Sequence * translate_swapped(Sequence * swapped) 
  CodonTable * ct;
  int i,j;
  Sequence * out;
  out = Sequence_alloc();
  out->name = stringalloc(swapped->name);
  out->seq = calloc(1+swapped->len/3,sizeof(char));

  ct = read_CodonTable_file("codon.table");

  for(i=0,j=0;i<swapped->len;i+=3,j++) {
    out->seq[j] = aminoacid_from_seq(ct,swapped->seq+i);
    if( isupper(swapped->seq[i]) && isupper(swapped->seq[i+1]) &&
	isupper(swapped->seq[i+2]) ) {
      out->seq[j] = toupper(out->seq[j]);
    } else{
      out->seq[j] = tolower(out->seq[j]);

  out->seq[j] = '\0';

  return out;

Exemple #2
cDNA * get_cDNA_from_Transcript(Transcript * trs)
  Genomic * gn;
  Sequence * base;
  int i;
  char buffer[64];

  if( trs->cDNA != NULL) 
    return trs->cDNA;

  if( trs->parent == NULL ) {
    warn("Cannot get cDNA, as no parent Gene!");
    return NULL;

  if ( (gn = get_Genomic_from_Gene(trs->parent)) == NULL  ) {
    warn("Cannot get cDNA, as cannot get Genomic sequence from Gene");
    return NULL;

  base = Sequence_alloc();
  base->name = stringalloc(buffer);
  base->seq = ckcalloc(length_Transcript(trs)+1,sizeof(char));

  for(i=0;i<trs->ex_len;i++) {
  base->type = SEQUENCE_CDNA;
  trs->cDNA = cDNA_from_Sequence(base);

  return trs->cDNA;
Protein * get_Protein_from_Translation(Translation * ts,CodonTable * ct)
  cDNA * cd;
  int i,j;
  Sequence * seq;
  char buffer[64];


  /*  fprintf(stderr,"Codon table is %d\n",ct);*/

  if( ts->protein != NULL)
    return ts->protein;

  if( ts->parent == NULL ) {
    warn("Cannot get Protein from translation as no parent!");
    return NULL;

  cd = get_cDNA_from_Transcript(ts->parent);

  if( cd == NULL ) {
    warn("Cannot make translation as can't get transcript!");
    return NULL;

  if( cd->baseseq == NULL ) {
    warn("A bad error - a non NULL cDNA with a null sequence object. No translation here!");
    return NULL;
  if( cd->baseseq->len == 0 ) {
    warn("Attempting to translate a zero length cDNA. Yikes!");
    return NULL;

  seq = Sequence_alloc();
  seq->name = stringalloc(buffer);
  seq->seq = ckcalloc((cd->baseseq->len/3) + 2,sizeof(char));
  seq->type = SEQUENCE_PROTEIN;

  if( cd->baseseq->len%3 != 0 ) {
    warn("Problem in making translation, cDNA is not mod3! - length is %d - transcript id %s",cd->baseseq->len,seq->name);

  for(i=0,j=0;i<cd->baseseq->len;i+=3,j++) {
    if( is_stop_codon(codon_from_seq(cd->baseseq->seq+i),ct) == TRUE ) {
      if( i+3 >= cd->baseseq->len ) 
      else {
	warn("Got a stop codon in the middle of a translation at postion [%d]. Yuk!",i);
	seq->seq[j] = '*';
    } else {
      seq->seq[j] = aminoacid_from_seq(ct,cd->baseseq->seq+i);


  seq->type = SEQUENCE_PROTEIN;
  ts->protein = Protein_from_Sequence(seq);

  return ts->protein;

Sequence * extract_dna_LinkStream(LinkStream * ln,LinkNumberArrayDebug * lnad,int nmer_size)
  LinkStream * runner;
  LinkStream * prev;
  LinkStream * next;
  int i = 0;
  Sequence * out;
  int flipped = 0; 
  if( lnad->extraction != 0 ) {
    fprintf(lnad->ofp,"Extracting DNA from linkstream %d\n",ln);

  ln->have_seen = 1;

  if( ln->a == NULL ) {
    if( ln->b->x == ln ) {
      runner = ln->b->y;
    } else {
      runner = ln->b->x;
  } else {
    if( ln->a->x == ln ) {
      runner = ln->a->y;
    } else {
      runner = ln->a->x;

  prev = ln;

  while( runner != NULL ) {
    /* to find the outgoing link from here, test neither a nor b
       is not NULL and figure out the right way to go from the
       fact that the link is back to ourselves */

    if( runner->a == NULL || runner->b == NULL ) {
      /* other end of stream */
    runner->have_seen = 1;
    if( lnad->extraction > 2 ) {
      fprintf(lnad->ofp,"Extracting DNA from linkstream %d, runner %d, position count %d\n",ln,runner,i);
    if( runner->a->x == runner && runner->a->y != prev) {
      next = runner->a->y;
    } else if ( runner->a->y == runner && runner->a->x != prev ) {
      next = runner->a->x;
    } else if( runner->b->x == runner && runner->b->y != prev) {
      next = runner->b->y;
    } else if ( runner->b->y == runner && runner->b->x != prev ) {
      next = runner->b->x;
    } else {
      fatal("Unable to move off edge!");

    prev = runner;
    runner = next;

  out = Sequence_alloc();
  out->seq = calloc(i+1,sizeof(char));

  i = 0;
  flipped = ln->starting_flip;
  if( ln->a == NULL ) {
    out->seq[0] = first_char_from_dnanumber(ln->number,nmer_size,flipped);
  } else {
    /* b is NULL, indicating a 3' end of a sequence, so flip the flip*/
    out->seq[0] = first_char_from_dnanumber(ln->number,nmer_size,!flipped);

  if( ln->a == NULL ) {
    if( ln->b->x == ln ) {
      runner = ln->b->y;
    } else {
      runner = ln->b->x;

    if( ln->b->twist == 1 ) {
      flipped = !flipped;

  } else {
    if( ln->a->x == ln ) {
      runner = ln->a->y;
    } else {
      runner = ln->a->x;

    /* as b is always on the reverse strand, invert the flipped sense as we read down it*/
    if( ln->a->twist == 0 ) {
      flipped = !flipped;


  prev = ln;


  while( runner != NULL ) {
    /* to find the outgoing link from here, test neither a nor b
       is not NULL and figure out the right way to go from the
       fact that the link is back to ourselves */

    if( runner->a == NULL || runner->b == NULL ) {
      /* other end of stream */
    out->seq[i] = first_char_from_dnanumber(runner->number,nmer_size,flipped);

    if( runner->a->x == runner && runner->a->y != prev) {
      next = runner->a->y;
      if( runner->a->twist == 1 ) {
	flipped = !flipped;
    } else if ( runner->a->y == runner && runner->a->x != prev ) {
      next = runner->a->x;
      if( runner->a->twist == 1 ) {
	flipped = !flipped;
    } else if( runner->b->x == runner && runner->b->y != prev) {
      next = runner->b->y;
      if( runner->b->twist == 1 ) {
	flipped = !flipped;
    } else if ( runner->b->y == runner && runner->b->x != prev ) {
      next = runner->b->x;
      if( runner->b->twist == 1 ) {
	flipped = !flipped;
    } else {
      fatal("Unable to move off edge!");

    prev = runner;
    runner = next;

  runner->have_seen = 1;
  return out;
