WinFrame::WinFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) : wxFrame( nullptr, wxID_ANY, title, pos, size, GetStyle() ) { #ifdef AC_MULTI_THREADED computing_ = false; #endif #ifdef _WINDOWS SetIcon(wxICON(app_icon)); #endif Ac::SetFloatPrecision(50); /* Create window layout */ CreateStatBar(); CreateFont(); CreateInputCtrl(); CreateOutputCtrl(); CreateMenuItems(); SetMinClientSize(wxSize(300, 100)); Bind(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, &WinFrame::OnClose, this); Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, &WinFrame::OnResize, this); Centre(); ShowIntro(); LoadConfig(configFilename); }
static bool tcInit(void) { SDL_Init(0); if (setup.Debug >= ERR_DEBUG) { pcErrOpen(ERR_OUTPUT_TO_DISK, "debug.txt"); } else { pcErrOpen(ERR_NO_OUTPUT, NULL); } InitAudio(); StdBuffer1 = TCAllocMem(STD_BUFFER1_SIZE, true); StdBuffer0 = TCAllocMem(STD_BUFFER0_SIZE, true); if (!StdBuffer0 || !StdBuffer1) { return false; } if (setup.CDAudio) { if ((CDRomInstalled = CDROM_Install())) { CDROM_WaitForMedia(); return false; } } gfxInit(); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Der Clou!", NULL); sndInit(); if (!(GamePlayMode & GP_NO_SAMPLES)) sndInitFX(); ShowIntro(); /* Start game. */ inpOpenAllInputDevs(); txtInit(AutoDetectLanguage()); AutoDetectVersion(); InitAnimHandler(); dbInit(); plInit(); gfxCollToMem(128, &StdRP0InMem); /* cache Menu in StdRP0InMem */ gfxCollToMem(129, &StdRP1InMem); /* cache Bubbles in StdRP1InMem */ CurrentBackground = BGD_LONDON; return true; }
bool WinFrame::ExecExpr(const std::string& expr) { /* If expression is empty -> show information */ if (expr.empty()) ShowIntro(); else if (expr == "exit") { /* Clear input to avoid storing "exit" in the config-file */ SetInput(""); Close(); } else if (expr == "demo") ShowDemo(); else if (expr == "const") ShowConstants(); else if (expr == "clear") { constantsSet_.constants.clear(); constantsSet_.ResetStd(); ShowConstants(); } else { /* Setup compute mode */ Ac::ComputeMode mode; = GetOptionDegree(); /* Show status message */ SetOutput("computing ..."); #ifdef AC_MULTI_THREADED /* Wait until previous thread has successfully terminated */ if (computing_) return false; JoinThread(); #endif /* Compute expression */ #ifdef AC_MULTI_THREADED computing_ = true; thread_ = std::unique_ptr<std::thread>(new std::thread(&WinFrame::ComputeThreadProc, this, expr, mode)); #else ComputeThreadProc(expr.ToStdString(), mode); #endif } return true; }
void WinFrame::OnMenuItem(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case MENU_QUIT: Close(); break; case MENU_INTRO: ShowIntro(); break; case MENU_DEMO: ShowDemo(); break; case MENU_INFO: ShowAbout(); break; } }