Exemple #1
 * \brief  Applet main entry. This function decodes received command and executes it.
 * \param argc  always 1
 * \param argv  Address of the argument area..
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct _Mailbox *pMailbox = (struct _Mailbox *) argv;
    unsigned int bufferSize, bufferAddr, memoryOffset, bytesToWrite;
    unsigned int bytesRead = 0;
    unsigned int nbBadBlocks = 0;
    unsigned int nbBlocks = 0;
    /* Temporary buffer used for non block aligned read / write  */
    unsigned int tempBufferAddr;
    unsigned short block, page, offset, i;
    /* Index in source buffer during buffer copy */
    unsigned int offsetInSourceBuff;
    /* Index in destination buffer during buffer copy */
    unsigned int offsetInTargetBuff;
    /* Errors returned by SkipNandFlash functions */
    unsigned char error = 0;
    /* Communication type with SAM-BA GUI. */
    unsigned char comType;
    /* current pmecc parameter header value */
    unsigned int currentPmeccHeaderValue;
    /* Index and value of pmecc command  */
    unsigned int nIndex, nValue;
    /* Number of ECC bits required */
    unsigned char eccBitReq2TT [5] = {2, 4, 8, 12, 24};
    /* Ecc mode to be swtich */
    unsigned int eccMode;
    unsigned int trimPage;
    /* Save communication link type */
    comType = pMailbox->argument.inputInit.comType;
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* INIT:                                                      */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_INIT) {
#if (DYN_TRACES == 1)
        dwTraceLevel = pMailbox->argument.inputInit.traceLevel;
        TRACE_INFO("-- NandFlash SAM-BA applet %s --\n\r", SAM_BA_APPLETS_VERSION);
        TRACE_INFO("-- %s\n\r", BOARD_NAME);
        TRACE_INFO("-- Compiled: %s %s --\n\r", __DATE__, __TIME__);
        TRACE_INFO("INIT command\n\r");

        /* Configure SMC for Nandflash accesses (done each time applet is launched because of old ROM codes) */
        PIO_Configure(pPinsNf, PIO_LISTSIZE(pPinsNf));
        /* Tries to detect NAND Flash device connected to EBI CS3, with data lines connected to D0-D7, 
           then on NAND Flash connected to D16-D23. */
        if (!NandEbiDetect()) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_DEV_UNKNOWN;
            TRACE_INFO("\tDevice Unknown\n\r");
            goto exit;
        memset(&skipBlockNf, 0, sizeof(skipBlockNf));
        NandGetOnfiPageParam (&OnfiPageParameter);
        if (SkipBlockNandFlash_Initialize(&skipBlockNf,
                                         nfRbPin)) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_DEV_UNKNOWN;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferSize = 0;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.memorySize = 0;
            TRACE_INFO("\tDevice Unknown\n\r");
            /* Check the data bus width of the NandFlash */
            nfBusWidth = NandFlashModel_GetDataBusWidth((struct NandFlashModel *)&skipBlockNf);
            /* Reconfigure bus width */
            if ( nfBusWidth != 8) {
            TRACE_INFO("\tNandflash driver initialized\n\r");
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferAddress = (unsigned int) &_end;
            /* Get device parameters */
            memSize = NandFlashModel_GetDeviceSizeInBytes(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
            blockSize = NandFlashModel_GetBlockSizeInBytes(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
            numBlocks = NandFlashModel_GetDeviceSizeInBlocks(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
            pageSize = NandFlashModel_GetPageDataSize(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
            spareSize = NandFlashModel_GetPageSpareSize(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
            numPagesPerBlock = NandFlashModel_GetBlockSizeInPages(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferSize = blockSize;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.memorySize = memSize;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.pmeccParamHeader = 0;
            TRACE_INFO("\tpageSize : 0x%x blockSize : 0x%x blockNb : 0x%x \n\r",  pageSize, blockSize, numBlocks);
        /* By default, we use pmecc, except MICRON MLC nand with internal ECC controller */
        eccOffset = 2;
        /* By defaut, 2 error bit correction, eccOffset = 2 */
        PMECC_Initialize(&pmeccDesc, 0, eccCorrectability, pageSize, spareSize, eccOffset, 0);
        TRACE_INFO("\tNandflash PMECC initialized\n\r");
        DMAD_Initialize( &dmad, POLLING_MODE ); 
        if ( NandFlashConfigureDmaChannels( &dmad )) {
            pMailbox->status =APPLET_DEV_UNKNOWN;
            goto exit;
        /* Initialize current pmecc parameter header, This 32-bit word is configured below */
        currentPmeccHeader.usePmecc = 1;
        currentPmeccHeader.nbSectorPerPage = pmeccDesc.pageSize >> 8;
        currentPmeccHeader.spareSize = spareSize;
        currentPmeccHeader.eccBitReq = pmeccDesc.errBitNbrCapability;
        currentPmeccHeader.sectorSize = pmeccDesc.sectorSize;
        currentPmeccHeader.eccOffset = pmeccDesc.eccStartAddr;
        currentPmeccHeader.reserved = 0;
        currentPmeccHeader.key = 12;
        memcpy(&backupPmeccHeader, &currentPmeccHeader, sizeof(nfParamHeader_t));
        memcpy(&currentPmeccHeaderValue, &currentPmeccHeader, sizeof(nfParamHeader_t));
        pMailbox->argument.outputInit.pmeccParamHeader = currentPmeccHeaderValue;
        /* The Boot Program reads the first page without ECC check, to determine if the NAND parameter 
           header is present. The header is made of 52 times the same 32-bit word (for redundancy
           reasons) which must contain NAND and PMECC parameters used to correctly perform the read of the rest 
           of the data in the NAND. */
        for (i = 0; i< 52; i++) memcpy(&bootNfParamHeader[i], &currentPmeccHeader, sizeof(nfParamHeader_t));
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;
Exemple #2
/// Applet main entry. This function decodes received command and executes it.
/// \param argc  always 1
/// \param argv  Address of the argument area.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct _Mailbox *pMailbox = (struct _Mailbox *) argv;
    unsigned int bufferSize, bufferAddr, memoryOffset;
    unsigned int bytesToWrite;
    unsigned int bytesRead = 0;
    unsigned int nbBadBlocks = 0;
    unsigned int nbBlocks = 0;
    // Temporary buffer used for non block aligned read / write 
    unsigned int tempBufferAddr;
    unsigned short block, page, offset, i;
    // Index in source buffer during buffer copy
    unsigned int offsetInSourceBuff;
    // Index in destination buffer during buffer copy
    unsigned int offsetInTargetBuff;
    // Errors returned by SkipNandFlash functions
    unsigned char error = 0;

    // Configure the DBGU

    // Configure SMC for Nandflash accesses (done each time applet is launched because of old ROM codes)
    PIO_Configure(pPinsNf, PIO_LISTSIZE(pPinsNf));

    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // INIT: 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_INIT) {
        // Save info of communication link
        comType = pMailbox->argument.inputInit.comType;
#if (DYN_TRACES == 1)
        traceLevel = pMailbox->argument.inputInit.traceLevel;

        TRACE_INFO("-- NandFlash applet %s --\n\r", SAM_BA_APPLETS_VERSION);
        TRACE_INFO("-- %s\n\r", BOARD_NAME);
        TRACE_INFO("INIT command\n\r");

        if (pPinsNf->pio == 0) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_NO_DEV;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferSize = 0;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.memorySize = 0;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferAddress = (unsigned int) &end;

            TRACE_INFO("INIT command: No Nandflash defined for this board\n\r");
        else {
            memset(&skipBlockNf, 0, sizeof(skipBlockNf));
            NandDisableInternalEcc(((struct RawNandFlash *) &skipBlockNf));
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_Initialize(&skipBlockNf,
                                              nfRbPin)) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_DEV_UNKNOWN;
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferSize = 0;
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.memorySize = 0;
                TRACE_INFO("\tDevice Unknown\n\r");
            else {

                // Check the data bus width of the NandFlash
                nfBusWidth = NandFlashModel_GetDataBusWidth((struct NandFlashModel *)&skipBlockNf);
                // Reconfigure bus width

                TRACE_INFO("\tNandflash driver initialized\n\r");
#if defined (at91sam3u)      
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferAddress = 0x60000000; 
#elif defined (at91sam7se)
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferAddress = 0x21000000;
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferAddress = (unsigned int) &end;
                // Get device parameters
                memSize = NandFlashModel_GetDeviceSizeInBytes(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                blockSize = NandFlashModel_GetBlockSizeInBytes(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                numBlocks = NandFlashModel_GetDeviceSizeInBlocks(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                pageSize = NandFlashModel_GetPageDataSize(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                numPagesPerBlock = NandFlashModel_GetBlockSizeInPages(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferSize = blockSize; 
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.memorySize = memSize;

                TRACE_INFO("\t pageSize : 0x%x blockSize : 0x%x blockNb : 0x%x bus width : %d\n\r",
                       pageSize, blockSize, numBlocks, nfBusWidth);
                TRACE_INFO("\t bufferAddr : 0x%x\n\r", (unsigned int) &end);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // WRITE: 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_WRITE) {

        memoryOffset = pMailbox->argument.inputWrite.memoryOffset;
        bufferAddr = pMailbox->argument.inputWrite.bufferAddr;
        tempBufferAddr = bufferAddr + blockSize;
        bytesToWrite = pMailbox->argument.inputWrite.bufferSize;

        TRACE_INFO("WRITE arguments : offset 0x%x, buffer at 0x%x, of 0x%x Bytes\n\r",
               memoryOffset, bufferAddr, bytesToWrite);

        pMailbox->argument.outputWrite.bytesWritten = 0;

        // Check word alignment
        if (memoryOffset % 4) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_ALIGN_ERROR;
            goto exit;

        // Retrieve page and block addresses        
        if (NandFlashModel_TranslateAccess(&(skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model),
                                           &offset)) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
            goto exit;

        TRACE_INFO("WRITE at block 0x%x, page 0x%x, offset in page 0x%x\n\r", block, page, offset);

        if (page || offset || (bytesToWrite < blockSize)) {
            // We are not block aligned, retrieve block content to update it
            memset((unsigned int *)tempBufferAddr, 0xFF, blockSize);

            error = SkipBlockNandFlash_ReadBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, (unsigned int *)tempBufferAddr);
            if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {

                pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
                goto exit;
            if (error) {

                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;

            // Fill retrieved block with data to be programmed
            offsetInTargetBuff = (page * pageSize) + offset;
            offsetInSourceBuff = 0;

            while ((offsetInTargetBuff < blockSize)
                    && (bytesToWrite > 0)) {

                *(unsigned int *)(tempBufferAddr + offsetInTargetBuff) = *(unsigned int *)(bufferAddr + offsetInSourceBuff);
                offsetInSourceBuff += 4;
                offsetInTargetBuff += 4;
                bytesToWrite -= 4;
        else {

            // Write a full and aligned block 
            tempBufferAddr = bufferAddr;
            bytesToWrite = 0;

        // Erase target block
        error = SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, NORMAL_ERASE);
        if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
            goto exit;
        if (error) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
            goto exit;

        // Write target block
        error = SkipBlockNandFlash_WriteBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, (unsigned int *)tempBufferAddr);
        if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
            goto exit;
        if (error) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
            goto exit;

        pMailbox->argument.outputWrite.bytesWritten = pMailbox->argument.inputWrite.bufferSize - bytesToWrite;
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // READ: 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_READ) {

        memoryOffset = pMailbox->argument.inputRead.memoryOffset;
        bufferAddr   = pMailbox->argument.inputRead.bufferAddr;
        tempBufferAddr = bufferAddr + blockSize;
        bufferSize   = pMailbox->argument.inputRead.bufferSize;

        TRACE_INFO("READ at offset: 0x%x buffer at : 0x%x of: 0x%x Bytes\n\r",
               memoryOffset, bufferAddr, bufferSize);

        pMailbox->argument.outputRead.bytesRead = 0;

        // Check word alignment
        if (memoryOffset % 4) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_ALIGN_ERROR;
            goto exit;

        // Retrieve page and block addresses        
        if (NandFlashModel_TranslateAccess(&(skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model),
                                           &offset)) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
            goto exit;

        TRACE_INFO("READ at block 0x%x, page 0x%x, offset in page 0x%x\n\r", block, page, offset);

        if (page || offset) {
            memset((unsigned int *)tempBufferAddr, 0xFF, blockSize);            

            error = SkipBlockNandFlash_ReadBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, (unsigned int *)tempBufferAddr);
            if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
                goto exit;
            if (error) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;

            // Fill dest buffer with read data
            offsetInSourceBuff = (page * pageSize) + offset;
            offsetInTargetBuff = 0;

            while ((offsetInSourceBuff < blockSize)
                    && (offsetInTargetBuff < blockSize)
                    && (bytesRead < bufferSize)) {

                *(unsigned int *)(bufferAddr + offsetInTargetBuff) = *(unsigned int *)(tempBufferAddr + offsetInSourceBuff);
                offsetInSourceBuff += 4;
                offsetInTargetBuff += 4;
                bytesRead += 4;

            pMailbox->argument.outputRead.bytesRead = bytesRead;
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;
        else {

            memset((unsigned int *)bufferAddr, 0xFF, blockSize);
            error = SkipBlockNandFlash_ReadBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, (unsigned int *)bufferAddr);
            if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {

                pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
                goto exit;
            if (error) {

                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;

            pMailbox->argument.outputRead.bytesRead = bufferSize;
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // FULL ERASE: 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_FULL_ERASE) {

        TRACE_INFO("FULL ERASE command\n\r");
        TRACE_INFO("\tForce erase flag: 0x%x\n\r", pMailbox->argument.inputFullErase.eraseType);

        for (i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) {

            // Erase the block
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, i, pMailbox->argument.inputFullErase.eraseType)) {

                TRACE_INFO("Found block #%d BAD, skip it\n\r", i);

        TRACE_INFO("Full Erase achieved\n\r");
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_BATCH_ERASE) {

        TRACE_INFO("BATCH ERASE command\n\r");
        block = pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.batch * (numBlocks / ERASE_BATCH);
        TRACE_INFO("Erase block from #%d to #%d\n\r", block, block + (numBlocks / ERASE_BATCH));
        for (i = block ; i < block + (numBlocks / ERASE_BATCH) ; i++) {

            // Erase the block
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, i, pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.eraseType)) {

                TRACE_INFO("Found block #%d BAD, skip it\n\r", i);
        if ((pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.batch + 1) == ERASE_BATCH) {
            TRACE_INFO("Full Erase achieved, erase type is %d\n\r", pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.eraseType);
            pMailbox->argument.outputBatchErase.nextBatch = 0;  
        else {
            pMailbox->argument.outputBatchErase.nextBatch =  pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.batch + 1;
            TRACE_INFO("Batch Erase achieved\n\r");
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

// ----------------------------------------------------------
    // FULL ERASE: 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_ERASE_BLOCKS) {

        TRACE_INFO("BLOCKS ERASE command\n\r");
        memoryOffset = pMailbox->argument.inputBlocksErase.memoryOffsetStart;
        if ((pMailbox->argument.inputBlocksErase.memoryOffsetEnd > memSize) || (pMailbox->argument.inputBlocksErase.memoryOffsetEnd < memoryOffset) ) {
            TRACE_INFO("Out of memory space\n\r");
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_ERASE_FAIL;
            goto exit;
        nbBlocks = ((pMailbox->argument.inputBlocksErase.memoryOffsetEnd- memoryOffset)/ blockSize) + 1;
        TRACE_INFO("Erase blocks from %d  to %d \n\r",  memoryOffset / blockSize, (memoryOffset / blockSize)+ nbBlocks );                                    
        // Erase blocks
        for (i =  memoryOffset / blockSize; i < memoryOffset / blockSize + nbBlocks ; i++) {
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf,  i , NORMAL_ERASE)) {
                 TRACE_INFO("Found block #%d BAD, skip it\n\r",  i);
        TRACE_INFO("Blocks Erase achieved\n\r");
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_LIST_BAD_BLOCKS) {

        TRACE_INFO("LIST BAD BLOCKS command\n\r");

        nbBadBlocks = 0;
        bufferAddr = (unsigned int) &end;
        pMailbox->argument.outputListBadBlocks.bufferAddress = bufferAddr;

        for (i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) {

            // Erase the page
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_CheckBlock(&skipBlockNf, i) == BADBLOCK) {

                *((unsigned int *)bufferAddr) = i;
                bufferAddr += 4;
                TRACE_INFO("Found block #%d BAD\n\r", i);

        TRACE_INFO("LIST BAD BLOCKS achieved\n\r");

        pMailbox->argument.outputListBadBlocks.nbBadBlocks = nbBadBlocks;

        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // TAG BLOCK:
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_TAG_BLOCK) {

        TRACE_INFO("TAG BLOCK command\n\r");

        bufferAddr = (unsigned int) &end;
        block = pMailbox->argument.inputTagBlock.blockId;

        // To tag the block as good, just erase it without bad block check
        if ((unsigned char)pMailbox->argument.inputTagBlock.tag == 0xFF)
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, SCRUB_ERASE)) {

                TRACE_INFO("Cannot erase block %d\n\r", block);
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;
        else {

            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

                // Start by reading the spare
                memset((unsigned char *)bufferAddr, 0xFF, NandCommon_MAXSPAREECCBYTES);

                TRACE_INFO("Tag to write : 0x%x\n\r", (unsigned char)pMailbox->argument.inputTagBlock.tag);

                NandSpareScheme_WriteBadBlockMarker((struct NandSpareScheme *)(NandFlashModel_GetScheme((struct NandFlashModel *)(&skipBlockNf))),
                                                    (unsigned char *)bufferAddr,
                                                    ((unsigned char)pMailbox->argument.inputTagBlock.tag));

                if (RawNandFlash_WritePage((struct RawNandFlash *)(&skipBlockNf), block, i, 0, (unsigned char *)bufferAddr)) {

                    TRACE_ERROR("Failed to write spare data of page %d of block %d\n\r", i, block);
                    pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                    goto exit;

        TRACE_INFO("TAG BLOCK achieved\n\r");

        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

exit :
    // Acknowledge the end of command
    TRACE_INFO("\tEnd of applet (command : %x --- status : %x)\n\r", pMailbox->command, pMailbox->status);

    // Notify the host application of the end of the command processing
    pMailbox->command = ~(pMailbox->command);
    // Send ACK character
    if (comType == DBGU_COM_TYPE) {

    return 0;
Exemple #3
 * \brief  Applet main entry. This function decodes received command and executes it.
 * \param argc  always 1
 * \param argv  Address of the argument area..
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct _Mailbox *pMailbox = (struct _Mailbox *) argv;
    uint32_t bufferSize, bufferAddr, memoryOffset, bytesToWrite;
    uint16_t pagesToWrite, pagesToRead;
    uint32_t bytesWritten = 0;
    uint32_t bytesRead = 0;
    uint32_t nbBadBlocks = 0;
    uint32_t nbBlocks = 0;
    /* Temporary buffer used for non block aligned read / write */
    uint32_t tempBufferAddr;
    uint16_t block, page, offset, i;
    uint8_t unAlignedPage;
    /* Index in source buffer during buffer copy */
    uint32_t offsetInSourceBuff;
    /* Index in destination buffer during buffer copy */
    uint32_t offsetInTargetBuff;
    /* Errors returned by SkipNandFlash functions */
    uint8_t error = 0;
    /* Global DMA driver instance for all DMA transfers in application. */
    sDmad dmad;

     * INIT:
    if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_INIT) {
        /* Save info of communication link */
        comType = pMailbox->argument.inputInit.comType;

        /*  Re-configurate UART   (MCK maybe change in LowLevelInit())  */
        UART_Configure(115200, BOARD_MCK);

#if (DYN_TRACES == 1)
        dwTraceLevel = pMailbox->argument.inputInit.traceLevel;

        TRACE_INFO("-- NandFlash SAM-BA applet %s --\n\r", SAM_BA_APPLETS_VERSION);
        TRACE_INFO("-- %s\n\r", BOARD_NAME);
        TRACE_INFO("-- Compiled: %s %s --\n\r", __DATE__, __TIME__);
        TRACE_INFO("INIT command\n\r");

        /* Initialize DMA driver instance with polling mode */
        DMAD_Initialize( &dmad, 1 );
        if ( NandFlashConfigureDmaChannels( &dmad ))
            TRACE_INFO ("-E- Initialize DMA failed !");
        TRACE_INFO ("-I- Initialize DMA done.\n\r");

        /* Configure SMC for Nandflash accesses */
        PIO_PinConfigure(pPinsNf, PIO_LISTSIZE(pPinsNf));

        if (pPinsNf->pio == 0) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_NO_DEV;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferSize = 0;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.memorySize = 0;
            pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferAddress = (uint32_t) &end;
            TRACE_INFO("INIT command: No Nandflash defined for this board\n\r");
        else {

            memset(&skipBlockNf, 0, sizeof(skipBlockNf));

            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_Initialize(&skipBlockNf,
                                              nfRbPin)) {

                pMailbox->status = APPLET_DEV_UNKNOWN;
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferSize = 0;
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.memorySize = 0;
                TRACE_INFO("\tDevice Unknown\n\r");
            else {

                TRACE_INFO("\tNandflash driver initialized\n\r");

                /* Get device parameters */
                memSize = NandFlashModel_GetDeviceSizeInBytes(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                blockSize = NandFlashModel_GetBlockSizeInBytes(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                numBlocks = NandFlashModel_GetDeviceSizeInBlocks(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                pageSize = NandFlashModel_GetPageDataSize(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                numPagesPerBlock = NandFlashModel_GetBlockSizeInPages(&skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model);
                latestErasedBlock = 0xFFFF;

                pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferAddress = (uint32_t)EBI_SDRAMC_ADDR;
                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.bufferSize = blockSize;

                pMailbox->argument.outputInit.memorySize = memSize;
                TRACE_INFO("\t pageSize : 0x%x blockSize : 0x%x blockNb : 0x%x \n\r",  
                            (unsigned int)pageSize, (unsigned int)blockSize, (unsigned int)numBlocks);

     * WRITE:
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_WRITE) {

        memoryOffset = pMailbox->argument.inputWrite.memoryOffset;
        bufferAddr = pMailbox->argument.inputWrite.bufferAddr;
        tempBufferAddr = bufferAddr + blockSize;
        bytesToWrite = pMailbox->argument.inputWrite.bufferSize;
        unAlignedPage = 0;
        TRACE_INFO("WRITE arguments : offset 0x%x, buffer at 0x%x, of 0x%x Bytes\n\r",
               (unsigned int)memoryOffset, (unsigned int)bufferAddr, (unsigned int)bytesToWrite);

        pMailbox->argument.outputWrite.bytesWritten = 0;

        /* Check word alignment */
        if (memoryOffset % 4) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_ALIGN_ERROR;
            goto exit;

        /* Retrieve page and block addresses */
        if (NandFlashModel_TranslateAccess(&(skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model),
                                           &offset)) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
            goto exit;
        if (block != latestErasedBlock ){
            /* Erase target block */
            error = SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, NORMAL_ERASE);
            if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
                goto exit;
            if (error) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;
            latestErasedBlock = block;
            latestErasedPage = 0xff;
        if (page <= ((uint8_t)(latestErasedPage + 1))){
            error = SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, NORMAL_ERASE);
            if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
                goto exit;
            if (error) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;
            latestErasedBlock = block;
            latestErasedPage = page;

        offsetInSourceBuff = 0;
        TRACE_INFO("WRITE at block 0x%x, page 0x%x, offset 0x%x in page \n\r", 
                    (unsigned int)block, (unsigned int)page, (unsigned int)offset);
        if (offset ) {

            /* We are not page aligned. */
            offsetInTargetBuff = offset;
            memset((uint32_t *)tempBufferAddr, 0xFF, pageSize);
            while (offsetInTargetBuff < pageSize) {

                *(uint32_t *)(tempBufferAddr + offsetInTargetBuff) = *(uint32_t *)(bufferAddr + offsetInSourceBuff);
                offsetInSourceBuff += 4;
                offsetInTargetBuff += 4;
                bytesWritten += 4;
            error = SkipBlockNandFlash_WritePage(&skipBlockNf, block, page, ( void *)tempBufferAddr ,0);
            if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
                goto exit;
            if (error) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;

        pagesToWrite = (bytesToWrite - bytesWritten) / pageSize;
        if (bytesToWrite - ((pagesToWrite + unAlignedPage)  * pageSize)) {
        if ((pagesToWrite + page ) > numPagesPerBlock)
            pagesToWrite = numPagesPerBlock - page;
        /* Write target block */
        error = SkipBlockNandFlash_WriteBlockUnaligned(&skipBlockNf, block, (page + unAlignedPage), pagesToWrite, ( void *)(bufferAddr + offsetInSourceBuff));
        bytesWritten += pagesToWrite * pageSize;
        if (bytesWritten > bytesToWrite) {
            bytesWritten = bytesToWrite;
        if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
            goto exit;
        if (error) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
            goto exit;

        pMailbox->argument.outputWrite.bytesWritten = bytesWritten;
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

     * READ:
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_READ) {

        memoryOffset = pMailbox->argument.inputRead.memoryOffset;
        bufferAddr   = pMailbox->argument.inputRead.bufferAddr;
        tempBufferAddr = bufferAddr + blockSize;

        bufferSize   = pMailbox->argument.inputRead.bufferSize;

        TRACE_INFO("READ at offset: 0x%x buffer at : 0x%x of: 0x%x Bytes\n\r",
               (unsigned int)memoryOffset, (unsigned int)bufferAddr, (unsigned int)bufferSize);

        pMailbox->argument.outputRead.bytesRead = 0;
        unAlignedPage = 0;
        /* Check word alignment */

        if (memoryOffset % 4) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_ALIGN_ERROR;
            goto exit;

        /* Retrieve page and block addresses */
        if (NandFlashModel_TranslateAccess(&(skipBlockNf.ecc.raw.model),
                                           &offset)) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
            goto exit;

        TRACE_INFO("READ at block 0x%x, page 0x%x, offset in page 0x%x\n\r", 
        (unsigned int)block, (unsigned int)page, (unsigned int)offset);
        offsetInTargetBuff = 0;
        if (offset) {
            memset((uint32_t *)tempBufferAddr, 0xFF, pageSize);
            error = SkipBlockNandFlash_ReadPage(&skipBlockNf, block, page, ( void *)tempBufferAddr ,0);
            if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
                goto exit;
            if (error) {
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;

            /* Fill dest buffer with read data */
            offsetInSourceBuff = offset;
            while (offsetInSourceBuff < pageSize) {
                *(uint32_t *)(bufferAddr + offsetInTargetBuff) = *(uint32_t *)(tempBufferAddr + offsetInSourceBuff);
                offsetInSourceBuff += 4;
                offsetInTargetBuff += 4;
                bytesRead += 4;
        pagesToRead = (bufferSize - bytesRead) / pageSize;
        if (bufferSize - ((pagesToRead + unAlignedPage)* pageSize)) {
        if ((pagesToRead + page ) > numPagesPerBlock)
            pagesToRead = numPagesPerBlock - page;
        /* Read target block */
        error = SkipBlockNandFlash_ReadBlockUnaligned(&skipBlockNf, block, (page + unAlignedPage), pagesToRead, ( void *)(bufferAddr + offsetInTargetBuff));
        bytesRead += pagesToRead * pageSize;
        if (bytesRead > bufferSize) {
            bytesRead = bufferSize;
        if (error == NandCommon_ERROR_BADBLOCK) {

            pMailbox->status = APPLET_BAD_BLOCK;
            goto exit;
        if (error) {
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
            goto exit;

        pMailbox->argument.outputRead.bytesRead = bytesRead;
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

     * FULL ERASE:
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_FULL_ERASE) {

        TRACE_INFO("FULL ERASE command\n\r");
        TRACE_INFO("\tForce erase flag: 0x%x\n\r", (unsigned int)pMailbox->argument.inputFullErase.eraseType);

        for (i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) {

            /* Erase the page */
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, i, pMailbox->argument.inputFullErase.eraseType)) {

                TRACE_INFO("Found block #%d BAD, skip it\n\r", (unsigned int)i);

        TRACE_INFO("Full Erase achieved\n\r");
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_BATCH_ERASE) {

        TRACE_INFO("BATCH ERASE command\n\r");
        block = pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.batch * (numBlocks / ERASE_BATCH);

        TRACE_INFO("Erase block from #%d to #%d\n\r", (unsigned int)block, (unsigned int)(block + (numBlocks / ERASE_BATCH)));
        for (i = block ; i < block + (numBlocks / ERASE_BATCH) ; i++) {

            /* Erase the block */
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, i, pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.eraseType)) {

                TRACE_INFO("Found block #%d BAD, skip it\n\r", (unsigned int)i);

        if ((pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.batch + 1) == ERASE_BATCH) {
            TRACE_INFO("Full Erase achieved, erase type is %d\n\r", (unsigned int)pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.eraseType);
            pMailbox->argument.outputBatchErase.nextBatch = 0;
        else {
            pMailbox->argument.outputBatchErase.nextBatch =  pMailbox->argument.inputBatchErase.batch + 1;
            TRACE_INFO("Batch Erase achieved\n\r");
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_ERASE_BLOCKS) {

        TRACE_INFO("BLOCKS ERASE command\n\r");
        memoryOffset = pMailbox->argument.inputBlocksErase.memoryOffsetStart;
        if ((pMailbox->argument.inputBlocksErase.memoryOffsetEnd > memSize) || (pMailbox->argument.inputBlocksErase.memoryOffsetEnd < memoryOffset) ) {
            TRACE_INFO("Out of memory space\n\r");
            pMailbox->status = APPLET_ERASE_FAIL;
            goto exit;
        nbBlocks = ((pMailbox->argument.inputBlocksErase.memoryOffsetEnd- memoryOffset)/ blockSize) + 1;

        TRACE_INFO("Erase blocks from %d  to %d \n\r",  (unsigned int)(memoryOffset / blockSize),(unsigned int)((memoryOffset / blockSize)+ nbBlocks) );
        /* Erase blocks */
        for (i =  memoryOffset / blockSize; i < memoryOffset / blockSize + nbBlocks ; i++) {
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf,  i , NORMAL_ERASE)) {
                 TRACE_INFO("Found block #%d BAD, skip it\n\r",  (unsigned int)i);
        TRACE_INFO("Blocks Erase achieved\n\r");
        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_LIST_BAD_BLOCKS) {

        TRACE_INFO("LIST BAD BLOCKS command\n\r");

        nbBadBlocks = 0;
        bufferAddr = (uint32_t) &end;
        pMailbox->argument.outputListBadBlocks.bufferAddress = bufferAddr;

        for (i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) {

            /* Erase the page */
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_CheckBlock(&skipBlockNf, i) == BADBLOCK) {

                *((uint32_t *)bufferAddr) = i;
                bufferAddr += 4;
                TRACE_INFO("Found block #%d BAD\n\r", i);

        TRACE_INFO("LIST BAD BLOCKS achieved\n\r");

        pMailbox->argument.outputListBadBlocks.nbBadBlocks = nbBadBlocks;

        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

     * TAG BLOCK:
    else if (pMailbox->command == APPLET_CMD_TAG_BLOCK) {

        TRACE_INFO("TAG BLOCK command\n\r");

        bufferAddr = (uint32_t) &end;
        block = pMailbox->argument.inputTagBlock.blockId;

        /* To tag the block as good, just erase it without bad block check */
        if ((uint8_t)pMailbox->argument.inputTagBlock.tag == 0xFF)
            if (SkipBlockNandFlash_EraseBlock(&skipBlockNf, block, SCRUB_ERASE)) {

                TRACE_INFO("Cannot erase block %d\n\r", (unsigned int)block);
                pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                goto exit;
        else {

            for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

                /* Start by reading the spare */
                memset((uint8_t *)bufferAddr, 0xFF, NandCommon_MAXSPAREECCBYTES);

                TRACE_INFO("Tag to write : 0x%x\n\r", (unsigned int)pMailbox->argument.inputTagBlock.tag);

                NandSpareScheme_WriteBadBlockMarker((struct NandSpareScheme *)(NandFlashModel_GetScheme((struct NandFlashModel *)(&skipBlockNf))),
                                                    (uint8_t *)bufferAddr,

                if (RawNandFlash_WritePage((struct RawNandFlash *)(&skipBlockNf), block, i, 0, (uint8_t *)bufferAddr)) {

                    TRACE_ERROR("Failed to write spare data of page %d of block %d\n\r", i, block);
                    pMailbox->status = APPLET_FAIL;
                    goto exit;

        TRACE_INFO("TAG BLOCK achieved\n\r");

        pMailbox->status = APPLET_SUCCESS;

exit :
    /* Acknowledge the end of command */
    TRACE_INFO("\tEnd of applet (command : %x --- status : %x)\n\r", (unsigned int)pMailbox->command, (unsigned int)pMailbox->status);

    /* Notify the host application of the end of the command processing */
    pMailbox->command = ~(pMailbox->command);
    if (comType == DBGU_COM_TYPE) {

    return 0;