bool Radio::addSong(std::string songInfo){ Song s = Song(songInfo); songs.insert(s); // std::cout << "Added " << s.stringSong() << std::endl; // std::cout << songs.stringHeap() << std::endl; return true; }
void EditTagDialog::SetSongsFinished() { QFutureWatcher<QList<Data> >* watcher = dynamic_cast<QFutureWatcher<QList<Data> >*>(sender()); if (!watcher) return; watcher->deleteLater(); if (!SetLoading(QString())) return; data_ = watcher->result(); if (data_.count() == 0) { // If there were no valid songs, disable everything ui_->song_list->setEnabled(false); ui_->tab_widget->setEnabled(false); // Show a summary with empty information UpdateSummaryTab(Song()); ui_->tab_widget->setCurrentWidget(ui_->summary_tab); SetSongListVisibility(false); return; } // Add the filenames to the list for (const Data& data : data_) { ui_->song_list->addItem(data.current_.basefilename()); } // Select all ui_->song_list->setCurrentRow(0); ui_->song_list->selectAll(); // Hide the list if there's only one song in it SetSongListVisibility(data_.count() != 1); }
DoSomethingDifferent() { This(); Is(); Not(); A(); Love(); Song(); }
Song Connection::GetSong(const std::string &path) { prechecksNoCommandsList(); mpd_send_list_all_meta(m_connection.get(), path.c_str()); mpd_song *s = mpd_recv_song(m_connection.get()); mpd_response_finish(m_connection.get()); checkErrors(); return Song(s); }
void SongPlaylistItem::Reload() { if (song_.url().scheme() != "file") return; QString old_filename = song_.url().toLocalFile(); int old_directory_id = song_.directory_id(); song_ = Song(); song_.InitFromFile(old_filename, old_directory_id); }
Song Connection::GetCurrentSong() { prechecksNoCommandsList(); mpd_send_current_song(m_connection.get()); mpd_song *s = mpd_recv_song(m_connection.get()); mpd_response_finish(m_connection.get()); checkErrors(); return Song(s); }
void MainWindow::scanFiles(QString dir) { QDirIterator it(dir, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { QString path =; if (path.endsWith(".mp3")) { lib.Add(Song(path)); } } }
void MaxHeap::dislike(std::string title){ Song tmp = Song(); tmp.title = title; int pos = hashmap.getValue(tmp); if(pos == -1){ // std::cout << title << " is not in your playlist" << std::endl; return; } if((songs + pos)->likeability < 0){ (songs + pos)->likeability --; }else{ (songs + pos)->likeability = -1; } int key = (songs + pos)->getKey(¤tTime); pushDown(pos, key); }
Song LibraryPage::coverRequest() const { QModelIndexList selected = view->selectedIndexes(false); // Dont need sorted selection here... if (1==selected.count()) { QList<Song> songs=MpdLibraryModel::self()->songs(QModelIndexList() << selected.first(), false); if (!songs.isEmpty()) { Song; if (SqlLibraryModel::T_Artist==static_cast<SqlLibraryModel::Item *>(selected.first().internalPointer())->getType() && !s.useComposer()) { s.setArtistImageRequest(); } return s; } } return Song(); }
Song LibraryPage::coverRequest() const { QModelIndexList selected = view->selectedIndexes(false); // Dont need sorted selection here... if (1==selected.count()) { QModelIndex idx=proxy.mapToSource(; QList<Song> songs=MusicLibraryModel::self()->songs(QModelIndexList() << idx, false); if (!songs.isEmpty()) { Song; if (MusicLibraryItem::Type_Artist==static_cast<MusicLibraryItem *>(idx.internalPointer())->itemType() && !static_cast<MusicLibraryItemArtist *>(idx.internalPointer())->isComposer()) { s.setArtistImageRequest(); } return s; } } return Song(); }
Song MpdLibraryDb::getCoverSong(const QString &artistId, const QString &albumId) { DBUG << artistId << albumId; if (0!=currentVersion && db) { QSqlQuery *query=nullptr; if (albumId.isEmpty()) { if (!artistImageQuery) { artistImageQuery=new QSqlQuery(*db); artistImageQuery->prepare("select * from songs where artistId=:artistId limit 1;"); } query=artistImageQuery; query->bindValue(":artistId", artistId); } else if (artistId.isEmpty()) { if (!albumIdOnlyCoverQuery) { albumIdOnlyCoverQuery=new QSqlQuery(*db); albumIdOnlyCoverQuery->prepare("select * from songs where albumId=:albumId limit 1;"); } query=albumIdOnlyCoverQuery; query->bindValue(":albumId", albumId); } else { if (!coverQuery) { coverQuery=new QSqlQuery(*db); coverQuery->prepare("select * from songs where artistId=:artistId and albumId=:albumId limit 1;"); } query=coverQuery; query->bindValue(":albumId", albumId); query->bindValue(":artistId", artistId); } query->exec(); DBUG << "coverquery" << query->executedQuery() << query->size(); while (query->next()) { return getSong(*query); } } return Song(); }
namespace plrCommon { // Configuration for program. Config config; // To use debug input for testing. bool useDebugInput = false; // Player current played song information.. Song playThis = Song(); // Currently played song. Good to know for all.. Song *playThisPtr; // Address to the medialibrary version of the song // The musical library of all songs and some extracted harsh brainwave information MusicLibrary musicLibrary("C:\\Users\\Maagi\\Documents\\muzaik\\Bonobo"); // How many peaks are in one channel to locate DJ Mode playing positions. int AMOUNT_OF_PEAKS_IN_CHANNEL = 5; // Smoothing of the graphs. How many seconds per block. int SMOOTH_GRAPH_DIVISION_IN_SECS = 5; // Some DJMode values: // Top list of DJ Mode. How many percent of the found solutions will be used to pick random of the very best. double DJModeTopRankingRate = 0.3; // Size of the list that keeps track of last played songs. double DJModeLastPlayedItemsListSize = 0.25; // Percentage of the whole song list.. // Autosave configuration time. -1 menas don't save at all. time in seconds. int autoSaveConfigurationTime = 30; // Variable to tell which control panel is visible. int controlPanelMode; // Variable to tell which playmode is chosen. int playMode; // Variable to tell which playmode is chosen when play was clicked int playModeClicked; // Use this channel to calculate how much brainwaves are recorded. int generalEstimateChannel = CHANNEL_ALPHA; // Our list of elements.. To help them drawing and refreshing more handy. GUIElementList elementList; // Our common display ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = NULL; // Triple Buffer ALLEGRO_BITMAP *tripleBuffer = NULL; // Our image loader.. ImageLibrary imageLibrary; // The delta time to tell difference between frames and sync everything nicely.. double deltaTime=0; double deltaGraphicsTime=0; // This is the deltaTime for graphics. // Song position that can be readed from any class.. int songPositionInSec=0; // Our global mouse! GUIMouse guiMouse; // Thinkgear connection id. 0 If not initialized yet. int connectionId = -1; // Global variables(notice that we have to give still the type again): string playerLogTxt = ""; // The gloobal music library file name string musicLibraryFileName = "mlibrary.txt"; // Brainwaves folder, for bw data.. string BWFolder = "brainwaves/"; // The results txt file string resultsFileName = "results.txt"; // The results txt file 2 string resultsFileName2 = "results2.txt"; // The Configuration file name. string configurationFileName = "config.txt"; // The Manual Configuration file name. string manualConfigurationFileName = "manualConfiguration.txt"; // Player's audio device AudioDevicePtr device(OpenDevice()); // The font.. As it must be said that it's here defined.. njah.. I ALLEGRO_FONT *buttonFont; ALLEGRO_FONT *libraryFont; int buttonFontSize; bool fullScreen=false; float bwManagerFade = 0.0f; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S e t u p P a n e l and GUI ELEMENTS * ****************************************/ // GUI Checkboxes For Setup-Panel. Good to be here, so they can be used from anywhere/any class later on.. GUICheckBox showDividedBox(487,112,"Show divided data", "Show smooth graphs.", STORABLE); GUICheckBox showPeakPosBox(487,112+15*2,"Show peakpositions of graphs", false, "Show maximum peak positions of graphs.", STORABLE); GUICheckBox brainWaveColoredInMenuBox(487,112+15*4, "Brainwave colored names in playlist", true, "User relatively colored songs in playlist.", STORABLE); GUICheckBox recordBrainWaveBox( 487, 112+15*6, "Record New Brainwave Data", true, "Keep this on to record new brainwave data.", STORABLE); // Volume rollbutton after song scrollbar in the right corner GUIRollButton fadingLengthRollButton(500, 112+15*7+60*0.7, 20, "Length Of Mix Fading",0.0f,60.0f,"s",12.0f, "The fading time of song end and beginning(s).", STORABLE); // Rouull GUIRollButton delayBeforePeakPosRollButton(500, 112+15*7+60*1.7, 20, "Delay Before Peak Positions(DjMode)",0.0f,60.0f,"s",10.0f, "How long to play the track before desired position in DJ Mode(s).", STORABLE); // Rouull GUIRollButton djModeMinLengthOfPartRollButton(500, 112+15*7+60*2.7, 20, "Min Length Of DJMode Song Part",0.0f,1000.0f,"s", 30.0f, "Minimum length of DJ Mode song partition(s).", STORABLE); // Rouull GUIRollButton djModeMaxLengthOfPartRollButton(500, 112+15*7+60*3.7, 20, "Max Length Of DJMode Song Part",0.0f,1000.0f,"s", 60.0f*3.0f, "Maximum length of DJ Mode song partition(s).", STORABLE); // Rouull GUIRollButton mindWavePortRollButton(487+290, 170+15*6.5, 20,"MindWave Search Start Port.", 0, 30, " COM", 3, "Use this to choose right port for your MindWave.", STORABLE); GUIRollButton mindWaveScaleFactor(487+320, 170+13*13.5, 20,"MindWave Amplitude Scaling.", 0.0f, 10.0f, " x", 3.0f, "Use this to scale amplitude of graphs", STORABLE); GUIButton reBootMindWave(487+320, 170+13*10, 28, 28, 15, "media/gfx/mindWaveBoot.png", "Reboot MindWave!", "Reboot mindwave(rebooting this software may also help)."); GUIRollButton OpenEEGPortRollButton(487+340, 255+15*11, 20,"OpenEEG Port.", 0, 30, " COM", 2, "Use this to choose right port for your OpenEEG.", STORABLE); GUIButton reBootOpenEEG(487+320, 255+13*15.5, 28, 28, 15, "media/gfx/mindWaveBoot.png", "Reboot Open EEG!", "Reboot Open EEG."); // Options for EEG -device. GUIRadioButton EEGDeviceModeRadioButton(780, 180, "EEG Input Device", "Choose device to use for EEG input.", STORABLE); GUICheckBox EEGDevicegOp1( "MindWave", "NeuroSky MindWave."); GUICheckBox EEGDevicegOp2( "Olimex EEG-SMT 1 Chan", "Olimex EEG-SMT 1 Channel(Open EEG)." ); GUICheckBox EEGDevicegOp3( "Olimex EEG-SMT 2 Chan", "Olimex EEG-SMT 2 Channels(Open EEG)." ); GUICheckBox showVisualization(487+250, 112+15*23, "Show Visualization", false, "Show visualization.", STORABLE); GUICheckBox showMirror(487+250, 112+15*24, "Show Mirror", true, "The mirror effect below. Off to increase performance.", STORABLE); // Playlist to show songs for choosing song and editing the list.. GUIScrollPanel playListPanel(62,125,20,352,20,12,"Choose song to play."); // Scroller for song position.. length was 440 originally GUIScroller songScrollBar(414+94+37,520,HORISONTAL_AXIS,340,15,500/10, "Timeline of the song."); // Volume rollbutton after song scrollbar in the right corner GUIRollButton guiVolumeRollButton(414+94+37+340+30,520,20,"Volume", "Adjust volume.", STORABLE); // Rouull // Exit, resize, minimize GUIButton exitButton(1000-2-25, 4, 25, 25, 15,"media/gfx/quitIcon.png", "Exit."); GUIButton resizeButton(1000-4-25*2, 4, 25, 25, 15,"media/gfx/resizeScreenIcon.png", "Resize."); GUIButton minimizeButton(1000-6-25*3, 4, 25, 25, 15,"media/gfx/minimizeIcon.png", "Minimize."); // Playbutton :) GUIButton playButton(414+94,520,35, "media/gfx/play_icon.png", "Play song."); GUIButton pauseButton(414+94,520,35, "media/gfx/pause_icon.png", "Pause song."); GUIButton RecordModeButton(725, 54, 51, 28, 15, "media/gfx/RecordMode.png", "Record or play music manually."); GUIButton DJModeButton(725+51+4, 54, 51, 28, 15, "media/gfx/DJPlay.png", "Use DJ Mode to choose music."); GUIButton ConfigureButton(725+51*2+4*2, 54, 51, 28, 15, "media/gfx/Configure.png", "Configuration panel."); GUIButton ConfigureEEGButton(725+51*3+5*2, 54, 51, 28, 15, "media/gfx/ConfigureEEG.png", "EEG Configuration panel."); // Change to diferent play-mode buttons: GUIButton ChangeToDJModeButton(500, 120, 68, 68, 15, "media/gfx/changeToMod_Dj.png", "Change to this DJ Mode.", true, "Change using DJ Mode(Works better the more brainwaves are recorded)."); GUIButton ChangeToRecordModeButton(500, 120, 68, 68, 15, "media/gfx/changeToMod_Normal.png", "Change to this Normal(/record) Mode." , true, "Change to recording and manual playing mode(Do this before using DJ Mode with your songs)."); GUIButton JumpDJButton(500, 170, 34, 34, 15, "media/gfx/jump_button.png", "Find & Play next song now!", true, "Hurry up DJ I want Music NOW!"); GUICheckBox loopingCheckBox(480,150,"Loop songs", "Song is played again and again.", STORABLE); GUIButton bwTrashButton(480,175, 28, 28, 15,"media/gfx/trash_bw_icon.png", "Clear current song's brainwave information."); GUIButton songFileOpenButton(56, 55, 28, 28, 15,"media/gfx/open_file_icon.png", "Import Song (mp3)."); GUIButton songFolderOpenButton(56+35,55, 28, 28, 15,"media/gfx/open_folder_icon.png", "Import folder of Song(s) and it's subfolders."); GUIButton songTrashButton(56+35*2,55, 28, 28, 15,"media/gfx/trash_file_icon.png", "Delete selected song from list."); GUIButton libraryNewButton(213, 55, 28, 28, 15,"media/gfx/new_library_icon.png", "Clear library (Use this If you want to make new list of music)."); GUIButton libraryOpenButton(213+35,55, 28, 28, 15,"media/gfx/open_library_icon.png", "Open library (This is done automatically when opening application)."); GUIButton librarySaveButton(213+35*2,55, 28, 28, 15,"media/gfx/save_library_icon.png", "Save library (This is done automatically when quiting application)."); // Different mode choosing radio-choose menu GUIRadioButton djModeRadioButton(487+250, 112+16*14.5, "Disk Jockey Mode", "DJ Mode uses your brainwaves or your manually chosen ideal for picking songs.", STORABLE); // Options to choose.. Added later in the main-void to the radiobutton GUICheckBox djModeOp1( "Chosen State List", "DJ Mode use your choice from the DJ PANEL to find songs." ); GUICheckBox djModeOp2( "BCI State List", "DJ Mode will use your current brainwave state to find proper songs." ); GUICheckBox djModeUseXAxis( 480, 110, "Use X-axis (Beta)", true, "If this is enabled DJ Mode will find songs according beta-channel of recordings.", STORABLE ); GUICheckBox djModeUseYAxis( 480, 110+18,"Use Y-axis (Theta)", true, "If this is enabled DJ Mode will find songs according theta-channel of recordings.", STORABLE ); // Different options of playing whole songs or just song partions in Djmode GUIRadioButton djPlayPartitions(487+250, 112+19*15, "DJ-mode Part Size", "DJ Mode will play full songs or parts of the songs.", STORABLE); GUICheckBox partOp1( "Play Parts", "For letting DJ Mode play parts of the songs." ); GUICheckBox partOp2( "Play Full Songs", "For letting DJ Mode play full songs." ); // Options for different listening flow graph. Standard it's using profile channel 1(which is usually beta channel - activity) GUIRadioButton visualizationParameterRadioButton(487+250, 112+12*15, "Visualization channel", "This tells which channel visualization is reacting to.", STORABLE); GUICheckBox actOp1( "Use profile channel 1", "Default - activity linked(ie. beta)."); GUICheckBox actOp2( "Use profile channel 2", "Use second channel." ); GUIXYPicker XYDJPicker(650,88,88,88, "Choose desired music or let brain choose it."); // Background visualization.. BgEffect backgroundVisualization(1000,600); bool onTopVisualization = false; // Set up Brainwave Manager and it's GUI (to the previously declared elementlist!) BWManager bwManager("Standard", 478, 240, 500, 260, "Different brainwave readings."); // Playlist to show songs for choosing song and editing the list.. GUISpectrumPanel SpectrumPanel(480,125,20,272,17,10,"Neurofeedback panel showing bw values."); //int xP, int yP, int panelItemSizeYP, int widthP, int heightP, int scrollBarWidthP, string toolTipText) /* * * * * * E n d * * * * * */ // Create MindWave Device.. MindWaveDevice mindWaveDevice; // Create Open EEG Device.. OpenEEGDevice openEEGDevice; // Attributes used in main.. double dmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::min(); // minimum value double dmax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); /* Simple FPS counter. */ int fps, fps_accum; double fps_time; double totalFrameTime; // Important global functions to cause smooth movement etc. double lastUpdate=0; double lastGfxUpdate=0; double pauseStartTime; double gfxDesiredFps = 1.0f/160.0f; // Ie 80 fps. Put something like double the desired.. Because it's not tuned to work properly. bool songPlaying; int pausedAtPoint=-1; int down; int down_x; int down_y; string panelText = "Chosen Panel Text"; ALLEGRO_BITMAP *graphBaseImg; ALLEGRO_BITMAP *iconImg; // Player samplesource and stream for streaming audio SampleSourcePtr samplesource; OutputStreamPtr stream; // For DJ Mode two streams to fade in and fade the other out at the same time.. OutputStreamPtr fadeInStream; OutputStreamPtr fadeOutStream; double fadeOutStarted; float fadeOutStartVolume; bool fadeOut; double fadeInStarted; bool fadeIn; double startTimeToPlaySongInDjMode; float djModeCurrentPieceDuration; float mirrorBottom; float songInfoTextX = 0; // Allegro bitmaps. For background ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bgImg = NULL; ALLEGRO_BITMAP *copyImg = NULL; // Our common BWMeter to get some nice current Brainwave-data and show it on the gui :) Start it up candyy! BWMeter bwMeter(820,93, "Brainwave meter."); //795 // Converts int to string. Very nice. string intToStr(int number) { stringstream ss;//create a stringstream ss << number;//add number to the stream return ss.str();//return a string with the contents of the stream } // Converts float to string. Very nice. string desToStr(float number) { stringstream ss;//create a stringstream ss << number;//add number to the stream return ss.str();//return a string with the contents of the stream } // Str to integer :) int strToInt(string strToConvert) { return atoi(strToConvert.c_str()); } double strToDes(string strToConvert) { double value; try { value = boost::lexical_cast<double>(strToConvert); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast const&) { value = 0; } return value; } double Index2Freq(int i, double sampleRate, int n) { return (double) i * (sampleRate / n); } int Freq2Index(double freq, double sampleRate, int n) { return (int) (freq / (sampleRate / n)); } // Tells wether a given file in the path is a valid file for music or not.. bool isValidMusicPlayerFile(path p) { bool answer = false; if ( extension(p) == ".mp3" || extension(p) == ".ogg" || extension(p) == ".wav" || extension(p) == ".flac" || extension(p) == ".aiff" || extension(p) == ".mod" || extension(p) == ".s3m" || extension(p) == ".xm" || extension(p) == ".it" ) answer = true; else playerLog("Wasn't valid music file! isValidMusicPlayerFile returned false. "); return answer; } // Logs stuff.. Change this to allegro or windows console depending desire:) void playerLog(string s) { fprintf(stderr,(s+"\n").c_str()); } bool unLoadFonts() { al_destroy_font(buttonFont); if (buttonFont){ playerLog("Button font still alive. It shouldnt be...\n"); return false; } al_destroy_font(libraryFont ); if (libraryFont){ playerLog("libraryfont font still alive. It shouldnt be...\n"); return false; } return true; } bool loadFonts() { buttonFontSize = 8; buttonFont = al_load_ttf_font("pirulen.ttf",buttonFontSize,0 ); if (!buttonFont){ playerLog("Could not load 'pirulen.ttf'.\n"); return false; } // Load font also at the same time.. libraryFont = al_load_ttf_font("pirulen.ttf",12,0 ); //UnionBold if (!libraryFont){ playerLog("Could not load 'pirulen.ttf '.\n"); return false; } return true; } float getDistance(float x,float y,float x2,float y2) { float dx = x-x2; float dy = y-y2; // And using the Pythagoras we can achieve the distance between two points.. Clever :) return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); } ALLEGRO_BITMAP* getScaledImage(ALLEGRO_BITMAP* src, float scaleFactorX, float scaleFactorY) { ALLEGRO_BITMAP* dest = NULL; float originalWidth=al_get_bitmap_width(src); float originalHeight=al_get_bitmap_height(src); //dest = imageLibrary.createImage(originalWidth*scaleFactorX, originalHeight*scaleFactorY); dest = al_create_bitmap(originalWidth*scaleFactorX, originalHeight*scaleFactorY); if(!dest) { playerLog("Failed to create destination image in copyScaledImage()-function..'.\n"); } al_set_target_bitmap(dest); al_draw_scaled_bitmap(src, 0, 0, originalWidth, originalHeight, 0, 0, originalWidth*scaleFactorX, originalHeight*scaleFactorY, 0); al_set_target_bitmap(al_get_backbuffer(display)); return dest; } // split: receives a char delimiter; returns a vector of strings // By default ignores repeated delimiters, unless argument rep == 1. vector<string>& splitstring::split(char delim, int rep) { if (!flds.empty()) flds.clear(); // empty vector if necessary string work = data(); string buf = ""; int i = 0; while (i < work.length()) { if (work[i] != delim) buf += work[i]; else if (rep == 1) { flds.push_back(buf); buf = ""; } else if (buf.length() > 0) { flds.push_back(buf); buf = ""; } i++; } if (!buf.empty()) flds.push_back(buf); return flds; } string forceRemoveAllDoubleEmptySpaces(string txt) { // I think this 10 trial will trim or remove all empty spaces :D for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { txt = string(removeDoubleEmptySpaces(txt)); } return txt; } string removeExcessFromMiddle(string sourceStr, int limitStrSize) { if(sourceStr.length() < limitStrSize) return sourceStr; // Else.. Remove from middle.. Count how many excess and remove.. int excess = sourceStr.length()-limitStrSize; int middlePoint = int(sourceStr.length()/2); int startPoint = middlePoint-int(excess/2); int endPoint = middlePoint+int(excess/2); if (startPoint<0 || endPoint>sourceStr.length()) return "trimAndRemoveExcess..Too small string to handle."; return (sourceStr.substr(0,startPoint)+sourceStr.substr(endPoint,sourceStr.length()-endPoint)); } // Hey does that hmm.. Is that destroyed.. damnd.. when it goes out of this function // No it is not As far as I tested it.. char* removeDoubleEmptySpaces(string txt) { char *cstr = new char[txt.length() + 1]; strcpy(cstr, txt.c_str()); int len = (int)strlen(cstr); int i = 0; int j = 0; while (i != len-1) { if ( !(cstr[i] == ' ' && cstr[i+1] == ' ') ) cstr[j++] = cstr[i]; i++; } return cstr; } void drawGlowDot(float px, float py, float glowValue) { float alpha = 0.9f; al_draw_pixel(px, py, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha*glowValue, 0.0*alpha*glowValue, 1.0*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); alpha = 0.2f; al_draw_pixel(px, py, al_map_rgba_f(0.3*alpha*glowValue, 0.3*alpha*glowValue, 1.0*alpha*glowValue, alpha)); alpha = 0.9f; al_draw_pixel(px-1, py, al_map_rgba_f(.0*alpha*glowValue, .0*alpha*glowValue, 1.0*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px+1, py, al_map_rgba_f(.0*alpha*glowValue, .0*alpha*glowValue, 1.0*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px, py-1, al_map_rgba_f(.0*alpha*glowValue, .0*alpha*glowValue, 1.0*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px, py+1, al_map_rgba_f(.0*alpha*glowValue, .0*alpha*glowValue, 1.0*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); alpha = 0.8f; al_draw_pixel(px-1, py-1, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.8*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px+1, py-1, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.8*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px-1, py+1, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.8*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px+1, py+1, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.8*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); alpha = 0.3f; al_draw_pixel(px-2, py, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.3*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px+2, py, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.3*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px, py-2, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.3*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); al_draw_pixel(px, py+2, al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.3*glowValue*alpha, alpha)); } void drawPowerMeter(float px, float py, float width, float height, float value) { // Triangle float alpha = 0.7f; float heightNow = 1; float raiseHeightStep = height/width; int lightTheseBars = (width * value); int skipper=0; for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++) { if (skipper==4) { for (int iy = 0; iy < heightNow; iy++) { if (ix<lightTheseBars) al_draw_pixel(px+ix, py-iy,al_map_rgba_f(0.3*alpha, 0.3*alpha, 1.0*alpha, alpha)); //drawGlowDot(px+ix, py-iy,1.0f); else //darker //drawGlowDot(px+ix, py-iy,0.3f); al_draw_pixel(px+ix, py-iy,al_map_rgba_f(0.0*alpha, 0.0*alpha, 0.7*alpha, alpha)); } skipper=0; } skipper++; heightNow += raiseHeightStep; } } float getNegationOfThisPrefix(float num) { if (num>0.0f) return -1.0f; else return 1.0f; } float getPositiveOfThis(float num) { if (num<0.0f) return -num; else return num; } float getPrefixOf(float num) { if (num>0.0f) return 1.0f; else return -1.0f; } float limitValueUp(float tval, float limitV) { if (tval>limitV) tval=limitV; return tval; } float limitValueDown(float tval, float limitV) { if (tval<limitV) tval=limitV; return tval; } void getValueInsideBoundaries(float &tval, float limitVDown, float limitVUp) { float resultV = tval; if (resultV>limitVUp) resultV = limitVUp; if (resultV<limitVDown) resultV = limitVDown; tval = resultV; } // This is a bit weirds. :H ALLEGRO_COLOR getFromColorToColor(ALLEGRO_COLOR colFrom, ALLEGRO_COLOR colTo, double fac) { // Calculate 3d translation in the color cube. Just add vector to point with scaling factor. ALLEGRO_COLOR deltaVec = al_map_rgb_f(colTo.r - colFrom.r, colTo.g - colFrom.g, colTo.b - colFrom.b); return al_map_rgb_f(colFrom.r + deltaVec.r * fac, colFrom.g + deltaVec.g * fac, colFrom.b + deltaVec.b * fac); } // Get color of the text color according this song's brainwave information. Ie calm song is different in color than energetic song. // Values are relative from 0.0 - 1.0 and 0.0 - 1.0 of their position in the min to max of the channel's avarages of each song. ALLEGRO_COLOR getMapColor(float valX, float valY) { ALLEGRO_COLOR startPointColor = al_map_rgb_f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // This is init color If no bw data is available. ALLEGRO_COLOR defPointColor = al_map_rgb_f(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); // Jump to right positions. ALLEGRO_COLOR trans1 = getFromColorToColor(startPointColor,getGraphThemeColorOf(bwMeter.PROFILE_CHANNEL_1),valX); ALLEGRO_COLOR trans2 = getFromColorToColor(startPointColor,getGraphThemeColorOf(bwMeter.PROFILE_CHANNEL_2),valY); ALLEGRO_COLOR endPointColor = al_map_rgb_f(startPointColor.r + trans1.r + trans2.r, startPointColor.g + trans1.g + trans2.g, startPointColor.b + trans1.b + trans2.b); endPointColor = al_map_rgb_f(endPointColor.r*(1.0-defPointColor.r)+defPointColor.r,endPointColor.g*(1.0-defPointColor.g)+defPointColor.g,endPointColor.b*(1.0-defPointColor.b)+defPointColor.b); return endPointColor; } void drawRotatedTintedPicture(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *img, ALLEGRO_COLOR tint, float dx, float dy, float angle) { al_draw_tinted_rotated_bitmap(img, tint, al_get_bitmap_width(img)/2, al_get_bitmap_height(img)/2 , dx, dy, angle, 0); } void drawRotatedPicture(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *img, float dx, float dy, float angle) { al_draw_rotated_bitmap(img, al_get_bitmap_width(img)/2, al_get_bitmap_height(img)/2 , dx, dy, angle, 0); } void drawScaledPicture(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *img, float dx, float dy, float width, float height) { int dflags = 0; al_draw_scaled_bitmap(img,0,0, al_get_bitmap_width(img), al_get_bitmap_height(img), dx, dy, width, height, dflags); } void drawTintedPicture(ALLEGRO_BITMAP *img, ALLEGRO_COLOR color, float x, float y, int flags) { al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ONE, ALLEGRO_ONE); // Nice tint al_draw_tinted_bitmap(img, color, x, y, flags); al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ONE, ALLEGRO_INVERSE_ALPHA); // No tint for other drawing.. } float getDistanceBetweenValues(float val1, float val2) { float dist = val1 - val2; if (dist<0.0f) dist = -dist; return dist; } /* Function to control # of decimal places to be output for x */ double showDecimals(const double& x, const int& numDecimals) { int y=x; double z=x-y; double m=pow(10,numDecimals); double q=z*m; double r=round(q); return static_cast<double>(y)+(1.0/m)*r; } string getTimeStamp() { // Get current date/time, format is YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss time_t now = time(0); struct tm tstruct; char buf[80]; tstruct = *localtime(&now); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", &tstruct); // Damn boost!! Why you had to be so complicated. See! This is what you got! Now I'm using c++ basic stuff! This should also work on multiple platform. return string(buf); } // Modifie from stackoverflow example. Takes of the characters that are requested. string removeChars(string str, char *chars) { string strOrig = str; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(chars); ++i) { // you need include <algorithm> to use general algorithms like std::remove() str.erase (std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), chars[i]), str.end()); } playerLog("# Removing chars from string " + strOrig + " to result " + str); return str; } bool strToBool(string val) { if (val=="1") return true; else return false; } string boolToStr(bool val) { if (val) return "1"; else return "0"; } // This is to give some value to chew on for background effects in visualization.. double getEffectiveValueOfEEG() { if (visualizationParameterRadioButton.getSelectionTxt() == actOp1.getText()) return bwMeter.getCurrentProfileMindState(bwMeter.PROFILE_CHANNEL_1)*2.0d-1.0d; else return bwMeter.getCurrentProfileMindState(bwMeter.PROFILE_CHANNEL_2)*2.0d-1.0d; } bool usingMindWave() { if (!usingOpenEEG()) // or EEGDeviceModeRadioButton.getSelectionTxt()==EEGDevicegOp1.getText() return true; else return false; } bool usingOpenEEG() { if (EEGDeviceModeRadioButton.getSelectionTxt()==EEGDevicegOp2.getText() || EEGDeviceModeRadioButton.getSelectionTxt()==EEGDevicegOp3.getText()) return true; else return false; } int howManyChannelsInOpenEEG() { if (EEGDeviceModeRadioButton.getSelectionTxt()==EEGDevicegOp3.getText()) return 2; else return 1; } };
Song AlbumCoverManager::GetFirstSelectedAsSong() { return context_menu_items_.isEmpty() ? Song() : ItemAsSong(context_menu_items_[0]); }
Song SimpleFMOD::LoadSong(const char *filename, FMOD_MODE mode) { return Song(this, filename, channelMusic, mode); }
Song SimpleFMOD::LoadSong(int resourceId, LPCTSTR resourceType, FMOD_MODE mode) { return Song(this, resourceId, resourceType, channelMusic, mode); }
// Song factory Song SimpleFMOD::LoadSong(const char *data, FMOD::ChannelGroup *channelGroup, FMOD_MODE mode, FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO info) { return Song(this, data, channelGroup, mode, info); }
void CMPD::Update() { if(!_connected) { iprintf("Reconnecting in 10 seconds."); sleep(10); if(Connect()) iprintf("%s", "Reconnected!"); else { eprintf("%s", "Could not reconnect."); return; } } mpd_status *status = mpd_run_status(_conn); mpd_stats *stats = mpd_run_stats(_conn); if(status && stats) { int newsongid = mpd_status_get_song_id(status); int newsongpos = mpd_status_get_elapsed_time(status); int curplaytime = mpd_stats_get_play_time(stats); // new song (or the same song but from the beginning after it has been played long enough before) if(newsongid != _songid || (_song.getDuration() != -1 && _songpos > (_song.getDuration()/2) && newsongpos < _songpos && newsongpos < 10)) { _songid = newsongid; _songpos = newsongpos; _start = curplaytime; mpd_song *song = mpd_run_current_song(_conn); if(song) { GotNewSong(song); mpd_song_free(song); } else { _song = Song(); } } // song playing if(newsongpos != _songpos) { _songpos = newsongpos; CheckSubmit(curplaytime); } // check for client-to-client messages if(mpd_send_read_messages(_conn)) { mpd_message *msg; while((msg = mpd_recv_message(_conn)) != NULL) { const char *text = mpd_message_get_text(msg); if(_gotsong && text) { if(!strncmp(text, "love", 4)) { AudioScrobbler->LoveTrack(_song); } else if(!strncmp(text, "unlove", 6)) { AudioScrobbler->LoveTrack(_song, true); } } mpd_message_free(msg); } mpd_response_finish(_conn); } mpd_status_free(status); mpd_stats_free(stats); } else { // we have most likely lost our connection eprintf("Could not query MPD server: %s", mpd_connection_get_error_message(_conn)); _connected = false; } }
void PlaylistView::PlayerStopped() { CurrentSongChanged(Song(), QString(), QImage()); }
Song AlbumCoverManager::GetSingleSelectionAsSong() { return context_menu_items_.size() != 1 ? Song() : ItemAsSong(context_menu_items_[0]); }
void PlaylistItem::ClearTemporaryMetadata() { temp_metadata_ = Song(); }
Song Song::GetNull() { return Song(); }
QVariant PlaylistsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { switch (role) { case Cantata::Role_TitleText: return title(); case Cantata::Role_SubText: return descr(); case Qt::DecorationRole: return icon(); } return QVariant(); } #ifndef ENABLE_UBUNTU if (Qt::TextAlignmentRole==role) { return alignments[index.column()]; } #endif Item *item=static_cast<Item *>(index.internalPointer()); if (item->isPlaylist()) { PlaylistItem *pl=static_cast<PlaylistItem *>(item); switch(role) { #ifdef ENABLE_UBUNTU case Cantata::Role_Image: return QString(); #endif case Cantata::Role_ListImage: return false; case Cantata::Role_IsCollection: return true; case Cantata::Role_CollectionId: return pl->key; case Cantata::Role_Key: return 0; case Cantata::Role_SongWithRating: case Cantata::Role_Song: { QVariant var; var.setValue<Song>(Song()); return var; } case Cantata::Role_AlbumDuration: return pl->totalTime(); case Cantata::Role_SongCount: if (!pl->loaded) { pl->loaded=true; emit playlistInfo(pl->name); } return pl->songs.count(); case Cantata::Role_CurrentStatus: case Cantata::Role_Status: return (int)GroupedView::State_Default; case Qt::FontRole: if (multiCol) { QFont font; font.setBold(true); return font; } return QVariant(); case Cantata::Role_TitleText: case Cantata::Role_MainText: case Qt::DisplayRole: if (multiCol) { switch (index.column()) { case COL_TITLE: return pl->visibleName(); case COL_ARTIST: case COL_ALBUM: return QVariant(); case COL_LENGTH: if (!pl->loaded) { pl->loaded=true; emit playlistInfo(pl->name); } return pl->loaded && !pl->isSmartPlaylist ? Utils::formatTime(pl->totalTime()) : QVariant(); case COL_YEAR: case COL_GENRE: return QVariant(); default: break; } } return pl->visibleName(); case Qt::ToolTipRole: if (!Settings::self()->infoTooltips()) { return QVariant(); } if (!pl->loaded) { pl->loaded=true; emit playlistInfo(pl->name); } return 0==pl->songs.count() ? pl->visibleName() : pl->visibleName()+"\n"+Plurals::tracksWithDuration(pl->songs.count(), Utils::formatTime(pl->totalTime())); #ifndef ENABLE_UBUNTU case Qt::DecorationRole: return multiCol ? QVariant() : (pl->isSmartPlaylist ? Icons::self()->dynamicRuleIcon : Icons::self()->playlistListIcon); #endif case Cantata::Role_SubText: if (!pl->loaded) { pl->loaded=true; emit playlistInfo(pl->name); } if (pl->isSmartPlaylist) { return i18n("Smart Playlist"); } return Plurals::tracksWithDuration(pl->songs.count(), Utils::formatTime(pl->totalTime())); case Cantata::Role_TitleActions: return true; default: return ActionModel::data(index, role); } } else { SongItem *s=static_cast<SongItem *>(item); switch (role) { #ifdef ENABLE_UBUNTU case Cantata::Role_Image: return QString(); #endif case Cantata::Role_ListImage: return true; case Cantata::Role_IsCollection: return false; case Cantata::Role_CollectionId: return s->parent->key; case Cantata::Role_Key: return s->key; case Cantata::Role_CoverSong: case Cantata::Role_SongWithRating: case Cantata::Role_Song: { QVariant var; var.setValue<Song>(*s); return var; } case Cantata::Role_AlbumDuration: { quint32 d=s->time; for (int i=index.row()+1; i<s->parent->songs.count(); ++i) { const SongItem *song = s->parent->; if (song->key!=s->key) { break; } d+=song->time; } if (index.row()>1) { for (int i=index.row()-1; i<=0; ++i) { const SongItem *song = s->parent->; if (song->key!=s->key) { break; } d+=song->time; } } return d; } case Cantata::Role_SongCount:{ quint32 count=1; for (int i=index.row()+1; i<s->parent->songs.count(); ++i) { const SongItem *song = s->parent->; if (song->key!=s->key) { break; } count++; } if (index.row()>1) { for (int i=index.row()-1; i<=0; ++i) { const SongItem *song = s->parent->; if (song->key!=s->key) { break; } count++; } } return count; } case Cantata::Role_CurrentStatus: case Cantata::Role_Status: return (int)GroupedView::State_Default; case Qt::DisplayRole: if (multiCol) { switch (index.column()) { case COL_TITLE: return s->trackAndTitleStr(false); case COL_ARTIST: return s->artist.isEmpty() ? Song::unknown() : s->artist; case COL_ALBUM: if (s->isStream() && s->album.isEmpty()) { QString n=s->name(); if (!n.isEmpty()) { return n; } } return s->album; case COL_LENGTH: return Utils::formatTime(s->time); case COL_YEAR: if (s->year <= 0) { return QVariant(); } return s->year; case COL_GENRE: return s->displayGenre(); case COL_COMPOSER: return s->composer(); case COL_PERFORMER: return s->performer(); default: break; } } return s->entryName(); case Qt::ToolTipRole: if (!Settings::self()->infoTooltips()) { return QVariant(); } return s->toolTip(); #ifndef ENABLE_UBUNTU case Qt::DecorationRole: return multiCol ? QVariant() : (s->title.isEmpty() ? Icons::self()->streamIcon : Icons::self()->audioListIcon); #endif case Cantata::Role_MainText: return s->title.isEmpty() ? s->file : s->title; case Cantata::Role_SubText: return s->artist+QLatin1String(" - ")+s->displayAlbum()+QLatin1String(" - ")+Utils::formatTime(s->time); default: return ActionModel::data(index, role); } } return QVariant(); }