Exemple #1
void Iterative::DoBuild() {
  time_steps_ = model_->managers().time_step()->ordered_time_steps();

  // Set the default process labels for the time step for this phase
  for (auto time_step : time_steps_)
    time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, time_step->process_labels());

  // handle any new processes we want to insert
  for (string insert : insert_processes_) {
    vector<string> pieces;
    boost::split(pieces, insert, boost::is_any_of("()="), boost::token_compress_on);

    string target_process   = pieces.size() == 3 ? pieces[1] : "";
    string new_process      = pieces.size() == 3 ? pieces[2] : pieces[1];

    auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(pieces[0]);
    vector<string> process_labels = time_step->initialisation_process_labels(label_);

    if (target_process == "") {
      process_labels.insert(process_labels.begin(), new_process);
    } else {
      vector<string>::iterator iter = std::find(process_labels.begin(), process_labels.end(), target_process);
      if (iter == process_labels.end())
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_INSERT_PROCESSES) << " process " << target_process << " does not exist in time step " << time_step->label();
      process_labels.insert(iter, new_process);

    time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, process_labels);

  // handle the excludes we've specified
  for (string exclude : exclude_processes_) {
    unsigned count = 0;
    for (auto time_step : time_steps_) {
      vector<string> process_labels = time_step->initialisation_process_labels(label_);
      unsigned size_before = process_labels.size();
      process_labels.erase(std::remove_if(process_labels.begin(), process_labels.end(), [exclude](string& ex) { return exclude == ex; }), process_labels.end());
      unsigned diff = size_before - process_labels.size();

      time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, process_labels);
      count += diff;

    if (count == 0)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_EXCLUDE_PROCESSES) << " process " << exclude << " does not exist in any time steps to be excluded. Please check your spelling";

  if (convergence_years_.size() != 0) {
    std::sort(convergence_years_.begin(), convergence_years_.end());
    if ((*convergence_years_.rbegin()) != years_)

  // Build our partition
  vector<string> categories = model_->categories()->category_names();

void Iterative::DoBuild() {
  time_steps_ = model_->managers().time_step()->ordered_time_steps();

  // Set the default process labels for the time step for this phase
  for (auto time_step : time_steps_)
    time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, time_step->process_labels());

  // handle any new processes we want to insert
  for (string insert : insert_processes_) {
    vector<string> pieces;
    boost::split(pieces, insert, boost::is_any_of("()="), boost::token_compress_on);

    string target_process   = pieces.size() == 3 ? pieces[1] : "";
    string new_process      = pieces.size() == 3 ? pieces[2] : pieces[1];

    auto time_step = model_->managers().time_step()->GetTimeStep(pieces[0]);
    vector<string> process_labels = time_step->initialisation_process_labels(label_);

    if (target_process == "") {
    } else {
      vector<string>::iterator iter = std::find(process_labels.begin(), process_labels.end(), target_process);
      if (iter == process_labels.end())
        LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_INSERT_PROCESSES) << " process " << target_process << " does not exist in time step " << time_step->label();
      process_labels.insert(iter, new_process);

    time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, process_labels);

  // handle the excludes we've specified
  for (string exclude : exclude_processes_) {
    unsigned count = 0;
    for (auto time_step : time_steps_) {
      vector<string> process_labels = time_step->initialisation_process_labels(label_);
      unsigned size_before = process_labels.size();
      process_labels.erase(std::remove_if(process_labels.begin(), process_labels.end(), [exclude](string& ex) { return exclude == ex; }), process_labels.end());
      unsigned diff = size_before - process_labels.size();

      time_step->SetInitialisationProcessLabels(label_, process_labels);
      count += diff;

    if (count == 0)
      LOG_ERROR_P(PARAM_EXCLUDE_PROCESSES) << " process " << exclude << " does not exist in any time steps to be excluded. Please check your spelling";

  if (convergence_years_.size() != 0) {
    std::sort(convergence_years_.begin(), convergence_years_.end());
    if ((*convergence_years_.rbegin()) != years_)

  // Build our partition
  vector<string> categories = model_->categories()->category_names();
  // Find any BH_recruitment process in the annual cycle
  unsigned i = 0;
  for (auto time_step : model_->managers().time_step()->ordered_time_steps()) {
    for (auto process : time_step->processes()) {
      if (process->process_type() == ProcessType::kRecruitment && process->type() == PARAM_RECRUITMENT_BEVERTON_HOLT) {
        LOG_FINEST() << "Found a BH process!!!!";
        if (!recruitment_process_[i])
          LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "BevertonHolt Recruitment exists but dynamic cast pointer cannot be made, if (!recruitment) ";
      } else if (process->process_type() == ProcessType::kRecruitment && process->type() == PARAM_RECRUITMENT_BEVERTON_HOLT_WITH_DEVIATIONS) {
        LOG_FINEST() << "Found a BH process!!!!";
        if (!recruitment_process_with_devs_[i])
          LOG_CODE_ERROR() << "BevertonHolt Recruitment with deviations exists but dynamic cast pointer cannot be made, if (!recruitment) ";
