Exemple #1
bool CHTTPSock::PrintErrorPage(unsigned int uStatusId, const CString& sStatusMsg, const CString& sMessage) {
	if (SentHeader()) {
		DEBUG("PrintErrorPage(): Header was already sent");
		return false;

	CString sPage =
		"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n"
		"<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"
		"<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\">\r\n"
				"<meta charset=\"UTF-8\"/>\r\n"
				"<title>" + CString(uStatusId) + " " + sStatusMsg.Escape_n(CString::EHTML) + "</title>\r\n"
				"<h1>" + sStatusMsg.Escape_n(CString::EHTML) + "</h1>\r\n"
				"<p>" + sMessage.Escape_n(CString::EHTML) + "</p>\r\n"
				"<address>" +
					CZNC::GetTag(false, /* bHTML = */ true) +
					" at " + GetLocalIP().Escape_n(CString::EHTML) + " Port " + CString(GetLocalPort()) +

	PrintHeader(sPage.length(), "text/html; charset=utf-8", uStatusId, sStatusMsg);

	return true;
Exemple #2
void CHTTPSock::PrintPage(const CString& sPage) {
	if (!SentHeader()) {
	} else {
		DEBUG("PrintPage(): Header was already sent");

Exemple #3
bool CHTTPSock::Redirect(const CString& sURL) {
	if (SentHeader()) {
		DEBUG("Redirect() - Header was already sent");
		return false;

	DEBUG("- Redirect to [" << sURL << "]");
	AddHeader("Location", sURL);
	PrintErrorPage(302, "Found", "The document has moved <a href=\"" + sURL.Escape_n(CString::EHTML) + "\">here</a>.");

	return true;
Exemple #4
bool CHTTPSock::ForceLogin() {
	if (m_bLoggedIn) {
		return true;

	if (SentHeader()) {
		DEBUG("ForceLogin(): Header was already sent!");
		return false;

	AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + CZNC::GetTag(false) + "\"");
	PrintErrorPage(401, "Unauthorized", "You need to login to view this page.");

	return false;
Exemple #5
bool CHTTPSock::PrintHeader(off_t uContentLength, const CString& sContentType, unsigned int uStatusId, const CString& sStatusMsg) {
	if (SentHeader()) {
		DEBUG("PrintHeader(): Header was already sent!");
		return false;

	if (!sContentType.empty()) {
		m_sContentType = sContentType;

	if (m_sContentType.empty()) {
		m_sContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8";

	DEBUG("- " << uStatusId << " (" << sStatusMsg << ") [" << m_sContentType << "]");

	Write("HTTP/" + CString(m_bHTTP10Client ? "1.0 " : "1.1 ") + CString(uStatusId) + " " + sStatusMsg + "\r\n");
	Write("Date: " + GetDate() + "\r\n");
	Write("Server: " + CZNC::GetTag(false) + "\r\n");
	if (uContentLength > 0) {
		Write("Content-Length: " + CString(uContentLength) + "\r\n");
	Write("Content-Type: " + m_sContentType + "\r\n");

	MCString::iterator it;

	for (it = m_msResponseCookies.begin(); it != m_msResponseCookies.end(); ++it) {
		Write("Set-Cookie: " + it->first.Escape_n(CString::EURL) + "=" + it->second.Escape_n(CString::EURL) + "; path=/;\r\n");

	for (it = m_msHeaders.begin(); it != m_msHeaders.end(); ++it) {
		Write(it->first + ": " + it->second + "\r\n");

	Write("Connection: Close\r\n");

	m_bSentHeader = true;

	return true;
Exemple #6
CWebSock::EPageReqResult CWebSock::OnPageRequestInternal(const CString& sURI, CString& sPageRet) {
	if (CZNC::Get().GetProtectWebSessions() && GetSession()->GetIP() != GetRemoteIP()) {
		DEBUG("Expected IP: " << GetSession()->GetIP());
		DEBUG("Remote IP:   " << GetRemoteIP());
		PrintErrorPage(403, "Access denied", "This session does not belong to your IP.");
		return PAGE_DONE;

	// Check that they really POSTed from one our forms by checking if they
	// know the "secret" CSRF check value. Don't do this for login since
	// CSRF against the login form makes no sense and the login form does a
	// cookies-enabled check which would break otherwise.
	if (IsPost() && GetParam("_CSRF_Check") != GetCSRFCheck() && sURI != "/login") {
		DEBUG("Expected _CSRF_Check: " << GetCSRFCheck());
		DEBUG("Actual _CSRF_Check:   " << GetParam("_CSRF_Check"));
		PrintErrorPage(403, "Access denied", "POST requests need to send "
				"a secret token to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.");
		return PAGE_DONE;

	SendCookie("SessionId", GetSession()->GetId());

	if (GetSession()->IsLoggedIn()) {
		m_sUser = GetSession()->GetUser()->GetUserName();
		m_bLoggedIn = true;

	// Handle the static pages that don't require a login
	if (sURI == "/") {
		if(!m_bLoggedIn && GetParam("cookie_check", false).ToBool() && GetRequestCookie("SessionId").empty()) {
			GetSession()->AddError("Your browser does not have cookies enabled for this site!");
		return PrintTemplate("index", sPageRet);
	} else if (sURI == "/favicon.ico") {
		return PrintStaticFile("/pub/favicon.ico", sPageRet);
	} else if (sURI == "/robots.txt") {
		return PrintStaticFile("/pub/robots.txt", sPageRet);
	} else if (sURI == "/logout") {

		// We already sent a reply
		return PAGE_DONE;
	} else if (sURI == "/login") {
		if (GetParam("submitted").ToBool()) {
			m_sUser = GetParam("user");
			m_sPass = GetParam("pass");
			m_bLoggedIn = OnLogin(m_sUser, m_sPass);

			// AcceptedLogin()/RefusedLogin() will call Redirect()
			return PAGE_DEFERRED;

		Redirect("/"); // the login form is here
		return PAGE_DONE;
	} else if (sURI.Left(5) == "/pub/") {
		return PrintStaticFile(sURI, sPageRet);
	} else if (sURI.Left(11) == "/skinfiles/") {
		CString sSkinName = sURI.substr(11);
		CString::size_type uPathStart = sSkinName.find("/");
		if (uPathStart != CString::npos) {
			CString sFilePath = sSkinName.substr(uPathStart + 1);

			m_Template.AppendPath(GetSkinPath(sSkinName) + "pub");

			if (PrintFile(m_Template.ExpandFile(sFilePath))) {
				return PAGE_DONE;
			} else {
				return PAGE_NOTFOUND;
	} else if (sURI.Left(6) == "/mods/" || sURI.Left(10) == "/modfiles/") {
		// Make sure modules are treated as directories
		if (sURI.Right(1) != "/" && sURI.find(".") == CString::npos && sURI.TrimLeft_n("/mods/").TrimLeft_n("/").find("/") == CString::npos) {
			Redirect(sURI + "/");
			return PAGE_DONE;

		CModule *pModule = CZNC::Get().GetModules().FindModule(m_sModName);
		if (!pModule) {
			// Check if GetSession()->GetUser() is NULL and display
			// an error in that case
			if (!ForceLogin())
				return PAGE_DONE;

			pModule = GetSession()->GetUser()->GetModules().FindModule(m_sModName);

		if (!pModule) {
			return PAGE_NOTFOUND;
		} else if (pModule->WebRequiresLogin() && !ForceLogin()) {
			return PAGE_PRINT;
		} else if (pModule->WebRequiresAdmin() && !GetSession()->IsAdmin()) {
			PrintErrorPage(403, "Forbidden", "You need to be an admin to access this module");
			return PAGE_DONE;
		} else if (!pModule->IsGlobal() && pModule->GetUser() != GetSession()->GetUser()) {
			PrintErrorPage(403, "Forbidden", "You must login as " + pModule->GetUser()->GetUserName() + " in order to view this page");
			return PAGE_DONE;
		} else if (pModule->OnWebPreRequest(*this, m_sPage)) {
			return PAGE_DEFERRED;

		VWebSubPages& vSubPages = pModule->GetSubPages();

		for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vSubPages.size(); a++) {
			TWebSubPage& SubPage = vSubPages[a];

			bool bActive = (m_sModName == pModule->GetModName() && m_sPage == SubPage->GetName());

			if (bActive && SubPage->RequiresAdmin() && !GetSession()->IsAdmin()) {
				PrintErrorPage(403, "Forbidden", "You need to be an admin to access this page");
				return PAGE_DONE;

		if (pModule && !pModule->IsGlobal() && (!IsLoggedIn() || pModule->GetUser() != GetSession()->GetUser())) {
			AddModLoop("UserModLoop", *pModule);

		if (sURI.Left(10) == "/modfiles/") {
			m_Template.AppendPath(GetSkinPath(GetSkinName()) + "/mods/" + m_sModName + "/files/");
			m_Template.AppendPath(pModule->GetModDataDir() + "/files/");

			if (PrintFile(m_Template.ExpandFile(m_sPage.TrimLeft_n("/")))) {
				return PAGE_PRINT;
			} else {
				return PAGE_NOTFOUND;
		} else {
			SetPaths(pModule, true);

			/* if a module returns false from OnWebRequest, it does not
			   want the template to be printed, usually because it did a redirect. */
			if (pModule->OnWebRequest(*this, m_sPage, m_Template)) {
				// If they already sent a reply, let's assume
				// they did what they wanted to do.
				if (SentHeader()) {
					return PAGE_DONE;
				return PrintTemplate(m_sPage, sPageRet, pModule);

			if (!SentHeader()) {
				PrintErrorPage(404, "Not Implemented", "The requested module does not acknowledge web requests");
			return PAGE_DONE;
	} else {
		CString sPage(sURI.Trim_n("/"));
		if (sPage.length() < 32) {
			for (unsigned int a = 0; a < sPage.length(); a++) {
				unsigned char c = sPage[a];

				if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && c != '_') {
					return PAGE_NOTFOUND;

			return PrintTemplate(sPage, sPageRet);
