Exemple #1
// $PDVDS,nx,nz,flap,stallratio,netto
static bool
PDVDS(NMEAInputLine &line, NMEAInfo &info)
  fixed AccelX = line.Read(fixed_zero);
  fixed AccelZ = line.Read(fixed_zero);

  fixed mag = SmallHypot(AccelX, AccelZ);
  info.acceleration.ProvideGLoad(fixed(mag) / 100, true);

  double flap = line.Read(0.0);

  info.stall_ratio = line.Read(fixed_zero);

  fixed value;
  if (line.ReadChecked(value))
    info.ProvideNettoVario(value / 10);

  //hasVega = true;

  return true;
static fixed
SimpleSquareDistance(const GeoPoint &a, const GeoPoint &b,
                     const fixed latitude_cos)
  return SmallHypot((a.longitude - b.longitude).AsDelta().Native(),
                    (a.latitude - b.latitude).AsDelta().Native() * latitude_cos);
Exemple #3
 * Attempt to compute airspeed when it is not yet available from:
 * 1) dynamic pressure and air density derived from some altitude.
 * 2) pitot pressure and static pressure.
 * 3) ground speed and wind.
static void
ComputeAirspeed(NMEAInfo &basic, const DerivedInfo &calculated)
  if (basic.airspeed_available && basic.airspeed_real)
    /* got it already */

  const auto any_altitude = basic.GetAnyAltitude();

  if (!basic.airspeed_available && any_altitude.first) {
    fixed dyn; bool available = false;
    if (basic.dyn_pressure_available) {
      dyn = basic.dyn_pressure.GetHectoPascal();
      available = true;
    } else if (basic.pitot_pressure_available && basic.static_pressure_available) {
      dyn = basic.pitot_pressure.GetHectoPascal() - basic.static_pressure.GetHectoPascal();
      available = true;
    if (available) {
      basic.indicated_airspeed = sqrt(fixed(163.2653061) * dyn);
      basic.true_airspeed = basic.indicated_airspeed *

      basic.airspeed_real = true; // Anyway not less real then any other method.

  if (!basic.ground_speed_available || !calculated.wind_available ||
      !calculated.flight.flying) {
    /* impossible to calculate */

  fixed TrueAirspeedEstimated = fixed(0);

  const SpeedVector wind = calculated.wind;
  if (positive(basic.ground_speed) || wind.IsNonZero()) {
    fixed x0 = basic.track.fastsine() * basic.ground_speed;
    fixed y0 = basic.track.fastcosine() * basic.ground_speed;
    x0 += wind.bearing.fastsine() * wind.norm;
    y0 += wind.bearing.fastcosine() * wind.norm;

    TrueAirspeedEstimated = SmallHypot(x0, y0);

  basic.true_airspeed = TrueAirspeedEstimated;

  basic.indicated_airspeed = TrueAirspeedEstimated;
  if (any_altitude.first)
    basic.indicated_airspeed /= AirDensityRatio(any_altitude.second);

  basic.airspeed_real = false;
Exemple #4
// $PDVDS,nx,nz,flap,stallratio,netto
static bool
PDVDS(NMEAInputLine &line, NMEAInfo &info)
  const int accel_x = line.Read(0), accel_z = line.Read(0);

  fixed mag = SmallHypot(fixed(accel_x), fixed(accel_z));
  info.acceleration.ProvideGLoad(mag / 100, true);

  double flap = line.Read(0.0);

  info.stall_ratio = line.Read(fixed(0));

  int value;
  if (line.ReadChecked(value))
    info.ProvideNettoVario(fixed(value) / 10);

  //hasVega = true;

  return true;
Exemple #5
  * Constructor given two magnitudes (east and north)
  * @param x East speed
  * @param y North speed
  * @return Initialised object
 SpeedVector(fixed x, fixed y)
   :bearing(Angle::FromXY(y,x).AsBearing()), norm(SmallHypot(x, y)) {}
FlarmComputer::Process(FlarmData &flarm, const FlarmData &last_flarm,
                       const NMEAInfo &basic)
  // Cleanup old calculation instances
  if (basic.time_available)

  // if (FLARM data is available)
  if (!flarm.IsDetected())

  fixed north_to_latitude(0);
  fixed east_to_longitude(0);

  if (basic.location_available) {
    // Precalculate relative east and north projection to lat/lon
    // for Location calculations of each target
    constexpr Angle delta_lat = Angle::Degrees(0.01);
    constexpr Angle delta_lon = Angle::Degrees(0.01);

    GeoPoint plat = basic.location;
    plat.latitude += delta_lat;
    GeoPoint plon = basic.location;
    plon.longitude += delta_lon;

    fixed dlat = basic.location.Distance(plat);
    fixed dlon = basic.location.Distance(plon);

    if (positive(fabs(dlat)) && positive(fabs(dlon))) {
      north_to_latitude = delta_lat.Degrees() / dlat;
      east_to_longitude = delta_lon.Degrees() / dlon;

  // for each item in traffic
  for (auto &traffic : flarm.traffic.list) {
    // if we don't know the target's name yet
    if (!traffic.HasName()) {
      // lookup the name of this target's id
      const TCHAR *fname = FlarmDetails::LookupCallsign(traffic.id);
      if (fname != NULL)
        traffic.name = fname;

    // Calculate distance
    traffic.distance = SmallHypot(traffic.relative_north,

    // Calculate Location
    traffic.location_available = basic.location_available;
    if (traffic.location_available) {
      traffic.location.latitude =
          Angle::Degrees(traffic.relative_north * north_to_latitude) +

      traffic.location.longitude =
          Angle::Degrees(traffic.relative_east * east_to_longitude) +

    // Calculate absolute altitude
    traffic.altitude_available = basic.gps_altitude_available;
    if (traffic.altitude_available)
      traffic.altitude = traffic.relative_altitude + RoughAltitude(basic.gps_altitude);

    // Calculate average climb rate
    traffic.climb_rate_avg30s_available = traffic.altitude_available;
    if (traffic.climb_rate_avg30s_available)
      traffic.climb_rate_avg30s =
        flarm_calculations.Average30s(traffic.id, basic.time, traffic.altitude);

    // The following calculations are only relevant for targets
    // where information is missing
    if (traffic.track_received && traffic.turn_rate_received &&
        traffic.speed_received && traffic.climb_rate_received)

    // Check if the target has been seen before in the last seconds
    const FlarmTraffic *last_traffic =
    if (last_traffic == NULL || !last_traffic->valid)

    // Calculate the time difference between now and the last contact
    fixed dt = traffic.valid.GetTimeDifference(last_traffic->valid);
    if (positive(dt)) {
      // Calculate the immediate climb rate
      if (!traffic.climb_rate_received)
        traffic.climb_rate =
          (traffic.relative_altitude - last_traffic->relative_altitude) / dt;
    } else {
      // Since the time difference is zero (or negative)
      // we can just copy the old values
      if (!traffic.climb_rate_received)
        traffic.climb_rate = last_traffic->climb_rate;

    if (positive(dt) &&
        traffic.location_available &&
        last_traffic->location_available) {
      // Calculate the GeoVector between now and the last contact
      GeoVector vec = last_traffic->location.DistanceBearing(traffic.location);

      if (!traffic.track_received)
        traffic.track = vec.bearing;

      // Calculate the turn rate
      if (!traffic.turn_rate_received) {
        Angle turn_rate = traffic.track - last_traffic->track;
        traffic.turn_rate =
          turn_rate.AsDelta().Degrees() / dt;

      // Calculate the speed [m/s]
      if (!traffic.speed_received)
        traffic.speed = vec.distance / dt;
    } else {
      // Since the time difference is zero (or negative)
      // we can just copy the old values
      if (!traffic.track_received)
        traffic.track = last_traffic->track;

      if (!traffic.turn_rate_received)
        traffic.turn_rate = last_traffic->turn_rate;

      if (!traffic.speed_received)
        traffic.speed = last_traffic->speed;