static void RedrawThumbs(ViewportWidget w) { Widget child = w->viewport.child; Widget clip = w->viewport.clip; if (w->viewport.horiz_bar != NULL) SetBar(w->viewport.horiz_bar, -(int)XtX(child), XtWidth(clip), XtWidth(child)); if (w->viewport.vert_bar != NULL) SetBar(w->viewport.vert_bar, -(int)XtY(child), XtHeight(clip), XtHeight(child)); }
void Ide::SetMain(const String& package) { FlushFile(); SaveWorkspace(); transferfilecache.Clear(); main = package; export_dir = GetHomeDirFile(main); mainconfigname.Clear(); mainconfigparam.Clear(); ScanWorkspace(); LoadFromFile(THISBACK(SerializeWorkspace), WorkspaceFile()); editorsplit.Zoom(0); UpdateFormat(); String e = editfile; editfile.Clear(); MakeTitle(); MakeIcon(); SyncMainConfigList(); AdjustMainConfig(); SyncBuildMode(); SetHdependDirs(); SetBar(); HideBottom(); SyncUsc(); NewCodeBase(); if(IsNull(e)) e = GetFirstFile(); EditFile(e); }
void IconDes::SelectRect() { doselection = false; Select(); selectrect = true; SetBar(); }
void IconDes::SetTool(void (IconDes::*_tool)(Point p, dword flags)) { FinishPaste(); if(HasCapture()) ReleaseCapture(); tool = _tool; SetBar(); }
void Ide::BuildAndDebug(bool runto) { VectorMap<String, String> bm = GetMethodVars(method); String builder = bm.Get("BUILDER", ""); if(!Build()) return; if(!FileExists(target)) return; if(designer) EditAsText(); One<Host> host = CreateHostRunDir(); host->ChDir(Nvl(rundir, GetFileFolder(target))); HideBottom(); editor.Disable(); #ifdef COMPILER_MSC if(builder == "GCC") if(gdbSelector) debugger = Gdb_MI2Create(host, target, runarg); else debugger = GdbCreate(host, target, runarg); else debugger = PdbCreate(host, target, runarg); #else if(gdbSelector) debugger = Gdb_MI2Create(host, target, runarg); else debugger = GdbCreate(host, target, runarg); #endif if(!debugger) return; debuglock = 0; const Workspace& wspc = IdeWorkspace(); for(int i = 0; i < wspc.GetCount(); i++) { const Package& pk = wspc.GetPackage(i); String n = wspc[i]; for(int i = 0; i < pk.file.GetCount(); i++) { String file = SourcePath(n, pk.file[i]); LineInfo& ln = Filedata(file).lineinfo; for(int i = 0; i < ln.GetCount(); i++) { LineInfoRecord& lr = ln[i]; if(!lr.breakpoint.IsEmpty()) if(!debugger->SetBreakpoint(file, lr.lineno, lr.breakpoint)) { lr.breakpoint = "\xe"; if(PathIsEqual(file, editfile)) editor.SetBreakpoint(lr.lineno, "\xe"); } } } } SetBar(); editor.Enable(); if(runto) { if(!debugger->RunTo()) IdeEndDebug(); } else debugger->Run(); }
void Ide::History(int d) { int i = GetHistory(d); if(i >= 0) { histi = i; GotoBookmark(history[histi]); SetBar(); } }
void IconDes::CancelSelect() { ReleaseCapture(); doselection = false; rgbactrl.Mask(false); FinishPaste(); SetSelect(255); SetBar(); }
void Ide::CheckUpdates(bool verbose){ LLOG("CheckUpdates, verbose="<<verbose); if(verbose){ su.NeedsUpdate(true); SetBar(); }else{ su.WhenUpdateAvailable=THISBACK(SetBar); su.CheckUpdates(); } }
void IconDes::Paste(const Image& img) { FinishPaste(); if(!IsCurrent()) return; Slot& c = Current(); c.base_image = c.image; c.paste_image = img; c.pastepos = Point(0, 0); MakePaste(); SetBar(); }
void IconDes::SetColor0(RGBA color) { FinishPaste(); doselection = false; rgbactrl.Mask(false); SaveUndo(); ImageBuffer ib(Current().image); MaskFill(ib, color, 255); Refresh(); SetCurrentImage(ib); SyncShow(); SetBar(); }
void Ide::PackageCursor() { WorkspaceWork::PackageCursor(); String p = GetActivePackage(); if(p.IsEmpty()) return; String ef = ToLower(NormalizePath(editfile)); for(int i = 0; i < filelist.GetCount(); i++) if(ToLower(NormalizePath(SourcePath(p, filelist[i]))) == ef) { filelist.SetCursor(i); break; } SetBar(); }
void HelpWindow::Forward() { Pos p = GetPos(); if(forward.GetCount() && GoTo0(forward.Top().link)) { if(forward.GetCount()) { view.SetSb(forward.Top().scy); forward.Drop(); } if(!IsNull( back.Add(p); SetBar(); } }
void HelpWindow::Back() { Pos p = GetPos(); if(back.GetCount() && GoTo0(back.Top().link)) { if(back.GetCount()) { view.SetSb(back.Top().scy); back.Drop(); } if(!IsNull( forward.Add(p); SetBar(); } }
void Ide::AddHistory() { if(history.GetCount()) { if(IsHistDiff(histi)) ++histi; } else histi = 0; history.At(histi); Bookmark& b = history.Top(); b.file = editfile; b.pos = editor.GetEditPos(); SetBar(); }
void IconDes::LeftUp(Point p, dword keyflags) { if(!IsCurrent()) return; if(IsPasting() && HasCapture()) Refresh(); else if(HasCapture() && selectrect) Move(); else Current().base_image.Clear(); SetBar(); SyncShow(); }
void HelpWindow::GoTo(const String& link) { if(IsNull(link) || current_link == link) return; Pos p = GetPos(); if(GoTo0(link)) { if(!IsNull( back.Add(p); forward.Clear(); SetBar(); return; } if(link.StartsWith("www.") || link.StartsWith("http") || link.StartsWith("mailto:")) LaunchWebBrowser(link); }
void IconDes::Select() { if(!IsCurrent()) return; ReleaseCapture(); FinishPaste(); doselection = !doselection; rgbactrl.Mask(doselection); if(doselection && SelectionRect() == GetImageSize()) { SetSelect(0); rgbactrl.MaskSet(255); } Refresh(); SetBar(); }
void Ide::SetupOutputMode() { String prevmainconfig = mainconfigparam; SetupDefaultMethod(); OutMode m(*this); m.Load(); if(m.Execute() != IDOK) { mainconfigparam = prevmainconfig; return; } m.Save(); if(prevmainconfig != mainconfigparam) SetMainConfigList(); SyncBuildMode(); SetBar(); }
void Ide::SetIdeState(int newstate) { if(newstate != idestate) { if(newstate == BUILDING) build_start_time = GetSysTime(); else { if(idestate == BUILDING && !IsNull(build_start_time)) stat_build_time += int(GetSysTime() - build_start_time); build_start_time = Null; } } idestate = newstate; MakeTitle(); SetBar(); }
void IconDes::Undo() { if(!IsCurrent()) return; Slot& c = Current(); Vector<Image> undo = UnpackImlData(c.undo); if(undo.GetCount() == 0) return; Vector<Image> redo = UnpackImlData(c.redo); redo.Add(c.image); c.image = undo.Pop(); c.supersampling = sRemoveSsFlag(c.image); c.undo = PackImlData(undo); c.redo = PackImlData(redo); SyncImage(); SetBar(); }
void IconDes::SyncImage() { ReleaseCapture(); SyncShow(); if(IsCurrent()) { Slot& c = Current(); SyncShow(); c.pastepos = Null; if(c.selection.GetSize() != c.image.GetSize()) SetSelect(255); if(single_mode) info.SetLabel(Format("%d x %d", c.image.GetWidth(), c.image.GetHeight())); } selectrect = false; SetBar(); Refresh(); }
void Ide::ToggleReadOnly() { if(CanToggleReadOnly() && IsActiveFile()) { #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 FindFile ff(editfile); if(ff && ff.IsReadOnly()) { dword attrib = GetFileAttributes(editfile); attrib &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; SetFileAttributes(editfile, attrib); } #endif editor.SetEditable(editor.IsReadOnly()); ActiveFile().readonly = editor.IsReadOnly(); SavePackage(); MakeTitle(); SetBar(); } }
void Ide::CheckUpdatesManual(){ int tmp=UpdaterCfg().ignored; UpdaterCfg().ignored=0; su.ClearError(); if(su.NeedsUpdate(true)){ su.Execute(); }else{ String err=su.GetError(); if(err=="CANCEL") return; if(!err.IsEmpty()){ Exclamation("Unable to check for updates. "+err); }else{ PromptOK("No update found. You are using version "+su.GetLocal()+"."); } UpdaterCfg().ignored=tmp; } SetBar(); }
void IconDes::SaveUndo() { if(!IsCurrent()) return; Slot& c = Current(); Vector<Image> undo = UnpackImlData(c.undo); int maxn = minmax((single_mode ? 4000000 : 400000) / max(c.image.GetLength(), 1), 4, 128); while(undo.GetCount() > maxn) undo.Remove(0); if(undo.GetCount() && undo.Top() == c.image) return; sSetSsFlag(c.image, c.supersampling); undo.Add(c.image); c.undo = PackImlData(undo); c.redo.Clear(); SetBar(); undo.Clear(); sRemoveSsFlag(c.image); }
bool HelpWindow::GoTo0(const String& link) { if(IsNull(link) || current_link == link) return true; Topic t = AcquireTopic(link); SetBar(); if(!IsNull(t.text)) { label = t.label; topic =; Title(FromUtf8(t.title)); RichText txt = ParseQTF(t.text); FinishText(txt); view.Pick(pick(txt), zoom); view.GotoLabel(label, true); current_link = link; tree.FindSetCursor(topic); return true; } return false; }
void Ide::SyncBottom() { int q = btabs.GetCursor(); if(q == BCLOSE) { HideBottom(); return; } if(editor_bottom.GetZoom() >= 0) editor_bottom.NoZoom(); console.Show(q == BCONSOLE); console2.Show(q == BCONSOLE2); calc.Show(q == BCALC); if(bottomctrl) bottomctrl->Show(q == BDEBUG); calc.LoadHlStyles(editor.StoreHlStyles()); calc.SetFont(editorfont); SetBar(); if(q == BCALC) ActiveFocus(calc); }
void IconDes::Move() { if(!IsCurrent()) return; Slot& c = Current(); selectrect = false; if(IsPasting()) FinishPaste(); else { doselection = false; rgbactrl.Mask(false); rgbactrl.Hide(); Rect r = SelectionRect(); Image m = Copy(r); Delete(); SetSelect(255); c.base_image = c.image; c.paste_image = m; c.pastepos = r.TopLeft(); MakePaste(); } SetBar(); }
HelpWindow::HelpWindow() { tree_view.Horz(tree, view); tree_view.SetPos(3000); Add(tree_view.SizePos()); tree_view.Zoom(1); Sizeable().Zoomable(); Title(t_("Help")); BackPaint(); view.WhenLink = THISBACK(GoTo); AddFrame(toolbar); view.SetZoom(Zoom(1, 1)); zoom.m = 160; SetZoom(); view.Margins(Rect(12, 0, 12, 0)); SetRect(Ctrl::GetWorkArea().Deflated(80)); tree.WhenSel = THISBACK(TreeCursor); tree.NoRoot(); Icon(CtrlImg::help()); SetBar(); tree.BackPaint(); view.BackPaintHint(); }
INT SetAttr( VOID ) { INT attr, done, code; KEY k; PACKET packet; SetBar( BarNull ); wattr = WDefine( 0, 6, 32, 23, 12, W_NOSCROLL | W_NOCURSOR | W_SHADOW, BORDER2, " Attributes " ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 0, "Private <Alt-P>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 1, "Crash <Alt-C>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 2, "Received <Alt-R>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 3, "Sent <Alt-S>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 4, "File Attach <Alt-A>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 5, "Transit <Alt-J>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 6, "Orphan <Alt-O>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 7, "Kill/Sent <Alt-K>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 8, "Local <Alt-W>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 9, "Hold <Alt-H>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 10, "File Request <Alt-F>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 11, "Return Rcpt Request <Alt-M>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 12, "Return Rcpt <Alt-N>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 13, "Audit Request <Alt-Q>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 14, "File Update Request <Alt-U>" ); WPrints ( wattr, 1, 15, "Zap all attribs <Alt-Z>" ); WActive( wattr ); attr = Current -> attr; done = 0; while( !done ) { ViewAttr(); k = MGetKey( FALSE ); switch( k.key ) { case ALT_P: Current -> attr ^= PKT_PVT; break; case ALT_C: Current -> attr ^= PKT_CRA; break; case ALT_R: Current -> attr ^= PKT_RCV; break; case ALT_S: Current -> attr ^= PKT_SNT; break; case ALT_A: Current -> attr ^= PKT_ATT; break; case ALT_J: Current -> attr ^= PKT_TRS; break; case ALT_O: Current -> attr ^= PKT_ORP; break; case ALT_K: Current -> attr ^= PKT_KS; break; case ALT_W: Current -> attr ^= PKT_LOC; break; case ALT_H: Current -> attr ^= PKT_HLD; break; case ALT_F: Current -> attr ^= PKT_FRQ; break; case ALT_M: Current -> attr ^= PKT_RRQ; break; case ALT_N: Current -> attr ^= PKT_RRC; break; case ALT_Q: Current -> attr ^= PKT_ARQ; break; case ALT_U: Current -> attr ^= PKT_URQ; break; case ALT_Z: Current -> attr = 0; break; case KEY_ESC: case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_GRENTER: case KEY_F10: done = 1; break; } } WRelease( wattr ); if( k.key != KEY_ESC && attr != Current -> attr ) { PktUpdate = 1; if( mode == FILE_TYPE_PKT ) { FidoMsgGetStrSeek( PktFile, Current -> tell, SEEK_SET ); if( fread ( &packet, sizeof( packet ), 1, PktFile ) != 1 ) ShowError( "Error read file '%s'", ShowPath( netfile, 50 )); else { packet.attr = Current -> attr; FidoMsgGetStrSeek( PktFile, Current -> tell, SEEK_SET ); if( fwrite( &packet, sizeof( packet ), 1, PktFile ) != 1 ) ShowError( "Error write to file '%s'", ShowPath( netfile, 50 )); } } if( mode == FILE_TYPE_MSG ) { if(( code = OpenFile( Current -> name )) != 0 ) return( code ); if( fread( &msg, sizeof( msg ), 1, PktFile ) != 1 ) ShowError( "Error read file '%s'", ShowPath( netfile, 50 )); else { msg.attrib = Current -> attr; fseek ( PktFile, 0, SEEK_SET ); if( fwrite( &msg, sizeof( msg ), 1, PktFile ) != 1 ) ShowError( "Error write to file '%s'", ShowPath( netfile, 50 )); } CloseFile(); } } else Current -> attr = attr; ViewAttr(); return( 0 ); }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ INT ViewMsg( CHAR *file, INT renew ) { INT y = 0; KEY k; INDEXTXT *p; #ifndef _LITE_ INT code; #endif WActive ( wmain ); WActive ( wtext ); WActive ( wbar ); #ifndef _LITE_ SetBar ( BarView ); #endif if( renew ) { ViewHeader( file ); ViewPage ( maxXtext, maxYtext, 0 ); } while( 1 ) { k = MGetKey( FALSE ); switch( k.key ) { #ifndef _LITE_ case KEY_F1: ViewHelp( "PktView" ); SetBar( BarView ); break; case KEY_F5: CheckUpdatePkt( file ); CopyPkt( file ); SetBar( BarView ); break; case KEY_F6: CheckUpdatePkt( file ); code = MovePkt( file ); SetBar( BarView ); if( code ) break; if( mode == FILE_TYPE_MSG ) { ReindexPkt(); WDeactive( wmain ); WDeactive( wtext ); return( KEY_ESC ); } if( mode == FILE_TYPE_PKT ) { reload = 1; return( KEY_ESC ); } return( 0 ); case KEY_F8: case KEY_DEL: code = DelPkt( file ); SetBar( BarView ); if( code ) break; if( mode == FILE_TYPE_MSG ) { ReindexPkt(); WDeactive( wmain ); WDeactive( wtext ); return( KEY_ESC ); } if( mode == FILE_TYPE_PKT ) { reload = 1; return( KEY_ESC ); } return( 0 ); case KEY_i: case KEY_I: case ALT_I: ShowInfo( file ); SetBar( BarView ); break; case KEY_SPACE: case KEY_INS: if( pktIndex == NULL ) break; if( Current -> sel != ' ' ) { Current -> sel = ' '; selected--; } else { Current -> sel = '*'; selected++; } ViewSelected(); break; case KEY_F3: return( KEY_F3 ); case ALT_C: SetAttr(); SetBar( BarView ); break; case KEY_F9: ChangeConfig(); SetBar( BarView ); if( altx ) { WDeactive( wmain ); WDeactive( wtext ); return( KEY_ESC ); } break; case SHIFT_F9: SaveConfig( ConfFile ); break; #endif case KEY_HOME: if( y == 0 ) break; y = 0; ViewPage( maxXtext, maxYtext, y ); break; case KEY_DOWN: if( txtcount < y + maxYtext + 1 ) break; y++; WSetXY( wtext, 0, 0 ); WDelLine( wtext ); p = GetCurrentTxt( y + maxYtext - 1 ); ViewStr ( wtext, maxYtext - 1, maxXtext, p -> str, p -> color ); break; case KEY_UP: if( y == 0 ) break; y--; WSetXY( wtext, 0, 0 ); WInsLine( wtext ); p = GetCurrentTxt( y ); ViewStr ( wtext, 0, maxXtext, p -> str, p -> color ); break; case KEY_PAGEUP: if( y == 0 ) break; if( y < maxYtext - 1 ) y = 0; else y -= maxYtext - 1; ViewPage( maxXtext, maxYtext, y ); break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: if( txtcount < maxYtext ) break; if( y + 2 * maxYtext < txtcount ) y += maxYtext - 1; else y = txtcount - maxYtext; ViewPage( maxXtext, maxYtext, y ); break; case KEY_END: if( txtcount < maxYtext ) break; y = txtcount - maxYtext; ViewPage( maxXtext, maxYtext, y ); break; case KEY_LEFT: case CTRL_ENTER: case SHIFT_TAB: if( pktcount > 1 && pktNumber > 0 ) return( KEY_LEFT ); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_GRENTER: case KEY_TAB: if( pktcount > 1 && pktNumber + 1 != pktcount ) return( KEY_RIGHT ); break; case ALT_X: altx = 1; case KEY_ESC: case KEY_F10: case KEY_L: case KEY_l: case ALT_L: WDeactive( wmain ); WDeactive( wtext ); return( KEY_ESC ); } } }