SCH_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LocateAndShowItem( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KICAD_T aFilterList[],
                                             int aHotKeyCommandId,
                                             bool* aClarificationMenuCancelled )
    SCH_ITEM*      item;
    LIB_PIN*       Pin     = NULL;
    SCH_COMPONENT* component = NULL;
    wxPoint        gridPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );

    // Check the on grid position first.  There is more likely to be multiple items on
    // grid than off grid.
    m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false ); // be sure a old abort request in not pending
    item = LocateItem( gridPosition, aFilterList, aHotKeyCommandId );

    // If the user aborted the clarification context menu, don't show it again at the
    // off grid position.
    if( !item && m_canvas->GetAbortRequest() )
        if( aClarificationMenuCancelled )
            *aClarificationMenuCancelled = true;

        m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false );
        return NULL;

    if( !item && (aPosition != gridPosition) )
        item = LocateItem( aPosition, aFilterList, aHotKeyCommandId );

    if( !item )
        if( aClarificationMenuCancelled )
            *aClarificationMenuCancelled = m_canvas->GetAbortRequest();

        m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false );  // Just in case the user aborted the context menu.
        return NULL;

    // Cross probing to Pcbnew if a pin or a component is found
    switch( item->Type() )
    case SCH_FIELD_T:
    case LIB_FIELD_T:
        component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item->GetParent();
        SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, component );

        component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;
        SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, component );

    case LIB_PIN_T:
        Pin = (LIB_PIN*) item;
        component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) LocateItem( aPosition, SCH_COLLECTOR::ComponentsOnly );

    /* case SCH_SHEET_T: */
    /*     // This may lag on larger projects */
    /*     SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, nullptr ); */
    /*     break; */

    if( Pin )
        // Force display pin information (the previous display could be a component info)
        MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items;

        Pin->GetMsgPanelInfo( m_UserUnits, items, component );

        SetMsgPanel( items );

        // Cross probing:2 - pin found, and send a locate pin command to Pcbnew (highlight net)
        SendMessageToPCBNEW( Pin, component );

    return item;
SCH_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LocateAndShowItem( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KICAD_T aFilterList[],
                                             int aHotKeyCommandId )
    SCH_ITEM*      item;
    wxString       msg;
    LIB_PIN*       Pin     = NULL;
    wxPoint        gridPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition );

    // Check the on grid position first.  There is more likely to be multiple items on
    // grid than off grid.
    item = LocateItem( gridPosition, aFilterList, aHotKeyCommandId );

    // If the user aborted the clarification context menu, don't show it again at the
    // off grid position.
    if( !item && m_canvas->GetAbortRequest() )
        m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false );
        return NULL;

    if( !item && (aPosition != gridPosition) )
        item = LocateItem( aPosition, aFilterList, aHotKeyCommandId );

    if( !item )
        m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false );  // Just in case the user aborted the context menu.
        return NULL;

    // Cross probing to Pcbnew if a pin or a component is found
    switch( item->Type() )
    case SCH_FIELD_T:
    case LIB_FIELD_T:
        LibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item->GetParent();
        SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, LibItem );

        LibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;
        SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, LibItem );

    case LIB_PIN_T:
        Pin = (LIB_PIN*) item;
        LibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) LocateItem( aPosition, SCH_COLLECTOR::ComponentsOnly );


    if( Pin )
        // Force display pin information (the previous display could be a component info)
        MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items;

        Pin->GetMsgPanelInfo( items );

        if( LibItem )
            items.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( LibItem->GetRef( m_CurrentSheet ),
                                             LibItem->GetField( VALUE )->GetShownText(), DARKCYAN ) );

        SetMsgPanel( items );

        // Cross probing:2 - pin found, and send a locate pin command to Pcbnew (highlight net)
        SendMessageToPCBNEW( Pin, LibItem );

    return item;