Exemple #1
main (
  int       argc,
  char      *argv[]
  FILE    *fp;
  time_t  ltime;

  // check the number of parameters
  if (argc != 3) {
    PrintUsage ();
    return -1;
  // open the TIME file, if not exists, return
  fp = fopen (argv[2], "r+");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    return 0;
  // get time and date from file
  if (GetDateTime (fp, &ltime) != 0) {
    fclose (fp);
    return -1;
  // close the TIME file
  fclose (fp);

  // open the PE file
  fp = fopen (argv[1], "r+b");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    printf ("Error: Cannot open the PE file!\n");
    return -1;
  // set time and date stamp to the PE file
  if (SetStamp (fp, ltime) != 0) {
    fclose (fp);
    return -1;

  printf ("Set Date/Time Stamp to %s", ctime (&ltime));

  // close the PE file
  fclose (fp);

  return 0;
// Init
	IDataLink* iDataLink, const URI& uri)
	NameInfo	nameInfo;
	PMString	formatName;
	uint32		fileType;
	ErrorCode	errorCode = iDataLink->GetNameInfo (&nameInfo, &formatName, &fileType);

	mId = uri;

	if (errorCode == kSuccess)
		uint64		storedSize = 0;
		uint64		storedTime = 0;
		IDataLink::StateType	calculatedType = IDataLink::kLinkNormal;
		IDataLink::StateType	oldStoredType = iDataLink->GetStoredState (&storedSize, &storedTime);

		uint64		modTime = 0;

		//	Check if times are consistent or close enough.
		ResourceStamp	resourceStamp;
		if (oldStoredType != IDataLink::kEmbedded)
			uint64		currentSize = 0;
			uint64		currentTime = 0;
			bool16		fileExists = GetCurrentTimeAndSizeFromURI (currentTime, currentSize);

			if (fileExists)
#ifdef DEBUG
				bool	hasStamp = 
					ConstructStampFromURI (resourceStamp);
				ASSERT (hasStamp);

				if (storedSize != currentSize || TimeStampsCloseEnough (storedTime, currentTime) == false)
					//ASSERT (oldStoredType == IDataLink::kLinkOutOfDate);

					ConstructStampFromTimeSize (storedTime, storedSize, resourceStamp);
					modTime = storedTime;

					if (oldStoredType != IDataLink::kLinkOutOfDate)
						calculatedType = IDataLink::kLinkOutOfDate;
						iDataLink->SetStoredState (nil, nil, calculatedType);
					modTime = currentTime;
				//	File does not exist.
				// the persisted type can easily be different from the current type.

				calculatedType = IDataLink::kLinkMissing;
				ConstructStampFromTimeSize (storedTime, storedSize, resourceStamp);
				modTime = storedTime;
			//	Embedded
			calculatedType = IDataLink::kEmbedded;
			ConstructStampFromTimeSize (storedTime, storedSize, resourceStamp);
			modTime = storedTime;


		// the persisted type can easily be different from the current type.
		// commenting out assert. dstephens 06/06/2007
		//ASSERT (calculatedType == oldStoredType);

		ILinkResource::ResourceState	state = (oldStoredType == IDataLink::kLinkMissing) ? kMissing : kAvailable;

		//	Set attributes

		//	Embeded
		if (oldStoredType == IDataLink::kEmbedded)
			InterfacePtr<ILinkObjectReference>	iOldObjectRef (iDataLink, UseDefaultIID ());
			if (iOldObjectRef != nil && iOldObjectRef->GetUID () != kInvalidUID)
				InterfacePtr<IStoreInternal>	iStoreInternal (mDB, iOldObjectRef->GetUID (), IID_ISTOREINTERNAL);
				//	Delete old stored data
				UID		storedUID = iStoreInternal->GetStoredUID ();
				if (storedUID != kInvalidUID && mDB->IsValidUID (storedUID))
					//iStoreInternal->SetStoredUID (kInvalidUID);
					mStoreState = kEmbedded;
					mStoredResourceUID = storedUID;

	return errorCode;