Exemple #1
int __stdcall  DLLStart(void)
	if (SUCCEEDED(SimConnect_Open(&hSimConnect, "SimCMain", NULL, 0, NULL, 0)))
		SimConnect_CallDispatch(hSimConnect, dispatchEvents, NULL);
	return 0;
Exemple #2
//Initiate connectino with SimConnect
void Connection::Connect(Questions *questions, std::string file_name)

	//Start a new connection when hSimConnect is still NULL, meaning, no messages from server (SimConnect) have been recieved
	if (Connection::hSimConnect == NULL)
		printf("\nAttempting to connect to Flight Simulator X\n");

		//Call SimConnect function to open a new connection.
		hr = SimConnect_Open(&Connection::hSimConnect, "Situation Awareness Questionare", NULL, 0, NULL, 0);

		if (hr == S_OK)
			//SimConnect_Open returned S_OK
			printf("\nConnection established with Flight Simulator X\n");
			//data definition set up. This sets the FSX simulation variable to a client defined object definition (in this case enum DEFINITION is the client defined data definition)
			for (int i = 1; i <= questions->getNumberofElements(); i++)

				hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(Connection::hSimConnect, DEFINITION, questions->getQuestionVariable(i).c_str(), questions->getQuestionUnits(i).c_str(), SIMCONNECT_DATATYPE_FLOAT32);

			//Requesting  FSX event.
			hr = SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_SIM_START, "SimStart");
			hr = SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_SIM_STOP, "SimStop");

			//create three arrays to hold question number, question average response time, and question count
			int *question_number_array = new int[questions->getNumberofElements()];
			double *question_average_array = new double[questions->getNumberofElements()];
			double *question_time_sum_array = new double[questions->getNumberofElements()];
			int *question_count_array = new int[questions->getNumberofElements()];

			//Populate question number in the question number array
			for (int count = 0; count < questions->getNumberofElements(); count++)
				question_number_array[count] = count + 1;	//add question numbers
				question_average_array[count] = 0;	//fill array with zero
				question_count_array[count] = 0;	//fill array with zero
				question_time_sum_array[count] = 0; //fill array with zero
				//std::cout << question_count_array[count] << " ";

			while (quit == 0)
				skip_loop: if (Connection::started_flag == 1)
					//ask question and save answer to a answer buffer
					//Ask user to press one to ask a questions
					std::cout << "\nPress 1 to ask a questions or 'Q' to quit: ";
					std::getline(std::cin, input_string);	//read user input

					//When user enters 1 (input == 1)
					if (input_string == "1")
						old_time_average = new_time_average;
						//Counter to count how many questios have been asked
						number_questions_asked += 1;

						//Write time stamp to file and questions number
						std::ofstream ofs;
						if (!ofs.is_open())
							ofs.open(file_name, std::ofstream::app);

						//Pick a random questions from database
						z = rand() % questions->getNumberofElements() + 1;

						//Playing sound has not worked on C++ due to passing of string via questions pointer. Much easier to do this on C#
						//play wav of question in databaseth;
						//PlaySound(TEXT("C:\\Users\\Elite\\Desktop\\test.wav"), NULL, SND_ASYNC | SND_FILENAME);
						//PlaySound((LPCWSTR)questions->getQuestionWav(z).c_str(), NULL, SND_ASYNC | SND_FILENAME);
						//display text of questions being asked
						invalid_input_loop: std::cout << questions->getQuestionText(z).c_str() << std::endl;
						//start timer
						start_time_buffer = Connection::startClock();

						//write text of questions being ask onto file
						ofs << Connection::localTime();
						ofs << "Questions number: " << number_questions_asked << ". " << questions->getQuestionText(z).c_str() << std::endl;

						//take in input and save into variable
						std::getline(std::cin, input_string);	//read user input
						if (std::cin.fail())
							std::cout << "Invalid input. Try again.";
							std::cin.ignore(256, '\n');
							goto invalid_input_loop;
						//stop timer and return it
						time_buffer = Connection::stopClock(start_time_buffer);

						//write user input to file
						ofs << "User input: " << input_string;
						//write time_buffer to file
						ofs << " Answered in " << time_buffer << " seconds." << std::endl;

						//Process the next SimConnect messaged recieved thorugh the spcified callback function MyDispatchProc
						SimConnect_CallDispatch(Connection::hSimConnect, MyDispatchProc, NULL);

						//Check if questions is asking for heading. If it is then FSX result must be converted from radiants to degrees
						if (questions->getQuestionText(z).find("heading") != std::string::npos)
							//Convert heading from fsx radians to degrees
							fsx_calculated_answer = Connection::getAnswer() * 57.2957795;
							//No need to convert fsx results. Pass it to the variable.
							fsx_calculated_answer = Connection::getAnswer();

						//Calculate answer different
						result_buffer = abs(std::stof(input_string) - fsx_calculated_answer);

						//sum all the response times
						time_buffer_sum = time_buffer_sum + time_buffer;

						//get the time_buffer average
						new_time_average = time_buffer_sum / number_questions_asked;

						//std::cout << new_time_average << " new. " << old_time_average << " old." << std::endl;

						//store and calculate individual question average and count
						for (int count = 0; count < questions->getNumberofElements(); count++)
							if (question_number_array[count] == z)
								//save current question average
								current_question_average_buffer = question_average_array[count];
								//increase count by 1
								question_count_array[count] += 1;
								//Sum time to respond to this question
								question_time_sum_array[count] += time_buffer;
								//calculate average and store it to average array
								question_average_array[count] = question_time_sum_array[count] / question_count_array[count];

								//Save location of current question in arrays for calculations
								int location_of_current_question_in_arrays = count;

								if ((number_questions_asked > 1) && (question_average_array[location_of_current_question_in_arrays] > (2 * current_question_average_buffer)) && (current_question_average_buffer != 0))
									current_question_increase_multiplier =question_average_array[location_of_current_question_in_arrays] / current_question_average_buffer;
									ofs << "Average response time  for question number " << location_of_current_question_in_arrays << " increased by a factor of " << current_question_increase_multiplier << ". The previews average was " << current_question_average_buffer << " and the new average is " << question_average_array[location_of_current_question_in_arrays] << "." << std::endl;
									incorrect_count_time += 1;
									if (incorrect_count_time >= 2)
										//Average response time increase twice. Make suggestion
										//Make a suggestion
										std::cout << "\n** SUGGESTION 1 - Decrease automation**" << std::endl;
										ofs << "**Suggestion was made.**" << std::endl;
										//increase suggestions count
										suggestion_count += 1;
								else if ((number_questions_asked > 1) && (question_average_array[location_of_current_question_in_arrays] > (current_question_average_buffer)))
									improvement_count += 1;
									if ((improvement_count > 2) && suggestion_count >= 1)
										//Improvement is being shown
										ofs << "Improving answer reaction time. Suggest to increase automation." << std::endl;
										std::cout << "\n** SUGGESTION 2 - Increase automation **" << std::endl;

						//Check to see if the current average and the new average has doubled
						if ((number_questions_asked > 1) && (new_time_average > (2 * old_time_average)) && (old_time_average != 0))
							average_increase_multiplier = (new_time_average / old_time_average);
							ofs << "Average response time  increase by a factor of " <<  average_increase_multiplier << ". The previews average was " << old_time_average << " and the new average is " << new_time_average << "." << std::endl;
							incorrect_count_time += 1;

							if (incorrect_count_time >=2)
								//Average response time increase twice. Make suggestion
								//Make a suggestion
								std::cout << "\n** SUGGESTION 1 - Decrease automation**" << std::endl;
								ofs << "**Suggestion was made.**" << std::endl;
								//increase suggestions count
								suggestion_count += 1;
						else if ((number_questions_asked > 1) && (new_time_average < (old_time_average)))
							improvement_count += 1;
							if ((improvement_count > 2) && suggestion_count >= 1)
								//Improvement is being shown
								ofs << "Improving answer reaction time. Suggest to increase automation." << std::endl;
								std::cout << "\n** SUGGESTION 2 - Increase automation **" << std::endl;

						if (result_buffer > std::stof(questions->getVariableChange(z)))
							//incorrect answer
							ofs << "Incorrect answer number " << incorrect_count_error + 1 << ". FSX result was " << fsx_calculated_answer << ". Difference in answers " << result_buffer << std::endl;
							std::cout << "\nIncorrect Answer." << std::endl;

							//count how many incorrect answer were provided
							incorrect_count_error = incorrect_count_error + 1;

							//if this is the second incorrect answer
							if (incorrect_count_error >= 2)
								//Make a suggestion
								std::cout << "\n** SUGGESTION 1 - Decrease automation**" << std::endl;
								ofs << "**Suggestion was made.**" << std::endl;
								//increase suggestions count
								suggestion_count += 1;
								//reset incorrect_count back to 0
								incorrect_count_error = 0;
							ofs << "Correct answer. FSX result was " << fsx_calculated_answer << ". Difference in answers was " << result_buffer << std::endl;

						ofs << "\n\n";
					//when user inputs anything besides a 1 (this MAY cause problems when expecting answer as string)
					else if (input_string == "Q" || input_string == "q")
						quit = 1;
						//Notify it was incorrect entry and clear cin buffer
						std::cout << "\nInvalid input. Try again!\n" << std::endl;

					//Check to see if sim flight is still active
					if (started_flag != 1)
						//If it is not active exit out of this loop and reset the questioning session
						goto skip_loop;

					SimConnect_CallDispatch(Connection::hSimConnect, MyDispatchProc, NULL);
					SimConnect_CallDispatch(Connection::hSimConnect, MyDispatchProc, NULL);

			//FSX has quit,or ran out of questiosn in the database. disconnect.
			printf("\nUnable to connect to Flight Simulator X\n");

Exemple #3
void testCockpitCamera()
	if (SUCCEEDED(SimConnect_Open(&hSimConnect, "Cockpit Camera", NULL, 0, 0, 0)))
		cameraConfig = configLoader.load();

		SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "title", NULL, SIMCONNECT_DATATYPE_STRINGV);

		SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_SIM_START, "SimStart");
		SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_AIRCRAFT_CHANGED, "AircraftLoaded");

		SimConnect_SetNotificationGroupPriority(hSimConnect, GROUP0, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_STANDARD);

		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(1, "Num_1", "ctrl+Num_1");
		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(2, "Num_2", "ctrl+Num_2");
		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(3, "Num_3", "ctrl+Num_3");
		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(4, "Num_4", "ctrl+Num_4");
		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(5, "Num_5", "ctrl+Num_5");
		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(6, "Num_6", "ctrl+Num_6");
		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(7, "Num_7", "ctrl+Num_7");
		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(8, "Num_8", "ctrl+Num_8");
		REGISTER_CAMERA_BUTTON(9, "Num_9", "ctrl+Num_9");

		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_LEFT);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_RIGHT);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_UP);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_DOWN);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_FORWARD);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_BACK);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_HEADING_LEFT);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_HEADING_RIGHT);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_CENTER);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_PITCH_UP);
		SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_PITCH_DOWN);

		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_LEFT);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_RIGHT);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_UP);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_DOWN);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_FORWARD);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_BACK);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_HEADING_LEFT);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_HEADING_RIGHT);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_CENTER);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_PITCH_UP);
		SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT_PITCH_DOWN);

		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_4", EVENT_LEFT);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_6", EVENT_RIGHT);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_8", EVENT_UP);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_2", EVENT_DOWN);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_7", EVENT_FORWARD);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_1", EVENT_BACK);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_0", EVENT_HEADING_LEFT);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_Del", EVENT_HEADING_RIGHT);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_5", EVENT_CENTER);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_9", EVENT_PITCH_UP);
		SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+Num_3", EVENT_PITCH_DOWN);

		SimConnect_SetInputGroupState(hSimConnect, INPUT0, SIMCONNECT_STATE_ON);

		while (0 == quit)
			SimConnect_CallDispatch(hSimConnect, MyDispatchProcCC, NULL);


void testCommunication()
	printf("Connecting to Flight Simulator!\n");

	if (SUCCEEDED(SimConnect_Open(&hSimConnect, "PMDG 777X Test", NULL, 0, 0, 0)))
		printf("Connected to Flight Simulator!\n");

		// 1) Set up data connection

		// Associate an ID with the PMDG data area name
		hr = SimConnect_MapClientDataNameToID(hSimConnect, PMDG_777X_DATA_NAME, PMDG_777X_DATA_ID);

		// Define the data area structure - this is a required step
		hr = SimConnect_AddToClientDataDefinition(hSimConnect, PMDG_777X_DATA_DEFINITION, 0, sizeof(PMDG_777X_Data), 0, 0);

		// Sign up for notification of data change.  
		// SIMCONNECT_CLIENT_DATA_REQUEST_FLAG_CHANGED flag asks for the data to be sent only when some of the data is changed.
		hr = SimConnect_RequestClientData(hSimConnect, PMDG_777X_DATA_ID, DATA_REQUEST, PMDG_777X_DATA_DEFINITION,

		// 2) Set up control connection

		// First method: control data area
		Control.Event = 0;
		Control.Parameter = 0;

		// Associate an ID with the PMDG control area name
		hr = SimConnect_MapClientDataNameToID(hSimConnect, PMDG_777X_CONTROL_NAME, PMDG_777X_CONTROL_ID);

		// Define the control area structure - this is a required step
		hr = SimConnect_AddToClientDataDefinition(hSimConnect, PMDG_777X_CONTROL_DEFINITION, 0, sizeof(PMDG_777X_Control), 0, 0);

		// Sign up for notification of control change.  
		hr = SimConnect_RequestClientData(hSimConnect, PMDG_777X_CONTROL_ID, CONTROL_REQUEST, PMDG_777X_CONTROL_DEFINITION,

		// Second method: Create event IDs for controls that we are going to operate
		hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_LOGO_LIGHT_SWITCH, "#69748");		//EVT_OH_LIGHTS_LOGO
		hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_FLIGHT_DIRECTOR_SWITCH, "#69834");	//EVT_MCP_FD_SWITCH_L

																										// 3) Request current aircraft .air file path
		hr = SimConnect_RequestSystemState(hSimConnect, AIR_PATH_REQUEST, "AircraftLoaded");
		// also request notifications on sim start and aircraft change
		hr = SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_SIM_START, "SimStart");

		// 4) Assign keyboard shortcuts
		hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_KEYBOARD_A);
		hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_KEYBOARD_B);
		hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_KEYBOARD_C);

		hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP_KEYBOARD, EVENT_KEYBOARD_A);
		hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP_KEYBOARD, EVENT_KEYBOARD_B);
		hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP_KEYBOARD, EVENT_KEYBOARD_C);

		hr = SimConnect_SetNotificationGroupPriority(hSimConnect, GROUP_KEYBOARD, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);

		hr = SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+ctrl+a", EVENT_KEYBOARD_A);
		hr = SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+ctrl+b", EVENT_KEYBOARD_B);
		hr = SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "shift+ctrl+c", EVENT_KEYBOARD_C);

		hr = SimConnect_SetInputGroupState(hSimConnect, INPUT0, SIMCONNECT_STATE_ON);

		printf("entering main loop\n");
		// 5) Main loop
		while (quit == 0)
			//printf("running main loop\n");
			// receive and process the 777X data
			SimConnect_CallDispatch(hSimConnect, MyDispatchProc, NULL);


		hr = SimConnect_Close(hSimConnect);
		printf("Unable to connect!\n\n");