// static
    void CanvasGdiplus::InitializeDC(HDC context)
        // Enables world transformation.
        // If the GM_ADVANCED graphics mode is set, GDI always draws arcs in the
        // counterclockwise direction in logical space. This is equivalent to the
        // statement that, in the GM_ADVANCED graphics mode, both arc control points
        // and arcs themselves fully respect the device context's world-to-device
        // transformation.
        BOOL res = SetGraphicsMode(context, GM_ADVANCED);
        DCHECK(res != 0);

        // Enables dithering.
        res = SetStretchBltMode(context, HALFTONE);
        DCHECK(res != 0);
        // As per SetStretchBltMode() documentation, SetBrushOrgEx() must be called
        // right after.
        res = SetBrushOrgEx(context, 0, 0, NULL);
        DCHECK(res != 0);

        // Sets up default orientation.
        res = SetArcDirection(context, AD_CLOCKWISE);
        DCHECK(res != 0);

        // Sets up default colors.
        res = SetBkColor(context, RGB(255, 255, 255));
        DCHECK(res != CLR_INVALID);
        res = SetTextColor(context, RGB(0, 0, 0));
        DCHECK(res != CLR_INVALID);
        res = SetDCBrushColor(context, RGB(255, 255, 255));
        DCHECK(res != CLR_INVALID);
        res = SetDCPenColor(context, RGB(0, 0, 0));
        DCHECK(res != CLR_INVALID);

        // Sets up default transparency.
        res = SetBkMode(context, OPAQUE);
        DCHECK(res != 0);
        res = SetROP2(context, R2_COPYPEN);
        DCHECK(res != 0);
Exemple #2
/* EXPORT-> MakeXGraf: Create and open window, initialization */
void MakeXGraf(char *wname, int x, int y, int w, int h, int bw)
     /* WIN32: bw is ignored. */
   WNDCLASS WindowClass;
   char sbuf[256], *hgraf = "HGraf";
   HDC dc;
   if (winCreated)
      HError(6870, "MakeXGraf: Attempt to recreate the graphics window");
   WindowClass.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
   WindowClass.lpszClassName = hgraf;
   WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = HGWinFunc;
   WindowClass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC;
   WindowClass.hIcon = NULL;
   WindowClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW);
   WindowClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
   WindowClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
   WindowClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
   WindowClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
   strcpy(sbuf, hgraf);  strcat(sbuf, ": ");  strcat(sbuf, wname);
   theWindow = 
      CreateWindow(hgraf, sbuf, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,
                   x,y, w,h, HWND_DESKTOP, NULL,
                   WindowClass.hInstance,       NULL);
   /* adjust window size so that the client rectangle is the size requested */
   /* by the caller of MakeXGraf() --- Win32 interprets w and h as the dimensions */
   /* of the overall window. */
   /* Obtain and initialize device contexts */
   dc = GetDC(theWindow);
   memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
   SetTextAlign(memDC,TA_BASELINE | TA_LEFT);
   SetTextAlign(dc,TA_BASELINE | TA_LEFT);
   theBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc,w,h);
   CreateHeap(&btnHeap, "Button heap", MHEAP, sizeof(HButton), 1.0, 100, 100);
   winCreated = TRUE;
// simulate AngleArcTo using ArcTo
BOOL AngleArcTo(HDC hDC, int X, int Y, DWORD dwRadius, FLOAT eStartAngle, FLOAT eSweepAngle)
	const FLOAT pi = (FLOAT) 3.141592653586;

	if ( eSweepAngle >=360 )	// more than one circle is one circle
		eSweepAngle = 360;
	else if ( eSweepAngle <= -360 )
		eSweepAngle = - 360;

	FLOAT  eEndAngle   = (eStartAngle + eSweepAngle ) * pi / 180;
	       eStartAngle = eStartAngle * pi / 180;
	int dir;
	if ( eSweepAngle > 0 )
		dir = SetArcDirection(hDC, AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE);
		dir = SetArcDirection(hDC, AD_CLOCKWISE);
	BOOL rslt = ArcTo(hDC, X - dwRadius, Y - dwRadius, X + dwRadius, Y + dwRadius,
		              X + (int) (dwRadius * 10 * cos(eStartAngle)), 
					  Y - (int) (dwRadius * 10 * sin(eStartAngle)),
			          X + (int) (dwRadius * 10 * cos(eEndAngle)),   
					  Y - (int) (dwRadius * 10 * sin(eEndAngle)));

	SetArcDirection(hDC, dir);
	return rslt;
Exemple #4
BOOL nulldrv_AngleArc( PHYSDEV dev, INT x, INT y, DWORD radius, FLOAT start, FLOAT sweep )
    INT x1 = GDI_ROUND( x + cos( start * M_PI / 180 ) * radius );
    INT y1 = GDI_ROUND( y - sin( start * M_PI / 180 ) * radius );
    INT x2 = GDI_ROUND( x + cos( (start + sweep) * M_PI / 180) * radius );
    INT y2 = GDI_ROUND( y - sin( (start + sweep) * M_PI / 180) * radius );
    INT arcdir = SetArcDirection( dev->hdc, sweep >= 0 ? AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE : AD_CLOCKWISE );
    BOOL ret = ArcTo( dev->hdc, x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius, x1, y1, x2, y2 );
    SetArcDirection( dev->hdc, arcdir );
    return ret;
void Win32Window::drawCircle(int Ox, int Oy, int radius, COLORREF color, int linewidth)
    HPEN hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, linewidth, color);
    SelectObject(hDoubleBufferDC, hPen);
        Ox - radius, Oy - radius, Ox + radius, Oy + radius, 
        Ox, Oy - radius, Ox, Oy + radius);
        Ox - radius, Oy - radius, Ox + radius, Oy + radius, 
        Ox, Oy - radius, Ox, Oy + radius);
int WIN_Arc(int x0, int y0, int radius, double theta, double delta_theta)
     * Notes:
     *    Draws an arc of <radius> and center at (x0,y0) beginning at
     *    angle theta (in rad) and ending at theta + delta_theta
   tpWindowData wd;
   HPEN     OldPen;
   HPEN     NewPen;
   int   left, right, top, bottom;
   int   xs, ys, xe, ye;
   int      yb;
   int   direction;
   double   r;
   double  dx0;
   double   dy0;

   if (!currentgraph) return 0;
   wd = pWindowData(currentgraph);
   if (!wd) return 0;

   if (delta_theta < 0) {
      theta = theta + delta_theta;
      delta_theta = - delta_theta;
      direction = AD_CLOCKWISE;
   SetArcDirection( wd->hDC, direction);

   /* some geometric considerations in advance */
   yb    = wd->Area.bottom;
   left  = x0 - radius;
   right    = x0 + radius;
   top   = y0 + radius;
   bottom   = y0 - radius;

   r = radius;
   dx0 = x0;
   dy0 = y0;
   xs = (dx0 + (r * cos(theta)));
   ys = (dy0 + (r * sin(theta)));
   xe = (dx0 + (r * cos(theta + delta_theta)));
   ye = (dy0 + (r * sin(theta + delta_theta)));

   /* plot */
   NewPen = CreatePen( LType(wd->ColorIndex), linewidth, ColorTable[wd->ColorIndex] );
   OldPen = SelectObject(wd->hDC, NewPen);
   Arc( wd->hDC, left, yb-top, right, yb-bottom, xs, yb-ys, xe, yb-ye);
   OldPen = SelectObject(wd->hDC, OldPen);
   DeleteObject( NewPen);

   return 0;
Exemple #7
static void test_arcto(void)
    HDC hdc = GetDC(0);

    SetArcDirection(hdc, AD_CLOCKWISE);
    if (!ArcTo(hdc, 200, 200, 400, 300, 200, 200, 400, 300) &&
        GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
        /* ArcTo is only available on Win2k and later */
        win_skip("ArcTo is not available\n");
        goto done;
    SetArcDirection(hdc, AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE);
    ArcTo(hdc, 210, 210, 390, 290, 390, 290, 210, 210);

    ok_path(hdc, "arcto_path", arcto_path, sizeof(arcto_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), 0);
    ReleaseDC(0, hdc);
Exemple #8
PHP_METHOD(WinGdiPath, setArcDirection)
    wingdi_devicecontext_object *dc_obj;
    wingdi_path_object *path_obj;
    int arc_dir;

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l", &arc_dir) == FAILURE)

    path_obj = zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
    dc_obj = zend_object_store_get_object(path_obj->device_context TSRMLS_CC);

    RETURN_BOOL(SetArcDirection(dc_obj->hdc, arc_dir));
Exemple #9
 * DoSetArcDirection - Win32 to Win16 Metafile Converter Entry Point
BOOL WINAPI DoSetArcDirection(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT iArcDirection)
        pLocalDC->iArcDirection = iArcDirection ;

        return(SetArcDirection(pLocalDC->hdcHelper, iArcDirection) != 0);