// Console Command Parser [Wizputer] int cnslif_parse(const char* buf) { char type[64]; char command[64]; int n=0; if( ( n = sscanf(buf, "%63[^:]:%63[^\n]", type, command) ) < 2 ){ if((n = sscanf(buf, "%63[^\n]", type))<1) return -1; //nothing to do no arg } if( n != 2 ){ //end string ShowNotice("Type: '%s'\n",type); command[0] = '\0'; } else ShowNotice("Type of command: '%s' || Command: '%s'\n",type,command); if( n == 2 && strcmpi("server", type) == 0 ){ if( strcmpi("shutdown", command) == 0 || strcmpi("exit", command) == 0 || strcmpi("quit", command) == 0 ){ runflag = 0; } else if( strcmpi("alive", command) == 0 || strcmpi("status", command) == 0 ) ShowInfo(CL_CYAN"Console: "CL_BOLD"I'm Alive."CL_RESET"\n"); } else if( strcmpi("ers_report", type) == 0 ){ ers_report(); } else if( strcmpi("help", type) == 0 ){ ShowInfo("Available commands:\n"); ShowInfo("\t server:shutdown => Stops the server.\n"); ShowInfo("\t server:alive => Checks if the server is running.\n"); ShowInfo("\t ers_report => Displays database usage.\n"); } return 0; }
/** * Receiving a sex change request (sex is reversed). * @param fd: fd to parse from (char-serv) * @param id: id of char-serv * @param ip: char-serv ip (used for info) * @return 0 not enough info transmitted, 1 success */ int logchrif_parse_reqchgsex(int fd, int id, char* ip){ if( RFIFOREST(fd) < 6 ) return 0; else{ struct mmo_account acc; AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db(); uint32 account_id = RFIFOL(fd,2); RFIFOSKIP(fd,6); if( !accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, account_id) ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of sex change (account: %d not found, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else if( acc.sex == 'S' ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of sex change - account to change is a Server account (account: %d, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else{ unsigned char buf[7]; char sex = ( acc.sex == 'M' ) ? 'F' : 'M'; //Change gender ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Sex change (account: %d, new sex %c, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, sex, ip); acc.sex = sex; // Save accounts->save(accounts, &acc); // announce to other servers WBUFW(buf,0) = 0x2723; WBUFL(buf,2) = account_id; WBUFB(buf,6) = sex_str2num(sex); logchrif_sendallwos(-1, buf, 7); } } return 1; }
// security check, prints warning if using default password void chrif_checkdefaultlogin(void) { if (strcmp(userid, "s1")==0 && strcmp(passwd, "p1")==0) { ShowWarning("Usar o s1/p1 como padrao para usuario/senha não é RECOMENDADO.\n"); ShowNotice("Por favor altere a tabela 'login' para criar um usuario/senha adequado do inter-server (Genero 'S')\n"); ShowNotice("e entao altere seu usuario/senha em conf/map_athena.conf (ou conf/import/map_conf.txt)\n"); } }
// security check, prints warning if using default password void chrif_checkdefaultlogin(void) { if (strcmp(userid, "s1")==0 && strcmp(passwd, "p1")==0) { ShowWarning("Using the default user/password s1/p1 is NOT RECOMMENDED.\n"); ShowNotice("Please edit your 'login' table to create a proper inter-server user/password (gender 'S')\n"); ShowNotice("and then edit your user/password in conf/map-server.conf (or conf/import/map_conf.txt)\n"); } }
/** * Console Command Parser * Transmited from command cli.cpp * note common name for all serv do not rename (extern in cli) * @author [Wizputer] * @param buf: buffer to parse, (from console) * @return 1=success */ int cnslif_parse(const char* buf){ char type[64]; char command[64]; int n=0; if( ( n = sscanf(buf, "%127[^:]:%255[^\n\r]", type, command) ) < 2 ){ if((n = sscanf(buf, "%63[^\n]", type))<1) return -1; //nothing to do no arg } if( n != 2 ){ //end string ShowNotice("Type: '%s'\n",type); command[0] = '\0'; } else ShowNotice("Type of command: '%s' || Command: '%s'\n",type,command); if( n == 2 ){ if(strcmpi("server", type) == 0 ){ if( strcmpi("shutdown", command) == 0 || strcmpi("exit", command) == 0 || strcmpi("quit", command) == 0 ){ runflag = 0; } else if( strcmpi("alive", command) == 0 || strcmpi("status", command) == 0 ) ShowInfo(CL_CYAN "Console: " CL_BOLD "I'm Alive." CL_RESET"\n"); else if( strcmpi("reloadconf", command) == 0 ) { ShowInfo("Reloading config file \"%s\"\n", login_config.loginconf_name); login_config_read(login_config.loginconf_name, false); } } if( strcmpi("create",type) == 0 ) { char username[NAME_LENGTH], password[NAME_LENGTH], md5password[32+1], sex; //23+1 plaintext 32+1 md5 bool md5 = 0; if( sscanf(command, "%23s %23s %c", username, password, &sex) < 3 || strnlen(username, sizeof(username)) < 4 || strnlen(password, sizeof(password)) < 1 ){ ShowWarning("Console: Invalid parameters for '%s'. Usage: %s <username> <password> <sex:F/M>\n", type, type); return 0; } if( login_config.use_md5_passwds ){ MD5_String(password,md5password); md5 = 1; } if( login_mmo_auth_new(username,(md5?md5password:password), TOUPPER(sex), "") != -1 ){ ShowError("Console: Account creation failed.\n"); return 0; } ShowStatus("Console: Account '%s' created successfully.\n", username); } } else if( strcmpi("ers_report", type) == 0 ){ ers_report(); } else if( strcmpi("help", type) == 0 ){ ShowInfo("Available commands:\n"); ShowInfo("\t server:shutdown => Stops the server.\n"); ShowInfo("\t server:alive => Checks if the server is running.\n"); ShowInfo("\t server:reloadconf => Reload config file: \"%s\"\n", login_config.loginconf_name); ShowInfo("\t ers_report => Displays database usage.\n"); ShowInfo("\t create:<username> <password> <sex:M|F> => Creates a new account.\n"); } return 1; }
// security check, prints warning if using default password void chrif_checkdefaultlogin(void) { if (strcmp(userid, "s1")==0 && strcmp(passwd, "p1")==0) { ShowWarning("AVISO DE SEGURANЧA - O uso do login/senha padrѕes s1/p1 nуo щ recomendado.\n"); ShowNotice("Edite a tabela 'login' para criar uma certa configuraчуo inter-server login/senha.\n"); ShowNotice("e depois edite o login/senha do map-athena.conf (ou conf/import/map_conf.txt)\n"); } }
// security check, prints warning if using default password void chrif_checkdefaultlogin(void) { if (strcmp(userid, "s1")==0 && strcmp(passwd, "p1")==0) { ShowError("Utilizar o usuario/senha padrao s1/p1 NAO E RECOMENDADO.\n"); ShowNotice("Por favor edite sua tabela 'login' para criar usuario/senha corretos para o inter-server (sexo 'S')\n"); ShowNotice("e entao modifique usuario/senha utilizados no conf/map_athena.conf (ou conf/import/map_conf.txt)\n"); } }
/** * Create a new account and save it in db/sql. * @param userid: string for user login * @param pass: string for user pass * @param sex: should be M|F|S (todo make an enum ?) * @param last_ip: * @return : * -1: success * 0: unregistered id (wrong sex fail to create in db); * 1: incorrect pass or userid (userid|pass too short or already exist); * 3: registration limit exceeded; */ int login_mmo_auth_new(const char* userid, const char* pass, const char sex, const char* last_ip) { static int num_regs = 0; // registration counter static unsigned int new_reg_tick = 0; unsigned int tick = gettick(); struct mmo_account acc; //Account Registration Flood Protection by [Kevin] if( new_reg_tick == 0 ) new_reg_tick = gettick(); if( DIFF_TICK(tick, new_reg_tick) < 0 && num_regs >= login_config.allowed_regs ) { ShowNotice("Account registration denied (registration limit exceeded)\n"); return 3; } if( login_config.new_acc_length_limit && ( strlen(userid) < 4 || strlen(pass) < 4 ) ) return 1; // check for invalid inputs if( sex != 'M' && sex != 'F' ) return 0; // 0 = Unregistered ID // check if the account doesn't exist already if( accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, userid) ) { ShowNotice("Attempt of creation of an already existant account (account: %s_%c, pass: %s, received pass: %s)\n", userid, sex, acc.pass, pass); return 1; // 1 = Incorrect Password } memset(&acc, '\0', sizeof(acc)); acc.account_id = -1; // assigned by account db safestrncpy(acc.userid, userid, sizeof(acc.userid)); safestrncpy(acc.pass, pass, sizeof(acc.pass)); acc.sex = sex; safestrncpy(acc.email, "*****@*****.**", sizeof(acc.email)); acc.expiration_time = ( login_config.start_limited_time != -1 ) ? time(NULL) + login_config.start_limited_time : 0; safestrncpy(acc.lastlogin, "0000-00-00 00:00:00", sizeof(acc.lastlogin)); safestrncpy(acc.last_ip, last_ip, sizeof(acc.last_ip)); safestrncpy(acc.birthdate, "0000-00-00", sizeof(acc.birthdate)); safestrncpy(acc.pincode, "", sizeof(acc.pincode)); acc.pincode_change = 0; acc.char_slots = MIN_CHARS; acc.bank_vault = 0; #ifdef VIP_ENABLE acc.vip_time = 0; acc.old_group = 0; #endif if( !accounts->create(accounts, &acc) ) return 0; ShowNotice("Account creation (account %s, id: %d, pass: %s, sex: %c)\n", acc.userid, acc.account_id, acc.pass, acc.sex); if( DIFF_TICK(tick, new_reg_tick) > 0 ) {// Update the registration check. num_regs = 0; new_reg_tick = tick + login_config.time_allowed*1000; } ++num_regs; return -1; }
// security check, prints warning if using default password void chrif_checkdefaultlogin(void) { if (strcmp(userid, "s1")==0 && strcmp(passwd, "p1")==0) { ShowError("Usar o s1/p1 como padrao para usuario/senha nao e recomendado.\n"); #ifdef TXT_ONLY ShowNotice("Por favor altere seu arquivo save/account.txt para criar um usuario/senha adequado do inter-server (Genero 'S')\n"); #else ShowNotice("Por favor altere a tabela 'login' para criar um usuario/senha adequado do inter-server (Genero 'S')\n"); #endif ShowNotice("e entao altere seu usuario/senha em conf/map_athena.conf (ou conf/import/map_conf.txt)\n"); } }
// security check, prints warning if using default password void chrif_checkdefaultlogin(void) { if (strcmp(userid, "s1")==0 && strcmp(passwd, "p1")==0) { ShowError("Using the default user/password s1/p1 is NOT RECOMMENDED.\n"); #ifdef TXT_ONLY ShowNotice("Please edit your save/account.txt file to create a proper inter-server user/password (gender 'S')\n"); #else ShowNotice("Please edit your 'login' table to create a proper inter-server user/password (gender 'S')\n"); #endif ShowNotice("and then edit your user/password in conf/map_athena.conf (or conf/import/map_conf.txt)\n"); } }
void sig_dump(int sn) { FILE *fp; char file[256]; int no = 0; crash_flag = 1; // search for a usable filename do { sprintf (file, "log/%s%04d.stackdump", server_name, ++no); } while((fp = fopen(file,"r")) && (fclose(fp), no < 9999)); // dump the trace into the file if ((fp = FOPEN_(file, "w", stderr)) != NULL) { const char *revision; #ifndef CYGWIN void* array[20]; char **stack; size_t size; #endif ShowNotice ("Dumping stack to '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'...\n", file); if ((revision = getrevision()) != NULL) fprintf(fp, "Version: svn%s \n", revision); else fprintf(fp, "Version: %2d.%02d.%02d mod%02d \n", ATHENA_MAJOR_VERSION, ATHENA_MINOR_VERSION, ATHENA_REVISION, ATHENA_MOD_VERSION); fprintf(fp, "Exception: %s \n", strsignal(sn)); fflush (fp); #ifdef CYGWIN cygwin_stackdump (); #else fprintf(fp, "Stack trace:\n"); size = backtrace (array, 20); stack = backtrace_symbols (array, size); for (no = 0; no < size; no++) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", stack[no]); } fprintf(fp,"End of stack trace\n"); free(stack); #endif ShowNotice("%s Saved.\n", file); fflush(stdout); fclose(fp); } sig_final(); // Log our uptime // Pass the signal to the system's default handler compat_signal(sn, SIG_DFL); raise(sn); }
/** * Map-serv sent us all his users info, (aid and cid) so we can update online_char_db * @param fd: wich fd to parse from * @param id: wich map_serv id * @return : 0 not enough data received, 1 success */ int chmapif_parse_regmapuser(int fd, int id){ if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 6 || RFIFOREST(fd) < RFIFOW(fd,2)) return 0; { //TODO: When data mismatches memory, update guild/party online/offline states. DBMap* online_char_db = char_get_onlinedb(); int i; map_server[id].users = RFIFOW(fd,4); online_char_db->foreach(online_char_db,char_db_setoffline,id); //Set all chars from this server as 'unknown' for(i = 0; i < map_server[id].users; i++) { int aid = RFIFOL(fd,6+i*8); int cid = RFIFOL(fd,6+i*8+4); struct online_char_data* character = idb_ensure(online_char_db, aid, char_create_online_data); if( character->server > -1 && character->server != id ) { ShowNotice("Set map user: Character (%d:%d) marked on map server %d, but map server %d claims to have (%d:%d) online!\n", character->account_id, character->char_id, character->server, id, aid, cid); mapif_disconnectplayer(map_server[character->server].fd, character->account_id, character->char_id, 2); } character->server = id; character->char_id = cid; } //If any chars remain in -2, they will be cleaned in the cleanup timer. RFIFOSKIP(fd,RFIFOW(fd,2)); } return 1; }
/** * Receiving a ban request from map-server via char-server. * @param fd: fd to parse from (char-serv) * @param id: id of char-serv * @param ip: char-serv ip (used for info) * @return 0 not enough info transmitted, 1 success * TODO check logchrif_parse_requpdaccstate for possible merge */ int logchrif_parse_reqbanacc(int fd, int id, char* ip){ if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 10) return 0; else{ struct mmo_account acc; AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db(); uint32 account_id = RFIFOL(fd,2); int timediff = RFIFOL(fd,6); RFIFOSKIP(fd,10); if( !accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, account_id) ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of ban request (account: %d not found, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else{ time_t timestamp; if (acc.unban_time == 0 || acc.unban_time < time(NULL)) timestamp = time(NULL); // new ban else timestamp = acc.unban_time; // add to existing ban timestamp += timediff; if (timestamp == -1) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of ban request (account: %d, invalid date, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else if( timestamp <= time(NULL) || timestamp == 0 ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of ban request (account: %d, new date unbans the account, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else{ uint8 buf[11]; char tmpstr[24]; timestamp2string(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), timestamp, login_config.date_format); ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Ban request (account: %d, new final date of banishment: %d (%s), ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, timestamp, tmpstr, ip); acc.unban_time = timestamp; // Save accounts->save(accounts, &acc); WBUFW(buf,0) = 0x2731; WBUFL(buf,2) = account_id; WBUFB(buf,6) = 1; // 0: change of status, 1: ban WBUFL(buf,7) = (uint32)timestamp; // status or final date of a banishment logchrif_sendallwos(-1, buf, 11); } } } return 1; }
// ギルド情報見つからず int mapif_guild_noinfo(int fd, int guild_id) { WFIFOHEAD(fd, 8); WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x3831; WFIFOW(fd,2) = 8; WFIFOL(fd,4) = guild_id; WFIFOSET(fd,8); ShowNotice("int_guild: info not found %d\n", guild_id); return 0; }
/*========================================== * 性別変化終了 (modified by Yor) *------------------------------------------*/ int chrif_changedsex(int fd) { int acc, sex, i; struct map_session_data *sd; acc = RFIFOL(fd,2); sex = RFIFOL(fd,6); if (battle_config.etc_log) ShowNotice("chrif_changedsex %d.\n", acc); sd = map_id2sd(acc); if (sd) { //Normally there should not be a char logged on right now! if (sd->status.sex == sex) return 0; //Do nothing? Likely safe. sd->status.sex = !sd->status.sex; // reset skill of some job if ((sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_BARDDANCER) { // remove specifical skills of Bard classes for(i = 315; i <= 322; i++) { if (sd->status.skill[i].id > 0 && !sd->status.skill[i].flag) { if (sd->status.skill_point > USHRT_MAX - sd->status.skill[i].lv) sd->status.skill_point = USHRT_MAX; else sd->status.skill_point += sd->status.skill[i].lv; sd->status.skill[i].id = 0; sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; } } // remove specifical skills of Dancer classes for(i = 323; i <= 330; i++) { if (sd->status.skill[i].id > 0 && !sd->status.skill[i].flag) { if (sd->status.skill_point > USHRT_MAX - sd->status.skill[i].lv) sd->status.skill_point = USHRT_MAX; else sd->status.skill_point += sd->status.skill[i].lv; sd->status.skill[i].id = 0; sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; } } clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_SKILLPOINT); // change job if necessary if (sd->status.sex) //Changed from Dancer sd->status.class_ -= 1; else //Changed from Bard sd->status.class_ += 1; //sd->class_ needs not be updated as both Dancer/Bard are the same. } // save character sd->login_id1++; // change identify, because if player come back in char within the 5 seconds, he can change its characters // do same modify in login-server for the account, but no in char-server (it ask again login_id1 to login, and don't remember it) clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your sex has been changed (need disconnection by the server)..."); clif_setwaitclose(sd->fd); // forced to disconnect for the change } return 0; }
/*========================================== * Request char server to change sex of char (modified by Yor) *------------------------------------------*/ int chrif_changedsex(int fd) { int acc, sex; struct map_session_data *sd; acc = RFIFOL(fd,2); sex = RFIFOL(fd,6); if ( battle_config.etc_log ) ShowNotice("chrif_changedsex %d.\n", acc); sd = map_id2sd(acc); if ( sd ) { //Normally there should not be a char logged on right now! if ( sd->status.sex == sex ) return 0; //Do nothing? Likely safe. sd->status.sex = !sd->status.sex; // reset skill of some job if ((sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_BARDDANCER) { int i, idx = 0; // remove specifical skills of Bard classes for(i = 315; i <= 322; i++) { idx = skill->get_index(i); if (sd->status.skill[idx].id > 0 && sd->status.skill[idx].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT) { sd->status.skill_point += sd->status.skill[idx].lv; sd->status.skill[idx].id = 0; sd->status.skill[idx].lv = 0; } } // remove specifical skills of Dancer classes for(i = 323; i <= 330; i++) { idx = skill->get_index(i); if (sd->status.skill[idx].id > 0 && sd->status.skill[idx].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT) { sd->status.skill_point += sd->status.skill[idx].lv; sd->status.skill[idx].id = 0; sd->status.skill[idx].lv = 0; } } clif->updatestatus(sd, SP_SKILLPOINT); // change job if necessary if (sd->status.sex) //Changed from Dancer sd->status.class_ -= 1; else //Changed from Bard sd->status.class_ += 1; //sd->class_ needs not be updated as both Dancer/Bard are the same. } // save character sd->login_id1++; // change identify, because if player come back in char within the 5 seconds, he can change its characters // do same modify in login-server for the account, but no in char-server (it ask again login_id1 to login, and don't remember it) clif->message(sd->fd, msg_txt(409)); //"Your sex has been changed (need disconnection by the server)..." set_eof(sd->fd); // forced to disconnect for the change map_quit(sd); // Remove leftovers (e.g. autotrading) [Paradox924X] } return 0; }
/** * Receive a request for account data reply by sending all mmo_account information. * @param fd: fd to parse from (char-serv) * @param id: id of char-serv * @param ip: char-serv ip (used for info) * @return 0 not enough info transmitted, 1 success */ int logchrif_parse_reqaccdata(int fd, int id, char *ip){ if( RFIFOREST(fd) < 6 ) return 0; else { uint32 aid = RFIFOL(fd,2); RFIFOSKIP(fd,6); if( logchrif_send_accdata(fd,aid) < 0 ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': account %d NOT found (ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, aid, ip); } return 1; }
// Console Input [Wizputer] int start_console(void) { //Until a better plan is came up with... can't be using session[0] anymore! [Skotlex] ShowNotice("O Console esta em modo nao funcional.\n"); return 0; FD_SET(0,&readfds); if (!session[0]) { // dummy socket already uses fd 0 CREATE(session[0], struct socket_data, 1); }
bool ladmin_auth(struct login_session_data* sd, const char* ip) { bool result = false; if( str2ip(ip) != host2ip(login_config.admin_allowed_host) ) ShowNotice("'ladmin'-login: Connection in administration mode REFUSED - IP isn't authorised (ip: %s).\n", ip); else if( !login_config.admin_state ) ShowNotice("'ladmin'-login: Connection in administration mode REFUSED - remote administration is disabled (ip: %s)\n", ip); else if( !check_password(sd->md5key, sd->passwdenc, sd->passwd, login_config.admin_pass) ) ShowNotice("'ladmin'-login: Connection in administration mode REFUSED - invalid password (ip: %s)\n", ip); else { ShowNotice("'ladmin'-login: Connection in administration mode accepted (ip: %s)\n", ip); session[sd->fd]->func_parse = parse_admin; result = true; } return result; }
void CCharEntity::pushPacket(CBasicPacket* packet) { if(this != NULL) { PacketList.push_back(packet); } else { ShowNotice(CL_BG_RED"NO MORE PACKETS\n"CL_RESET); } }
/** * Map server send information to change an email of an account via char-server. * 0x2722 <account_id>.L <actual_e-mail>.40B <new_e-mail>.40B * @param fd: fd to parse from (char-serv) * @param id: id of char-serv * @param ip: char-serv ip (used for info) * @return 0 not enough info transmitted, 1 success */ int logchrif_parse_reqchangemail(int fd, int id, char* ip){ if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 86) return 0; else{ struct mmo_account acc; AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db(); char actual_email[40]; char new_email[40]; uint32 account_id = RFIFOL(fd,2); safestrncpy(actual_email, RFIFOCP(fd,6), 40); safestrncpy(new_email, RFIFOCP(fd,46), 40); RFIFOSKIP(fd, 86); if( e_mail_check(actual_email) == 0 ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Attempt to modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command), but actual email is invalid (account: %d, ip: %s)\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else if( e_mail_check(new_email) == 0 ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Attempt to modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command) with a invalid new e-mail (account: %d, ip: %s)\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else if( strcmpi(new_email, "*****@*****.**") == 0 ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Attempt to modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command) with a default e-mail (account: %d, ip: %s)\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else if( !accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, account_id) ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Attempt to modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command), but account doesn't exist (account: %d, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else if( strcmpi(acc.email, actual_email) != 0 ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Attempt to modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command), but actual e-mail is incorrect (account: %d (%s), actual e-mail: %s, proposed e-mail: %s, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, acc.userid, acc.email, actual_email, ip); else{ safestrncpy(acc.email, new_email, 40); ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command) (account: %d (%s), new e-mail: %s, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, acc.userid, new_email, ip); // Save accounts->save(accounts, &acc); } } return 1; }
/** * Receiving an unban request from map-server via char-server. * @param fd: fd to parse from (char-serv) * @param id: id of char-serv * @param ip: char-serv ip (used for info) * @return 0 not enough info transmitted, 1 success */ int logchrif_parse_requnbanacc(int fd, int id, char* ip){ if( RFIFOREST(fd) < 6 ) return 0; else{ struct mmo_account acc; AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db(); uint32 account_id = RFIFOL(fd,2); RFIFOSKIP(fd,6); if( !accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, account_id) ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of UnBan request (account: %d not found, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else if( acc.unban_time == 0 ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of UnBan request (account: %d, no change for unban date, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); else{ ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': UnBan request (account: %d, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, ip); acc.unban_time = 0; accounts->save(accounts, &acc); } } return 1; }
int auth_db_cleanup_sub(DBKey key,void *data,va_list ap) { struct auth_node *node=(struct auth_node*)data; if(DIFF_TICK(gettick(),node->node_created)>30000) { ShowNotice("Character (aid: %d) not authed within 30 seconds of character select!\n", node->account_id); if (node->char_dat) aFree(node->char_dat); db_remove(auth_db, key); return 1; } return 0; }
/** * Receiving an account state update request from a map-server (relayed via char-server). * @param fd: fd to parse from (char-serv) * @param id: id of char-serv * @param ip: char-serv ip (used for info) * @return 0 not enough info transmitted, 1 success * TODO seems pretty damn close to logchrif_parse_reqbanacc */ int logchrif_parse_requpdaccstate(int fd, int id, char* ip){ if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 10) return 0; else{ struct mmo_account acc; uint32 account_id = RFIFOL(fd,2); unsigned int state = RFIFOL(fd,6); AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db(); RFIFOSKIP(fd,10); if( !accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, account_id) ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of Status change (account: %d not found, suggested status %d, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, state, ip); else if( acc.state == state ) ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Error of Status change - actual status is already the good status (account: %d, status %d, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, state, ip); else{ ShowNotice("Char-server '%s': Status change (account: %d, new status %d, ip: %s).\n", ch_server[id].name, account_id, state, ip); acc.state = state; // Save accounts->save(accounts, &acc); // notify other servers if (state != 0){ uint8 buf[11]; WBUFW(buf,0) = 0x2731; WBUFL(buf,2) = account_id; WBUFB(buf,6) = 0; // 0: change of state, 1: ban WBUFL(buf,7) = state; // status or final date of a banishment logchrif_sendallwos(-1, buf, 11); } } } return 1; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tNASBar::ActivateVirtualHead() { TRACE_FUNCTION; tNASVirtualHead* pVirtualHead = new tNASVirtualHead( m_MySourceString , m_FusionClientAgent , ( m_FusionClientAgent.GetSourceType( m_FusionClientAgent.GetCurrentSourceId() ) != tFusionClient::eST_Pandora ) // don't show buttons if we're using pandora , this ); pVirtualHead->setWindowTitle( m_MenuText ); m_pOpenDialog = pVirtualHead; if ( pVirtualHead->exec() == tNASVirtualHead::eServerBusy ) { ShowNotice( tr( "Audio server is busy" ) ); } delete pVirtualHead; m_pOpenDialog = 0; }
/*========================================== * Disconnection of a player (account has been banned of has a status, from login-server) by [Yor] *------------------------------------------*/ int chrif_accountban(int fd) { int acc; struct map_session_data *sd; acc = RFIFOL(fd,2); if (battle_config.etc_log) ShowNotice("chrif_accountban %d.\n", acc); sd = map_id2sd(acc); if (acc < 0 || sd == NULL) { ShowError("chrif_accountban failed - player not online.\n"); return 0; } sd->login_id1++; // change identify, because if player come back in char within the 5 seconds, he can change its characters if (RFIFOB(fd,6) == 0) // 0: change of statut, 1: ban { switch (RFIFOL(fd,7)) { // status or final date of a banishment case 1: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has 'Unregistered'."); break; case 2: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Senha incorreta..."); break; case 3: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta expirou."); break; case 4: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta foi rejeitada pelo map-server."); break; case 5: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta foi bloqueada pela staff do server."); break; case 6: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Seu EXE do jogo nуo estс na њltima versуo."); break; case 7: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta foi proibida de fazer login."); break; case 8: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Servidor estс lotado."); break; case 9: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has not more authorised."); break; case 100: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta foi totalmente apagada."); break; default: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has not more authorised."); break; } } else if (RFIFOB(fd,6) == 1) // 0: change of statut, 1: ban { time_t timestamp; char tmpstr[2048]; timestamp = (time_t)RFIFOL(fd,7); // status or final date of a banishment strcpy(tmpstr, "Sua conta foi banida atщ "); strftime(tmpstr + strlen(tmpstr), 24, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(×tamp)); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, tmpstr); } set_eof(sd->fd); // forced to disconnect for the change map_quit(sd); // Remove leftovers (e.g. autotrading) [Paradox924X] return 0; }
/*========================================== * Disconnection of a player (account has been banned of has a status, from login-server) by [Yor] *------------------------------------------*/ int chrif_accountban(int fd) { int acc; struct map_session_data *sd; acc = RFIFOL(fd,2); if (battle_config.etc_log) ShowNotice("chrif_accountban %d.\n", acc); sd = map_id2sd(acc); if (acc < 0 || sd == NULL) { ShowError("chrif_accountban falhou - personagem nao encontrado.\n"); return 0; } sd->login_id1++; // change identify, because if player come back in char within the 5 seconds, he can change its characters if (RFIFOB(fd,6) == 0) // 0: change of statut, 1: ban { switch (RFIFOL(fd,7)) { // status or final date of a banishment case 1: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta encontra-se 'N�o Registrada'."); break; case 2: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta encontra-se com a 'Senha Incorreta'..."); break; case 3: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta foi expirada."); break; case 4: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta foi rejeitada pelo servidor."); break; case 5: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta foi bloqueada pela Equipe de GMs."); break; case 6: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Seu execut�vel do jogo n�o encontra-se na �ltima vers�o."); break; case 7: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta est� proibida de se conectar."); break; case 8: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Servidor encontra-se lotado devido ao excesso de usu�rios."); break; case 9: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta n�o est� mais autorizada ao acesso."); break; case 100: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta foi totalmente apagada."); break; default: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Sua conta n�o est� mais autorizada ao acesso."); break; } } else if (RFIFOB(fd,6) == 1) // 0: change of statut, 1: ban { time_t timestamp; char tmpstr[2048]; timestamp = (time_t)RFIFOL(fd,7); // status or final date of a banishment strcpy(tmpstr, "Sua conta foi banida at� "); strftime(tmpstr + strlen(tmpstr), 24, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(×tamp)); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, tmpstr); } set_eof(sd->fd); // forced to disconnect for the change map_quit(sd); // Remove leftovers (e.g. autotrading) [Paradox924X] return 0; }
/*========================================== * Disconnection of a player (account has been banned of has a status, from login-server) by [Yor] *------------------------------------------*/ int chrif_accountban(int fd) { int acc; struct map_session_data *sd; acc = RFIFOL(fd,2); if (battle_config.etc_log) ShowNotice("chrif_accountban %d.\n", acc); sd = map_id2sd(acc); if (acc < 0 || sd == NULL) { ShowError("chrif_accountban failed - player not online.\n"); return 0; } sd->login_id1++; // change identify, because if player come back in char within the 5 seconds, he can change its characters if (RFIFOB(fd,6) == 0) // 0: change of statut, 1: ban { switch (RFIFOL(fd,7)) { // status or final date of a banishment case 1: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has 'Unregistered'."); break; case 2: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has an 'Incorrect Password'..."); break; case 3: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has expired."); break; case 4: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has been rejected from server."); break; case 5: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has been blocked by the GM Team."); break; case 6: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version."); break; case 7: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has been prohibited to log in."); break; case 8: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Server is jammed due to over populated."); break; case 9: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has not more authorised."); break; case 100: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has been totally erased."); break; default: clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Your account has not more authorised."); break; } } else if (RFIFOB(fd,6) == 1) // 0: change of statut, 1: ban { time_t timestamp; char tmpstr[2048]; timestamp = (time_t)RFIFOL(fd,7); // status or final date of a banishment strcpy(tmpstr, "Your account has been banished until "); strftime(tmpstr + strlen(tmpstr), 24, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(×tamp)); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, tmpstr); } set_eof(sd->fd); // forced to disconnect for the change map_quit(sd); // Remove leftovers (e.g. autotrading) [Paradox924X] return 0; }
// Console Reciever [Wizputer] int console_recieve(int i) { int n; char *buf; CREATE_A(buf, char, 64); memset(buf,0,sizeof(64)); n = read(0, buf , 64); if ( n < 0 ) ShowError("O console possui um erro de input\n"); else { ShowNotice (" Desculpe o console esta em 'nao-funcional'.\n"); // session[0]->func_console(buf); } aFree(buf); return 0; }
/*========================================== * End of GM change (@GM) (modified by Yor) *------------------------------------------*/ int chrif_changedgm(int fd) { int acc, level; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; acc = RFIFOL(fd,2); level = RFIFOL(fd,6); sd = map_id2sd(acc); if (battle_config.etc_log) ShowNotice("chrif_changedgm: account: %d, GM level 0 -> %d.\n", acc, level); if (sd != NULL) { if (level > 0) clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "GM modification success."); else clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Failure of GM modification."); } return 0; }