ScTemplateItemValue(std::string const & name)
// Starts a new actor definition
static PClassActor *ParseActorHeader(FScanner &sc, Baggage *bag)
	FName typeName;
	FName parentName;
	FName replaceName;
	bool native = false;
	int DoomEdNum = -1;

	// Get actor name
	char *colon = strchr(sc.String, ':');
	if (colon != NULL)
		*colon++ = 0;

	typeName = sc.String;

	// Do some tweaking so that a definition like 'Actor:Parent' which is read as a single token is recognized as well
	// without having resort to C-mode (which disallows periods in actor names.)
	if (colon == NULL)
		sc.MustGetString ();
		if (sc.String[0]==':')
			colon = sc.String + 1;
	if (colon != NULL)
		if (colon[0] == 0)
			sc.MustGetString ();
			colon = sc.String;

	if (colon == NULL)

	parentName = colon;

	// Check for "replaces"
	if (sc.CheckString ("replaces"))
		// Get actor name
		sc.MustGetString ();
		replaceName = sc.String;

		if (replaceName == typeName)
			sc.ScriptMessage ("Cannot replace class %s with itself", typeName.GetChars());

	// Now, after the actor names have been parsed, it is time to switch to C-mode 
	// for the rest of the actor definition.
	sc.SetCMode (true);
	if (sc.CheckNumber()) 
		if (sc.Number>=-1 && sc.Number<32768) DoomEdNum = sc.Number;
			// does not need to be fatal.
			sc.ScriptMessage ("DoomEdNum must be in the range [-1,32767]");

	if (sc.CheckString("native"))
		native = true;

		PClassActor *info = CreateNewActor(sc, typeName, parentName, native);
		info->DoomEdNum = DoomEdNum > 0 ? DoomEdNum : -1;
		info->SourceLumpName = Wads.GetLumpFullPath(sc.LumpNum);

		SetReplacement(sc, info, replaceName);

		ResetBaggage (bag, info == RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor) ? NULL : static_cast<PClassActor *>(info->ParentClass));
		bag->Info = info;
		bag->Lumpnum = sc.LumpNum;
#ifdef _DEBUG
		bag->ClassName = typeName;
		return info;
	catch (CRecoverableError &err)
		sc.ScriptError("%s", err.GetMessage());
		return NULL;
 ScTemplateItemValue(char const * name)