DecomposeIntoNoRepeatRects(const gfx::Rect& aRect,
                           const gfx::Rect& aTexCoordRect,
                           decomposedRectArrayT* aLayerRects,
                           decomposedRectArrayT* aTextureRects)
  gfx::Rect texCoordRect = aTexCoordRect;

  // If the texture should be flipped, it will have negative height. Detect that
  // here and compensate for it. We will flip each rect as we emit it.
  bool flipped = false;
  if (texCoordRect.height < 0) {
    flipped = true;
    texCoordRect.y += texCoordRect.height;
    texCoordRect.height = -texCoordRect.height;

  // Wrap the texture coordinates so they are within [0,1] and cap width/height
  // at 1. We rely on this below.
  texCoordRect = gfx::Rect(gfx::Point(WrapTexCoord(texCoordRect.x),
                           gfx::Size(std::min(texCoordRect.width, 1.0f),
                                     std::min(texCoordRect.height, 1.0f)));

  NS_ASSERTION(texCoordRect.x >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.x <= 1.0f &&
               texCoordRect.y >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.y <= 1.0f &&
               texCoordRect.width >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.width <= 1.0f &&
               texCoordRect.height >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.height <= 1.0f &&
               texCoordRect.XMost() >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.XMost() <= 2.0f &&
               texCoordRect.YMost() >= 0.0f && texCoordRect.YMost() <= 2.0f,
               "We just wrapped the texture coordinates, didn't we?");

  // Get the top left and bottom right points of the rectangle. Note that
  // tl.x/tl.y are within [0,1] but br.x/br.y are within [0,2].
  gfx::Point tl = texCoordRect.TopLeft();
  gfx::Point br = texCoordRect.BottomRight();

  NS_ASSERTION(tl.x >= 0.0f && tl.x <= 1.0f &&
               tl.y >= 0.0f && tl.y <= 1.0f &&
               br.x >= tl.x && br.x <= 2.0f &&
               br.y >= tl.y && br.y <= 2.0f &&
               FuzzyLTE(br.x - tl.x, 1.0f) &&
               FuzzyLTE(br.y - tl.y, 1.0f),
               "Somehow generated invalid texture coordinates");

  // Then check if we wrap in either the x or y axis.
  bool xwrap = br.x > 1.0f;
  bool ywrap = br.y > 1.0f;

  // If xwrap is false, the texture will be sampled from tl.x .. br.x.
  // If xwrap is true, then it will be split into tl.x .. 1.0, and
  // 0.0 .. WrapTexCoord(br.x). Same for the Y axis. The destination
  // rectangle is also split appropriately, according to the calculated
  // xmid/ymid values.
  if (!xwrap && !ywrap) {
    SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
             aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
             tl.x, tl.y, br.x, br.y,
    return 1;

  // If we are dealing with wrapping br.x and br.y are greater than 1.0 so
  // wrap them here as well.
  br = gfx::Point(xwrap ? WrapTexCoord(br.x) : br.x,
                  ywrap ? WrapTexCoord(br.y) : br.y);

  // If we wrap around along the x axis, we will draw first from
  // tl.x .. 1.0 and then from 0.0 .. br.x (which we just wrapped above).
  // The same applies for the Y axis. The midpoints we calculate here are
  // only valid if we actually wrap around.
  GLfloat xmid = aRect.x + (1.0f - tl.x) / texCoordRect.width * aRect.width;
  GLfloat ymid = aRect.y + (1.0f - tl.y) / texCoordRect.height * aRect.height;

  NS_ASSERTION(!xwrap ||
               (xmid > aRect.x &&
                xmid < aRect.XMost() &&
                FuzzyEqual((xmid - aRect.x) + (aRect.XMost() - xmid), aRect.width)),
               "xmid should be within [x,XMost()] and the wrapped rect should have the same width");
  NS_ASSERTION(!ywrap ||
               (ymid > aRect.y &&
                ymid < aRect.YMost() &&
                FuzzyEqual((ymid - aRect.y) + (aRect.YMost() - ymid), aRect.height)),
               "ymid should be within [y,YMost()] and the wrapped rect should have the same height");

  if (!xwrap && ywrap) {
    SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
             aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), ymid,
             tl.x, tl.y, br.x, 1.0f,
    SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
             aRect.x, ymid, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
             tl.x, 0.0f, br.x, br.y,
    return 2;

  if (xwrap && !ywrap) {
    SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
             aRect.x, aRect.y, xmid, aRect.YMost(),
             tl.x, tl.y, 1.0f, br.y,
    SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
             xmid, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
             0.0f, tl.y, br.x, br.y,
    return 2;

  SetRects(0, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
           aRect.x, aRect.y, xmid, ymid,
           tl.x, tl.y, 1.0f, 1.0f,
  SetRects(1, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
           xmid, aRect.y, aRect.XMost(), ymid,
           0.0f, tl.y, br.x, 1.0f,
  SetRects(2, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
           aRect.x, ymid, xmid, aRect.YMost(),
           tl.x, 0.0f, 1.0f, br.y,
  SetRects(3, aLayerRects, aTextureRects,
           xmid, ymid, aRect.XMost(), aRect.YMost(),
           0.0f, 0.0f, br.x, br.y,
  return 4;
Exemple #2
void clRowEntry::Render(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const clColours& c, int row_index, clSearchText* searcher)
    wxRect rowRect = GetItemRect();
    bool zebraColouring = (m_tree->HasStyle(wxTR_ROW_LINES) || m_tree->HasStyle(wxDV_ROW_LINES));
    bool even_row = ((row_index % 2) == 0);

    // Define the clipping region
    bool hasHeader = (m_tree->GetHeader() && !m_tree->GetHeader()->empty());

    // Not cell related
    clColours colours = c;
    if(zebraColouring) {
        // Set Zebra colouring, only if no user colour was provided for the given line
        colours.SetItemBgColour(even_row ? c.GetAlternateColour() : c.GetBgColour());

    // Override default item bg colour with the user's one
    if(GetBgColour().IsOk()) { colours.SetItemBgColour(GetBgColour()); }
    wxRect selectionRect = rowRect;
    wxPoint deviceOrigin = dc.GetDeviceOrigin();
    if(IsSelected()) {
        DrawSimpleSelection(win, dc, selectionRect, colours);
    } else if(IsHovered()) {
    } else if(colours.GetItemBgColour().IsOk()) {

    // Per cell drawings
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_cells.size(); ++i) {
        bool last_cell = (i == (m_cells.size() - 1));
        colours = c; // reset the colours
        wxFont f = clScrolledPanel::GetDefaultFont();
        clCellValue& cell = GetColumn(i);
        if(cell.GetFont().IsOk()) { f = cell.GetFont(); }
        if(cell.GetTextColour().IsOk()) { colours.SetItemTextColour(cell.GetTextColour()); }
        if(cell.GetBgColour().IsOk()) { colours.SetItemBgColour(cell.GetBgColour()); }
        wxColour buttonColour = IsSelected() ? colours.GetSelbuttonColour() : colours.GetButtonColour();
        wxRect cellRect = GetCellRect(i);

        // We use a helper class to clip the drawings this ensures that if we exit the scope
        // the clipping region is restored properly
        clClipperHelper clipper(dc);
        if(hasHeader) { clipper.Clip(cellRect); }

        int textXOffset = cellRect.GetX();
        if((i == 0) && !IsListItem()) {
            // The expand button is only make sense for the first cell
            if(HasChildren()) {
                wxRect buttonRect = GetButtonRect();
                textXOffset += buttonRect.GetWidth();
                if(m_tree->IsNativeTheme() && !IS_OSX) {
                    int flags = wxCONTROL_CURRENT;
                    if(IsExpanded()) { flags |= wxCONTROL_EXPANDED; }
                    int button_width = wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SMALLICON_X);
                    wxRect modButtonRect = buttonRect;
                    modButtonRect = modButtonRect.CenterIn(buttonRect);
                    wxRendererNative::Get().DrawTreeItemButton(win, dc, modButtonRect, flags);
                } else {
                    wxRect buttonRect = GetButtonRect();
                    if(textXOffset >= cellRect.GetWidth()) {
                        // if we cant draw the button (off screen etc)
                        SetRects(GetItemRect(), wxRect());
                    buttonRect.Deflate((buttonRect.GetWidth() / 3), (buttonRect.GetHeight() / 3));
                    wxRect tribtn = buttonRect;
                    dc.SetPen(wxPen(buttonColour, 2));
                    if(IsExpanded()) {
                        tribtn.SetHeight(tribtn.GetHeight() - tribtn.GetHeight() / 2);
                        tribtn = tribtn.CenterIn(buttonRect);
                        wxPoint middleLeft = wxPoint((tribtn.GetLeft() + tribtn.GetWidth() / 2), tribtn.GetBottom());
                        dc.DrawLine(tribtn.GetTopLeft(), middleLeft);
                        dc.DrawLine(tribtn.GetTopRight(), middleLeft);
                    } else {
                        tribtn.SetWidth(tribtn.GetWidth() - tribtn.GetWidth() / 2);
                        tribtn = tribtn.CenterIn(buttonRect);

                        wxPoint middleLeft = wxPoint(tribtn.GetRight(), (tribtn.GetY() + (tribtn.GetHeight() / 2)));
                        wxPoint p1 = tribtn.GetTopLeft();
                        wxPoint p2 = tribtn.GetBottomLeft();
                        dc.DrawLine(p1, middleLeft);
                        dc.DrawLine(middleLeft, p2);

            } else {
                wxRect buttonRect(rowRect);
                textXOffset += buttonRect.GetWidth();
                if(textXOffset >= cellRect.GetWidth()) {
                    SetRects(GetItemRect(), wxRect());
        int itemIndent = IsListItem() ? clHeaderItem::X_SPACER : (GetIndentsCount() * m_tree->GetIndent());
        int bitmapIndex = cell.GetBitmapIndex();
        if(IsExpanded() && HasChildren() && cell.GetBitmapSelectedIndex() != wxNOT_FOUND) {
            bitmapIndex = cell.GetBitmapSelectedIndex();

        // Draw checkbox
        if(cell.IsBool()) {
            // Render the checkbox
            textXOffset += X_SPACER;
            int checkboxSize = GetCheckBoxWidth(win);
            wxRect checkboxRect = wxRect(textXOffset, rowRect.GetY(), checkboxSize, checkboxSize);
            checkboxRect = checkboxRect.CenterIn(rowRect, wxVERTICAL);
            RenderCheckBox(win, dc, colours, checkboxRect, cell.GetValueBool());
            textXOffset += checkboxRect.GetWidth();
            textXOffset += X_SPACER;
        } else {
            cell.SetCheckboxRect(wxRect()); // clear the checkbox rect

        // Draw the bitmap
        if(bitmapIndex != wxNOT_FOUND) {
            const wxBitmap& bmp = m_tree->GetBitmap(bitmapIndex);
            if(bmp.IsOk()) {
                textXOffset += IsListItem() ? 0 : X_SPACER;
                int bitmapY = rowRect.GetY() + ((rowRect.GetHeight() - bmp.GetScaledHeight()) / 2);
                // if((textXOffset + bmp.GetScaledWidth()) >= cellRect.GetWidth()) { continue; }
                dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, itemIndent + textXOffset, bitmapY, true);
                textXOffset += bmp.GetScaledWidth();
                textXOffset += X_SPACER;

        // Draw the text
        wxRect textRect(dc.GetTextExtent(cell.GetValueString()));
        textRect = textRect.CenterIn(rowRect, wxVERTICAL);
        int textY = textRect.GetY();
        int textX = (i == 0 ? itemIndent : clHeaderItem::X_SPACER) + textXOffset;
        RenderText(win, dc, colours, cell.GetValueString(), textX, textY, i);
        textXOffset += textRect.GetWidth();
        textXOffset += X_SPACER;

        if(cell.IsChoice()) {
            // draw the drop down arrow. Make it aligned to the right
            wxRect dropDownRect(cellRect.GetTopRight().x - rowRect.GetHeight(), rowRect.GetY(), rowRect.GetHeight(),
            dropDownRect = dropDownRect.CenterIn(rowRect, wxVERTICAL);
            DrawingUtils::DrawDropDownArrow(win, dc, dropDownRect, wxNullColour);
            // Keep the rect to test clicks
            textXOffset += dropDownRect.GetWidth();
            textXOffset += X_SPACER;
            // Draw a separator line between the drop down arrow and the rest of the cell content
            dropDownRect = dropDownRect.CenterIn(rowRect, wxVERTICAL);
            dc.SetPen(wxPen(colours.GetHeaderVBorderColour(), 1, PEN_STYLE));
            dc.DrawLine(dropDownRect.GetTopLeft(), dropDownRect.GetBottomLeft());
        } else {

        if(!last_cell) {
            dc.SetPen(wxPen(colours.GetHeaderVBorderColour(), 1, PEN_STYLE));
            dc.DrawLine(cellRect.GetTopRight(), cellRect.GetBottomRight());