Exemple #1
int FMMGetEpsilon_PolBasisNV(const Simulation *S, const Layer *L, const int n, std::complex<double> *Epsilon2, std::complex<double> *Epsilon_inv){
	double mp1 = 0;
	int pwr = S->options.lanczos_smoothing_power;
		mp1 = GetLanczosSmoothingOrder(S);
		S4_TRACE("I   Lanczos smoothing order = %f\n", mp1);
		mp1 *= S->options.lanczos_smoothing_width;
	if(Epsilon_inv){} // prevent unused parameter warning
	const int n2 = 2*n;
	const int nn = n*n;
	const double unit_cell_size = Simulation_GetUnitCellSize(S);
	const int *G = S->solution->G;
	const int ndim = (0 == S->Lr[2] && 0 == S->Lr[3]) ? 1 : 2;
	double *ivalues = (double*)S4_malloc(sizeof(double)*(2+10)*(L->pattern.nshapes+1));
	double *values = ivalues + 2*(L->pattern.nshapes+1);
	// Get all the dielectric tensors
	//bool have_tensor = false;
	for(int i = -1; i < L->pattern.nshapes; ++i){
		const Material *M;
		if(-1 == i){
			M = Simulation_GetMaterialByName(S, L->material, NULL);
			M = Simulation_GetMaterialByIndex(S, L->pattern.shapes[i].tag);
		if(0 == M->type){
			std::complex<double> eps_temp(M->eps.s[0], M->eps.s[1]);
			//eps_temp = Simulation_GetEpsilonByIndex(S, L->pattern.shapes[i].tag);
			values[2*(i+1)+0] = eps_temp.real();
			values[2*(i+1)+1] = eps_temp.imag();
			eps_temp = 1./eps_temp;
			ivalues[2*(i+1)+0] = eps_temp.real();
			ivalues[2*(i+1)+1] = eps_temp.imag();
			//have_tensor = true;
	// Epsilon2 is
	//   [ Epsilon - Delta*Pxx        -Delta*Pxy     ]
	//   [     -Delta*Pyx        Epsilon - Delta*Pyy ]
	// Pxy = Fourier transform of par_x^* par_y
	// Need temp storage for Delta and P__
	std::complex<double> *P = Simulation_GetCachedField(S, L);
	std::complex<double> *work = NULL;
	std::complex<double> *mDelta = NULL;
	std::complex<double> *Eta = NULL;
	if(NULL == P){
		// We need to compute the vector field

		// Make vector fields
		// Determine size of the vector field grid
		int ngrid[2] = {1,1};
		for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i){ // choose grid size
			for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
				if(abs(G[2*j+i]) > ngrid[i]){ ngrid[i] = abs(G[2*j+i]); }
			if(ngrid[i] < 1){ ngrid[i] = 1; }
			ngrid[i] *= S->options.resolution;
			ngrid[i] = fft_next_fast_size(ngrid[i]);
		const int ng2 = ngrid[0]*ngrid[1];
		work = (std::complex<double>*)S4_malloc(sizeof(std::complex<double>)*(6*nn + 4*ng2));
		mDelta = work;
		Eta = mDelta + nn;
		P = Eta + nn;
		std::complex<double> *Ffrom = P + 4*nn; // Fourier source
		std::complex<double> *Fto = Ffrom + ng2; // Fourier dest
		std::complex<double> *par = Fto + ng2; // real space parallel vector

		// Generate the vector field
		const double ing2 = 1./(double)ng2;
		int ii[2];
		double *vfield = (double*)S4_malloc(sizeof(double)*2*ng2);
		if(0 == S->Lr[2] && 0 == S->Lr[3]){ // 1D, generate the trivial field
			double nv[2] = {-S->Lr[1], S->Lr[0]};
			double nva = hypot(nv[0],nv[1]);
			nv[0] /= nva; nv[1] /= nva;
			for(ii[1] = 0; ii[1] < ngrid[1]; ++ii[1]){
				for(ii[0] = 0; ii[0] < ngrid[0]; ++ii[0]){
					vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+0] = nv[0];
					vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+1] = nv[1];
			int error = 0;
			S4_VERB(1, "Generating polarization vector field of size %d x %d\n", ngrid[0], ngrid[1]);
			error = Pattern_GenerateFlowField(&L->pattern, 0, S->Lr, ngrid[0], ngrid[1], vfield);
			// Normalize the field
			for(ii[1] = 0; ii[1] < ngrid[1]; ++ii[1]){
				for(ii[0] = 0; ii[0] < ngrid[0]; ++ii[0]){
					double a = hypot(
					if(a > 0){
						vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+0] /= a;
						vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+1] /= a;
						vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+0] = 1;
						vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+1] = 0;
			if(0 != error){
				S4_TRACE("< Simulation_ComputeLayerBands (failed; Pattern_GenerateFlowField returned %d) [omega=%f]\n", error, S->omega[0]);
				if(NULL != vfield){ S4_free(vfield); }
				if(NULL != work){ S4_free(work); }
				if(NULL != ivalues){ S4_free(ivalues); }
				return error;

		if(NULL != S->options.vector_field_dump_filename_prefix){
			const char *layer_name = NULL != L->name ? L->name : "";
			const size_t prefix_len = strlen(S->options.vector_field_dump_filename_prefix);
			char *filename = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (prefix_len + strlen(layer_name) + 1));
			strcpy(filename, S->options.vector_field_dump_filename_prefix);
			strcpy(filename+prefix_len, layer_name);
			FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
			if(NULL != fp){
				for(ii[1] = 0; ii[1] < ngrid[1]; ++ii[1]){
					for(ii[0] = 0; ii[0] < ngrid[0]; ++ii[0]){
						fprintf(fp, "%d\t%d\t%f\t%f\n", ii[0], ii[1], vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+0], vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+1]);
					} fprintf(fp, "\n");
		for(ii[1] = 0; ii[1] < ngrid[1]; ++ii[1]){
			for(ii[0] = 0; ii[0] < ngrid[0]; ++ii[0]){
				par[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+0] = vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+0];
				par[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+1] = vfield[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+1];

		fft_plan plan = fft_plan_dft_2d(ngrid, Ffrom, Fto, 1);

		// We fill in the quarter blocks of F in Fortran order
		for(int w = 0; w < 4; ++w){
			int Erow = (w&1 ? n : 0);
			int Ecol = (w&2 ? n : 0);
			int _1 = (w&1);
			int _2 = ((w&2)>>1);
			for(ii[1] = 0; ii[1] < ngrid[1]; ++ii[1]){
				const int si1 = ii[1] >= ngrid[1]/2 ? ii[1]-ngrid[1]/2 : ii[1]+ngrid[1]/2;
				for(ii[0] = 0; ii[0] < ngrid[0]; ++ii[0]){
					const int si0 = ii[0] >= ngrid[0]/2 ? ii[0]-ngrid[0]/2 : ii[0]+ngrid[0]/2;
					Ffrom[si1+si0*ngrid[1]] = par[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+_1]*par[2*(ii[0]+ii[1]*ngrid[0])+_2];

			for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
				for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
					int f[2] = {G[2*i+0]-G[2*j+0],G[2*i+1]-G[2*j+1]};
					if(f[0] < 0){ f[0] += ngrid[0]; }
					if(f[1] < 0){ f[1] += ngrid[1]; }
					P[Erow+i+(Ecol+j)*n2] = ing2 * Fto[f[1]+f[0]*ngrid[1]];
		if(NULL != vfield){ S4_free(vfield); }
		// Add to cache
		Simulation_AddFieldToCache((Simulation*)S, L, S->n_G, P, 4*nn);
Exemple #2
int FMMGetEpsilon_Experimental(const S4_Simulation *S, const S4_Layer *L, const int n, std::complex<double> *Epsilon2, std::complex<double> *Epsilon_inv){
	const int n2 = 2*n;
	const int *G = S->G;
	const int ndim = (0 == S->Lr[2] && 0 == S->Lr[3]) ? 1 : 2;
	double *ivalues = (double*)S4_malloc(sizeof(double)*(2+10)*(L->pattern.nshapes+1));
	double *values = ivalues + 2*(L->pattern.nshapes+1);

	S4_TRACE("I  Experimental epsilon\n");

	// Get all the dielectric tensors
	bool have_tensor = false;
	for(int i = -1; i < L->pattern.nshapes; ++i){
		const S4_Material *M;
		if(-1 == i){
			M = &S->material[L->material];
			M = &S->material[L->pattern.shapes[i].tag];
		if(0 == M->type){
			std::complex<double> eps_temp(M->eps.s[0], M->eps.s[1]);
			//eps_temp = Simulation_GetEpsilonByIndex(S, L->pattern.shapes[i].tag);
			values[2*(i+1)+0] = eps_temp.real();
			values[2*(i+1)+1] = eps_temp.imag();
			eps_temp = 1./eps_temp;
			ivalues[2*(i+1)+0] = eps_temp.real();
			ivalues[2*(i+1)+1] = eps_temp.imag();
			have_tensor = true;

	const double unit_cell_size = Simulation_GetUnitCellSize(S);

		// Make Epsilon
		for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
			for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
				int dG[2] = {G[2*i+0]-G[2*j+0],G[2*i+1]-G[2*j+1]};
				double f[2] = {
					dG[0] * S->Lk[0] + dG[1] * S->Lk[2],
					dG[0] * S->Lk[1] + dG[1] * S->Lk[3]
				double ft[2];
				Pattern_GetFourierTransform(&L->pattern, values, f, ndim, unit_cell_size, ft);
				Epsilon2[i+j*n2] = std::complex<double>(ft[0],ft[1]);
		// Make Epsilon_inv
		for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
			for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
				int dG[2] = {G[2*i+0]-G[2*j+0],G[2*i+1]-G[2*j+1]};
				double f[2] = {
					dG[0] * S->Lk[0] + dG[1] * S->Lk[2],
					dG[0] * S->Lk[1] + dG[1] * S->Lk[3]
				double ft[2];
				Pattern_GetFourierTransform(&L->pattern, ivalues, f, ndim, unit_cell_size, ft);
				Epsilon_inv[i+j*n] = std::complex<double>(ft[0],ft[1]);
		S4_TRACE("I  Epsilon(0,0) = %f,%f [omega=%f]\n", Epsilon2[0].real(), Epsilon2[0].imag(), S->omega[0]);

		// Upper block of diagonal of Epsilon2 is already Epsilon
		RNP::TBLAS::CopyMatrix<'A'>(n,n,&Epsilon2[0+0*n2],n2, &Epsilon2[n+n*n2],n2);
		RNP::TBLAS::SetMatrix<'A'>(n,n, 0.,0., &Epsilon2[n+0*n2],n2);
		RNP::TBLAS::SetMatrix<'A'>(n,n, 0.,0., &Epsilon2[0+n*n2],n2);
		// Epsilon2 has Epsilon's on its diagonal
	}else{ // have tensor dielectric
		const int ldv = 2*(1+L->pattern.nshapes);
		for(int i = -1; i < L->pattern.nshapes; ++i){
			const S4_Material *M;
			if(-1 == i){
				M = &S->material[L->material];
				M = &S->material[L->pattern.shapes[i].tag];
			if(0 == M->type){
				const std::complex<double> eps_temp(M->eps.s[0], M->eps.s[1]);
				const std::complex<double> inveps_temp = 1./eps_temp;
				values[0*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = eps_temp.real();
				values[0*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = eps_temp.imag();
				values[1*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = 0;
				values[1*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = 0;
				values[2*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = 0;
				values[2*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = 0;
				values[3*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = eps_temp.real();
				values[3*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = eps_temp.imag();
				values[4*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = eps_temp.real();
				values[4*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = eps_temp.imag();

				ivalues[0*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = inveps_temp.real();
				ivalues[0*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = inveps_temp.imag();
				std::complex<double> eps_temp(M->eps.abcde[8], M->eps.abcde[9]);
				const std::complex<double> inveps_temp = 1./eps_temp;
				// We must transpose the values array here, as well as transpose the tensor
				values[0*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = M->eps.abcde[0];
				values[0*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = M->eps.abcde[1];
				values[1*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = M->eps.abcde[4];
				values[1*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = M->eps.abcde[5];
				values[2*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = M->eps.abcde[2];
				values[2*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = M->eps.abcde[3];
				values[3*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = M->eps.abcde[6];
				values[3*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = M->eps.abcde[7];
				values[4*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = M->eps.abcde[8];
				values[4*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = M->eps.abcde[9];

				ivalues[0*ldv+2*(i+1)+0] = inveps_temp.real();
				ivalues[0*ldv+2*(i+1)+1] = inveps_temp.imag();

		for(int k = -1; k < 4; ++k){
			if(-1 == k){
				for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
					for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
						int dG[2] = {G[2*i+0]-G[2*j+0],G[2*i+1]-G[2*j+1]};
						double f[2] = {
							dG[0] * S->Lk[0] + dG[1] * S->Lk[2],
							dG[0] * S->Lk[1] + dG[1] * S->Lk[3]
						double ft[2];
						Pattern_GetFourierTransform(&L->pattern, ivalues, f, ndim, unit_cell_size, ft);
						Epsilon_inv[i+j*n] = std::complex<double>(ft[0],ft[1]);
				const int ib = k&1 ? n : 0;
				const int jb = k&2 ? n : 0;
				for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
					for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
						int dG[2] = {G[2*i+0]-G[2*j+0],G[2*i+1]-G[2*j+1]};
						double f[2] = {
							dG[0] * S->Lk[0] + dG[1] * S->Lk[2],
							dG[0] * S->Lk[1] + dG[1] * S->Lk[3]
						double ft[2];
						Pattern_GetFourierTransform(&L->pattern, &values[k*ldv], f, ndim, unit_cell_size, ft);
						Epsilon2[ib+i+(jb+j)*n2] = std::complex<double>(ft[0],ft[1]);


	return 0;