/* * ValidateCurrentLine - make sure current line is valid */ vi_rc ValidateCurrentLine( void ) { vi_rc rc; if( CurrentPos.line < 1 ) { return( SetCurrentLine( 1 ) ); } if( CurrentPos.line > CurrentFile->fcbs.tail->end_line ) { rc = CFindLastLine( &CurrentPos.line ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { return( rc ); } } return( SetCurrentLine( CurrentPos.line ) ); } /* ValidateCurrentLine */
void CMLineIndexTable::Receive ( JBroadcaster* sender, const Message& message ) { if (sender == itsText && (message.Is(JTextEditor::kTextChanged) || message.Is(JTextEditor::kTextSet))) { AdjustToText(); } else if (sender == itsVScrollbar && message.Is(JXScrollbar::kScrolled)) { const JXScrollbar::Scrolled* info = dynamic_cast<const JXScrollbar::Scrolled*>(&message); assert( info != NULL ); ScrollTo(0, info->GetValue()); } else if (sender == itsLink && (message.Is(CMLink::kDebuggerStarted) || message.Is(CMLink::kSymbolsLoaded) || message.Is(CMLink::kAttachedToProcess) || message.Is(CMLink::kDetachedFromProcess) || message.Is(CMLink::kProgramRunning) || message.Is(CMLink::kProgramFinished))) { if (!itsLink->HasCore()) { SetCurrentLine(0); } } else if (sender == itsLink->GetBreakpointManager() && message.Is(CMBreakpointManager::kBreakpointsChanged)) { UpdateBreakpoints(); } else if (sender == itsLineMenu && message.Is(JXMenu::kNeedsUpdate)) { UpdateLineMenu(); } else if (sender == itsLineMenu && message.Is(JXMenu::kItemSelected)) { const JXMenu::ItemSelected* selection = dynamic_cast<const JXMenu::ItemSelected*>(&message); assert( selection != NULL ); HandleLineMenu(selection->GetIndex()); } else { JXTable::Receive(sender, message); } }
/* * FancyGotoLine - goto line through dialog box */ vi_rc FancyGotoLine( void ) { #ifdef __WIN__ linenum newline; if( GetLineDialog( &newline ) ) { SetCurrentLine( newline ); NewCursor( CurrentWindow, EditVars.NormalCursorType ); } #endif return( ERR_NO_ERR ); } /* FancyGotoLine */
static void ensureCursorDisplayed( void ) { int len, wc, diff; if( EditFlags.Modeless && ( CurrentFile != NULL ) ) { len = WindowAuxInfo( CurrentWindow, WIND_INFO_TEXT_LINES ); if( CurrentPos.line < LeftTopPos.line || CurrentPos.line > LeftTopPos.line + len - 1 ) { SetCurrentLine( CurrentPos.line ); } wc = VirtualColumnOnCurrentLine( CurrentPos.column ) - LeftTopPos.column; if( !ColumnInWindow( wc, &diff ) ) { SetCurrentColumn( CurrentPos.column ); } } }
/* * Substitute - perform substitution */ vi_rc Substitute( linenum n1, linenum n2, char *data ) { char *sstr, *rstr, *newr; char flag[20], *linedata; bool iflag = false; bool gflag = false; bool undoflag = false; bool restline = false; bool splitpending = false; bool undoline = false; int i, rlen, slen; bool splitme; long changecnt = 0, linecnt = 0; linenum llineno, ll, lastline = 0, extra; i_mark pos; vi_rc rc; LastSubstituteCancelled = 0; LastChangeCount = 0; LastLineCount = 0; sstr = alloca( MAX_INPUT_LINE ); if( sstr == NULL ) { return( ERR_NO_STACK ); } strcpy( sstr, data ); rc = ModificationTest(); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { return( rc ); } strcpy( data, sstr ); rstr = alloca( MAX_INPUT_LINE ); if( rstr == NULL ) { return( ERR_NO_STACK ); } if( NextWordSlash( data, sstr ) < 0 ) { return( ERR_INVALID_SUBS_CMD ); } if( NextWordSlash( data, rstr ) < 0 ) { return( ERR_INVALID_SUBS_CMD ); } slen = NextWord1( data, flag ); for( i = 0; i < slen; i++ ) { switch( flag[i] ) { case 'g': gflag = true; break; case 'i': case 'c': iflag = true; break; } } rc = CurrentRegComp( sstr ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { return( rc ); } /* * verify last line */ if( n2 > CurrentFile->fcbs.tail->end_line ) { rc = CFindLastLine( &ll ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { return( rc ); } if( n2 > ll ) { return( ERR_INVALID_LINE_RANGE ); } } /* * set for start of search */ if( EditFlags.Verbose && EditFlags.EchoOn ) { ClearWindow( MessageWindow ); } SaveCurrentFilePos(); llineno = n1 - 1; EditFlags.AllowRegSubNewline = true; newr = StaticAlloc(); for( pos.column = 0, pos.line = n1; pos.line <= n2; nextSearchStartPos( &pos, gflag, rlen ) ) { /* * get regular expression, and build replacement string */ rc = FindRegularExpression( NULL, &pos, &linedata, n2, 0 ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR || pos.line > n2 ) { break; } slen = GetCurrRegExpLength(); splitme = RegSub( CurrentRegularExpression, rstr, newr, pos.line ); rlen = strlen( newr ); ProcessingMessage( pos.line ); /* * if in global mode, see if we already have an undo for * this line */ if( gflag ) { if( lastline != pos.line ) { undoline = false; } } /* * interactive mode? yes, then display text and ask to change */ if( iflag ) { change_resp rsp; if( !restline ) { ClearWindow( MessageWindow ); } restline = true; GoToLineNoRelCurs( pos.line ); if( EditFlags.GlobalInProgress ) { EditFlags.DisplayHold = false; DCDisplayAllLines(); EditFlags.DisplayHold = true; } HilightSearchString( &pos, slen ); rsp = ChangePrompt(); if( rsp == CHANGE_NO ) { ResetDisplayLine(); rlen = 1; continue; } else if( rsp == CHANGE_CANCEL ) { ResetDisplayLine(); LastSubstituteCancelled = 1; break; } else if( rsp == CHANGE_ALL ) { ResetDisplayLine(); iflag = false; } } /* * set up for global undo if we haven't already */ if( !undoflag ) { StartUndoGroup( UndoStack ); undoflag = true; } /* * bump change counts */ changecnt++; if( llineno != pos.line ) { if( splitpending ) { splitpending = false; extra = SplitUpLine( llineno ); n2 += extra; pos.line += extra; } linecnt++; llineno = pos.line; } /* * get copy of line, and verify that new stuff fits */ CurrentPos.line = pos.line; rc = CGimmeLinePtr( pos.line, &CurrentFcb, &CurrentLine ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { break; } if( CurrentLine->len + rlen - slen >= EditVars.MaxLine ) { rc = ERR_LINE_FULL; break; } /* * now build the individual undo */ CurrentFcb->non_swappable = true; if( !undoline ) { CurrentLineReplaceUndoStart(); CurrentLineReplaceUndoEnd( true ); if( gflag ) { undoline = true; lastline = pos.line; } } /* * remove the old string */ GetCurrentLine(); WorkLine->len = ReplaceSubString( WorkLine->data, WorkLine->len, pos.column, pos.column + slen - 1, newr, rlen ); if( iflag ) { DisplayWorkLine( true ); } ReplaceCurrentLine(); /* * if not global, only do this change on this line */ if( splitme ) { splitpending = true; } CurrentFcb->non_swappable = false; } StaticFree( newr ); EditFlags.AllowRegSubNewline = false; /* * is there still a split line pending? */ if( splitpending ) { SplitUpLine( llineno ); } RestoreCurrentFilePos(); if( restline ) { SetCurrentLine( CurrentPos.line ); GoToColumnOK( CurrentPos.column ); } if( undoflag ) { EndUndoGroup( UndoStack ); } switch( rc ) { case ERR_NO_ERR: case ERR_LINE_FULL: case ERR_FIND_PAST_TERM_LINE: case ERR_FIND_NOT_FOUND: case ERR_FIND_END_OF_FILE: /* * display results */ if( rc == ERR_LINE_FULL ) { Message1( "Stopped at line %l - line full", pos.line ); } else { Message1( "%l changes on %l lines", changecnt, linecnt ); LastLineCount = linecnt; LastChangeCount = changecnt; } DCDisplayAllLines(); rc = ERR_NO_ERR; break; default: break; } return( rc ); } /* Substitute */
/* * doInitializeEditor - do just that */ static void doInitializeEditor( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i, arg, cnt, ocnt, startcnt = 0; srcline sline; int k, j; char tmp[FILENAME_MAX], c[1]; char buff[MAX_STR], file[MAX_STR], **list; char cmd[MAX_STR * 2]; char *parm; char *startup[MAX_STARTUP]; char *startup_parms[MAX_STARTUP]; vi_rc rc; vi_rc rc1; /* * Make sure WATCOM is setup and if it is not, make a best guess. */ watcom_setup_env(); /* * If EDPATH is not set, use system default %WATCOM%\EDDAT. */ if( getenv( "EDPATH" ) == NULL ) { char *watcom; watcom = getenv( "WATCOM" ); if( watcom != NULL ) { char edpath[FILENAME_MAX]; sprintf( edpath, "%s%c%s", watcom, FILE_SEP, "eddat" ); if( setenv( "EDPATH", edpath, 0 ) != 0 ) { /* * Bail out silently on error, as we will get error message later on. */ } } } /* * misc. set up */ MaxMemFree = MemSize(); StaticStart(); FTSInit(); BoundDataInit(); EditFlags.Starting = true; InitCommandLine(); ChkExtendedKbd(); SSInitBeforeConfig(); GetCWD1( &HomeDirectory ); GetCWD1( &CurrentDirectory ); SetCWD( HomeDirectory ); if( cfgFN == NULL ){ cfgFN = DupString( CFG_NAME ); } checkFlags( &argc, argv, startup, startup_parms, &startcnt ); ScreenInit(); SetWindowSizes(); EditFlags.ClockActive = false; SetInterrupts(); #ifdef __WIN__ InitClrPick(); InitFtPick(); SubclassGenericInit(); CursorOp( COP_INIT ); #else InitColors(); #endif InitSavebufs(); InitKeyMaps(); /* * initial configuration */ EditVars.Majick = MemStrDup( "()~@" ); EditVars.FileEndString = MemStrDup( "[END_OF_FILE]" ); MatchInit(); SetGadgetString( NULL ); WorkLine = MemAlloc( sizeof( line ) + EditVars.MaxLine + 2 ); WorkLine->len = -1; sline = 0; if( cfgFN[0] != 0 ) { c[0] = 0; rc = Source( cfgFN, c, &sline ); if( rc == ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { #ifdef __WIN__ CloseStartupDialog(); MessageBox( (HWND)NULLHANDLE, "Could not locate configuration information; please make sure your EDPATH environment variable is set correctly", EditorName, MB_OK ); ExitEditor( -1 ); #else rc = ERR_NO_ERR; #endif } } else { rc = ERR_NO_ERR; } if( wantNoReadEntireFile ) { EditFlags.ReadEntireFile = false; } VerifyTmpDir(); while( LostFileCheck() ); HookScriptCheck(); if( EditFlags.Quiet ) { EditFlags.Spinning = false; EditFlags.Clock = false; } ExtendedMemoryInit(); /* * more misc. setup */ if( EditVars.WordDefn == NULL ) { EditVars.WordDefn = DupString( &WordDefnDefault[6] ); InitWordSearch( EditVars.WordDefn ); } if( EditVars.WordAltDefn == NULL ) { EditVars.WordAltDefn = DupString( WordDefnDefault ); } if( EditVars.TagFileName == NULL ) { EditVars.TagFileName = DupString( "tags" ); } DotBuffer = MemAlloc( (maxdotbuffer + 2) * sizeof( vi_key ) ); AltDotBuffer = MemAlloc( (maxdotbuffer + 2) * sizeof( vi_key ) ); DotCmd = MemAlloc( (maxdotbuffer + 2) * sizeof( vi_key ) ); SwapBlockInit( EditVars.MaxSwapBlocks ); ReadBuffer = MemAlloc( MAX_IO_BUFFER + 6 ); WriteBuffer = MemAlloc( MAX_IO_BUFFER + 6 ); FindHistInit( EditVars.FindHist.max ); FilterHistInit( EditVars.FilterHist.max ); CLHistInit( EditVars.CLHist.max ); LastFilesHistInit( EditVars.LastFilesHist.max ); GetClockStart(); GetSpinStart(); SelRgnInit(); SSInitAfterConfig(); #if defined( VI_RCS ) ViRCSInit(); #endif /* * create windows */ StartWindows(); InitMouse(); rc1 = NewMessageWindow(); if( rc1 != ERR_NO_ERR ) { FatalError( rc1 ); } DoVersion(); rc1 = InitMenu(); if( rc1 != ERR_NO_ERR ) { FatalError( rc1 ); } EditFlags.SpinningOurWheels = true; EditFlags.ClockActive = true; EditFlags.DisplayHold = true; rc1 = NewStatusWindow(); if( rc1 != ERR_NO_ERR ) { FatalError( rc1 ); } EditFlags.DisplayHold = false; MaxMemFreeAfterInit = MemSize(); /* * look for a tag: if there is one, set it up as the file to start */ EditFlags.WatchForBreak = true; if( cTag != NULL && !EditFlags.NoInitialFileLoad ) { #if defined( __NT__ ) && !defined( __WIN__ ) { if( !EditFlags.Quiet ) { SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( OutputHandle ); } } #endif rc1 = LocateTag( cTag, file, buff ); cFN = file; if( rc1 != ERR_NO_ERR ) { if( rc1 == ERR_TAG_NOT_FOUND ) { Error( GetErrorMsg( rc1 ), cTag ); ExitEditor( 0 ); } FatalError( rc1 ); } } /* * start specified file(s) */ cmd[0] = 'e'; cmd[1] = 0; arg = argc - 1; k = 1; while( !EditFlags.NoInitialFileLoad ) { if( cFN == nullFN && !EditFlags.UseNoName ) { break; } #ifdef __NT__ { int k2; int arg2; char path[_MAX_PATH]; int found; int fd; size_t len; size_t len1; char *p; /* * check for the existence of a file name containing spaces, and open it if * there is one */ len = _MAX_PATH - 1; found = 0; p = path; arg2 = arg; for( k2 = k; argv[k2] != NULL; ) { len1 = strlen( argv[k2] ); if( len1 > len ) break; memcpy( p, argv[k2], len1 ); p += len1; *p = '\0'; len -= len1; --arg2; ++k2; fd = open( path, O_RDONLY ); if( fd != -1 ) { close( fd ); k = k2; arg = arg2; found = 1; break; } *p++ = ' '; } if( found ) { #ifndef __UNIX__ len1 = strlen( path ); if( path[len1 - 1] == '.' ) path[len1 - 1] = '\0'; #endif rc1 = NewFile( path, false ); if( rc1 != ERR_NO_ERR ) { FatalError( rc1 ); } cFN = argv[k]; if( arg < 1 ) { break; } continue; } } #endif strcat( cmd, SingleBlank ); strcat( cmd, cFN ); ocnt = cnt = ExpandFileNames( cFN, &list ); if( cnt == 0 ) { cnt = 1; } else { cFN = list[0]; } for( j = 0; j < cnt; j++ ) { rc1 = NewFile( cFN, false ); if( rc1 != ERR_NO_ERR && rc1 != NEW_FILE ) { FatalError( rc1 ); } if( EditFlags.BreakPressed ) { break; } if( cnt > 0 && j < cnt - 1 ) { cFN = list[j + 1]; } } if( ocnt > 0 ) { MemFreeList( ocnt, list ); } if( EditFlags.BreakPressed ) { ClearBreak(); break; } k++; arg--; if( cTag != NULL || arg < 1 ) { break; } cFN = argv[k]; } if( EditFlags.StdIOMode ) { rc1 = NewFile( "stdio", false ); if( rc1 != ERR_NO_ERR ) { FatalError( rc1 ); } } EditFlags.WatchForBreak = false; EditFlags.Starting = false; /* * if there was a tag, do the appropriate search */ if( cTag != NULL && !EditFlags.NoInitialFileLoad ) { if( buff[0] != '/' ) { i = atoi( buff ); rc1 = GoToLineNoRelCurs( i ); } else { rc1 = FindTag( buff ); } if( rc1 > 0 ) { Error( GetErrorMsg( rc1 ) ); } } /* * try to run startup file */ if( EditFlags.RecoverLostFiles ) { startcnt = 0; } for( i = 0; i < startcnt; i++ ) { GetFromEnv( startup[i], tmp ); ReplaceString( &cfgFN, tmp ); if( cfgFN[0] != 0 ) { if( startup_parms[i] != NULL ) { parm = startup_parms[i]; } else { c[0] = 0; parm = c; } #if defined( __NT__ ) && !defined( __WIN__ ) { if( !EditFlags.Quiet ) { SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( OutputHandle ); } } #endif sline = 0; rc = Source( cfgFN, parm, &sline ); } } if( rc > ERR_NO_ERR ) { Error( "%s on line %u of \"%s\"", GetErrorMsg( rc ), sline, cfgFN ); } if( argc == 1 ) { LoadHistory( NULL ); } else { LoadHistory( cmd ); } if( EditVars.GrepDefault == NULL ) { EditVars.GrepDefault = DupString( "*.(c|h)" ); } if( goCmd[0] != 0 ) { KeyAddString( goCmd ); } if( keysToPush != NULL ) { KeyAddString( keysToPush ); } #ifdef __WIN__ if( lineToGoTo != 0 ) { SetCurrentLine( lineToGoTo ); NewCursor( CurrentWindow, EditVars.NormalCursorType ); } #endif AutoSaveInit(); HalfPageLines = WindowAuxInfo( CurrentWindow, WIND_INFO_TEXT_LINES ) / 2 - 1; #if defined( _M_X64 ) VarAddGlobalStr( "OSX64", "1" ); #elif defined( _M_IX86 ) && !defined( _M_I86 ) VarAddGlobalStr( "OS386", "1" ); #endif if( EditVars.StatusString == NULL ) { EditVars.StatusString = DupString( "L:$6L$nC:$6C" ); } UpdateStatusWindow(); #ifdef __WIN__ if( CurrentInfo == NULL ) { // no file loaded - screen is disconcertenly empty - reassure DisplayFileStatus(); } #endif NewCursor( CurrentWindow, EditVars.NormalCursorType ); #if defined( __NT__ ) && !defined( __WIN__ ) { SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( OutputHandle ); } #endif } /* doInitializeEditor */
/* * Global - perform global command */ vi_rc Global( linenum n1, linenum n2, const char *data, int dmt ) { char *sstr, *linedata; bool match; vi_rc rc; vi_rc rc1; long changecnt = 0; linenum ll; fcb *cfcb; line *cline; regexp crx; i_mark pos; /* * get search string and command */ rc = ModificationTest(); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { return( rc ); } sstr = alloca( MAX_INPUT_LINE ); if( sstr == NULL ) { return( ERR_NO_STACK ); } data = SkipLeadingSpaces( data ); data = GetNextWord( data, sstr, SingleSlash ); if( *sstr == '\0' ) { return( ERR_INVALID_GLOBAL_CMD ); } if( *data == '/' ) ++data; // skip one slash character data = SkipLeadingSpaces( data ); /* * verify last line */ if( n2 > CurrentFile->fcbs.tail->end_line ) { rc = CFindLastLine( &ll ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { return( rc ); } if( n2 > ll ) { return( ERR_INVALID_LINE_RANGE ); } } /* * set for start of search */ if( EditFlags.Verbose && EditFlags.EchoOn ) { ClearWindow( MessageWindow ); } rc = CurrentRegComp( sstr ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { return( rc ); } SaveCurrentFilePos(); StartUndoGroup( UndoStack ); EditFlags.DisplayHold = true; /* * pass one - find all matches */ for( pos.line = n1; pos.line <= n2; pos.line++ ) { /* * go thorugh file, marking global lines */ pos.column = 0; rc = FindRegularExpression( NULL, &pos, &linedata, n2, 0 ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { if( rc == ERR_FIND_PAST_TERM_LINE || rc == ERR_FIND_NOT_FOUND || rc == ERR_FIND_END_OF_FILE ) { break; } RestoreCurrentFilePos(); EditFlags.DisplayHold = false; return( rc ); } if( pos.line > n2 ) { break; } /* * go to appropriate spot in file */ rc = GoToLineNoRelCurs( pos.line ); if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { RestoreCurrentFilePos(); EditFlags.DisplayHold = false; return( rc ); } /* * mark fcb and line for a match */ CurrentFcb->globalmatch = true; CurrentLine->u.ld.globmatch = true; if( EditFlags.Verbose && EditFlags.EchoOn ) { // WPrintfLine( MessageWindow,1,"Match on line %l",clineno ); Message1( "Match on line %l", pos.line ); } } /* * negate range, if needed */ if( dmt ) { /* * run through each line, flipping globmatch flag on lines */ CGimmeLinePtr( n1, &CurrentFcb, &CurrentLine ); match = false; for( CurrentPos.line = n1; CurrentPos.line <= n2; CurrentPos.line++ ) { if( CurrentLine->u.ld.globmatch ) { CurrentLine->u.ld.globmatch = false; } else { match = true; CurrentLine->u.ld.globmatch = true; } CurrentLine = CurrentLine->next; if( CurrentLine == NULL ) { CurrentFcb->globalmatch = match; CurrentFcb = CurrentFcb->next; FetchFcb( CurrentFcb ); CurrentLine = CurrentFcb->lines.head; match = false; } } } /* * Pass 2: do all changes */ rc = ERR_NO_ERR; EditFlags.GlobalInProgress = true; memcpy( &crx, CurrentRegularExpression, sizeof( crx ) ); for( CurrentFcb = CurrentFile->fcbs.head; CurrentFcb != NULL; CurrentFcb = CurrentFcb->next ) { if( !CurrentFcb->globalmatch ) continue; FetchFcb( CurrentFcb ); CurrentPos.line = CurrentFcb->start_line; for( CurrentLine = CurrentFcb->lines.head; CurrentLine != NULL; CurrentLine = CurrentLine->next, CurrentPos.line++ ) { if( !CurrentLine->u.ld.globmatch ) continue; CurrentLine->u.ld.globmatch = false; changecnt++; CurrentPos.column = 1; ProcessingMessage( CurrentPos.line ); /* * build command line */ rc = RunCommandLine( data ); if( rc > ERR_NO_ERR ) { break; } } if( rc > ERR_NO_ERR ) { break; } CurrentFcb->globalmatch = false; } /* * we have an error, so fix up fcbs */ if( rc > ERR_NO_ERR ) { for( cfcb = CurrentFile->fcbs.head; cfcb != NULL; cfcb = cfcb->next ) { if( cfcb->globalmatch ) { cfcb->globalmatch = false; cfcb->non_swappable = false; for( cline = cfcb->lines.head; cline != NULL; cline = cline->next ) { cline->u.ld.globmatch = false; } } } } /* * display results */ EditFlags.GlobalInProgress = false; EditFlags.DisplayHold = false; EndUndoGroup( UndoStack ); RestoreCurrentFilePos(); rc1 = SetCurrentLine( CurrentPos.line ); if( rc1 != ERR_NO_ERR ) { if( rc1 == ERR_NO_SUCH_LINE ) { SetCurrentLine( 1 ); } else { return( rc1 ); } } Message1( "%l matches found",changecnt ); DCDisplayAllLines(); return( rc ); } /* Global */