Exemple #1
void ScriptController::SetEnvVarSpecial(const char* szPrefix, const char* szName, const char* szValue)
	char szVarname[1024];
	snprintf(szVarname, sizeof(szVarname), "%s_%s", szPrefix, szName);
	szVarname[1024-1] = '\0';
	// Original name
	SetEnvVar(szVarname, szValue);
	char szNormVarname[1024];
	strncpy(szNormVarname, szVarname, sizeof(szVarname));
	szNormVarname[1024-1] = '\0';
	// Replace special characters  with "_" and convert to upper case
	for (char* szPtr = szNormVarname; *szPtr; szPtr++)
		if (strchr(".:*!\"$%&/()=`+~#'{}[]@- ", *szPtr)) *szPtr = '_';
		*szPtr = toupper(*szPtr);
	// Another env var with normalized name (replaced special chars and converted to upper case)
	if (strcmp(szVarname, szNormVarname))
		SetEnvVar(szNormVarname, szValue);
Exemple #2
void ScriptController::SetIntEnvVar(const char* szName, int iValue)
	char szValue[1024];
	snprintf(szValue, 10, "%i", iValue);
	szValue[1024-1] = '\0';
	SetEnvVar(szName, szValue);
Exemple #3
void CommandScriptController::PrepareParams(const char* scriptName)

	SetEnvVar("NZBCP_COMMAND", m_command);

	PrepareEnvScript(nullptr, scriptName);
Exemple #4
void ScanScriptController::PrepareParams(const char* szScriptName)

	SetEnvVar("NZBNP_FILENAME", m_szNZBFilename);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNP_URL", m_szUrl);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNP_NZBNAME", strlen(*m_pNZBName) > 0 ? *m_pNZBName : Util::BaseFileName(m_szNZBFilename));
	SetEnvVar("NZBNP_CATEGORY", *m_pCategory);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNP_PRIORITY", *m_iPriority);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNP_TOP", *m_bAddTop ? 1 : 0);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNP_PAUSED", *m_bAddPaused ? 1 : 0);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNP_DUPEKEY", *m_pDupeKey);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNP_DUPESCORE", *m_iDupeScore);

	const char* szDupeModeName[] = { "SCORE", "ALL", "FORCE" };
	SetEnvVar("NZBNP_DUPEMODE", szDupeModeName[*m_eDupeMode]);

	// remove trailing slash
	char szDir[1024];
	strncpy(szDir, m_szDirectory, 1024);
	szDir[1024-1] = '\0';
	int iLen = strlen(szDir);
	if (szDir[iLen-1] == PATH_SEPARATOR)
		szDir[iLen-1] = '\0';
	SetEnvVar("NZBNP_DIRECTORY", szDir);

	PrepareEnvScript(m_pParameters, szScriptName);
Exemple #5
void FeedScriptController::PrepareParams(const char* szScriptName)

	SetEnvVar("NZBFP_FILENAME", m_szFeedFile);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBFP_FEEDID", m_iFeedID);

	PrepareEnvScript(NULL, szScriptName);
Exemple #6
void ScriptController::SetEnvVarSpecial(const char* prefix, const char* name, const char* value)
	BString<1024> varname("%s_%s", prefix, name);

	// Original name
	SetEnvVar(varname, value);

	BString<1024> normVarname = *varname;

	// Replace special characters  with "_" and convert to upper case
	for (char* ptr = normVarname; *ptr; ptr++)
		if (strchr(".:*!\"$%&/()=`+~#'{}[]@- ", *ptr)) *ptr = '_';
		*ptr = toupper(*ptr);

	// Another env var with normalized name (replaced special chars and converted to upper case)
	if (strcmp(varname, normVarname))
		SetEnvVar(normVarname, value);
Exemple #7
void QueueScriptController::PrepareParams(const char* szScriptName)

	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_NZBNAME", m_szNZBName);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNA_NZBID", m_iID);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_FILENAME", m_szNZBFilename);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_DIRECTORY", m_szDestDir);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_URL", m_szUrl);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_CATEGORY", m_szCategory);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNA_PRIORITY", m_iPriority);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNA_LASTID", m_iID);	// deprecated

	PrepareEnvScript(&m_Parameters, szScriptName);
Exemple #8
void QueueScriptController::PrepareParams(const char* scriptName)

	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_NZBNAME", m_nzbName);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNA_NZBID", m_id);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_FILENAME", m_nzbFilename);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_DIRECTORY", m_destDir);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_QUEUEDFILE", m_queuedFilename);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_URL", m_url);
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_CATEGORY", m_category);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNA_PRIORITY", m_priority);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNA_LASTID", m_id);	// deprecated

	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_DUPEKEY", m_dupeKey);
	SetIntEnvVar("NZBNA_DUPESCORE", m_dupeScore);

	const char* dupeModeName[] = { "SCORE", "ALL", "FORCE" };
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_DUPEMODE", dupeModeName[m_dupeMode]);


	const char* deleteStatusName[] = { "NONE", "MANUAL", "HEALTH", "DUPE", "BAD", "GOOD", "COPY", "SCAN" };
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_DELETESTATUS", deleteStatusName[m_deleteStatus]);

	const char* urlStatusName[] = { "NONE", "UNKNOWN", "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "UNKNOWN", "SCAN_SKIPPED", "SCAN_FAILURE" };
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_URLSTATUS", urlStatusName[m_urlStatus]);

	const char* markStatusName[] = { "NONE", "BAD", "GOOD", "SUCCESS" };
	SetEnvVar("NZBNA_MARKSTATUS", markStatusName[m_markStatus]);

	PrepareEnvScript(&m_parameters, scriptName);
Exemple #9
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    DWORD dwBuffLength = _MAX_DIR;
    WCHAR wPath[_MAX_DIR];
    WCHAR tmpValue[] = {'T','M','P','\0'};
    WCHAR tempValue[] = {'T','E','M','P','\0'};
#if WIN32
    WCHAR tempPath[] = {'C',':','\\','t','e','m','p','\\','\0'};
    WCHAR tmpPath[] = {'C',':','\\','t','m','p','\\','\0'}; 
    WCHAR tempPath[] = {'.','\\','t','e','m','p','\\','\0'};
    WCHAR tmpPath[] = {'.','\\','t','m','p','\\','\0'};

    if (0 != PAL_Initialize(argc,argv))
        return FAIL;

    if (GetTempPathW(dwBuffLength, wPath) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());
        // CreateDirectory should fail on an existing directory
        if (CreateDirectoryW(wPath, NULL) != 0)
            Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> The path returned is apparently "
                "invalid since CreateDirectory succeeded whereas it should "
                "have failed.\n");

    /* set both tmp and temp to null and check that gettemppathw returns
    a non zero value*/
    SetEnvVar(tmpValue, NULL);

    /* create the environment variable */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, tempPath);  
    /* set the environment variable to NULL */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, NULL);  
    if(GetTempPathW(dwBuffLength, wPath) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());

    /* set temp, and gettemppathw should return value of temp */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, tempPath);
    if(GetTempPathW(dwBuffLength, wPath) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());
    if(wcscmp(wPath, tempPath) != 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> Failed to return correct temporary path. "
            "Expected path %s but got %s.\n", tempPath, wPath);

    /* set temp to null, and set temp to a proper value,
    gettemppathw should return value stored in tmp */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, NULL);
    SetEnvVar(tmpValue, tmpPath);
    if(GetTempPathW(dwBuffLength, wPath) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());
    if(wcscmp(wPath, tmpPath) != 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> Failed to return correct temporary path. "
            "Expected path %s but got %s.\n", tmpPath, wPath);

    /* set temp and gettemppathw should return value stored in tmp */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, tempPath);
    if(GetTempPathW(dwBuffLength, wPath) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());
    if(wcscmp(wPath, tmpPath) != 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathW: ERROR -> Failed to return correct temporary path. "
            "Expected path %s but got %s.\n", tmpPath, wPath);

    return PASS;
Exemple #10
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    DWORD dwBuffLength = _MAX_DIR;
    CHAR  path[_MAX_DIR];
    char* tmpValue = "TMP";
    char* tempValue = "TEMP";
#if WIN32
    char tempPath[] = "C:\\temp\\";
    char tmpPath[] = "C:\\tmp\\";
    char tempPath[] = ".\\temp\\";
    char tmpPath[] = ".\\tmp\\";

    if (0 != PAL_Initialize(argc,argv))
        return FAIL;

    if (GetTempPathA(dwBuffLength, path) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());
        // CreateDirectory should fail on an existing directory
        if (CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL) != 0)
            Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> The path returned is apparently "
                "invalid since CreateDirectory succeeded whereas it should "
                "have failed.\n");

    /* set both tmp and temp to null and check that gettemppath returns
    a non zero value*/
    SetEnvVar(tmpValue, NULL);
    /* create the variable tempValue */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, "");  
    /* set tempValue to null initially */
    SetEnvironmentVariable(tempValue, NULL);  

    /* get the temp path */
    if(GetTempPathA(dwBuffLength, path) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());

    /* set temp, and gettemppatha should return value of temp */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, tempPath);

    if(GetTempPathA(dwBuffLength, path) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());
    if(strcmp(path,tempPath) != 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> Failed to return correct temporary path. "
            "Expected path %s but got %s.\n", tempPath, path);

    /* set temp to null, and set temp to a proper value,
    gettemppatha should return value stored in tmp */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, NULL);
    SetEnvVar(tmpValue, tmpPath);
    if(GetTempPathA(dwBuffLength, path) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());

    if(strcmp(path,tmpPath) != 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> Failed to return correct temporary path. "
            "Expected path %s but got %s.\n", tmpPath, path);

    /* set temp and gettemppatha should return value stored in tmp */
    SetEnvVar(tempValue, tempPath);
    if(GetTempPathA(dwBuffLength, path) == 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> Failed to return a temporary path. "
            "error code: %ld\n", GetLastError());

    if(strcmp(path,tmpPath) != 0)
        Fail("GetTempPathA: ERROR -> Failed to return correct temporary path. "
            "Expected path %s but got %s.\n", tmpPath, path);
    return PASS;
Exemple #11
void ScriptController::SetIntEnvVar(const char* name, int value)
	BString<1024> strValue("%i", value);
	SetEnvVar(name, strValue);