static void *CFTestD_ServeReport(void *config_arg) { CFTestD_Config *config = (CFTestD_Config *) config_arg; /* Set prefix for all Log()ging: */ LoggingPrivContext *prior = LoggingPrivGetContext(); LoggingPrivContext log_ctx = { .log_hook = LogAddPrefix, .param = config->address }; LoggingPrivSetContext(&log_ctx); char *priv_key_path = NULL; char *pub_key_path = NULL; if (config->key_file != NULL) { priv_key_path = config->key_file; pub_key_path = xstrdup(priv_key_path); StringReplace(pub_key_path, strlen(pub_key_path) + 1, "priv", "pub"); } LoadSecretKeys(priv_key_path, pub_key_path, &(config->priv_key), &(config->pub_key)); free(pub_key_path); char *report_file = config->report_file; if (report_file != NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "Got file argument: '%s'", report_file); if (!FileCanOpen(report_file, "r")) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Can't open file '%s' for reading", report_file); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Writer *contents = FileRead(report_file, SIZE_MAX, NULL); if (!contents) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error reading report file '%s'", report_file); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } size_t report_data_len = StringWriterLength(contents); config->report_data = StringWriterClose(contents); Seq *report = SeqNew(64, NULL); size_t report_len = 0; StringRef ts_ref = StringGetToken(config->report_data, report_data_len, 0, "\n"); char *ts = (char *); *(ts + ts_ref.len) = '\0'; SeqAppend(report, ts); /* start right after the newline after the timestamp header */ char *position = ts + ts_ref.len + 1; char *report_line; size_t report_line_len; while (CFTestD_GetReportLine(position, &report_line, &report_line_len)) { *(report_line + report_line_len) = '\0'; SeqAppend(report, report_line); report_len += report_line_len; position = report_line + report_line_len + 1; /* there's an extra newline after each report_line */ } config->report = report; config->report_len = report_len; Log(LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "Read %d bytes for report contents", config->report_len); if (config->report_len <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Report file contained no bytes"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Starting server at %s...", config->address); fflush(stdout); // for debugging startup config->ret = CFTestD_StartServer(config); free(config->report_data); /* we don't really need to do this here because the process is about the * terminate, but it's a good way the cleanup actually works and doesn't * cause a segfault or something */ ServerTLSDeInitialize(&(config->priv_key), &(config->pub_key), &(config->ssl_ctx)); LoggingPrivSetContext(prior); return NULL; } static void HandleSignal(int signum) { switch (signum) { case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: // flush all logging before process ends. fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "Terminating...\n"); TERMINATE = true; break; default: break; } } /** * @param ip_str string representation of an IPv4 address (the usual one, with * 4 octets separated by dots) * @return a new string representing the incremented IP address (HAS TO BE FREED) */ static char *IncrementIPaddress(const char *ip_str) { uint32_t ip = (uint32_t) inet_addr(ip_str); if (ip == INADDR_NONE) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Failed to parse address: '%s'", ip_str); return NULL; } int step = 1; char *last_dot = strrchr(ip_str, '.'); assert(last_dot != NULL); /* the doc comment says there must be dots! */ if (StringSafeEqual(last_dot + 1, "255")) { /* avoid the network address (ending with 0) */ step = 2; } else if (StringSafeEqual(last_dot + 1, "254")) { /* avoid the broadcast address and the network address */ step = 3; } uint32_t ip_num = ntohl(ip); ip_num += step; ip = htonl(ip_num); struct in_addr ip_struct; ip_struct.s_addr = ip; return xstrdup(inet_ntoa(ip_struct)); }
/* Prepare synthetic agent promise and lock it. */ static CfLock AcquireServerLock(EvalContext *ctx, GenericAgentConfig *config, Policy *server_policy) { Promise *pp = NULL; { Bundle *bp = PolicyAppendBundle(server_policy, NamespaceDefault(), "server_cfengine_bundle", "agent", NULL, NULL); PromiseType *tp = BundleAppendPromiseType(bp, "server_cfengine"); pp = PromiseTypeAppendPromise(tp, config->input_file, (Rval) { NULL, RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE }, NULL, NULL); } assert(pp); TransactionContext tc = { .ifelapsed = 0, .expireafter = 1, }; return AcquireLock(ctx, pp->promiser, VUQNAME, CFSTARTTIME, tc, pp, false); } /* Final preparations for running as server */ static void PrepareServer(int sd) { if (sd != -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Listening for connections on socket descriptor %d ...", sd); } if (!NO_FORK) #ifdef __MINGW32__ { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Windows does not support starting processes in the background - running in foreground"); } #else { if (fork() != 0) /* parent */ { _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } ActAsDaemon(); } #endif /* Close sd on exec, needed for not passing the socket to cf-runagent * spawned commands. */ SetCloseOnExec(sd, true); Log(LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "Server is starting..."); WritePID(""); /* Arranges for atexit() to tidy it away */ } /* Wait for connection-handler threads to finish their work. * * @return Number of live threads remaining after waiting. */ static int WaitOnThreads() { int result = 1; for (int i = 2; i > 0; i--) { if (ThreadLock(cft_server_children)) { result = ACTIVE_THREADS; ThreadUnlock(cft_server_children); } if (result == 0) { break; } Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Waiting %ds for %d connection threads to finish", i, result); sleep(1); } if (result > 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "There are %d connection threads left, exiting anyway", result); } else { assert(result == 0); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "All threads are done, cleaning up allocations"); ClearAuthAndACLs(); ServerTLSDeInitialize(); } return result; }