Exemple #1
 * This is the path for apply_kernel_interp() to be taken when the kernel
 * is wider than the source image.
static void kernel_interp_clamped(uint8_t dst[], int rx, int ry,
                                  const uint32_t sum[], int sw, int sh, U8CPU outerWeight) {
    SkASSERT(2*rx > sw);

    int innerWeight = 255 - outerWeight;

    // round these guys up if they're bigger than 127
    outerWeight += outerWeight >> 7;
    innerWeight += innerWeight >> 7;

    uint32_t outerScale = (outerWeight << 16) / ((2*rx + 1)*(2*ry + 1));
    uint32_t innerScale = (innerWeight << 16) / ((2*rx - 1)*(2*ry - 1));

    int sumStride = sw + 1;

    int dw = sw + 2*rx;
    int dh = sh + 2*ry;

    int prev_y = -2*ry;
    int next_y = 1;

    for (int y = 0; y < dh; ++y) {
        int py = SkClampPos(prev_y) * sumStride;
        int ny = SkFastMin32(next_y, sh) * sumStride;

        int ipy = SkClampPos(prev_y + 1) * sumStride;
        int iny = SkClampMax(next_y - 1, sh) * sumStride;

        int prev_x = -2*rx;
        int next_x = 1;

        for (int x = 0; x < dw; ++x) {
            int px = SkClampPos(prev_x);
            int nx = SkFastMin32(next_x, sw);

            int ipx = SkClampPos(prev_x + 1);
            int inx = SkClampMax(next_x - 1, sw);

            uint32_t outerSum = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny]
                                - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            uint32_t innerSum = sum[ipx+ipy] + sum[inx+iny]
                                - sum[inx+ipy] - sum[ipx+iny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                             + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;
        prev_y += 1;
        next_y += 1;
Exemple #2
 * This is the path for apply_kernel() to be taken when the kernel
 * is wider than the source image.
static void kernel_clamped(uint8_t dst[], int rx, int ry, const uint32_t sum[],
                           int sw, int sh) {
    SkASSERT(2*rx > sw);

    uint32_t scale = (1 << 24) / ((2*rx + 1)*(2*ry + 1));

    int sumStride = sw + 1;

    int dw = sw + 2*rx;
    int dh = sh + 2*ry;

    int prev_y = -2*ry;
    int next_y = 1;

    for (int y = 0; y < dh; ++y) {
        int py = SkClampPos(prev_y) * sumStride;
        int ny = SkFastMin32(next_y, sh) * sumStride;

        int prev_x = -2*rx;
        int next_x = 1;

        for (int x = 0; x < dw; ++x) {
            int px = SkClampPos(prev_x);
            int nx = SkFastMin32(next_x, sw);

            // TODO: should we be adding 1/2 (1 << 23) to round to the
            // nearest integer here?
            uint32_t tmp = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny] - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;

        prev_y += 1;
        next_y += 1;
Exemple #3
// Perform a brute force convolution of a step function with a Gaussian.
// Return the right half in 'result'
static void brute_force_1d(SkScalar stepMin, SkScalar stepMax,
                           SkScalar gaussianSigma,
                           int* result, int resultCount) {

    int gaussianRange = SkScalarCeilToInt(10 * gaussianSigma);

    for (int i = 0; i < resultCount; ++i) {
        SkScalar sum = 0.0f;
        for (int j = -gaussianRange; j < gaussianRange; ++j) {
            sum += gaussian(j, gaussianSigma) * step(i-j, stepMin, stepMax);

        result[i] = SkClampMax(SkClampPos(int(sum + 0.5f)), 255);
Exemple #4
 * This is the path for apply_kernel() to be taken when the kernel
 * is wider than the source image.
static void kernel_clamped(uint8_t dst[], int rx, int ry, const uint32_t sum[],
                           int sw, int sh) {
    SkASSERT(2*rx > sw);

    uint32_t scale = (1 << 24) / ((2*rx + 1)*(2*ry + 1));

    int sumStride = sw + 1;

    int dw = sw + 2*rx;
    int dh = sh + 2*ry;

    int prev_y = -2*ry;
    int next_y = 1;

    for (int y = 0; y < dh; y++) {
        int py = SkClampPos(prev_y) * sumStride;
        int ny = SkFastMin32(next_y, sh) * sumStride;

        int prev_x = -2*rx;
        int next_x = 1;

        for (int x = 0; x < dw; x++) {
            int px = SkClampPos(prev_x);
            int nx = SkFastMin32(next_x, sw);

            uint32_t tmp = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny] - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;

        prev_y += 1;
        next_y += 1;
bool SkBlurMask::BlurGroundTruth(SkMask* dst, const SkMask& src, SkScalar provided_radius,
                            Style style, SkIPoint* margin) {

    if (src.fFormat != SkMask::kA8_Format) {
        return false;

    float radius = SkScalarToFloat(SkScalarMul(provided_radius, kBlurRadiusFudgeFactor));
    float stddev = SkScalarToFloat(radius) /2.0f;
    float variance = stddev * stddev;

    int windowSize = SkScalarCeil(stddev*4);
    // round window size up to nearest odd number
    windowSize |= 1;

    SkAutoTMalloc<float> gaussWindow(windowSize);

    int halfWindow = windowSize >> 1;

    gaussWindow[halfWindow] = 1;

    float windowSum = 1;
    for (int x = 1 ; x <= halfWindow ; ++x) {
        float gaussian = expf(-x*x / variance);
        gaussWindow[halfWindow + x] = gaussWindow[halfWindow-x] = gaussian;
        windowSum += 2*gaussian;

    // leave the filter un-normalized for now; we will divide by the normalization
    // sum later;

    int pad = halfWindow;
    if (margin) {
        margin->set( pad, pad );

    dst->fBounds = src.fBounds;
    dst->fBounds.outset(pad, pad);

    dst->fRowBytes = dst->fBounds.width();
    dst->fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
    dst->fImage = NULL;

    if (src.fImage) {

        size_t dstSize = dst->computeImageSize();
        if (0 == dstSize) {
            return false;   // too big to allocate, abort

        int             srcWidth = src.fBounds.width();
        int             srcHeight = src.fBounds.height();
        int             dstWidth = dst->fBounds.width();

        const uint8_t*  srcPixels = src.fImage;
        uint8_t*        dstPixels = SkMask::AllocImage(dstSize);
        SkAutoTCallVProc<uint8_t, SkMask_FreeImage> autoCall(dstPixels);

        // do the actual blur.  First, make a padded copy of the source.
        // use double pad so we never have to check if we're outside anything

        int padWidth = srcWidth + 4*pad;
        int padHeight = srcHeight;
        int padSize = padWidth * padHeight;

        SkAutoTMalloc<uint8_t> padPixels(padSize);
        memset(padPixels, 0, padSize);

        for (int y = 0 ; y < srcHeight; ++y) {
            uint8_t* padptr = padPixels + y * padWidth + 2*pad;
            const uint8_t* srcptr = srcPixels + y * srcWidth;
            memcpy(padptr, srcptr, srcWidth);

        // blur in X, transposing the result into a temporary floating point buffer.
        // also double-pad the intermediate result so that the second blur doesn't
        // have to do extra conditionals.

        int tmpWidth = padHeight + 4*pad;
        int tmpHeight = padWidth - 2*pad;
        int tmpSize = tmpWidth * tmpHeight;

        SkAutoTMalloc<float> tmpImage(tmpSize);
        memset(tmpImage, 0, tmpSize*sizeof(tmpImage[0]));

        for (int y = 0 ; y < padHeight ; ++y) {
            uint8_t *srcScanline = padPixels + y*padWidth;
            for (int x = pad ; x < padWidth - pad ; ++x) {
                float *outPixel = tmpImage + (x-pad)*tmpWidth + y + 2*pad; // transposed output
                uint8_t *windowCenter = srcScanline + x;
                for (int i = -pad ; i <= pad ; ++i) {
                    *outPixel += gaussWindow[pad+i]*windowCenter[i];
                *outPixel /= windowSum;

        // blur in Y; now filling in the actual desired destination.  We have to do
        // the transpose again; these transposes guarantee that we read memory in
        // linear order.

        for (int y = 0 ; y < tmpHeight ; ++y) {
            float *srcScanline = tmpImage + y*tmpWidth;
            for (int x = pad ; x < tmpWidth - pad ; ++x) {
                float *windowCenter = srcScanline + x;
                float finalValue = 0;
                for (int i = -pad ; i <= pad ; ++i) {
                    finalValue += gaussWindow[pad+i]*windowCenter[i];
                finalValue /= windowSum;
                uint8_t *outPixel = dstPixels + (x-pad)*dstWidth + y; // transposed output
                int integerPixel = int(finalValue + 0.5f);
                *outPixel = SkClampMax( SkClampPos(integerPixel), 255 );

        dst->fImage = dstPixels;
        // if need be, alloc the "real" dst (same size as src) and copy/merge
        // the blur into it (applying the src)
        if (style == kInner_Style) {
            // now we allocate the "real" dst, mirror the size of src
            size_t srcSize = src.computeImageSize();
            if (0 == srcSize) {
                return false;   // too big to allocate, abort
            dst->fImage = SkMask::AllocImage(srcSize);
            merge_src_with_blur(dst->fImage, src.fRowBytes,
                srcPixels, src.fRowBytes,
                dstPixels + pad*dst->fRowBytes + pad,
                dst->fRowBytes, srcWidth, srcHeight);
        } else if (style != kNormal_Style) {
            clamp_with_orig(dstPixels + pad*dst->fRowBytes + pad,
                dst->fRowBytes, srcPixels, src.fRowBytes, srcWidth, srcHeight, style);

    if (style == kInner_Style) {
        dst->fBounds = src.fBounds; // restore trimmed bounds
        dst->fRowBytes = src.fRowBytes;

    return true;
Exemple #6
 *  sw and sh are the width and height of the src. Since the sum buffer
 *  matches that, but has an extra row and col at the beginning (with zeros),
 *  we can just use sw and sh as our "max" values for pinning coordinates
 *  when sampling into sum[][]
 *  The inner loop is conceptually simple; we break it into several variants
 *  to improve performance. Here's the original version:
        for (int x = 0; x < dw; ++x) {
            int px = SkClampPos(prev_x);
            int nx = SkFastMin32(next_x, sw);

            int ipx = SkClampPos(prev_x + 1);
            int inx = SkClampMax(next_x - 1, sw);

            uint32_t outerSum = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny]
                               - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            uint32_t innerSum = sum[ipx+ipy] + sum[inx+iny]
                               - sum[inx+ipy] - sum[ipx+iny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                           + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;
 *  The sections are:
 *     left-hand section, where prev_x is clamped to 0
 *     center section, where neither prev_x nor next_x is clamped
 *     right-hand section, where next_x is clamped to sw
 *  On some operating systems, the center section is unrolled for additional
 *  speedup.
static void apply_kernel_interp(uint8_t dst[], int rx, int ry,
                                const uint32_t sum[], int sw, int sh, U8CPU outerWeight) {
    SkASSERT(rx > 0 && ry > 0);
    SkASSERT(outerWeight <= 255);

    if (2*rx > sw) {
        kernel_interp_clamped(dst, rx, ry, sum, sw, sh, outerWeight);

    int innerWeight = 255 - outerWeight;

    // round these guys up if they're bigger than 127
    outerWeight += outerWeight >> 7;
    innerWeight += innerWeight >> 7;

    uint32_t outerScale = (outerWeight << 16) / ((2*rx + 1)*(2*ry + 1));
    uint32_t innerScale = (innerWeight << 16) / ((2*rx - 1)*(2*ry - 1));

    int sumStride = sw + 1;

    int dw = sw + 2*rx;
    int dh = sh + 2*ry;

    int prev_y = -2*ry;
    int next_y = 1;

    SkASSERT(2*rx <= dw - 2*rx);

    for (int y = 0; y < dh; ++y) {
        int py = SkClampPos(prev_y) * sumStride;
        int ny = SkFastMin32(next_y, sh) * sumStride;

        int ipy = SkClampPos(prev_y + 1) * sumStride;
        int iny = SkClampMax(next_y - 1, sh) * sumStride;

        int prev_x = -2*rx;
        int next_x = 1;
        int x = 0;

        for (; x < 2*rx; ++x) {
            SkASSERT(prev_x < 0);
            SkASSERT(next_x <= sw);

            int px = 0;
            int nx = next_x;

            int ipx = 0;
            int inx = next_x - 1;

            uint32_t outerSum = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny]
                                - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            uint32_t innerSum = sum[ipx+ipy] + sum[inx+iny]
                                - sum[inx+ipy] - sum[ipx+iny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                             + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;

        int i0 = prev_x + py;
        int i1 = next_x + ny;
        int i2 = next_x + py;
        int i3 = prev_x + ny;
        int i4 = prev_x + 1 + ipy;
        int i5 = next_x - 1 + iny;
        int i6 = next_x - 1 + ipy;
        int i7 = prev_x + 1 + iny;

        for (; x < dw - 2*rx - 4; x += 4) {
            SkASSERT(prev_x >= 0);
            SkASSERT(next_x <= sw);

            uint32_t outerSum = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            uint32_t innerSum = sum[i4++] + sum[i5++] - sum[i6++] - sum[i7++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                             + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);
            outerSum = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            innerSum = sum[i4++] + sum[i5++] - sum[i6++] - sum[i7++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                             + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);
            outerSum = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            innerSum = sum[i4++] + sum[i5++] - sum[i6++] - sum[i7++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                             + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);
            outerSum = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            innerSum = sum[i4++] + sum[i5++] - sum[i6++] - sum[i7++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                             + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);

            prev_x += 4;
            next_x += 4;

        for (; x < dw - 2*rx; ++x) {
            SkASSERT(prev_x >= 0);
            SkASSERT(next_x <= sw);

            uint32_t outerSum = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            uint32_t innerSum = sum[i4++] + sum[i5++] - sum[i6++] - sum[i7++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                             + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;

        for (; x < dw; ++x) {
            SkASSERT(prev_x >= 0);
            SkASSERT(next_x > sw);

            int px = prev_x;
            int nx = sw;

            int ipx = prev_x + 1;
            int inx = sw;

            uint32_t outerSum = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny]
                                - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            uint32_t innerSum = sum[ipx+ipy] + sum[inx+iny]
                                - sum[inx+ipy] - sum[ipx+iny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8((outerSum * outerScale
                             + innerSum * innerScale) >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;

        prev_y += 1;
        next_y += 1;
Exemple #7
 *  sw and sh are the width and height of the src. Since the sum buffer
 *  matches that, but has an extra row and col at the beginning (with zeros),
 *  we can just use sw and sh as our "max" values for pinning coordinates
 *  when sampling into sum[][]
 *  The inner loop is conceptually simple; we break it into several sections
 *  to improve performance. Here's the original version:
        for (int x = 0; x < dw; ++x) {
            int px = SkClampPos(prev_x);
            int nx = SkFastMin32(next_x, sw);

            uint32_t tmp = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny] - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;
 *  The sections are:
 *     left-hand section, where prev_x is clamped to 0
 *     center section, where neither prev_x nor next_x is clamped
 *     right-hand section, where next_x is clamped to sw
 *  On some operating systems, the center section is unrolled for additional
 *  speedup.
static void apply_kernel(uint8_t dst[], int rx, int ry, const uint32_t sum[],
                         int sw, int sh) {
    if (2*rx > sw) {
        kernel_clamped(dst, rx, ry, sum, sw, sh);

    uint32_t scale = (1 << 24) / ((2*rx + 1)*(2*ry + 1));

    int sumStride = sw + 1;

    int dw = sw + 2*rx;
    int dh = sh + 2*ry;

    int prev_y = -2*ry;
    int next_y = 1;

    SkASSERT(2*rx <= dw - 2*rx);

    for (int y = 0; y < dh; ++y) {
        int py = SkClampPos(prev_y) * sumStride;
        int ny = SkFastMin32(next_y, sh) * sumStride;

        int prev_x = -2*rx;
        int next_x = 1;
        int x = 0;

        for (; x < 2*rx; ++x) {
            SkASSERT(prev_x <= 0);
            SkASSERT(next_x <= sw);

            int px = 0;
            int nx = next_x;

            uint32_t tmp = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny] - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;

        int i0 = prev_x + py;
        int i1 = next_x + ny;
        int i2 = next_x + py;
        int i3 = prev_x + ny;

        for (; x < dw - 2*rx - 4; x += 4) {
            SkASSERT(prev_x >= 0);
            SkASSERT(next_x <= sw);

            uint32_t tmp = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);
            tmp = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);
            tmp = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);
            tmp = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);

            prev_x += 4;
            next_x += 4;

        for (; x < dw - 2*rx; ++x) {
            SkASSERT(prev_x >= 0);
            SkASSERT(next_x <= sw);

            uint32_t tmp = sum[i0++] + sum[i1++] - sum[i2++] - sum[i3++];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;

        for (; x < dw; ++x) {
            SkASSERT(prev_x >= 0);
            SkASSERT(next_x > sw);

            int px = prev_x;
            int nx = sw;

            uint32_t tmp = sum[px+py] + sum[nx+ny] - sum[nx+py] - sum[px+ny];
            *dst++ = SkToU8(tmp * scale >> 24);

            prev_x += 1;
            next_x += 1;

        prev_y += 1;
        next_y += 1;