Exemple #1
void DrawSmartCardCredits( OptionsRefCon *optionGlobals, short numCreds )
short			oldFont;
char			buffer[8];
StatTextDesc	*STDPtr;
xyString		*s;

	SetCurrentDevice( kScrollA );
	STDPtr = (StatTextDesc *)((optionGlobals->theDitlList)->items[kSmartCardCredits].objectData);
	oldFont = GetCurFont ();
	SetCurFont( STDPtr->font );
	SetupTextGDevice( &(optionGlobals->textRect), optionGlobals->textPatterns );
	SetFontColors( STDPtr->color0, STDPtr->color1, STDPtr->color2, STDPtr->color3 );

	if (numCreds >= 0)
		SegaNumToString( numCreds, buffer );
		DrawPaddedClippedSegaText( (STDPtr->animationData).xPos, (STDPtr->animationData).yPos, 
											6*8, kJustifyLeft, buffer );
		s = (xyString *)DBGetItem( kStringType, kNoSmartCardPresentString );
		DrawPaddedClippedSegaText( (STDPtr->animationData).xPos, (STDPtr->animationData).yPos, 
											6*8, kJustifyLeft, s->cString );
	SetCurFont ( oldFont );
Exemple #2
static long ChooseTauntSetup( ScreenParams *params )
ChooseTauntGlobals	*choose;
KeyboardEntryLayout *keyLayout;
segaCharRect		tbRect;
Point				boxLocation;
Rect				boxRect;


	choose = (ChooseTauntGlobals *)NewMemory( kTemp, sizeof(ChooseTauntGlobals) );
	EraseGDevice ( kScrollA );
	SetBackdropID ( kBlackBackground, true, 0 );

	GetScreenLayoutPoint( kChooseTauntScreen, kTauntEntryBoxLocation, &boxLocation );
	choose->typingBox = DrawDBGraphicAt( 0, kTauntEntryField, boxLocation.h>>3, 
		boxLocation.v>>3, kScrollB );

	SetCurrentDevice( kScrollA );
	SetCurFont( kXBandHeavy );
	SetFontColors( 0, 11, 10, 0 );
	choose->titlePatterns = DrawScreenLayoutString( kChooseTauntScreen, kTauntHeadlineString );

	SetCurFont( kXBandLight9Font );
	SetFontColors( 0, 9, 8, 0 );
	choose->descriptionPatterns = BoxScreenLayoutString( kChooseTauntScreen, kTauntDescriptionString,
		kTauntDescriptionRect, kJustLeft );	

	GetScreenLayoutCharRect( kChooseTauntScreen, kTauntJizzleRect, &tbRect );
	choose->tbRef = DrawTextBox( &tbRect, kGreenColor, kScrollA );
	StartTextBoxAnimation( choose->tbRef, 10 );
	keyLayout = SetupKeyboardEntryLayout( kChooseTauntKeyboardEntry );
	choose->keyRef = InitKeyboardEntry( keyLayout, 0 );
	choose->keyLayout = keyLayout;
	SetKeyboardEntryMeasureProc( choose->keyRef, TauntMeasureProc );
	/* Place the existing taunt in the entry field */
		char *existingTaunt;
		existingTaunt = (char *)GetPersonificationPart( GetCurrentLocalUser()->userID, kPersonificationTauntText );
		StuffCurrentKeyboardField( choose->keyRef, existingTaunt );

	return (long) choose;
BOOL COptionTreeItemFont::CreateFontItem(LOGFONT lfFont, COLORREF crFontColor, LOGFONT lfDefaultFont, COLORREF crDefaultFontColor, DWORD dwOptions)
	// Make sure options is not NULL
	if (m_otOption == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	// Save options
	m_dwOptions = dwOptions;

	// Set font

	// Set default font

	// Set color

	// Set default font color

	// Get default height
	m_lDefaultHeight = GetHeight();

	return TRUE;
BOOL COptionTreeItemFont::CreateFontItem(CHARFORMAT cfFont, COLORREF crFontColor, DWORD dwOptions)
	// Declare variables
	LOGFONT lfFont;

	// Make sure options is not NULL
	if (m_otOption == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	// Save options
	m_dwOptions = dwOptions;

	// Set font
	ConvertFont(lfFont, cfFont);

	// Set color

	// Get default height
	m_lDefaultHeight = GetHeight();

	return TRUE;
Exemple #5
static void _AddPWChar( ChoosePasswordGlobals* choose, long command )
short			tempX;
char			dotText[10];
short			index;
	// if it's "A" "B" or "C", add it to the string
	if (( command & kAllLetters) && !( command & ~kAllLetters) )	{
		PlayDBFX( kPasswordEntrySnd, 0, 0 );

		if (choose->newPWFill >= kMaxPWLength)	{
		choose->newPW[choose->newPWFill++] = command;			// record a stroke
		tempX = choose->txX;
		for (index=0; index<choose->newPWFill; ++index)
			dotText[index] = kDotText;
		dotText[choose->newPWFill] = 0;

		SetFontColors( kDotColor0, kDotColor1, kDotColor2, kDotColor3 );
		DrawSegaString( &tempX, &choose->txY, dotText );
Exemple #6
static long ChoosePasswordSetup( ScreenParams *params )
ChoosePasswordGlobals	*choose;
Point					boxLocation;
segaCharRect			tbRect;

	choose = (ChoosePasswordGlobals *)NewMemory( kTemp, sizeof(ChoosePasswordGlobals));
	choose->addPWChar					= (ChoosePasswordProc) _AddPWChar;
	choose->doubleCheckAndSetPassword	= (ChoosePasswordProc) _DoubleCheckAndSetPassword;
	choose->resetEnteredPassword		= (ChoosePasswordProc) _ResetEnteredPassword;
	choose->setupPWChar					= (ChoosePasswordProc) _SetupPWChar;
	choose->charSprite = 0;		// zero allocations
	choose->textState = 0;
	EraseGDevice ( kScrollA );
	SetBackdropID ( kBlackBackground, true, 0 );
	SetCurrentDevice( kScrollA );
	GetScreenLayoutPoint( kChoosePasswordScreen, kLayoutBoxPoint, &boxLocation );
	choose->boxGraphic = DrawDBGraphicAt( 0, kPasswordBox, boxLocation.h>>3, 
		boxLocation.v>>3, kScrollA );

	SetCurrentDevice( kScrollA );
	SetCurFont( kXBandHeavy );
	SetFontColors( 0, 11, 10, 0 );
	choose->titlePatterns = DrawScreenLayoutString( kChoosePasswordScreen, kLayoutTitleString );

	SetCurFont( kXBandLight9Font );
	SetFontColors( 0, 9, 8, 0 );
	choose->descriptionPatterns = BoxScreenLayoutString( kChoosePasswordScreen, kLayoutDescriptionString,
		kLayoutDescriptionRect, kJustLeft );	

	SetFontColors( 0, kDarkPurpleColor, kPurpleColor, 0 );
	choose->donePatterns = DrawScreenLayoutString( kChoosePasswordScreen, kLayoutDoneString );

	GetScreenLayoutCharRect( kChoosePasswordScreen, kLayoutJizzleRect, &tbRect );
	choose->jizzleRef = DrawTextBox( &tbRect, kGreenColor, kScrollA );
	StartTextBoxAnimation( choose->jizzleRef, 10 );
	SetupPWChar( choose );

	return (long) choose;
Exemple #7
static long ShowDescriptionString( XSetupGlobals *setup, DBID stringID )
	char *string = GetSegaString( stringID );
	if (string)
		SetupTextGDevice( &setup->descriptionRect, setup->descriptionPatterns );
		SetCurFont( kXBandBold10Font );
		SetFontColors( 0, kDarkGreenColor, kGreenColor, 0 );
		DrawPaddedClippedSegaText( 0, 0, kPadWidth, kJustCenter, string );
Exemple #8
long XSetupSetup( ScreenParams *params )
XSetupGlobals	*setup;
Point 			*xPosition;
segaCharRect	jizzleRect;
char			*phoneString;
phoneNumber		*local1, *local2;

	setup = (XSetupGlobals *)NewMemory( kTemp, sizeof(XSetupGlobals) );
	EraseGDevice ( kScrollA );
	SetBackdropID ( kBlackBackground, true, 0 );
	SetCurrentDevice( kScrollA );

	SetCurFont( kXBandHeavy );
	SetFontColors( 0, kDarkYellowColor, kYellowColor, 0 );
	setup->titlePatterns = DrawScreenLayoutString( kXBandSetupScreen, kSetupTitleString );
	setup->bgGraphic = DrawDBGraphicAt( 0, kSettingsIcon, 29, 2, kScrollA );
	setup->lineGraphic = DrawDBGraphicAt( 0, kGrayHorizontalLine, 5, 18, kScrollA );
	GetScreenLayoutCharRect( kXBandSetupScreen, 0, &jizzleRect );
	setup->jizzle = DrawTextBox( &jizzleRect, 8, kScrollA );
	StartTextBoxAnimation( setup->jizzle, 10 );

	GetScreenLayoutCharRect( kXBandSetupScreen, kSetupDescriptionRect, &setup->descriptionRect );
	setup->descriptionPatterns = LinearizeScreenArea( &setup->descriptionRect, 0 );

// Accept Challenges:
	setup->radioRefs[kAcceptChallengesButton] = SetupRadioButton( kAcceptChallengesButton+1, phoneString );
	RadioButtonSetSelection(setup->radioRefs[kAcceptChallengesButton], GetAcceptChallengesOption( GetCurUserID() ) );
	DrawRadioButton( setup->radioRefs[kAcceptChallengesButton] );

// Call Waiting:
	setup->radioRefs[kCallWaitingButton] = SetupRadioButton( kCallWaitingButton+1, nil );
	RadioButtonSetSelection(setup->radioRefs[kCallWaitingButton], GetCallWaitingOption( GetCurUserID() ) );

// Calling From:
	phoneString = (char *) GetBoxPhoneNumber()->phoneNumber;
	GetLocalAccessPhoneNumber(&local1, &local2);
	if ( local1->phoneNumber[0] == 0 )
		phoneString = GetSegaString(kBoxPhoneNumber);
		setup->newPhoneNumber = true;
		setup->newPhoneNumber = false;
	setup->radioRefs[kIMovedButton] = SetupRadioButton( kIMovedButton+1, phoneString );
								setup->newPhoneNumber || GetIMovedOption() );
	DrawRadioButton( setup->radioRefs[kIMovedButton] );

// Keyboard Type:
	setup->radioRefs[kKeyboardButton] = SetupRadioButton( kKeyboardButton+1, nil );
	RadioButtonSetSelection(setup->radioRefs[kKeyboardButton], GetQwertyKeyboardOption( GetCurUserID() ) );
	DrawRadioButton( setup->radioRefs[kKeyboardButton] );

// Set active button
	setup->activeButton = kAcceptChallengesButton;

// Set up the DITL
	setup->theDitlList = SetupDITLItemList( kXBandSetupScreen );	
	setup->myControlTable = SetupControlTable( kXBandSetupScreen );
	NewDITL( setup->myControlTable, setup->theDitlList );

// Invalidate the description text
	setup->descriptionInvalid = true;
	return (long) setup;
Exemple #9
void RenderDITLTextButton( DITLItem *theItem )
short			pixelWidth;
short			clipWidth;
short			xCenter;
short			xLeft;
short			xCharOffset;
short			yCharOffset;
TextButtonDesc	*theTextButt;
segaCharRect	textRect;
short			cellWidth;
short			oldFont;
TextButtGraphicsPriv *	state;
AnimationRef	animation;
short			height;
short			adjheight;
char			*frameSequence;

	state = (TextButtGraphicsPriv *) theItem->refCon;
	if ( !state )
// Draw the bitmap
	theTextButt = (TextButtonDesc *)theItem->objectData;

	if( theTextButt->animationData.bitmap == 0 )
	state->buttonID = theTextButt->buttonID;
	state->currentFrame = 0;
	state->x = theTextButt->animationData.xPos/8;
	state->y = theTextButt->animationData.yPos/8;
	frameSequence = DBGetItem( kButtonSequenceType, theTextButt->buttonID );
	if (frameSequence)
		state->frameCount = *(short *)frameSequence;
		state->frameSequence = frameSequence+sizeof(short);
		state->frameSequence = nil;
	state->fxSequence = DBGetItem( kButtonSequenceFXType, theTextButt->buttonID );
	SetCurrentDevice( kScrollA );
	state->buttReference = DrawGraphic( theTextButt->animationData.bitmap, theTextButt->animationData.xPos/8, theTextButt->animationData.yPos/8, 0, 0, 0 );
// Figure out how to draw the text using the info in the refCon
	clipWidth = theTextButt->pixelWidth;

	state->textSprite = 0;
	if( theTextButt->myCString[0] != 0 )

		oldFont = GetCurFont ();
		SetCurFont ( ((TextButtonDesc *) theItem->objectData)->font );

		pixelWidth = MeasureSegaText( theTextButt->myCString );

		if ( theTextButt->textXCenter == 0 )
			xLeft = theTextButt->animationData.bitmap->width << 2;
			xLeft = theTextButt->textXCenter;
		xLeft += theItem->xPos;
		xLeft -= (pixelWidth >> 1);

		cellWidth = ( (pixelWidth+7) + (xLeft & 7) ) >> 3;
		cellWidth = (cellWidth+3) & ~3;

		textRect.left = xLeft>>3;
		textRect.right = textRect.left + cellWidth;
		if ( theTextButt->textYTop == 0 )
			textRect.top = theTextButt->animationData.bitmap->height;
			textRect.top = ( theTextButt->textYTop + 4 ) >> 3;
		textRect.top += (theItem->yPos >> 3);
		height = GetCurFontHeight();
		adjheight = height >> 3;
		if ( (adjheight << 3) < height )
		textRect.bottom = textRect.top + adjheight;
		SetCurrentDevice( kScrollA );
		state->textSprite = CreateTextSprite( &textRect, 0 );
		if (state->textSprite)
			SetFontColors( theTextButt->color0, theTextButt->color1, theTextButt->color2, theTextButt->color3 );
			DrawClippedSegaText( 0, 0, clipWidth, theTextButt->myCString );
			MoveSprite( state->textSprite, xLeft+128, (textRect.top<<3) + 128);
			DrawSprite( state->textSprite );
		SetCurFont ( oldFont );