Exemple #1
void WorldSession::HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
    ObjectGuid guid;
    uint32 spellId = 0;

    recv_data >> guid >> spellId;
    DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: Received CMSG_TRAINER_BUY_SPELL Trainer: %s, learn spell id is: %u", guid.GetString().c_str(), spellId);

    Creature *unit = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(guid, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_TRAINER);
    if (!unit)
        DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode - %s not found or you can't interact with him.", guid.GetString().c_str());

    // remove fake death
    if (GetPlayer()->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_DIED))

    if (!unit->IsTrainerOf(_player, true))

    // check present spell in trainer spell list
    TrainerSpellData const* cSpells = unit->GetTrainerSpells();
    TrainerSpellData const* tSpells = unit->GetTrainerTemplateSpells();

    if (!cSpells && !tSpells)

    // Try find spell in npc_trainer
    TrainerSpell const* trainer_spell = cSpells ? cSpells->Find(spellId) : NULL;

    // Not found, try find in npc_trainer_template
    if (!trainer_spell && tSpells)
        trainer_spell = tSpells->Find(spellId);

    // Not found anywhere, cheating?
    if (!trainer_spell)

    // can't be learn, cheat? Or double learn with lags...
    uint32 reqLevel = 0;
    if(!_player->IsSpellFitByClassAndRace(trainer_spell->learnedSpell, &reqLevel))

    reqLevel = trainer_spell->isProvidedReqLevel ? trainer_spell->reqLevel : std::max(reqLevel, trainer_spell->reqLevel);
    if (_player->GetTrainerSpellState(trainer_spell, reqLevel) != TRAINER_SPELL_GREEN)

    // apply reputation discount
    float fDiscountMod = _player->GetReputationPriceDiscount(unit);
     * CUSTOM CYBER START INSTANT 80 free trainer spells, but not fast flying and fly in nordend
    if (_player->HasItemCount(22619,1,true) && trainer_spell->spell != 34093 && trainer_spell->spell != 34091 && trainer_spell->spell != 54198 && trainer_spell->spell != 54197)
        fDiscountMod = 0.0f;
     * CUSTOM CYBER END INSTANT 80 free trainer spells
    uint32 nSpellCost = uint32(floor(trainer_spell->spellCost * fDiscountMod));

    // check money requirement
    if(_player->GetMoney() < nSpellCost )

    _player->ModifyMoney( -int32(nSpellCost) );

    SendPlaySpellVisual(guid, 0xB3);                        // visual effect on trainer

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_PLAY_SPELL_IMPACT, 8+4);          // visual effect on player
    data << _player->GetObjectGuid();
    data << uint32(0x016A);                                 // index from SpellVisualKit.dbc

    // learn explicitly or cast explicitly
        _player->CastSpell(_player, trainer_spell->spell, true);
        _player->learnSpell(spellId, false);

    data.Initialize(SMSG_TRAINER_BUY_SUCCEEDED, 12);
    data << ObjectGuid(guid);
    data << uint32(spellId);                                // should be same as in packet from client
Exemple #2
void WorldSession::HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data)
    ObjectGuid guid;
    uint32 spellId = 0;

    recv_data >> guid >> spellId;
    DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: Received opcode CMSG_TRAINER_BUY_SPELL Trainer: %s, learn spell id is: %u", guid.GetString().c_str(), spellId);

    Creature* unit = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(guid, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_TRAINER);
    if (!unit)
        DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode - %s not found or you can't interact with him.", guid.GetString().c_str());

    // remove fake death
    if (GetPlayer()->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_DIED))
        { GetPlayer()->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); }

    if (!unit->IsTrainerOf(_player, true))
        { return; }

    // check present spell in trainer spell list
    TrainerSpellData const* cSpells = unit->GetTrainerSpells();
    TrainerSpellData const* tSpells = unit->GetTrainerTemplateSpells();

    if (!cSpells && !tSpells)
        { return; }

    // Try find spell in npc_trainer
    TrainerSpell const* trainer_spell = cSpells ? cSpells->Find(spellId) : NULL;

    // Not found, try find in npc_trainer_template
    if (!trainer_spell && tSpells)
        { trainer_spell = tSpells->Find(spellId); }

    // Not found anywhere, cheating?
    if (!trainer_spell)
        { return; }

    // can't be learn, cheat? Or double learn with lags...
    uint32 reqLevel = 0;
    if (!_player->IsSpellFitByClassAndRace(trainer_spell->spell, &reqLevel))
        { return; }

    reqLevel = trainer_spell->isProvidedReqLevel ? trainer_spell->reqLevel : std::max(reqLevel, trainer_spell->reqLevel);
    if (_player->GetTrainerSpellState(trainer_spell, reqLevel) != TRAINER_SPELL_GREEN)
        { return; }

    // apply reputation discount
    uint32 nSpellCost = uint32(floor(trainer_spell->spellCost * _player->GetReputationPriceDiscount(unit)));

    // check money requirement
    if (_player->GetMoney() < nSpellCost)
        { return; }


    SendPlaySpellVisual(guid, 0xB3);                        // visual effect on trainer

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_PLAY_SPELL_IMPACT, 8 + 4);        // visual effect on player
    data << _player->GetObjectGuid();
    data << uint32(0x016A);                                 // index from SpellVisualKit.dbc

    // learn explicitly to prevent lost money at lags, learning spell will be only show spell animation
    _player->learnSpell(trainer_spell->spell, false);

    data.Initialize(SMSG_TRAINER_BUY_SUCCEEDED, 12);
    data << ObjectGuid(guid);
    data << uint32(spellId);                                // should be same as in packet from client
void WorldSession::HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data)
    ObjectGuid guid;
    uint32 spellId = 0;

    recv_data >> guid >> spellId;
    DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: Received opcode CMSG_TRAINER_BUY_SPELL Trainer: %s, learn spell id is: %u", guid.GetString().c_str(), spellId);

    Creature* unit = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(guid, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_TRAINER);
    if (!unit)
        DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode - %s not found or you can't interact with him.", guid.GetString().c_str());

    if (!unit->IsTrainerOf(_player, true))

    // check present spell in trainer spell list
    TrainerSpellData const* cSpells = unit->GetTrainerSpells();
    TrainerSpellData const* tSpells = unit->GetTrainerTemplateSpells();

    if (!cSpells && !tSpells)

    // Try find spell in npc_trainer
    TrainerSpell const* trainer_spell = cSpells ? cSpells->Find(spellId) : nullptr;

    // Not found, try find in npc_trainer_template
    if (!trainer_spell && tSpells)
        trainer_spell = tSpells->Find(spellId);

    // Not found anywhere, cheating?
    if (!trainer_spell)

    // can't be learn, cheat? Or double learn with lags...
    uint32 reqLevel = 0;
    if (!_player->IsSpellFitByClassAndRace(trainer_spell->spell, &reqLevel))

    reqLevel = trainer_spell->isProvidedReqLevel ? trainer_spell->reqLevel : std::max(reqLevel, trainer_spell->reqLevel);
    if (_player->GetTrainerSpellState(trainer_spell, reqLevel) != TRAINER_SPELL_GREEN)

    SpellEntry const* proto = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(trainer_spell->spell);
    SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(proto->EffectTriggerSpell[0]);

    // apply reputation discount
    uint32 nSpellCost = uint32(floor(trainer_spell->spellCost * _player->GetReputationPriceDiscount(unit)));

    // check money requirement
    if (_player->GetMoney() < nSpellCost)


    SendPlaySpellVisual(guid, 0xB3);                        // visual effect on trainer

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_PLAY_SPELL_IMPACT, 8 + 4);        // visual effect on player
    data << _player->GetObjectGuid();
    data << uint32(0x016A);                                 // index from SpellVisualKit.dbc

    // learn explicitly to prevent lost money at lags, learning spell will be only show spell animation
    //[-ZERO] _player->learnSpell(trainer_spell->spell, false);

    data.Initialize(SMSG_TRAINER_BUY_SUCCEEDED, 12);
    data << ObjectGuid(guid);
    data << uint32(spellId);                                // should be same as in packet from client

    Spell* spell;
    if (proto->SpellVisual == 222)
        spell = new Spell(_player, proto, false);
        spell = new Spell(unit, proto, false);

    SpellCastTargets targets;
