AboutInfo::AboutInfo() : wxAboutDialogInfo() { SetVersion(wxT("1.0 Alpha")); SetDescription(wxT("Small utility to download youtube videos, based off of youtube-dl.")); AddDeveloper(wxT("Groza Cristian")); AddDeveloper(wxT("N3")); SetName(wxT("wx-Youtube")); SetCopyright(wxT("2011 Groza Cristian, N3")); SetLicence(wxT( " This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" " it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" " the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n" " (at your option) any later version.\n" "\n" " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n" " GNU General Public License for more details.\n" "\n" " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" " along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. \n" )); }
void dng_camera_profile::Parse (dng_stream &stream, dng_camera_profile_info &profileInfo) { SetUniqueCameraModelRestriction (profileInfo.fUniqueCameraModel.Get ()); if (profileInfo.fProfileName.NotEmpty ()) { SetName (profileInfo.fProfileName.Get ()); } SetCopyright (profileInfo.fProfileCopyright.Get ()); SetEmbedPolicy (profileInfo.fEmbedPolicy); SetCalibrationIlluminant1 (profileInfo.fCalibrationIlluminant1); SetColorMatrix1 (profileInfo.fColorMatrix1); if (profileInfo.fForwardMatrix1.NotEmpty ()) { SetForwardMatrix1 (profileInfo.fForwardMatrix1); } if (profileInfo.fReductionMatrix1.NotEmpty ()) { SetReductionMatrix1 (profileInfo.fReductionMatrix1); } if (profileInfo.fColorMatrix2.NotEmpty ()) { SetCalibrationIlluminant2 (profileInfo.fCalibrationIlluminant2); SetColorMatrix2 (profileInfo.fColorMatrix2); if (profileInfo.fForwardMatrix2.NotEmpty ()) { SetForwardMatrix2 (profileInfo.fForwardMatrix2); } if (profileInfo.fReductionMatrix2.NotEmpty ()) { SetReductionMatrix2 (profileInfo.fReductionMatrix2); } } SetProfileCalibrationSignature (profileInfo.fProfileCalibrationSignature.Get ()); if (profileInfo.fHueSatDeltas1Offset != 0 && profileInfo.fHueSatDeltas1Count != 0) { TempBigEndian setEndianness (stream, profileInfo.fBigEndian); stream.SetReadPosition (profileInfo.fHueSatDeltas1Offset); bool skipSat0 = (profileInfo.fHueSatDeltas1Count == profileInfo.fProfileHues * (profileInfo.fProfileSats - 1) * profileInfo.fProfileVals * 3); ReadHueSatMap (stream, fHueSatDeltas1, profileInfo.fProfileHues, profileInfo.fProfileSats, profileInfo.fProfileVals, skipSat0); } if (profileInfo.fHueSatDeltas2Offset != 0 && profileInfo.fHueSatDeltas2Count != 0) { TempBigEndian setEndianness (stream, profileInfo.fBigEndian); stream.SetReadPosition (profileInfo.fHueSatDeltas2Offset); bool skipSat0 = (profileInfo.fHueSatDeltas2Count == profileInfo.fProfileHues * (profileInfo.fProfileSats - 1) * profileInfo.fProfileVals * 3); ReadHueSatMap (stream, fHueSatDeltas2, profileInfo.fProfileHues, profileInfo.fProfileSats, profileInfo.fProfileVals, skipSat0); } if (profileInfo.fLookTableOffset != 0 && profileInfo.fLookTableCount != 0) { TempBigEndian setEndianness (stream, profileInfo.fBigEndian); stream.SetReadPosition (profileInfo.fLookTableOffset); bool skipSat0 = (profileInfo.fLookTableCount == profileInfo.fLookTableHues * (profileInfo.fLookTableSats - 1) * profileInfo.fLookTableVals * 3); ReadHueSatMap (stream, fLookTable, profileInfo.fLookTableHues, profileInfo.fLookTableSats, profileInfo.fLookTableVals, skipSat0); } if ((profileInfo.fToneCurveCount & 1) == 0) { TempBigEndian setEndianness (stream, profileInfo.fBigEndian); stream.SetReadPosition (profileInfo.fToneCurveOffset); uint32 points = profileInfo.fToneCurveCount / 2; fToneCurve.fCoord.resize (points); for (size_t i = 0; i < points; i++) { dng_point_real64 point; point.h = stream.Get_real32 (); point.v = stream.Get_real32 (); fToneCurve.fCoord [i] = point; } } }