDistanceSensor(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, distance, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveMeter)
		SendMeterSensor(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, meter, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveVoltage)
		SendVoltageSensor(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, voltage, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveCurrent && bHaveCurrent2 && bHaveCurrent3) 
		SendCurrentSensor(ID, BatteryLevel, current, current2, current3, tmp_Name);
	else if (bHaveCurrent)
		SendCurrentSensor(ID, BatteryLevel, current, 0, 0, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveImpedance)
		SendPercentageSensor(Node_ID, Child_ID, BatteryLevel, impedance, tmp_Name);
	if (bHaveSwitch && bHaveSwitchCmd)
		std::string switchType = results[2];
		SendSwitchInt(ID, switchunit, BatteryLevel, switchType, switchcmd, switchlevel);

    return true;
void CToonThermostat::GetMeterDetails()
	if (m_UserName.size()==0)
	if (m_Password.size()==0)
	std::string sResult;
	if (m_bDoLogin)
		if (!Login())
	std::vector<std::string> ExtraHeaders;

	std::stringstream sstr2;
	sstr2 << "?clientId=" << m_ClientID
		<< "&clientIdChecksum=" << m_ClientIDChecksum
		<< "&random=" << GetRandom();
	std::string szPostdata = sstr2.str();
	//Get Data

#ifdef DEBUG_ToonThermostat
	sResult = ReadFile("E:\\toonresult_001.txt");
	std::string sURL = TOON_HOST + TOON_UPDATE_PATH + szPostdata;
	if (!HTTPClient::GET(sURL, ExtraHeaders, sResult))
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "ToonThermostat: Error getting current state!");
		m_bDoLogin = true;
	time_t atime = mytime(NULL);

#ifdef DEBUG_ToonThermostat2
	char szFileName[MAX_PATH];
	static int sNum = 1;
	sprintf_s(szFileName, "E:\\toonresult_%03d.txt", sNum++);
	SaveString2Disk(sResult, szFileName);

	Json::Value root;
	Json::Reader jReader;
	if (!jReader.parse(sResult, root))
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "ToonThermostat: Invalid data received!");
		m_bDoLogin = true;
	if (root["success"].empty() == true)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "ToonThermostat: ToonState request not successful, restarting..!");
		m_bDoLogin = true;
	if (root["success"] == false)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "ToonThermostat: ToonState request not successful, restarting..!");
		m_bDoLogin = true;

	//ZWave Devices
	if (root["deviceStatusInfo"].empty() == false)
		if (root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"].empty() == false)
			int totDevices = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"].size();
			for (int ii = 0; ii < totDevices; ii++)
				std::string deviceName = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["name"].asString();
				std::string uuid = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["devUUID"].asString();
				int state = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["currentState"].asInt();

				int Idx;
				if (!GetUUIDIdx(uuid, Idx))
					if (!AddUUID(uuid, Idx))
						_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "ToonThermostat: Error adding UUID to database?! Uuid=%s", uuid.c_str());
				UpdateSwitch(Idx, state != 0, deviceName);

				if (root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["currentUsage"].empty() == false)
					double currentUsage = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["currentUsage"].asDouble();
					double DayCounter = root["deviceStatusInfo"]["device"][ii]["dayUsage"].asDouble();

					double ElecOffset = GetElectricOffset(Idx, DayCounter);
					double OldDayCounter = m_LastElectricCounter[Idx];
					if (DayCounter < OldDayCounter)
						//daily counter went to zero
						m_OffsetElectricUsage[Idx] += OldDayCounter;
					m_LastElectricCounter[Idx] = DayCounter;
					SendKwhMeterOldWay(Idx, 1, 255, currentUsage/1000.0, (m_OffsetElectricUsage[Idx] + m_LastElectricCounter[Idx])/1000.0, deviceName);

	if (root["thermostatInfo"].empty() == false)
		float currentTemp = root["thermostatInfo"]["currentTemp"].asFloat() / 100.0f;
		float currentSetpoint = root["thermostatInfo"]["currentSetpoint"].asFloat() / 100.0f;
		SendSetPointSensor(1, currentSetpoint, "Room Setpoint");
		SendTempSensor(1, currentTemp, "Room Temperature");

		//int programState = root["thermostatInfo"]["programState"].asInt();
		//int activeState = root["thermostatInfo"]["activeState"].asInt();

		if (root["thermostatInfo"]["burnerInfo"].empty() == false)
			//2=hot water
			int burnerInfo = 0;

			if (root["thermostatInfo"]["burnerInfo"].isString())
				burnerInfo = atoi(root["thermostatInfo"]["burnerInfo"].asString().c_str());
			else if (root["thermostatInfo"]["burnerInfo"].isInt())
				burnerInfo = root["thermostatInfo"]["burnerInfo"].asInt();
			if (burnerInfo == 1)
				UpdateSwitch(113, true, "HeatingOn");
				UpdateSwitch(114, false, "TapwaterOn");
				UpdateSwitch(115, false, "PreheatOn");
			else if (burnerInfo == 2)
				UpdateSwitch(113, false, "HeatingOn");
				UpdateSwitch(114, true, "TapwaterOn");
				UpdateSwitch(115, false, "PreheatOn");
			else if (burnerInfo == 3)
				UpdateSwitch(113, false, "HeatingOn");
				UpdateSwitch(114, false, "TapwaterOn");
				UpdateSwitch(115, true, "PreheatOn");
				UpdateSwitch(113, false, "HeatingOn");
				UpdateSwitch(114, false, "TapwaterOn");
				UpdateSwitch(115, false, "PreheatOn");

	if (root["gasUsage"].empty() == false)
		m_p1gas.gasusage = (unsigned long)(root["gasUsage"]["meterReading"].asFloat());

	if (root["powerUsage"].empty() == false)
		m_p1power.powerusage1 = (unsigned long)(root["powerUsage"]["meterReadingLow"].asFloat());
		m_p1power.powerusage2 = (unsigned long)(root["powerUsage"]["meterReading"].asFloat());

		if (root["powerUsage"]["meterReadingProdu"].empty() == false)
			m_p1power.powerdeliv1 = (unsigned long)(root["powerUsage"]["meterReadingLowProdu"].asFloat());
			m_p1power.powerdeliv2 = (unsigned long)(root["powerUsage"]["meterReadingProdu"].asFloat());

		m_p1power.usagecurrent = (unsigned long)(root["powerUsage"]["value"].asFloat());	//Watt

	//Send Electra if value changed, or at least every 5 minutes
	if (
		(m_p1power.usagecurrent != m_lastelectrausage) ||
		(atime - m_lastSharedSendElectra >= 300)
		if ((m_p1power.powerusage1 != 0) || (m_p1power.powerusage2 != 0) || (m_p1power.powerdeliv1 != 0) || (m_p1power.powerdeliv2 != 0))
			m_lastSharedSendElectra = atime;
			m_lastelectrausage = m_p1power.usagecurrent;
			sDecodeRXMessage(this, (const unsigned char *)&m_p1power);
	//Send GAS if the value changed, or at least every 5 minutes
	if (
		(m_p1gas.gasusage != m_lastgasusage) ||
		(atime - m_lastSharedSendGas >= 300)
		if (m_p1gas.gasusage != 0)
			m_lastSharedSendGas = atime;
			m_lastgasusage = m_p1gas.gasusage;
			sDecodeRXMessage(this, (const unsigned char *)&m_p1gas);
Exemple #4
void SolarMaxTCP::ParseLine()
	std::string InputStr = std::string((const char*)&m_buffer);
	size_t npos = InputStr.find("|");
	if (npos == std::string::npos)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "SolarMax: Invalid data received!");
	InputStr = InputStr.substr(npos + 4);
	npos = InputStr.find("|");
	if (npos == std::string::npos)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "SolarMax: Invalid data received!");
	InputStr = InputStr.substr(0,npos);

	std::vector<std::string> results;
	StringSplit(InputStr, ";", results);
	if (results.size() < 2)
		return; //invalid data

	std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itt;

	double kwhCounter = 0;
	double ActUsage = 0;

	for (itt = results.begin(); itt != results.end(); ++itt)
		std::vector<std::string> varresults;
		StringSplit(*itt, "=", varresults);
		if (varresults.size() !=2)

		std::string sLabel = varresults[0];
		std::string sVal = varresults[1];

		if (sLabel == "KT0")
			//Energy total
			kwhCounter = SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal);// / 10.0f;
		else if (sLabel == "KDY")
			//Energy Today
		else if (sLabel == "PAC")
			//AC power
			ActUsage = SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal)/2.0f;
		else if (sLabel == "UDC")
			//DC voltage [mV]
			float voltage = float(SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal)) / 10.0f;
			SendVoltageSensor(1, 2, 255, voltage, "DC voltage");
		else if (sLabel == "UL1")
			//AC voltage [mV]
			float voltage = float(SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal)) / 10.0f;
			SendVoltageSensor(1, 3, 255, voltage, "AC voltage");
		else if (sLabel == "IDC")
			//DC current [mA]
			float amps = float(SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal)) / 100.0f;
			SendCurrentSensor(4, 255, amps, 0, 0, "DC current");
		else if (sLabel == "IL1")
			//AC current [mA]
			float amps = float(SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal)) / 100.0f;
			SendCurrentSensor(5, 255, amps, 0, 0, "AC current");
		else if (sLabel == "PIN")
			//Power installed [mW] (PIN)
			//float power_installed = (float)SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal);
		else if (sLabel == "PRL")
			//AC power [%]
			float percentage = (float)SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal);
			SendPercentageSensor(6, 6, 255, percentage, "AC power Percentage");
		else if (sLabel == "TNF")
			//AC Frequency (Hz)
			float freq = (float)SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal)/100;
			SendPercentageSensor(7, 7, 255, freq, "Hz");
		else if (sLabel == "TKK")
			//Temperature Heat Sink
			float temp = (float)SolarMaxGetHexStringValue(sVal);// / 10.0f;
			SendTempSensor(8, 255, temp,"Temperature Heat Sink");
	if (kwhCounter != 0)
		SendKwhMeterOldWay(1, 1, 255, ActUsage/1000.0f, kwhCounter, "kWh Meter");
