void AutoLinkChangeString::OnCbnSelchangeComboMatchdev() { CString strListTemp; int iIndex = m_DevInfoDropList.GetCurSel(); m_DevInfoDropList.GetLBText(iIndex, strListTemp); // 第一次打开 if (m_bFirstUseDropLise && !strListTemp.IsEmpty()) { m_ChangeEdit.SetWindowText(""); m_bFirstUseDropLise = false; } if ("设备IP" == strListTemp) { ShowText("$(DeviceIP)"); } else if ("设备编号" == strListTemp) { ShowText("$(DeviceNo)"); } else { ShowText(""); } }
void CTab4::OnBnClickedButton1() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1)->EnableWindow(FALSE); m_text = ""; CString str; long num[] = { 50000, 100000, 200000, 300000, 500000 }; long maxnode[] = { 5,10,20,50,100,120,150,200 }; int color[5][3] = { { 255,0,0 },{ 100,200,100 },{ 0,0,255 },{ 255,0,255 },{ 0,0,0 } }; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { str.Format(_T("矩形数:%d:"), num[i]); ShowText(str); CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(color[i][0], color[i][1], color[i][2])); CPen *pOldPen = MemDC.SelectObject(&pen); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { long t = Test(maxnode[j], num[i]); str.Format(_T(" 内部节点最大条目数:%d:\r\n 耗时:%dms\r\n"), maxnode[j], t); ShowText(str); long y = (long)((1000.0 - t) * dif_y / 200.0 + r.top); if (j == 0) { MemDC.MoveTo(r.left + dif_x * (j + 1), y); } MemDC.LineTo(r.left + dif_x * (j + 1), y); pDC->BitBlt(0, 0, x_m, y_m, &MemDC, 0, 0, SRCAND); } MemDC.SelectObject(pOldPen); } GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1)->EnableWindow(TRUE); }
void AutoLinkChangeString::OnCbnSelchangeComboMatchother() { CString strListTemp; int iIndex = m_OtherDropList.GetCurSel(); m_OtherDropList.GetLBText(iIndex, strListTemp); // 第一次打开 if (m_bFirstUseDropLise && !strListTemp.IsEmpty()) { m_ChangeEdit.SetWindowText(""); m_bFirstUseDropLise = false; } if ("路口名称" == strListTemp) { ShowText("$(StreetName)"); } else if ("路口方向" == strListTemp) { ShowText("$(StreetDirection)"); } else { ShowText(""); } }
void CVFD::showRCLock(int duration) { if (!has_lcd || !g_settings.lcd_notify_rclock) { sleep(duration); return; } std::string _text = text; ShowText(g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_RCLOCK_LOCKED)); sleep(duration); ShowText(_text.c_str()); }
void CVFD::Clear() { j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>CVFD::Clear()\n"); if (g_settings.lcd_vfd_size == 16) ShowText(" "); else if (g_settings.lcd_vfd_size == 8) ShowText(" "); else if (g_settings.lcd_vfd_size == 4) ShowText(" "); else if (g_settings.lcd_vfd_size >= 1) ShowText(" "); ClearIcons(); }
void CVFD::showRCLock(int duration) { //j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>%s:%s >>>\n", "CVFD::", __func__); if (!g_settings.lcd_notify_rclock) { sleep(duration); return; } std::string _text = text; ShowText(g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_RCLOCK_LOCKED)); sleep(duration); ShowText(_text.c_str()); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! \CDialog class virtual function //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDisplayMsgDlg::OnInitDialog() { char* buf; m_TitleIndex = CLanguage::IDX_PURCHASE; CLanguage::GetTextFromIndex(CLanguage::IDX_PURCHASE,&buf); m_Title = CString(buf); CBaseDlg::OnInitDialog(); if(m_time > 0) SetTimer(1, m_time, NULL); else SetTimer(1, 10000, NULL); //DEFAULT TIME 10 SEC IF TIMER NOT SET m_strMsg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_strMsg1.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_strMsg2.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_strMsg.m_nFormat = DT_LEFT; m_strMsg1.m_nFormat = DT_LEFT; m_strMsg2.m_nFormat = DT_LEFT; CDisplay::SetDisplayWnd(m_hWnd); CLanguage::SetDisplayWnd(m_hWnd); ShowText(m_str1, m_str2, m_str3); SetFocus(); return TRUE; // retur TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
void Screen::Display(const char *Text, int x, int y) { if (x >= 0) this->OutputPosition.x = x; if (y >= 0) this->OutputPosition.y = y; for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(Text); i++) { if (Text[i] == 10) { NewLine(); } else if (Text[i] == 9) { this->OutputPosition.x += this->FontWidth * 8; CheckPosition(); } else { int len = SDL2Function::GetAllowCharNum(Text); char *t = (char*)malloc(len + 1); strncpy(t, Text + i, len); t[len] = '\0'; i += len - 1; char *text = GB2312toUTF8(t); free(t); SDL_Surface *SDLText; SDL_Color FrontColor; Uint8 r, g, b; SDL_GetRGB(this->TextColor, this->ScreenSurface->format, &r, &g, &b); FrontColor.a = 255; FrontColor.r = r; FrontColor.g = g; FrontColor.b = b; SDLText = TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid((TTF_Font*)this->Font, text, FrontColor); Rect RefRect = ShowText(SDLText, this->OutputPosition.x, this->OutputPosition.y, 0, 0, this->ScreenSurface); this->Refresh(&RefRect); } } }
void _WriteBuf(char *Buffer, WORD Count) { int L, R; __InitEasyWin(); L = _Cursor.x; R = _Cursor.x; while (Count > 0) { if (Buffer[0] == -1) Buffer[0] = ' '; switch (Buffer[0]) { case 13: NewLine(L, R); break; case 10: break; case 9: do { *(ScreenPtr(_Cursor.x, _Cursor.y)) = ' '; ++_Cursor.x; if (_Cursor.x > R) R = _Cursor.x; if (_Cursor.x == _ScreenSize.x) { NewLine(L, R); break; } } while (_Cursor.x % 8); break; case 8: if (_Cursor.x > 0) { --_Cursor.x; *(ScreenPtr(_Cursor.x, _Cursor.y)) = ' '; if (_Cursor.x < L ) L = _Cursor.x; } break; case 7: MessageBeep(0); break; default: *(ScreenPtr(_Cursor.x, _Cursor.y)) = Buffer[0]; ++_Cursor.x; if (_Cursor.x > R) R = _Cursor.x; if (_Cursor.x == _ScreenSize.x) NewLine(L, R); } ++Buffer; --Count; } ShowText(L, R); if (_AutoTracking) _TrackCursor(); }
bool MpvHandler::PlayFile(QString f) { if(f == QString()) // ignore if file doesn't exist return false; if(path == QString()) // web url { OpenFile(f); setFile(f); } else { QFile qf(path+f); if(qf.exists()) { OpenFile(path+f); setFile(f); Play(); } else { ShowText(tr("File no longer exists")); // tell the user return false; } } return true; }
void CVFD::showVolume(const char vol, const bool force_update) { //j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>%s:%s >>>\n", "CVFD::", __func__); static int oldpp = 0; if (j00zekVFDsize < 4) return; ShowIcon(FP_ICON_MUTE, muted); if(!force_update && vol == volume) return; volume = vol; bool allowed_mode = (mode == MODE_TVRADIO || mode == MODE_AUDIO || mode == MODE_MENU_UTF8); if (!allowed_mode) return; if (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME] == 1) { wake_up(); int pp = (int) round((double) vol / (double) 2); if(oldpp != pp) { char vol_chr[64] = ""; if (j00zekVFDsize==4) snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "v%3d", (int)vol); else if (j00zekVFDsize==8) snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "VOL %d%%", (int)vol); else snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "Volume: %d%%", (int)vol); ShowText(vol_chr); oldpp = pp; } } }
// ##################################### endif !HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE ########################################### void CVFD::showServicename(const std::string & name, int number) // UTF-8 { //j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>%s:%s >>>\n", "CVFD::", __func__); if (name.length() > 1) servicename = name; if (number > 0) service_number = number; if (mode != MODE_TVRADIO) { j00zekDBG(J00ZEK_DBG,"CVFD::showServicename: not in MODE_TVRADIO\n"); return; } j00zekDBG(J00ZEK_DBG,"CVFD::showServicename: support_text=%d, g_settings.lcd_info_line=%d\n",support_text, g_settings.lcd_info_line); if (support_text && g_settings.lcd_info_line != 2) //show all, clock, current event { //int aqq = name.length(); if ( name.length()<1) { j00zekDBG(J00ZEK_DBG,"CVFD::showServicename: empty string, end.\n"); return; } ShowText(name.c_str()); } else ShowNumber(service_number); wake_up(); }
// Process a key-up or -down event. A key is "registered" when it is // pressed and then released, with no other keypresses or releases in // between. Registered keys are passed to CheckKey() to see if it // should trigger a visibility toggle, an immediate reboot, or be // queued to be processed next time the foreground thread wants a key // (eg, for the menu). // // We also keep track of which keys are currently down so that // CheckKey can call IsKeyPressed to see what other keys are held when // a key is registered. // // updown == 1 for key down events; 0 for key up events void RecoveryUI::process_key(int key_code, int updown) { bool register_key = false; bool long_press = false; bool reboot_enabled; pthread_mutex_lock(&key_queue_mutex); key_pressed[key_code] = updown; if (updown) { ++key_down_count; key_last_down = key_code; key_long_press = false; pthread_t th; key_timer_t* info = new key_timer_t; info->ui = this; info->key_code = key_code; info->count = key_down_count; pthread_create(&th, NULL, &RecoveryUI::time_key_helper, info); pthread_detach(th); } else { if (key_last_down == key_code) { long_press = key_long_press; register_key = true; } key_last_down = -1; } reboot_enabled = enable_reboot; pthread_mutex_unlock(&key_queue_mutex); if (register_key) { NextCheckKeyIsLong(long_press); switch (CheckKey(key_code)) { case RecoveryUI::IGNORE: break; case RecoveryUI::TOGGLE: ShowText(!IsTextVisible()); break; case RecoveryUI::REBOOT: #ifdef ANDROID_RB_RESTART if (reboot_enabled) { android_reboot(ANDROID_RB_RESTART, 0, 0); } #endif break; case RecoveryUI::ENQUEUE: EnqueueKey(key_code); break; case RecoveryUI::MOUNT_SYSTEM: #ifndef NO_RECOVERY_MOUNT ensure_path_mounted("/system"); Print("Mounted /system."); #endif break; } } }
void MpvHandler::Deinterlace(bool deinterlace) { if(mpv) { mpv_set_property_string(mpv, "deinterlace", deinterlace ? "yes" : "auto"); ShowText(tr("Deinterlacing: %0").arg(deinterlace ? tr("enabled") : tr("disabled"))); } }
void CVFD::showAudioTrack(const std::string & /*artist*/, const std::string & title, const std::string & /*album*/) { //j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>%s:%s >>>\n", "CVFD::", __func__); if (mode != MODE_AUDIO) return; ShowText(title.c_str()); wake_up(); }
void mepp_component_Compression_Valence_plugin::OnJCWdecompress(void) { // active viewer if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); Compression_Valence_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<Compression_Valence_ComponentPtr, Compression_Valence_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr); { if (!component_ptr->IsDecompress) { QMessageBox::information(mw, APPLICATION, tr("Decompression not possible: please load .p3d file first.")); return; } if (component_ptr->Possible_change_sequence == true) component_ptr->Possible_change_sequence = false; // read from file if (component_ptr->Sequence == false) { component_ptr->JCW_Decompression_From_File(*viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(0)); } // from sequence else { component_ptr->Visu_level = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_current_polyhedron(); if (component_ptr->Visu_level >= component_ptr->Total_layer) return; // if the next mesh already exists in the sequence if (component_ptr->Visu_level < component_ptr->Process_level) { component_ptr->Visu_level++; viewer->getScenePtr()->set_current_polyhedron(component_ptr->Visu_level); } // Insert a mesh into the sequence else { PolyhedronPtr New_mesh(new Polyhedron()); //Polyhedron * New_mesh = new Polyhedron; // MT component_ptr->JCW_Decompression_From_Sequence(*viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(component_ptr->Process_level), *New_mesh); vector<PolyhedronPtr/*Polyhedron**/>::iterator it = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_begin_polyhedrons(); // MT viewer->getScenePtr()->insert_polyhedron(it + component_ptr->Process_level-1, New_mesh); viewer->getScenePtr()->set_current_polyhedron(component_ptr->Process_level); } } ShowText(); viewer->recreateListsAndUpdateGL(); } } }
void CVFD::showMenuText(const int /*position*/, const char * ptext, const int /*highlight*/, const bool /*utf_encoded*/) { j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>%s:%s >>>, mode=%d\n", "CVFD::", __func__,MODE_MENU_UTF8); if ((mode != MODE_MENU_UTF8)) return; ShowText(ptext); wake_up(); }
void CVFD::showMenuText(const int /*position*/, const char * ptext, const int /*highlight*/, const bool /*utf_encoded*/) { if(fd < 0) return; if (mode != MODE_MENU_UTF8) return; ShowText(ptext); wake_up(); }
void CVFD::showMenuText(const int position, const char * text, const int highlight, const bool utf_encoded) { if(!has_lcd) return; if (mode != MODE_MENU_UTF8) return; ShowText((char *) text); wake_up(); }
void CVFD::setMode(const MODES m, const char * const title) { //j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>%s:%s >>>\n", "CVFD::", __func__); // Clear colon in display if it is still there if(strlen(title)) ShowText(title); mode = m; setlcdparameter(); switch (m) { case MODE_TVRADIO: if (StandbyIconID >=0) SetIcon(StandbyIconID, false); if (PowerOnIconID >=0) SetIcon(PowerOnIconID, true); if (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME] == 1) { showVolume(volume, false); break; } showServicename(servicename); showclock = true; if(g_settings.lcd_info_line) TIMING_INFOBAR_counter = g_settings.timing[SNeutrinoSettings::TIMING_INFOBAR] + 10; break; case MODE_AUDIO: { showAudioPlayMode(AUDIO_MODE_STOP); showVolume(volume, false); showclock = true; //showTime(); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ break; } case MODE_SCART: showVolume(volume, false); showclock = true; //showTime(); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ break; case MODE_MENU_UTF8: showclock = false; //fonts.menutitle->RenderString(0,28, 140, title, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON); break; case MODE_SHUTDOWN: showclock = false; Clear(); break; case MODE_STANDBY: ClearIcons(); if (StandbyIconID >=0 && g_settings.lcd_vfd_led_in_standby == 1) SetIcon(StandbyIconID, true); showclock = true; showTime(true); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ /* "showTime()" clears the whole lcd in MODE_STANDBY */ break; } wake_up(); }
bool FirstTimeMsgThisSession(const std::string& text, MsgNum msgNumber, bool storyMode) { if (DoShowMsg(msgNumber)) { ShowText(text, storyMode); return true; } else { return false; } }
void CVFD::showServicename(const std::string & name) // UTF-8 { if(!has_lcd) return; printf("CVFD::showServicename: %s\n", name.c_str()); servicename = name; if (mode != MODE_TVRADIO) return; ShowText((char *) name.c_str()); wake_up(); }
/*void TextPoint::SetMarkDescription( wxString sMarkDescription ) { ODPoint::SetMarkDescription( sMarkDescription ); return; bool bMarkup; bMarkup = m_pstText->SetLabelMarkup( sMarkDescription ); if (!bMarkup) m_pstText->SetLabel( sMarkDescription ); ShowText(); m_iDisplayTextTexture = 0; } */ void TextPoint::SetPointText( wxString sTextPointText ) { m_TextPointText = ( sTextPointText ); return; #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) bool bMarkup; bMarkup = m_pstText->SetLabelMarkup( sTextPointText ); if (!bMarkup) #endif m_pstText->SetLabel( sTextPointText ); ShowText(); m_iDisplayTextTexture = 0; }
void mepp_component_Compression_Valence_plugin::OnDecompress_all() { Timer timer; timer.start(); // active viewer if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); Compression_Valence_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<Compression_Valence_ComponentPtr, Compression_Valence_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr); { if (!component_ptr->IsDecompress) { QMessageBox::information(mw, APPLICATION, tr("Decompression not possible: please load .p3d file first.")); return; } if (component_ptr->Possible_change_sequence == true) component_ptr->Possible_change_sequence = false; // read from file if (!component_ptr->Sequence) { component_ptr->Decompression_All_From_File(*viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(0)); } // read from sequence else { while(component_ptr->Process_level != component_ptr->Total_layer) { PolyhedronPtr New_mesh(new Polyhedron()); component_ptr->Decompression_From_Sequence(*viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(component_ptr->Process_level), *New_mesh); vector<PolyhedronPtr/*Polyhedron**/>::iterator it = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_begin_polyhedrons(); // MT viewer->getScenePtr()->insert_polyhedron(it + component_ptr->Process_level-1, New_mesh); } viewer->getScenePtr()->set_current_polyhedron(component_ptr->Process_level); } ShowText(); viewer->recreateListsAndUpdateGL(); } } timer.stop(); double Time = timer.time(); QString Total_time = QString("Processing time : %1 s \n\n").arg(double(Time), 4, 'f', 3); QMessageBox::information(mw, APPLICATION, Total_time); //QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
void AutoLinkChangeString::InitChangeDlg() { ShowText(m_chInitText); m_TimeDropList.ResetContent(); // 清空所有内容 m_TimeDropList.SetCurSel(1); // 设置当前选项 m_TimeDropList.AddString(""); m_TimeDropList.AddString("年"); m_TimeDropList.AddString("月"); m_TimeDropList.AddString("日"); m_TimeDropList.AddString("时"); m_TimeDropList.AddString("分"); m_TimeDropList.AddString("秒"); m_TimeDropList.AddString("毫秒"); m_PlateDropList.ResetContent(); // 清空所有内容 m_PlateDropList.SetCurSel(1); // 设置当前选项 m_PlateDropList.AddString(""); m_PlateDropList.AddString("车牌号"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("车牌颜色"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("违法信息"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("车辆类型"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("车速"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("限速"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("图片字母ID"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("图片ID"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("图片数量"); m_PlateDropList.AddString("车道号"); m_DevInfoDropList.ResetContent(); // 清空所有内容 m_DevInfoDropList.SetCurSel(1); // 设置当前选项 m_DevInfoDropList.AddString(""); m_DevInfoDropList.AddString("设备IP"); m_DevInfoDropList.AddString("设备编号"); m_OtherDropList.ResetContent(); // 清空所有内容 m_OtherDropList.SetCurSel(1); // 设置当前选项 m_OtherDropList.AddString(""); m_OtherDropList.AddString("路口名称"); m_OtherDropList.AddString("路口方向"); m_TypeDropList.ResetContent(); // 清空所有内容 m_TypeDropList.SetCurSel(1); // 设置当前选项 m_TypeDropList.AddString(""); m_TypeDropList.AddString("jpg"); m_TypeDropList.AddString("bmp"); m_TypeDropList.AddString("txt"); m_TypeDropList.AddString("inf"); m_TypeDropList.AddString("bin"); }
static byte InitMenuBox(void) { int i, y; if (ShowText()) { y = CountNewLines(text) + 2; for (i = 0; i < listN; i++) { TwGotoXYWindow(Dialog_Win, 3, i+y); TwWriteAsciiWindow(Dialog_Win, strlen(list[i].tag), list[i].tag); TwGotoXYWindow(Dialog_Win, 10, i+y); TwWriteAsciiWindow(Dialog_Win, strlen(list[i].item), list[i].item); } return InitButtons(" OK ", "Cancel"); } return FALSE; }
void CVFD::Clear() { if(fd < 0) return; #if !HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE int ret = ioctl(fd, IOC_FP_CLEAR_ALL, 0); if(ret < 0) perror("IOC_FP_SET_TEXT"); else text[0] = 0; #else #if defined (BOXMODEL_HS7810A) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7119) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7819) || defined (BOXMODEL_CUBEREVO_250HD) || defined (BOXMODEL_IPBOX55) ShowText(" "); #elif defined (BOXMODEL_OCTAGON1008) || defined (BOXMODEL_TF7700) ShowText(" "); #elif defined (BOXMODEL_FORTIS_HDBOX) || defined (BOXMODEL_ATEVIO7500) ShowText(" "); #elif defined (BOXMODEL_IPBOX9900) || defined (BOXMODEL_IPBOX99) ShowText(" "); #elif !defined (BOXMODEL_HS7110) ShowText(" "); #endif #endif }
void MpvHandler::Volume(int level, bool osd) { if(level > 100) level = 100; else if(level < 0) level = 0; if(playState > 0) { double v = level; mpv_set_property_async(mpv, MPV_REPLY_PROPERTY, "volume", MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE, &v); if(osd) ShowText(tr("Volume: %0%").arg(QString::number(level))); } else setVolume(level); }
void CFginstDlg::OnRButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if(_access("config.ini", 0) != -1) { if(0 > GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)) { if(bRunning) { MessageBox("请等待操作完成再试。", "提示", 0); } else { AfxBeginThread(_TestAllDownloadThread, this); ShowText("测试下载全部连接。"); SetTimer(5, 400, NULL); } } } CDialog::OnRButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); }
void MpvHandler::AddAudioTrack(QString f) { if(f == QString()) return; const QByteArray tmp = f.toUtf8(); const char *args[] = {"audio-add", tmp.constData(), NULL}; Command(args); auto old = fileInfo.tracks; LoadTracks(); auto current = fileInfo.tracks; for(auto track : old) current.removeOne(track); Mpv::Track &track = current.first(); ShowText(QString("%0: %1 (%2)").arg(QString::number(track.id), track.title, track.external ? "external" : track.lang)); }