void TypedAnimationClock<T>::OnComputedPropertyValueChanged(PropertyValue* pPropertyVal) { if (pPropertyVal->m_dp == get_CurrentTimeProperty()) { double currentTime = GetPropertyValueDouble(get_CurrentTimeProperty()); double duration = get_Timeline()->get_Duration(); SetPropertyValue(get_CurrentProgressProperty(), currentTime / duration); SetPropertyValue(get_CurrentValueProperty(), get_Timeline()->GetCurrentValue(NULL, NULL, this)); } }
nsresult calIcalComponent::SetIntProperty(icalproperty_kind kind, int32_t i) { icalvalue *val = icalvalue_new_integer(i); if (!val) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return SetPropertyValue(kind, val); }
UILabelValueTweener::UILabelValueTweener(UIWidget* pParent) : UILabel(pParent) { SetPropertyValue(0); SetPropertyDuration(1500); SetPropertyRunning(false); SetPropertyDelay(0.0f); SetPropertyStartTime(0.0f); }
UILabelValueTweener::UILabelValueTweener() : UILabel() { SetPropertyValue(0); SetPropertyDuration(1500); SetPropertyRunning(false); SetPropertyDelay(0.0f); SetPropertyStartTime(0.0f); }
// Set value void UILabelValueTweener::SetValue(const int32 nNewValue, const int32 nDurationInMs) { const int32 nCurrent = GetPropertyValue(); // Save target value SetPropertyValue(nNewValue); // Start running SetPropertyRunning(true); // Start tweener Start(nCurrent, nNewValue, nDurationInMs, GTTweenInterpolation::Linear, 0.0f); }
nsresult calIcalComponent::SetStringProperty(icalproperty_kind kind, const nsACString &str) { icalvalue *val = nullptr; if (!str.IsVoid()) { val = icalvalue_new_string(PromiseFlatCString(str).get()); if (!val) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return SetPropertyValue(kind, val); }
void UObjectProperty::SetObjectPropertyValue(void* PropertyValueAddress, UObject* Value) const { #if USE_DEFERRED_DEPENDENCY_CHECK_VERIFICATION_TESTS if (ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject* PlaceholderVal = Cast<ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject>(Value)) { check(PlaceholderVal->IsReferencedBy(this)); } #endif // USE_DEFERRED_DEPENDENCY_CHECK_VERIFICATION_TESTS SetPropertyValue(PropertyValueAddress, Value); }
void UTextProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, int32 MaxReadBytes, void const* Defaults ) const { const TCppType PropertyValue = GetPropertyValue(Value); if ( Ar.IsSaving() && Ar.IsPersistent() && PropertyValue.IsTransient() ) { const FText ErrorMessage = FText::Format( FText::SerializationFailureError, FText::FromString( FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(PropertyValue) ) ); UE_LOG( LogProperty, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *ErrorMessage.ToString()); SetPropertyValue(Value, ErrorMessage); } Ar << *GetPropertyValuePtr(Value); }
void SetObjectAt(FArrayHelper* arrayHelper, int32 index, UObject* item) { // UClass (need to check first since UClassProperty is derived from UObjectProperty) { auto prop = Cast<UClassProperty>(arrayHelper->GetElementProperty()); if (prop) { prop->SetPropertyValue( arrayHelper->GetRawPtr(index), Cast<UClass>(item) ); return; } } // UObject { auto prop = Cast<UObjectProperty>(arrayHelper->GetElementProperty()); if (prop) { prop->SetPropertyValue(arrayHelper->GetRawPtr(index), item); return; } } }
void SetStringAt(FArrayHelper* arrayHelper, int32 index, const TCHAR* item) { // FString { auto prop = Cast<UStrProperty>(arrayHelper->GetElementProperty()); if (prop) { prop->SetPropertyValue(arrayHelper->GetRawPtr(index), FString(item)); return; } } // FName { auto prop = Cast<UNameProperty>(arrayHelper->GetElementProperty()); if (prop) { prop->SetPropertyValue(arrayHelper->GetRawPtr(index), FName(item)); return; } } // couldn't convert the string to the array element type check(false); }
uint32 CPropertyDB::CreateRow(std::initializer_list<TPropertyValue> _lPropertyValues) { // We do not currently support DB resizing assert(_lPropertyValues.size() <= GetNumProperties()); uint32 uNewRowIndex = CreateRow(); uint32 uPropertyIndex = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const TPropertyValue& _PropertyValue, _lPropertyValues) { SetPropertyValue(uNewRowIndex, uPropertyIndex, _PropertyValue); std::cout << _PropertyValue << std::endl; ++uPropertyIndex; }
void sysSetPropertyValue(char *filename, wchar_t *pszPropertyName, char *value) { wchar_t pszFileName[1024]; memset(pszFileName, 0, sizeof(pszFileName)); int len = strlen(filename); assert(len < 1024); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_OEMCP, 0, filename, len, pszFileName, sizeof(pszFileName)); wchar_t pszValue[1024]; memset(pszValue, 0, sizeof(pszValue)); len = strlen(value); assert(len < 1024); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_OEMCP, 0, value, len, pszValue, sizeof(pszValue)); if (SUCCEEDED(CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE))) { SetPropertyValue(pszFileName, pszPropertyName, pszValue); CoUninitialize(); } }
bool CMonoEntityExtension::Init(IGameObject *pGameObject) { SetGameObject(pGameObject); pGameObject->EnablePhysicsEvent( true, eEPE_OnPostStepImmediate ); if (!GetGameObject()->BindToNetwork()) return false; IEntity *pEntity = GetEntity(); IEntityClass *pEntityClass = pEntity->GetClass(); m_pScript = g_pScriptSystem->InstantiateScript(pEntityClass->GetName(), eScriptFlag_Entity); IMonoClass *pEntityInfoClass = g_pScriptSystem->GetCryBraryAssembly()->GetClass("EntityInitializationParams", "CryEngine.Native"); SMonoEntityInfo entityInfo(pEntity); IMonoArray *pArgs = CreateMonoArray(1); pArgs->InsertMonoObject(pEntityInfoClass->BoxObject(&entityInfo)); g_pScriptSystem->InitializeScriptInstance(m_pScript, pArgs); pArgs->Release(); int numProperties; auto pProperties = static_cast<CEntityPropertyHandler *>(pEntityClass->GetPropertyHandler())->GetQueuedProperties(pEntity->GetId(), numProperties); if(pProperties) { for(int i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) { auto queuedProperty = pProperties[i]; SetPropertyValue(queuedProperty.propertyInfo, queuedProperty.value.c_str()); } } m_bInitialized = true; return true; }
int NFCPropertyModule::RefreshBaseProperty(const NFGUID& self) { NF_SHARE_PTR<NFIRecord> pRecord = m_pKernelModule->FindRecord(self, NFrame::Player::R_CommPropertyValue()); if (!pRecord.get()) { return 1; } //初始属性+等级属性(职业决定) NFJobType eJobType = (NFJobType)m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt(self, NFrame::Player::Job()); int nLevel = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyInt(self, NFrame::Player::Level()); for (int i = 0; i < pRecord->GetCols(); ++i) { const std::string& strColTag = pRecord->GetColTag(i); int nValue = m_pPropertyConfigModule->CalculateBaseValue(eJobType, nLevel, strColTag); SetPropertyValue(self, strColTag, NFPropertyGroup::NPG_JOBLEVEL, nValue); } return 1; }
void UILabelValueTweener::TweenUpdate(void) { bool bStop = m_Tweener.GetPropertyElapsedTime() >= m_Tweener.GetPropertyDuration(); // Calculate new position const int32 nNewValue = m_Tweener.Update(TimeManager::GetInstance()->GetDeltaTime()); UILabel::SetTextFromINT32(nNewValue); if(bStop) { // Callback //m_StaticCallback.Execute(); //(this->*m_pOnCompletion)(NULL); //m_pOnCompletion = NULL; // Restore the position with its parent //m_pGameObject->SetPosition(m_pGameObject->m_pParent->GetPosition()); // Stop running Stop(); // Save the lastest value SetPropertyValue(nNewValue); } }
uint32_t set_property( CAMHandle hCam, uint32_t property, char* value, uint32_t datatype) { uint32_t rtn = 0; uint32_t data; char * ptr; char * pBuf = 0; CAMPropertyValue cam; do { cam.DataType = datatype; cam.cntValue = 1; cam.Value = (char*)&data; if (datatype == CAM_TYPE_STR) { cam.Value = value; break; } if (datatype == CAM_TYPE_AINT8 || datatype == CAM_TYPE_AUINT8) { uint32_t ctr; uint32_t * p32; cam.cntValue = strlen( value); if (cam.cntValue == 0) { cam.Value = 0; break; } cam.cntValue++; pBuf = malloc( cam.cntValue * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!pBuf) { rtn = CAMERR_MALLOC; break; } memset( pBuf, 0, cam.cntValue * sizeof(uint32_t)); for (ctr = 0, p32 = (uint32_t*)pBuf; ctr < cam.cntValue; ctr++) *p32++ = (uint32_t)*value++; cam.Value = pBuf; break; } // avoid interpreting value as octal for (ptr = value; *ptr == '0'; ) ptr++; if (ptr != value && (*ptr == 'x' || *ptr == 'X')) ptr--; if (datatype == CAM_TYPE_INT8 || datatype == CAM_TYPE_INT16 || datatype == CAM_TYPE_INT32) { data = (uint32_t)strtol( ptr, 0, 0); break; } if (datatype == CAM_TYPE_UINT8 || datatype == CAM_TYPE_UINT16 || datatype == CAM_TYPE_UINT32) { data = strtoul( ptr, 0, 0); break; } rtn = CAMERR_BADPARM; } while (0); if (!rtn) rtn = SetPropertyValue( hCam, property, &cam); if (pBuf) free( pBuf); return rtn; }
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) { if (SUCCEEDED(CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE))) { PCWSTR pszAppName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); PCWSTR pszOp = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszOp && ((pszOp[0] == L'-') || (pszOp[0] == L'/'))) { /* skip - or / */ pszOp++; if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"?")) { Usage(pszAppName); } else if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"get")) { PCWSTR pszPropertyName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszPropertyName) { PCWSTR pszFileName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszFileName) { GetPropertyValue(pszFileName, pszPropertyName); } else { wprintf(L"No file name specified.\n"); } } else { wprintf(L"No property canonical name specified.\n"); } } else if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"enum")) { PCWSTR pszFileName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszFileName) { EnumerateProperties(pszFileName); } else { wprintf(L"No file name specified.\n"); } } else if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"set")) { PCWSTR pszPropertyName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszPropertyName) { PCWSTR pszPropertyValue = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszPropertyValue) { PCWSTR pszFileName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszFileName) { SetPropertyValue(pszFileName, pszPropertyName, pszPropertyValue); } else { wprintf(L"No file name specified.\n"); } } else { wprintf(L"No property value specified.\n"); } } else { wprintf(L"No property canonical name specified.\n"); } } else if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"info")) { PCWSTR pszPropertyName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszPropertyName) { GetPropertyDescription(pszPropertyName); } else { wprintf(L"No property canonical name specified.\n"); } } else { wprintf(L"Unrecognized operation specified: -%s\n", pszOp); Usage(pszAppName); } } else { wprintf(L"No operation specified.\n"); Usage(pszAppName); } CoUninitialize(); } return 0; }