Matrix3<T>::Inverse( T determinant, const Matrix3 & adjoint ) const
    if ( determinant == T() )
        throw SingularMatrixException();
    return  adjoint * static_cast<T>( 1. / determinant );
inline void
TrdtrmmUUnblocked( Orientation orientation, Matrix<F>& U )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("internal::TrdtrmmUUnblocked");
    if( U.Height() != U.Width() )
        LogicError("U must be square");
    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        LogicError("Trdtrmm requires (conjugate-)transpose");
    const Int n = U.Height();

    F* UBuffer = U.Buffer();
    const Int ldim = U.LDim();
    for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
        const F delta11 = UBuffer[j+j*ldim];
        if( delta11 == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();

        F* RESTRICT u01 = &UBuffer[j*ldim];
        if( orientation == ADJOINT )
            // U00 := U00 + u01 (u01 / conj(delta11))^H
            for( Int k=0; k<j; ++k )
                const F gamma = Conj(u01[k]) / delta11;
                F* RESTRICT U00Col = &UBuffer[k*ldim];
                for( Int i=0; i<=k; ++i )
                    U00Col[i] += u01[i]*gamma;
            // U00 := U00 + u01 (u01 / delta11)^T
            for( Int k=0; k<j; ++k )
                const F gamma = u01[k] / delta11;
                F* RESTRICT U00Col = &UBuffer[k*ldim];
                for( Int i=0; i<=k; ++i )
                    U00Col[i] += u01[i]*gamma;

        // u01 := u01 / delta11
        for( Int k=0; k<j; ++k )
            u01[k] /= delta11;

        // lambda11 := 1 / delta11
        UBuffer[j+j*ldim] = 1 / delta11;
inline void
TrdtrmmLUnblocked( Orientation orientation, Matrix<F>& L )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("internal::TrdtrmmLUnblocked");
    if( L.Height() != L.Width() )
        LogicError("L must be square");
    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        LogicError("Trdtrmm requires (conjugate-)transpose");
    const Int n = L.Height();

    F* LBuffer = L.Buffer();
    const Int ldim = L.LDim();
    for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
        const F delta11 = LBuffer[j+j*ldim];
        if( delta11 == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();

        F* RESTRICT l10 = &LBuffer[j];
        if( orientation == ADJOINT )
            // L00 := L00 + l10^H (l10 / delta11)
            for( Int k=0; k<j; ++k )
                const F gamma = l10[k*ldim] / delta11; 
                F* RESTRICT L00Col = &LBuffer[k*ldim];
                for( Int i=k; i<j; ++i )
                    L00Col[i] += Conj(l10[i*ldim])*gamma;
            // L00 := L00 + l10^T (l10 / delta11)
            for( Int k=0; k<j; ++k )
                const F gamma = l10[k*ldim] / delta11;
                F* RESTRICT L00Col = &LBuffer[k*ldim];
                for( Int i=k; i<j; ++i )
                    L00Col[i] += l10[i*ldim]*gamma;

        // l10 := l10 / delta11
        for( Int k=0; k<j; ++k )
            l10[k*ldim] /= delta11;

        // lambda11 := 1 / delta11
        LBuffer[j+j*ldim] = 1 / delta11;
Exemple #4
inline void
LU( Matrix<F>& A )
#ifndef RELEASE
    // Matrix views 
        ATL, ATR,  A00, a01,     A02,  alpha21T,
        ABL, ABR,  a10, alpha11, a12,  a21B,
                   A20, a21,     A22;

    PushBlocksizeStack( 1 );
    ( A, ATL, ATR,
         ABL, ABR, 0 );
    while( ATL.Height() < A.Height() && ATL.Width() < A.Width() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ a01,     A02,
         /*************/ /**********************/
               /**/       a10, /**/ alpha11, a12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ a21,     A22 );

        F alpha = alpha11.Get(0,0);
        if( alpha == static_cast<F>(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();
        Scal( static_cast<F>(1)/alpha, a21 );
        Geru( (F)-1, a21, a12, A22 );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, a01,     /**/ A02,
               /**/       a10, alpha11, /**/ a12,
         /*************/ /**********************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, a21,     /**/ A22 );
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #5
inline void
Unb( Matrix<F>& A )
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    for( Int j=0; j<Min(m,n); ++j )
        const F alpha = A(j,j);
        if( alpha == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();

        blas::Scal( m-(j+1), F(1)/alpha, A.Buffer(j+1,j), 1 );
        ( m-(j+1), n-(j+1),
          F(-1), A.LockedBuffer(j+1,j), 1, A.LockedBuffer(j,j+1), A.LDim(),
                 A.Buffer(j+1,j+1), A.LDim() );
Exemple #6
inline void
Unb( Matrix<F>& A )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("lu::Unb");
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    for( Int j=0; j<Min(m,n); ++j )
        const F alpha = A.Get(j,j);
        if( alpha == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();

        blas::Scal( m-(j+1), 1/alpha, A.Buffer(j+1,j), 1 );
        ( m-(j+1), n-(j+1),
          F(-1), A.LockedBuffer(j+1,j), 1, A.LockedBuffer(j,j+1), A.LDim(),
                 A.Buffer(j+1,j+1), A.LDim() );
Exemple #7
inline void
( LeftOrRight side, UpperOrLower uplo,
  Orientation orientation, UnitOrNonUnit diag,
  F alpha, const Matrix<F>& A, Matrix<F>& B,
  bool checkIfSingular )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Height() != A.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("Triangular matrix must be square");
    if( side == LEFT )
        if( A.Height() != B.Height() )
            throw std::logic_error("Nonconformal Trsm");
        if( A.Height() != B.Width() )
            throw std::logic_error("Nonconformal Trsm");
    const char sideChar = LeftOrRightToChar( side );
    const char uploChar = UpperOrLowerToChar( uplo );
    const char transChar = OrientationToChar( orientation );
    const char diagChar = UnitOrNonUnitToChar( diag );
    if( checkIfSingular && diag != UNIT )
        const int n = A.Height();
        for( int j=0; j<n; ++j )
            if( A.Get(j,j) == F(0) )
                throw SingularMatrixException();
    ( sideChar, uploChar, transChar, diagChar, B.Height(), B.Width(),
      alpha, A.LockedBuffer(), A.LDim(), B.Buffer(), B.LDim() );
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #8
inline void
UnbFLAME( Matrix<F>& A )
#ifndef RELEASE
    CallStackEntry entry("lu::UnbFLAME");
    // Matrix views 
        ATL, ATR,  A00, a01,     A02,  alpha21T,
        ABL, ABR,  a10, alpha11, a12,  a21B,
                   A20, a21,     A22;

    ( A, ATL, ATR,
         ABL, ABR, 0 );
    while( ATL.Height() < A.Height() && ATL.Width() < A.Width() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ a01,     A02,
         /*************/ /**********************/
               /**/       a10, /**/ alpha11, a12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ a21,     A22, 1 );

        F alpha = alpha11.Get(0,0);
        if( alpha == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();
        Scale( 1/alpha, a21 );
        Geru( F(-1), a21, a12, A22 );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, a01,     /**/ A02,
               /**/       a10, alpha11, /**/ a12,
         /*************/ /**********************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, a21,     /**/ A22 );
Exemple #9
inline void
UnbObj( Matrix<F>& A )
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int minDim = Min(m,n);
    for( Int k=0; k<minDim; ++k )
        const IR ind1( k ), ind2( k+1, END );

        auto alpha11 = A( ind1, ind1 );
        auto a12     = A( ind1, ind2 );
        auto a21     = A( ind2, ind1 );
        auto A22     = A( ind2, ind2 );

        F alpha = alpha11(0);
        if( alpha == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();
        a21 *= 1/alpha;
        Geru( F(-1), a21, a12, A22 );
Exemple #10
  void OCCSurface :: DefineTangentialPlane (const Point<3> & ap1,
					    const PointGeomInfo & geominfo1,
					    const Point<3> & ap2,
					    const PointGeomInfo & geominfo2)
    if (projecttype == PLANESPACE)
	p1 = ap1; p2 = ap2;

	//cout << "p1 = " << p1 << endl;
	//cout << "p2 = " << p2 << endl;
	GetNormalVector (p1, geominfo1, ez);
	ex = p2 - p1;
	ex -= (ex * ez) * ez;
	ey = Cross (ez, ex); 

	GetNormalVector (p2, geominfo2, n2);
	nmid = 0.5*(n2+ez);
	ez = nmid;
	ex = (p2 - p1).Normalize();
	ez -= (ez * ex) * ex;
	ey = Cross (ez, ex);
	nmid = ez;
	//cout << "ex " << ex << " ey " << ey << " ez " << ez << endl;
	if ( (geominfo1.u < umin) ||
	     (geominfo1.u > umax) ||
	     (geominfo2.u < umin) ||
	     (geominfo2.u > umax) ||
	     (geominfo1.v < vmin) ||
	     (geominfo1.v > vmax) ||
	     (geominfo2.v < vmin) ||
	     (geominfo2.v > vmax) ) throw UVBoundsException();

	p1 = ap1; p2 = ap2;
	psp1 = Point<2>(geominfo1.u, geominfo1.v);
	psp2 = Point<2>(geominfo2.u, geominfo2.v);
	Vec<3> n;
	GetNormalVector (p1, geominfo1, n);

	gp_Pnt pnt;
	gp_Vec du, dv;
	occface->D1 (geominfo1.u, geominfo1.v, pnt, du, dv);

	DenseMatrix D1(3,2), D1T(2,3), DDTinv(2,2);
	D1(0,0) = du.X(); D1(1,0) = du.Y(); D1(2,0) = du.Z();
	D1(0,1) = dv.X(); D1(1,1) = dv.Y(); D1(2,1) = dv.Z();

	  (*testout) << "DefineTangentialPlane" << endl
	  << "---------------------" << endl;
	  (*testout) << "D1 = " << endl << D1 << endl;

	Transpose (D1, D1T);
	DenseMatrix D1TD1(3,3);

	D1TD1 = D1T*D1;
	if (D1TD1.Det() == 0) throw SingularMatrixException();
	CalcInverse (D1TD1, DDTinv);
	DenseMatrix Y(3,2);
	Vec<3> y1 = (ap2-ap1).Normalize();
	Vec<3> y2 = Cross(n, y1).Normalize();
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	    Y(i,0) = y1(i);
	    Y(i,1) = y2(i);

	DenseMatrix A(2,2);
	A = DDTinv * D1T * Y;
	DenseMatrix Ainv(2,2);

	if (A.Det() == 0) throw SingularMatrixException();

	CalcInverse (A, Ainv);

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
	  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
	      Amat(i,j) = A(i,j);
	      Amatinv(i,j) = Ainv(i,j);

	Vec<2> temp = Amatinv * (psp2-psp1);

	double r = temp.Length();
	//      double alpha = -acos (temp(0)/r);
	double alpha = -atan2 (temp(1),temp(0));
	DenseMatrix R(2,2);
	R(0,0) = cos (alpha);
	R(1,0) = -sin (alpha);
	R(0,1) = sin (alpha);
	R(1,1) = cos (alpha);

	A = A*R;

	if (A.Det() == 0) throw SingularMatrixException();

	CalcInverse (A, Ainv);

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
	  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
	      Amat(i,j) = A(i,j);
	      Amatinv(i,j) = Ainv(i,j);

	temp = Amatinv * (psp2-psp1);
Exemple #11
inline void
( DistMatrix<F,  STAR,STAR>& A, 
  DistMatrix<F,  MC,  STAR>& B, 
  DistMatrix<int,STAR,STAR>& p, 
  int pivotOffset )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Grid() != p.Grid() || p.Grid() != B.Grid() )
        throw std::logic_error
        ("Matrices must be distributed over the same grid");
    if( A.Width() != B.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("A and B must be the same width");
    if( A.Height() != p.Height() || p.Width() != 1 )
        throw std::logic_error("p must be a vector that conforms with A");
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const int r = g.Height();
    const int colShift = B.ColShift();
    const int colAlignment = B.ColAlignment();

    // Matrix views
        ATL(g), ATR(g),  A00(g), a01(g),     A02(g),  
        ABL(g), ABR(g),  a10(g), alpha11(g), a12(g),  
                         A20(g), a21(g),     A22(g);

        BL(g), BR(g),
        B0(g), b1(g), B2(g);

    const int width = A.Width();
    const int numBytes = (width+1)*sizeof(F)+sizeof(int);
    std::vector<byte> sendData(numBytes);
    std::vector<byte> recvData(numBytes);

    // Extract pointers to send and recv data
    // TODO: Think of how to make this safer with respect to alignment issues
    F* sendBufFloat = (F*)&sendData[0];
    F* recvBufFloat = (F*)&recvData[0];
    int* sendBufInt = (int*)&sendData[(width+1)*sizeof(F)];
    int* recvBufInt = (int*)&recvData[(width+1)*sizeof(F)];

    // Start the algorithm
    PushBlocksizeStack( 1 );
    ( A, ATL, ATR,
         ABL, ABR, 0 );
    PartitionRight( B, BL, BR, 0 );
    while( ATL.Height() < A.Height() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ a01,     A02,
         /*************/ /**********************/
               /**/       a10, /**/ alpha11, a12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ a21,     A22 );

        ( BL, /**/ BR,  
          B0, /**/ b1, B2 );

        const int currentRow = a01.Height();
        // Store the index/value of the pivot candidate in A
        F pivot = alpha11.GetLocal(0,0);
        int pivotRow = currentRow;
        for( int i=0; i<a21.Height(); ++i )
            F value = a21.GetLocal(i,0);
            if( FastAbs(value) > FastAbs(pivot) )
                pivot = value;
                pivotRow = currentRow + i + 1;

        // Update the pivot candidate to include local data from B
        for( int i=0; i<B.LocalHeight(); ++i )
            F value = b1.GetLocal(i,0);
            if( FastAbs(value) > FastAbs(pivot) )
                pivot = value;
                pivotRow = A.Height() + colShift + i*r;

        // Fill the send buffer with:
        // [ pivotValue | pivot row data | pivotRow ]
        if( pivotRow < A.Height() )
            sendBufFloat[0] = A.GetLocal(pivotRow,a10.Width());

            const int ALDim = A.LocalLDim();
            const F* ABuffer = A.LocalBuffer(pivotRow,0);
            for( int j=0; j<width; ++j )
                sendBufFloat[j+1] = ABuffer[j*ALDim];
            const int localRow = ((pivotRow-A.Height())-colShift)/r;
            sendBufFloat[0] = b1.GetLocal(localRow,0);

            const int BLDim = B.LocalLDim();
            const F* BBuffer = B.LocalBuffer(localRow,0);
            for( int j=0; j<width; ++j )
                sendBufFloat[j+1] = BBuffer[j*BLDim];
        *sendBufInt = pivotRow;

        // Communicate to establish the pivot information
        ( &sendData[0], &recvData[0], numBytes, PivotOp<F>(), g.ColComm() );

        // Update the pivot vector
        pivotRow = *recvBufInt;

        // Copy the current row into the pivot row
        if( pivotRow < A.Height() )
            const int ALDim = A.LocalLDim();
            F* ASetBuffer = A.LocalBuffer(pivotRow,0);
            const F* AGetBuffer = A.LocalBuffer(currentRow,0);
            for( int j=0; j<width; ++j )
                ASetBuffer[j*ALDim] = AGetBuffer[j*ALDim];
            const int ownerRank = (colAlignment+(pivotRow-A.Height())) % r;
            if( g.Row() == ownerRank )
                const int localRow = ((pivotRow-A.Height())-colShift) / r;

                const int ALDim = A.LocalLDim();
                const int BLDim = B.LocalLDim();
                F* BBuffer = B.LocalBuffer(localRow,0);
                const F* ABuffer = A.LocalBuffer(currentRow,0);
                for( int j=0; j<width; ++j )
                    BBuffer[j*BLDim] = ABuffer[j*ALDim];

        // Copy the pivot row into the current row
            F* ABuffer = A.LocalBuffer(currentRow,0);
            const int ALDim = A.LocalLDim();
            for( int j=0; j<width; ++j )
                ABuffer[j*ALDim] = recvBufFloat[j+1];

        // Now we can perform the update of the current panel
        const F alpha = alpha11.GetLocal(0,0);
        if( alpha == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();
        const F alpha11Inv = F(1) / alpha;
        Scale( alpha11Inv, a21.LocalMatrix() );
        Scale( alpha11Inv, b1.LocalMatrix()  );
        Geru( F(-1), a21.LocalMatrix(), a12.LocalMatrix(), A22.LocalMatrix() );
        Geru( F(-1), b1.LocalMatrix(), a12.LocalMatrix(), B2.LocalMatrix() );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, a01,     /**/ A02,
               /**/       a10, alpha11, /**/ a12,
         /*************/ /**********************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, a21,     /**/ A22 );

        ( BL,     /**/ BR,  
          B0, b1, /**/ B2 );

#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #12
inline void
PanelLU( Matrix<F>& A, Matrix<int>& p, int pivotOffset )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Width() != p.Height() || p.Width() != 1 )
        throw std::logic_error("p must be a vector that conforms with A");
    // Matrix views
        ATL, ATR,  A00, a01,     A02,  
        ABL, ABR,  a10, alpha11, a12,  
                   A20, a21,     A22;

    const int width = A.Width();
    std::vector<F> buffer( width );

    // Start the algorithm
    PushBlocksizeStack( 1 );
    ( A, ATL, ATR,
         ABL, ABR, 0 );
    while( ATL.Height() < A.Height() )
        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, /**/ a01,     A02,
         /*************/ /**********************/
               /**/       a10, /**/ alpha11, a12,
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, /**/ a21,     A22 );

        const int currentRow = A00.Height();
        // Find the index and value of the pivot candidate
        F pivot = alpha11.Get(0,0);
        int pivotRow = currentRow;
        for( int i=0; i<a21.Height(); ++i )
            const F value = a21.Get(i,0);
            if( FastAbs(value) > FastAbs(pivot) )
                pivot = value;
                pivotRow = currentRow + i + 1;
        p.Set( currentRow, 0, pivotRow+pivotOffset );

        // Swap the pivot row and current row
        for( int j=0; j<width; ++j )
            buffer[j] = A.Get(currentRow,j);

        // Now we can perform the update of the current panel
        const F alpha = alpha11.Get(0,0);
        if( alpha == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();
        const F alpha11Inv = F(1) / alpha;
        Scale( alpha11Inv, a21 );
        Geru( F(-1), a21, a12, A22 );

        ( ATL, /**/ ATR,  A00, a01,     /**/ A02,
               /**/       a10, alpha11, /**/ a12,
         /*************/ /**********************/
          ABL, /**/ ABR,  A20, a21,     /**/ A22 );

#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #13
Image<typename promote_trait<T, float>::TP> matrixInv(const Image<T>& M)

  // NOTE: In the future if we need a faster matrix inverse, we could
  // specialize for double and float to use dgetri() and sgetri(),
  // respectively, from lapack. This would be analogous to the
  // specializations that we currently have for matrix-matrix and
  // vector-matrix multiplication in this file, as well as the
  // specializations for svd that we have in LinearAlgebra.C.

  typedef typename promote_trait<T, float>::TP TF;
  const int siz = M.getWidth();

  // get an identity matrix:
  Image<TF> res = eye<TF>(siz);

  // make a promoted copy of M that we can modify:
  Image<TF> m(M);

  // for efficiency, we'll now pull pointers to the raw storage of our
  // mutable M copy, and of our result matrix -- this way, we can use
  // array indexing without all of the ASSERT()s in Image::getVal()
  // and Image::setVal() -- this turns out to cut the run time by
  // about a factor of 8x
  TF* m_arr   = m.getArrayPtr();
  TF* res_arr = res.getArrayPtr();

  // the local 'siz' variable, and on the fact that any array for
  // which it is called is a square matrix with dimensions siz*siz.
#define ARR_IDX(arrptr, i, j) ((arrptr)[(i) + ((j)*siz)])

  // let's pivote!
  for (int k = 0; k < siz; k ++)
      // pivote at k:
      const int piv = matrixPivot(m, k);

      // could we pivote?
      if (piv == -1)
        throw SingularMatrixException(M, SRC_POS);

      // if we did pivote, then let's also exchange rows piv and k in temp:
      if (piv != k)
        for (int i = 0; i < siz; i ++)
            std::swap(ARR_IDX(res_arr, i, piv),
                      ARR_IDX(res_arr, i, k));

      // divide row k by our pivot value in both matrices:
      const TF val = 1.0F / ARR_IDX(m_arr, k, k);
      for (int i = 0; i < siz; i ++)
          ARR_IDX(m_arr,   i, k)  *= val;
          ARR_IDX(res_arr, i, k)  *= val;

      // make sure everybody else in that column becomes zero in the
      // original matrix:
      for (int j = 0; j < siz; j ++)
        if (j != k)
            const TF v = ARR_IDX(m_arr, k, j);
            for (int i = 0; i < siz; i ++)
                ARR_IDX(m_arr,   i, j)  -= ARR_IDX(m_arr,   i, k) * v;
                ARR_IDX(res_arr, i, j)  -= ARR_IDX(res_arr, i, k) * v;
  return res;

#undef ARR_IDX
Exemple #14
inline void
Var3Unb( Orientation orientation, Matrix<F>& A, Matrix<F>& d )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Height() != A.Width() )
        throw std::logic_error("A must be square");
    if( d.Viewing() && (d.Height() != A.Height() || d.Width() != 1) )
        throw std::logic_error
        ("d must be a column vector the same height as A");
    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        throw std::logic_error("Can only perform LDL^T or LDL^H");
    const int n = A.Height();
    if( !d.Viewing() )
        d.ResizeTo( n, 1 );

    F* ABuffer = A.Buffer();
    F* dBuffer = d.Buffer();
    const int ldim = A.LDim();
    for( int j=0; j<n; ++j )
        const int a21Height = n - (j+1);

        // Extract and store the diagonal of D
        const F alpha11 = ABuffer[j+j*ldim];
        if( alpha11 == F(0) )
            throw SingularMatrixException();
        dBuffer[j] = alpha11; 

        F* RESTRICT a21 = &ABuffer[(j+1)+j*ldim];
        if( orientation == ADJOINT )
            // A22 := A22 - a21 (a21 / alpha11)^H
            for( int k=0; k<a21Height; ++k )
                const F beta = Conj(a21[k]/alpha11);
                F* RESTRICT A22Col = &ABuffer[(j+1)+(j+1+k)*ldim];
                for( int i=k; i<a21Height; ++i )
                    A22Col[i] -= a21[i]*beta;
            // A22 := A22 - a21 (a21 / alpha11)^T
            for( int k=0; k<a21Height; ++k )
                const F beta = a21[k]/alpha11;
                F* RESTRICT A22Col = &ABuffer[(j+1)+(j+1+k)*ldim];
                for( int i=k; i<a21Height; ++i )
                    A22Col[i] -= a21[i]*beta;
        // a21 := a21 / alpha11
        for( int i=0; i<a21Height; ++i )
            a21[i] /= alpha11;
#ifndef RELEASE