void t4p::ConfigTagDetectorActionClass::OnProcessComplete(wxCommandEvent &event) { if (ParamsQueue.empty()) { SignalEnd(); } else { NextDetection(); } }
$module$CntrlTask(void *arg) { static SERV_ID $module$ServId; /* Id du serveur */ /* Routine d'initialisation */ CNTRL_TASK_STATUS = $module$CntrlInitTask (&$module$ServId); if (CNTRL_TASK_STATUS == ERROR) CNTRL_TASK_BILAN = errnoGet(); else CNTRL_TASK_BILAN = OK; /* Donner le sem de fin d'initialisation */ semGive (sem$module$CntrlTaskInit) ; /* Se suspendre en cas de probleme */ if (CNTRL_TASK_STATUS == ERROR) { $module$CntrlTaskSuspend(FALSE); } moduleEventCntrl.moduleNum = $numModule$; /* Record a signal handler */ $module$SignalAbort = FALSE; signal(SIGTERM, $module$SignalHandler); /* Boucler indefiniment */ FOREVER { /* Bloquer dans l'attente d'evenements internes et externes */ if (h2evnSusp (0) != TRUE) $module$CntrlTaskSuspend (FALSE); /* Prendre l'acces aux SDI */ commonStructTake ((void *) $module$CntrlStrId); commonStructTake ((void *) $module$DataStrId); if ($module$SignalAbort) { $module$SignalEnd(); } /* Traiter les evenements internes */ $module$CntrlIntEvnExec ($module$ServId); /* Traiter les evenements externes */ $module$CntrlExtEvnExec ($module$ServId); /* Lancer les activites en attentes */ $module$SpawnActivities($module$ServId); /* Mettre a jour le poster de controle */ $module$CntrlPosterWrite(); CNTRL_TASK_BILAN = errnoGet(); /* Liberer l'acces aux SDI */ commonStructGive ((void *) $module$DataStrId); commonStructGive ((void *) $module$CntrlStrId); } return NULL; }
void t4p::ConfigTagDetectorActionClass::OnProcessFailed(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxString msg = event.GetString(); wxString extensionMissingErr = wxT("requires the PDO and pdo_sqlite PHP extensions."); if (msg.Find(extensionMissingErr) != wxNOT_FOUND) { t4p::EditorLogError(t4p::ERR_MISSING_PHP_EXTENSIONS, msg); } else { t4p::EditorLogErrorFix(event.GetString(), _("There is an unexpected error in the detector. Was it modified?")); } if (ParamsQueue.empty()) { SignalEnd(); } else { NextDetection(); } }