virtual void OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code) { // ensure mouse capture gets released if (IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled()) { input()->SetMouseCapture(NULL); } // make sure the button gets unselected SetSelected(false); Repaint(); if (code == MOUSE_RIGHT) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("OpenContextMenu"); kv->SetPtr( "page", m_pPage ); kv->SetPtr( "contextlabel", m_pContextLabel ); PostActionSignal( kv ); } }
void CUIListBox::SendMessage(CUIWindow* pWnd, s16 msg, void* pData) { if (m_pad->IsChild(pWnd)) { switch (msg){ case LIST_ITEM_SELECT: GetMessageTarget()->SendMessage(this, LIST_ITEM_SELECT, pData); break; case LIST_ITEM_CLICKED: GetMessageTarget()->SendMessage(this, LIST_ITEM_CLICKED, pData); break; case LIST_ITEM_FOCUS_RECEIVED: if (m_bImmediateSelection) SetSelected(pWnd); break; } } CUIScrollView::SendMessage(pWnd, msg, pData); }
BOOL CSkinTabCtrl::AddItem(LPCTSTR lpszCaption, HICON hIcon/* = 0*/) { ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL && m_ItemCount < MAX_TABITEM - 1); size_t nLength; if ( lpszCaption && ( nLength = _tcslen(lpszCaption) ) ) { m_pItems[m_ItemCount].lpszCaption = (LPTSTR)malloc( (nLength + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); _tcscpy_s( m_pItems[m_ItemCount].lpszCaption, (nLength + 1), lpszCaption ); } m_pItems[m_ItemCount].hIcon = hIcon; int nLeft = m_ItemCount * (TABITEM_WIDTH + TABITEM_DISTANCE); SetRect(&m_pItems[m_ItemCount].rc, nLeft, 0, nLeft + TABITEM_WIDTH, TABITEM_HEIGHT); m_ItemCount++; if ( -1 == m_CurSelected ) SetSelected(0); else DrawSkin(TRUE); return TRUE; }
unsigned CClanMemberItem::Process( unsigned uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if( !IsInside( LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD( lParam )) ) return 0; switch( uiMsg ) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { CTDialog* pDlg = g_itMGR.FindDlg( DLG_TYPE_CLAN ); if( pDlg ) { CClanDlg* pClanDlg = (CClanDlg*)pDlg; pClanDlg->SetSelectedMember( m_iClanPoint ); } SetSelected(); } return GetControlID(); default: break; } return 0; }
void nsXFormsSwitchElement::CaseChanged(nsIDOMNode* aCase, PRBool aRemoved) { if (!aCase) return; if (aRemoved) { if (aCase == mSelected) { nsXFormsUtils::DispatchEvent(mSelected, eEvent_Deselect); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> el(do_QueryInterface(aCase)); Init(el); if (mSelected) nsXFormsUtils::DispatchEvent(mSelected, eEvent_Select); } return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> element(do_QueryInterface(aCase)); if (!element) return; if (!mSelected) { Init(); if (mSelected) nsXFormsUtils::DispatchEvent(mSelected, eEvent_Select); return; } if (!nsXFormsUtils::IsXFormsElement(aCase, NS_LITERAL_STRING("case"))) return; nsCOMPtr<nsIXFormsCaseElement> caseElem(do_QueryInterface(element)); if (caseElem) { PRBool selected; caseElem->GetInitialSelectedState(&selected); if (selected) { SetSelected(element, PR_TRUE); } } }
void GUI_ListBox::Draw(SURFHANDLE surf, RECT &drawablerect, int xoffset, int yoffset) { BLITDATA blitdata; calculateBlitData(xoffset + rect.left, yoffset +, drawablerect, blitdata); //width or height == 0 indicates that the element is completely outside its //parents rect, so no need to draw. if (blitdata.width > 0 && blitdata.height > 0) { //draw background and frame oapiBlt(surf, src, &blitdata.tgtrect, &blitdata.srcrect, SURF_PREDEF_CK); } //find printable rect ( RECT printableRect = _R(rect.left + xoffset + style->MarginLeft(), + yoffset + style->MarginTop(), rect.right + xoffset - scrlBarWidth - style->MarginLeft(), rect.bottom + yoffset - style->MarginBottom()); //draw entries SetSelected(selected); int posInDrawList = 0; //notes the position in the currently visible list as opposed to the entire list auto s = cState(); for (UINT i = scrollbar->GetScrollPos(); i < s->entries.size() && int(i) < scrollbar->GetScrollPos() + nLines; ++i, ++posInDrawList) { int tgty = + (posInDrawList * (font->GetfHeight() + lineSpace)); if (!s->noSelect && !s->selectBox && selected == i || s->selectBox && IsHighlight(i)) { font->Print(surf, s->entries[i], printableRect.left, tgty, printableRect, true, listJustification); } else { font->Print(surf, s->entries[i], printableRect.left, tgty, printableRect, false, listJustification); } } }
void CGUIDialogVisualisationPresetList::SetVisualisation(CGUIVisualisationControl* vis) { m_viz = vis; Reset(); if (m_viz) { SetUseDetails(false); SetMultiSelection(false); SetHeading(CVariant{StringUtils::Format(g_localizeStrings.Get(13407).c_str(), m_viz->Name().c_str())}); std::vector<std::string> presets; if (m_viz->GetPresetList(presets)) { for (const auto& preset : presets) { CFileItem item(preset); item.RemoveExtension(); Add(item); } SetSelected(m_viz->GetActivePreset()); } } }
//Fire action signal when mouse is pressed down instead of on release. virtual void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code) { // check for context menu open if (!IsEnabled()) return; if (!IsMouseClickEnabled(code)) return; if (IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled()) { { RequestFocus(); FireActionSignal(); SetSelected(true); Repaint(); } // lock mouse input to going to this button input()->SetMouseCapture(GetVPanel()); } }
virtual bool IsDroppable( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >&msglist ) { // It's never droppable, but should activate FireActionSignal(); SetSelected(true); Repaint(); if ( !GetParent() ) return false; PropertySheet *sheet = IsDroppingSheet( msglist ); if ( sheet ) { return GetParent()->IsDroppable( msglist ); } // Defer to active page... Panel *active = m_pParent->GetActivePage(); if ( !active || !active->IsDroppable( msglist ) ) return false; return active->IsDroppable( msglist ); }
void MgdFeatureInfoRenderer::ProcessMarker(LineBuffer* lb, RS_MarkerDef& mdef, bool allowOverpost, RS_Bounds* bounds) { if(m_pointTest && m_featurePending) { double scale_factor; if (mdef.units() == RS_Units_Device) scale_factor = m_mapScale / m_metersPerUnit; else scale_factor = 1.0 / m_metersPerUnit; double cx = mdef.width() * scale_factor; double cy = mdef.height() * scale_factor; double ix = mdef.insx() * cx; double iy = mdef.insy() * cy; double angleRad = mdef.rotation() * M_PI180; double angleCos = cos(angleRad); double angleSin = sin(angleRad); for (int i = 0; i < lb->point_count(); i++) { double ox = lb->x_coord(i), oy = lb->y_coord(i); double x0 = ox - ix, x1 = x0 + cx; double y0 = oy - iy, y1 = y0 + cy; double sx = m_point[0] - ox, sy = m_point[1] - oy; double rx = sx * angleCos + sy * angleSin; double ry = sy * angleCos - sx * angleSin; double dx = rx + ox, dy = ry + oy; if(dx > x0 && dx < x1 && dy > y0 && dy < y1) { SetSelected(); break; } } } }
void nuiComboBox::OnSelect(const nuiEvent& rEvent) { nuiWidget::SetSelected(false); nuiPopupMenu* pMenu = (nuiPopupMenu*)rEvent.mpUser; nuiTreeNode* pNode = pMenu->GetSelectedNode(); SetSelected(pNode ? pNode : mpOldSelected); // if (mpOldSelected) // mpOldSelected->Release(); mpOldSelected = NULL; if (pNode) { ValueChanged(); } pMenu->SetTrashRemoval(true); InvalidateLayout(); rEvent.Cancel(); Focus(); }
Request::FieldsDialog::ListFieldSingle::ListFieldSingle( PurpleRequestField *field) : field(field) { g_assert(field); char *text = g_strdup_printf("%s%s", purple_request_field_is_required(field) ? "*" : "", purple_request_field_get_label(field)); SetText(text); g_free(text); GList *list = purple_request_field_list_get_items(field); for (int i = 0; list; i++, list = list->next) { const char *text = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(list->data); AddOption(text); if (purple_request_field_list_is_selected(field, text)) SetSelected(i); } signal_selection_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ListFieldSingle::OnSelectionChanged)); }
//**************************************************************************** HRESULT CBCGPToolBoxPage::accSelect(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varChild) { if (varChild.vt != VT_I4) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (flagsSelect == SELFLAG_NONE || varChild.lVal == CHILDID_SELF) { return S_FALSE; } if (flagsSelect == SELFLAG_TAKEFOCUS || flagsSelect == SELFLAG_TAKESELECTION) { CBCGPToolBoxButton* pButton = GetAccChild(varChild.lVal); if (pButton != NULL) { SetSelected(varChild.lVal - 1); return S_OK; } } return S_FALSE; }
int ListBox::OnLButtonUp(int x, int y) { if (captured) { mouse_x = x-rect.x; mouse_y = y-rect.y; if (dragging) { if (mouse_x < 0 || mouse_x > rect.w || mouse_y < 0 || mouse_y > rect.h) { FormWindow* parent_form = (FormWindow*) form; if (parent_form) { ActiveWindow* drop_target = parent_form->FindControl(x,y); if (drop_target && drop_target->IsEnabled() && drop_target->IsShown()) drop_target->OnDragDrop(x,y,this); } } } else if (preselected) { if (multiselect && Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_SHIFT)) { SetSelected(list_index, false); Button::PlaySound(Button::SND_LIST_SELECT); } } ReleaseCapture(); captured = false; Mouse::SetCursor((Mouse::CURSOR) old_cursor); } dragging = false; selecting = false; return ActiveWindow::OnLButtonUp(x,y); }
void CGUIDialogSelect::SetSelected(std::vector<int> selectedIndexes) { for (auto i : selectedIndexes) SetSelected(i); }
bool PopupMenu::EventKey( cevent_key* pEvent ) { if ( sub.ptr() && sub->EventKey( pEvent ) ) { return true; } if ( pEvent->Type() == EV_KEYDOWN ) { int i; switch ( pEvent->Key() ) { case VK_DOWN: for ( i = ( selected >= 0 && selected + 1 < list.count() ) ? selected + 1 : 0; i < list.count(); i++ ) { if ( !IsSplit( i ) ) { SetSelected( i ); return true; } } break; case VK_UP: for ( i = ( selected > 0 ) ? selected - 1 : list.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( !IsSplit( i ) ) { SetSelected( i ); return true; } } break; case VK_RIGHT: if ( OpenSubmenu() ) { return true; }; break; //case VK_LEFT: // return false; // to prevent grabbing default case case VK_NUMPAD_RETURN: case VK_RETURN: if ( IsCmd( selected ) && IsEnabled( selected ) ) { int id = list[selected].data->id; if ( IsModal() ) { EndModal( id ); } else if ( Parent() ) { Parent()->Command( id, 0, this, 0 ); } return true; } return OpenSubmenu(); case VK_ESCAPE: if ( IsModal() ) { EndModal( 0 ); } else if ( Parent() ) { Parent()->Command( CMD_MENU_INFO, SCMD_MENU_CANCEL, this, 0 ); } else {/* Botva */} return true; default: { // check if hotkey matches, and process // XXX: pEvent->Key() returns key (like Shift-F1, etc). isHotkeyMatching() expects unicode char, which is not the same unicode_t c = UnicodeUC( pEvent->Char() ); for ( int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++ ) { MenuData::Node* node = list[i].data; if ( node->leftText.isHotkeyMatching( c ) ) { if ( node->id != 0 ) // menu command { if ( Parent() ) { Parent()->Command( node->id, 0, this, 0 ); } return true; } else // sumbenu { SetSelected( i ); OpenSubmenu(); return true; } } } return false; } } } return false; }
bool PopupMenu::EventMouse( cevent_mouse* pEvent ) { int N = -1; cpoint point = pEvent->Point(); for ( int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++ ) { crect* pr = &( list[i].rect ); if ( point.x >= pr->left && point.x < pr->right && point.y >= pr->top && point.y < pr->bottom ) { N = i; break; } } switch ( pEvent->Type() ) { case EV_MOUSE_MOVE: if ( N < 0 ) { if ( !sub.ptr() ) { return false; } crect rect = ScreenRect(); crect sr = sub->ScreenRect(); pEvent->Point().x += rect.left - sr.left; pEvent->Point().y += -; return sub->EventMouse( pEvent ); } if ( SetSelected( N ) ) { if ( this->IsSub( selected ) && IsEnabled( selected ) ) { OpenSubmenu(); } } return true; case EV_MOUSE_PRESS: if ( N < 0 ) { if ( sub.ptr() ) { crect rect = ScreenRect(); crect sr = sub->ScreenRect(); pEvent->Point().x += rect.left - sr.left; pEvent->Point().y += -; if ( sub->EventMouse( pEvent ) ) { return true; } } if ( IsModal() ) { EndModal( 0 ); } else if ( Parent() ) { Parent()->Command( CMD_MENU_INFO, SCMD_MENU_CANCEL, this, 0 ); } return true; } if ( SetSelected( N ) ) { if ( IsCmd( selected ) && IsEnabled( selected ) ) { int id = list[N].data->id; if ( IsModal() ) { EndModal( id ); } else if ( Parent() ) { Parent()->Command( id, 0, this, 0 ); } } else { OpenSubmenu(); } } return true; } return false; }
void SeqTrack::SelectTrack() { SeqPanel->UnselectTracks(); SetSelected(true); }
//Select a specific frame void WidgetSpriteFrameView::SetSelected(WidgetSpriteFrameView_Frame* frame) { SetSelected(frames.indexOf(frame)); }
void PluginPanel::OnPluginSelected( wxMouseEvent &event ) { SetSelected( true ); m_PluginListPanel->SelectPlugin( this ); }
bool CEvent::SetAttribute( enum E_EventAttribute inAttr, int32 inValue ) { uint8 cmd = Command(); switch (inAttr) { case EvAttr_StartTime: // start time SetStart( inValue ); return true; case EvAttr_Duration: // event duration if (HasProperty( Prop_Duration )) { SetDuration(1 > inValue ? 1 : inValue); return true; } return false; case EvAttr_StopTime: // event stop time return false; // Can't set stop -- must set duration case EvAttr_Type: // event type SetCommand( CLAMP( EvtType_End, inValue, EvtType_Count - 1 ) ); return true; case EvAttr_Selected: // Whether it's selected or not SetSelected( inValue != 0 ); return true; case EvAttr_Channel: // virtual channel number if (HasProperty( Prop_Channel )) SetVChannel( CLAMP( 0L, inValue, Max_Destinations ) ); return true; case EvAttr_Pitch: // pitch attribute if ( cmd == EvtType_Note || cmd == EvtType_NoteOff) { note.pitch = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 127 ); return true; } else if (cmd == EvtType_PolyATouch) { aTouch.pitch = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 127 ); return true; } else return false; case EvAttr_AttackVelocity: // attack velocity if ( cmd == EvtType_Note || cmd == EvtType_NoteOff) { note.attackVelocity = CLAMP( 1L, inValue, 127 ); return true; } else return false; case EvAttr_ReleaseVelocity: // release velocity if ( cmd == EvtType_Note || cmd == EvtType_NoteOff) { note.releaseVelocity = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 127 ); return true; } else return false; case EvAttr_AfterTouch: // aftertouch value if ( cmd == EvtType_PolyATouch) { aTouch.value = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 127 ); return true; } else return false; case EvAttr_Program: // program number attribute if ( cmd == EvtType_ProgramChange) { programChange.program = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 127 ); return true; } return false; case EvAttr_ProgramBank: // program bank number if ( cmd == EvtType_ProgramChange) { inValue = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 0x3fff ); programChange.bankMSB = inValue >> 7; programChange.bankLSB = inValue & 0x7f; return true; } return false; case EvAttr_VPos: // arbitrary vertical position if (HasProperty( Prop_VertPos )) repeat.vPos = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 63 ); return false; case EvAttr_ControllerNumber: // controller number if (cmd == EvtType_Controller) { controlChange.controller = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 127 ); } return false; case EvAttr_ControllerValue8: // 8-bit controller value if (cmd == EvtType_Controller) { controlChange.MSB = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 127 ); controlChange.LSB = 0; } return false; case EvAttr_ControllerValue16: // 16-bit controller value if ( cmd == EvtType_Controller) { inValue = CLAMP( 0L, inValue, 0x3fff ); controlChange.MSB = inValue >> 7; controlChange.LSB = inValue & 0x7f; return true; }
void Event(SDL_Event* event) { int mousePosition[2], selected_unit; static int keytaps = 0; // Något slags fulhax if(drawconsole){ char legal[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ,.-;:_*^~!¤%&/()=?+\\<>|øæ "; if(event->type == SDL_KEYUP){ if(event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN){ if(strlen(console)>0){ char buff[PACKETSIZE]; strncpy(buff, console ,PACKETSIZE); cmdsend(1,0,client_id,console,NULL); } drawconsole = false; int i; for(i=0; i<MESSAGESIZE; i++) console[i] = '\0'; keytaps=0; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Chat toggle = FALSE\n"); } } else if(event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if(event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE){ int len = strlen(console); if(keytaps>0) keytaps--; console[len-1 > 0 ? len-1 : 0] = '\0'; } else { int i; if(strlen(console)+1 < MESSAGESIZE){ for(i=0; i<strlen(legal); i++){ if(legal[i] == event->key.keysym.unicode){ console[keytaps] = event->key.keysym.unicode; keytaps++; break; } } } } } } else if(mapmakerOpen) mmEvent(event); else if(menuOpen) menuEvent(event); else if(startMenuOpen) startMenuEvent(event); else //In-game { switch (event->type) { case SDL_QUIT: running = false; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (event->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: running = false; break; case SDLK_q: running = false; break; case SDLK_F10: offsetflag[0] = 0; offsetflag[1] = 0; altDown = false; tabDown = false; menuOpen = true; break; case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: capsActive = true; break; case SDLK_LEFT: offsetflag[0]=-1; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: offsetflag[0]=1; break; case SDLK_DOWN: offsetflag[1]=1; break; case SDLK_UP: offsetflag[1]=-1; break; case SDLK_m: PlayGameSound(MUSIC); break; case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: shiftDown = true; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Shift Down\n"); break; case SDLK_LALT: altDown = true; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Alt Down\n"); break; case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RCTRL: ctrlDown = true; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Ctrl Down\n"); break; case SDLK_TAB: cmdsend(80,client_id,0," "," "); tabDown = true; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"TAB Down\n"); break; case SDLK_0: //Handles control groups case SDLK_1: case SDLK_2: case SDLK_3: case SDLK_4: case SDLK_5: case SDLK_6: case SDLK_7: case SDLK_8: case SDLK_9: if(ctrlDown) { SetControlGroup(event->key.keysym.sym-48); if(DEBUG)fprintf(stderr,"Setting control group: %i\n",event->key.keysym.sym-48); } else { GetControlGroup(event->key.keysym.sym-48); if(DEBUG)fprintf(stderr,"Getting control group: %i\n",event->key.keysym.sym-48); } break; default: break; } break; case SDL_KEYUP: switch (event->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_RETURN: drawconsole = true; fprintf(stderr, "Chat toggle = TRUE\n"); break; case SDLK_LEFT: if(offsetflag[0] == -1) offsetflag[0]=0; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if(offsetflag[0] == 1) offsetflag[0]=0; break; case SDLK_DOWN: if(offsetflag[1] == 1) offsetflag[1]=0; break; case SDLK_UP: if(offsetflag[1] == -1) offsetflag[1]=0; break; case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: shiftDown = false; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Shift Up\n"); break; case SDLK_LALT: altDown = false; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Alt Up\n"); break; case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RCTRL: ctrlDown = false; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Ctrl Up\n"); break; case SDLK_TAB: tabDown = false; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"TAB Up\n"); break; case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: capsActive = false; break; default: break; } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: SDL_GetMouseState(&mousePosition[0],&mousePosition[1]); if( mousePosition[0] < 5 || mousePosition[0] > WINDOWWIDTH-5 //Checks if mouse is close to the screen borders || mousePosition[1] < 5 || mousePosition[1] > WINDOWHEIGHT-5) { if(mousePosition[0] < 5) offsetflagmouse[0] = -1; //Sets offset flags according to mouse position if(mousePosition[0] > WINDOWWIDTH-5) offsetflagmouse[0] = 1; if(mousePosition[1] < 5) offsetflagmouse[1] = -1; if(mousePosition[1] > WINDOWHEIGHT-5) offsetflagmouse[1] = 1; } else //Sets offset flags to 0 if mouse is not close to the borders { offsetflagmouse[0] = 0; offsetflagmouse[1] = 0; } if(scrollDown) { SDL_GetMouseState(&mousePosition[0],&mousePosition[1]); if(mousePosition[0] > scrollDownStart[0] + 10) offsetflagscroll[0] = 1; if(mousePosition[0] < scrollDownStart[0] - 10) offsetflagscroll[0] = -1; if(mousePosition[1] > scrollDownStart[1] + 10) offsetflagscroll[1] = 1; if(mousePosition[1] < scrollDownStart[1] - 10) offsetflagscroll[1] = -1; } if(leftMouseDown) { boxEnd[0] = mousePosition[0]+offset[0]*TILEDIAGONAL; boxEnd[1] = mousePosition[1]+offset[1]*TILEDIAGONAL/2; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { SDL_GetMouseState(&mousePosition[0],&mousePosition[1]); switch (event->button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: if(showEndgameStatus) showEndgameStatus = false; lastSelectedGroup = -1; if(mousePosition[1] < WINDOWHEIGHT-HUD_HEIGHT) //If the mouse is within the game area { SetSelected(mousePosition); SDL_GetMouseState(&mousePosition[0],&mousePosition[1]); boxStart[0] = mousePosition[0]+offset[0]*TILEDIAGONAL; boxStart[1] = mousePosition[1]+offset[1]*TILEDIAGONAL/2; boxEnd[0] = boxStart[0]; //Prevents graphical errors boxEnd[1] = boxStart[1]; leftMouseDown = true; } else { hudClick = true; ClickHUDButton(mousePosition); } break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: if(mousePosition[1] < WINDOWHEIGHT-HUD_HEIGHT) { //If the mouse is within the game area //fprintf(stdout,"RIGHTCLICK\n"); selected_unit = SetTarget(mousePosition); SDL_GetMouseState(&mousePosition[0],&mousePosition[1]); //New mouse coordinates as SetTarget manipulates them SendUnits(mousePosition,selected_unit); /* if ( selected_unit == -1 )//Tries to set target { if ( SetDestination(mousePosition) == true ) //Only set destination if target set failed { if(DEBUG) fprintf(stdout,"Sending selected unit(s) to %i,%i\n",mousePosition[0],mousePosition[1]); } } else if (unit[selected_unit].owner == client_id) { fprintf(stdout,"Following unit %i\n",selected_unit); } else if (unit[selected_unit].owner != client_id) { fprintf(stdout,"Attacking unit %i\n",selected_unit); }*/ } break; case SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP: zoomSchedueled += 1; break; case SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN: zoomSchedueled -= 1; break; case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: scrollDown = true; SDL_GetMouseState(&scrollDownStart[0],&scrollDownStart[1]); if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Middle mouse button Down\n"); break; } } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { switch (event->button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: if(hudClick) { hudClick = false; break; } leftMouseDown = false; int temp; SDL_GetMouseState(&mousePosition[0],&mousePosition[1]); boxEnd[0] = mousePosition[0]+offset[0]*TILEDIAGONAL; boxEnd[1] = mousePosition[1]+offset[1]*TILEDIAGONAL/2; boxDiff[0] = boxStart[0] - boxEnd[0]; boxDiff[1] = boxStart[1] - boxEnd[1]; if(boxDiff[0] < 0) { boxDiff[0] *= -1; } else { temp = boxStart[0]; boxStart[0] = boxEnd[0]; boxEnd[0] = temp; } if(boxDiff[1] < 0) { boxDiff[1] *= -1; } else { temp = boxStart[1]; boxStart[1] = boxEnd[1]; boxEnd[1] = temp; } if(boxDiff[0] > BOX_LIMIT || boxDiff[1] > BOX_LIMIT) SetSelectedGroup(); //Only use the SetSelectedGroup function if the box is large enough break; case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: scrollDown = false; offsetflagscroll[0] = 0; offsetflagscroll[1] = 0; if(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Middle mouse button Up\n"); break; } } break; } } }
void CUIListBox::SetSelectedText(LPCSTR txt) { SetSelected(GetItemByText(txt)); }
ENDDISPATCH /* TTreeView::DoKeyEvent * * Tree event */ long TTreeView::DoKeyEvent(long arg, void *) { TreeEventRecord tevent; TableDrawRecord tr; short i; short mods; short key; uint32 item; key = GETLOWORD(arg); mods = GETHIWORD(arg); if (mods & KSpecialKey) { /* * Scan for the various arrow keys */ switch (key) { case KKeyUpCursor: if (fLength <= 0) return 0; for (i = 0; i < fLength; ++i) { fDrawList.GetMemory(i*sizeof(tr),sizeof(tr),&tr); if (tr.entry->fSelected) { --i; break; } } if (i >= fLength || i < 0) i = 0; fDrawList.GetMemory(i*sizeof(tr),sizeof(tr),&tr); if (!(mods & KKeyShift)) { ClearSelection(); } SetSelected((uint32)tr.entry,true); tevent.child = (uint32)tr.entry; DoDispatch(KEventTreeClick,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); return 0; case KKeyDownCursor: if (fLength <= 0) return 0; for (i = fLength - 1; i >= 0; --i) { fDrawList.GetMemory(i*sizeof(tr),sizeof(tr),&tr); if (tr.entry->fSelected) { ++i; break; } } if (i >= fLength || i < 0) i = fLength - 1; fDrawList.GetMemory(i*sizeof(tr),sizeof(tr),&tr); if (!(mods & KKeyShift)) { ClearSelection(); } SetSelected((uint32)tr.entry,true); tevent.child = (uint32)tr.entry; DoDispatch(KEventTreeClick,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); return 0; case KKeyLeftCursor: if (fSelectedCount == 1) { item = 0; if (fSelection->fOpen) { item = (uint32)fSelection; } else { item = (uint32)(fSelection->parent); } if (item) { OpenItem( item, false ); SetSelection( item ); tevent.child = item; DoDispatch(KEventTreeClick,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); } } return 0; case KKeyRightCursor: if (fSelectedCount == 1) { item = (uint32)(fSelection->child); if (item) { OpenItem( (uint32)fSelection, true ); SetSelection( item ); tevent.child = item; DoDispatch(KEventTreeClick,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); } } return 0; default: return -1; } } else { /* * Scan for the regular keys */ #if 0 if (key == 0x0D) { /* * Enter key == double-click */ if (fSelect != NULL) { tevent.child = (uint32)fSelect; DoDispatch(KEventTreeDoubleClick,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); } return 0; } else if (key == ' ') { /* * Space key == open/close item */ if (fSelect) { OpenItem((uint32)fSelect,!(fSelect->fOpen)); return 0; } } #endif return -1; } }
void CGUIDialogSelect::SetSelected(const std::vector<std::string> &selectedLabels) { for (const auto& label : selectedLabels) SetSelected(label); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SIGNED PegCheckBox::Message(const PegMessage &Mesg) { switch(Mesg.wType) { case PM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (mwStyle & AF_ENABLED) { CapturePointer(); } break; case PM_LBUTTONUP: if (StatusIs(PSF_OWNS_POINTER)) { if (mReal.Contains(Mesg.Point)) { if (mwStyle & BF_SELECTED) { SetSelected(FALSE); } else { SetSelected(TRUE); } } ReleasePointer(); } break; case PM_POINTER_MOVE: case PM_POINTER_EXIT: break; #ifdef PEG_KEYBOARD_SUPPORT case PM_KEY: if ((Mesg.iData == PK_CR || Mesg.iData == PK_SPACE) && (mwStyle & AF_ENABLED)) { if (!(mwStyle & BF_SELECTED)) { SetSelected(TRUE); } else { SetSelected(FALSE); } } else { PegThing::Message(Mesg); } break; case PM_KEY_RELEASE: if (Mesg.iData == PK_CR) { break; } else { PegThing::Message(Mesg); } break; #endif default: PegButton::Message(Mesg); break; } return(0); }
bool TTreeView::DoMouseDown(Point where, short flags) { XRect r,t; long len; long x,y; long h; long i; short lh,lt; short it; TableDrawRecord tr; short at; TreeEventRecord tevent; XGDraw draw(this); draw.SetFont(XGFont::LoadFont(1)); if (!fDrawFlag) EnableDrawing(); SetFocus(); tevent.ev_flags = flags; /* * Get the drawing parameters so I know where these are */ r = GetContentRect(); GetScrollParams(&x,&y,&h); x *= h; len = (r.bottom - + h - 1) / h; len += y; if (len > fLength) len = fLength; lh = draw.GetFontHeight(); // lh == line height lt = (h-1-lh)/2; // lt == line top (of label) it = (h-17)/2; // it == icon top (for 16x16 icon) at = (h-13)/2; // at == arrow top /* * Iterate through buttons */ for (i = y; i < len; i++) { fDrawList.GetMemory(i*sizeof(tr),sizeof(tr),&tr); if (1 || tr.inset > 0) { if (tr.entry->child || tr.entry->fChildDefer) { = (i - y) * h + at; t.left = 22 * (tr.inset) - x + 2; t.bottom = + 12; t.right = t.left + 12; if (PtInRect(where,&t)) { /* * Clicked on open icon. */ if (tr.entry->child == NULL) { /* * Defer open--dispatch event to give the * app a chance to fill in the children */ tevent.child = (uint32)tr.entry; DoDispatch(KEventTreeOpen,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); } tr.entry->fOpen = !(tr.entry->fOpen); Update(); return false; } } } } /* * Iterate through text. */ for (i = y; i < len; i++) { char buffer[256]; fDrawList.GetMemory(i*sizeof(tr),sizeof(tr),&tr); GetItemData( (uint32)tr.entry, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1 ); = (i - y) * h; r.bottom = + h; r.left = 22 * (tr.inset+1) - x; r.right = r.left + draw.StringWidth(buffer) + 6; if (tr.entry->icon) r.right += 16; if (PtInRect(where,&r)) { /* * Clicked on an object */ fDrawList.GetMemory(i*sizeof(tr),sizeof(tr),&tr); tevent.child = (uint32)tr.entry; if (flags & KKeyShift) { SetSelected((uint32)tr.entry, !tr.entry->fSelected); } else { SetSelection((uint32)tr.entry); } if (flags & KDoubleClick) { /* * We double-clicked on this object */ DoDispatch(KEventTreeDoubleClick,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); } else { /* * We single-clicked here */ DoDispatch(KEventTreeClick,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); if ((tr.entry->dragID) && XGDragger::Wait(this,where)) { /* * Should I drag? */ TreeDragRecord tdr; tdr.tree = this; tdr.dragID = (uint32)tr.entry; if (0 == DoDispatch(KEventTreeStartDrag,GetViewID(),(void *)&tdr)) { return false; } /* * Drag this one item */ if ((tr.entry->dragSize.h != -1) && (tr.entry->dragSize.v != -1)) { r.left = where.h; = where.v; r.right = r.left + tr.entry->dragSize.h; r.bottom = + tr.entry->dragSize.v; } XGDragger drag(this,tr.entry->fInternDrag); /*char buffer[256]; short len; len = fData.GetData(tr.entry->dragData,sizeof(buffer),buffer); drag.AddObject(1,tr.entry->dragID,buffer,len,&r);*/ char buffer[256]; int len = GetExtraData((uint32)tr.entry, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); drag.AddObject(1,tr.entry->dragID, buffer, len, &r); drag.Track(); } } return false; } } /* * If we get here, we didn't click on anything. Clear selection */ ClearSelection(); tevent.child = NULL; DoDispatch(KEventTreeClick,GetViewID(),(void *)&tevent); return false; }
void CUIListBox::SetSelectedIDX(u32 idx) { SetSelected(GetItemByIDX(idx)); }
static BOOL HandleReq( struct AHIAudioModeRequesterExt *req ) // Returns FALSE if requester was cancelled { BOOL done=FALSE,rc=TRUE; ULONG class,sec,oldsec=0,micro,oldmicro=0,oldid=AHI_INVALID_ID; UWORD code; UWORD qual; struct Gadget *pgsel; struct IntuiMessage *imsg; struct IDnode *idnode; LONG sliderlevels,sliderlevel,i,selected; struct MenuItem *item; while(!done) { Wait(1L << req->Window->UserPort->mp_SigBit); while ((imsg=GT_GetIMsg(req->Window->UserPort)) != NULL ) { if(imsg->IDCMPWindow == req->InfoWindow) { class = imsg->Class; GT_ReplyIMsg(imsg); switch(class) { case IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW: CloseInfoWindow(req); break; case IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW : GT_BeginRefresh(req->InfoWindow); GT_EndRefresh(req->InfoWindow,TRUE); break; } continue; // Get next IntuiMessage } else if(imsg->IDCMPWindow != req->Window) // Not my window! { if(req->IntuiMsgFunc) CallHookPkt(req->IntuiMsgFunc,req,imsg); // else what to do??? Reply and forget? FIXIT! continue; } sec=imsg->Seconds; micro=imsg->Micros; qual=imsg->Qualifier; class=imsg->Class; code=imsg->Code; pgsel=(struct Gadget *)imsg->IAddress; // pgsel illegal if not gadget GT_ReplyIMsg(imsg); switch ( class ) { case IDCMP_RAWKEY: switch (code) { case 0x4c: // Cursor Up selected=GetSelected(req); if(selected == ~0) selected=0; if(selected > 0) selected--; idnode=(struct IDnode *)req->list->mlh_Head; for(i=0;i<selected;i++) idnode=(struct IDnode *)idnode->node.ln_Succ; req->tempAudioID=idnode->ID; SetSelected(req,TRUE); break; case 0x4d: // Cursor Down selected=GetSelected(req); selected++; // ~0 => 0 idnode=(struct IDnode *)req->list->mlh_Head; for(i=0;i<selected;i++) if(idnode->node.ln_Succ->ln_Succ) idnode=(struct IDnode *)idnode->node.ln_Succ; req->tempAudioID=idnode->ID; SetSelected(req,TRUE); break; case 0x4e: // Cursor Right GetSliderAttrs(req,&sliderlevels,&sliderlevel); sliderlevel += (qual & (IEQUALIFIER_LSHIFT|IEQUALIFIER_RSHIFT) ? 10 :1); if(sliderlevel >= sliderlevels) sliderlevel=sliderlevels-1; AHI_GetAudioAttrs(req->tempAudioID, NULL, AHIDB_FrequencyArg,sliderlevel, AHIDB_Frequency, (ULONG) &req->tempFrequency, TAG_DONE); SetSelected(req,FALSE); break; case 0x4f: // Cursor Left GetSliderAttrs(req,&sliderlevels,&sliderlevel); sliderlevel -= (qual & (IEQUALIFIER_LSHIFT|IEQUALIFIER_RSHIFT) ? 10 :1); if(sliderlevel < 0) sliderlevel=0; AHI_GetAudioAttrs(req->tempAudioID, NULL, AHIDB_FrequencyArg,sliderlevel, AHIDB_Frequency, (ULONG) &req->tempFrequency, TAG_DONE); SetSelected(req,FALSE); break; } break; case IDCMP_GADGETUP : switch ( pgsel->GadgetID ) { case OKBUTTON: done=TRUE; break; case CANCELBUTTON: done=TRUE; rc=FALSE; break; case FREQSLIDER: AHI_GetAudioAttrs(req->tempAudioID, NULL, AHIDB_FrequencyArg,code, AHIDB_Frequency, (ULONG) &req->tempFrequency, TAG_DONE); break; case LISTVIEW: idnode=(struct IDnode *)req->list->mlh_Head; for(i=0;i<code;i++) idnode=(struct IDnode *)idnode->node.ln_Succ; req->tempAudioID=idnode->ID; SetSelected(req,FALSE); // Test doubleclick and save timestamp if( (oldid == req->tempAudioID) && DoubleClick(oldsec,oldmicro,sec,micro)) done=TRUE; oldsec=sec; oldmicro=micro; oldid=req->tempAudioID; break; } break; case IDCMP_NEWSIZE: if(!(LayOutReq(req,req->TextAttr))) if(!(LayOutReq(req,&Topaz80))) { // ERROR! Quit. done=TRUE; break; } break; case IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW: done=TRUE; rc=FALSE; break; case IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW : GT_BeginRefresh(req->Window); GT_EndRefresh(req->Window,TRUE); break; case IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY: break; case IDCMP_MENUPICK: while((code != MENUNULL) && !done) { item=ItemAddress(req->Menu, code); switch((ULONG)GTMENUITEM_USERDATA(item)) { case LASTMODEITEM: selected=GetSelected(req); if(selected == ~0) selected=0; if(selected > 0) selected--; idnode=(struct IDnode *)req->list->mlh_Head; for(i=0;i<selected;i++) idnode=(struct IDnode *)idnode->node.ln_Succ; req->tempAudioID=idnode->ID; SetSelected(req,TRUE); break; case NEXTMODEITEM: selected=GetSelected(req); selected++; // ~0 => 0 idnode=(struct IDnode *)req->list->mlh_Head; for(i=0;i<selected;i++) if(idnode->node.ln_Succ->ln_Succ) idnode=(struct IDnode *)idnode->node.ln_Succ; req->tempAudioID=idnode->ID; SetSelected(req,TRUE); break; case PROPERTYITEM: OpenInfoWindow(req); break; case RESTOREITEM: req->tempAudioID=req->Req.ahiam_AudioID; req->tempFrequency=req->Req.ahiam_MixFreq; SetSelected(req,TRUE); break; case OKITEM: done=TRUE; break; case CANCELITEM: done=TRUE; rc=FALSE; break; } code = item->NextSelect; } break; } } }
void CUIListBox::SetSelectedTAG(u32 tag_val) { SetSelected(GetItemByTAG(tag_val)); }