static void initializeOverrideInfo(const SourceCode& origCode, const String& newBody, FunctionOverrides::OverrideInfo& info)
    String origProviderStr = origCode.provider()->source();
    unsigned origBraceStart = origCode.startOffset();
    unsigned origFunctionStart = origProviderStr.reverseFind("function", origBraceStart);
    unsigned headerLength = origBraceStart - origFunctionStart;
    String origHeader = origProviderStr.substring(origFunctionStart, headerLength);

    String newProviderStr;

    RefPtr<SourceProvider> newProvider = StringSourceProvider::create(newProviderStr, "<overridden>");

    info.firstLine = 1;
    info.lineCount = 1; // Faking it. This doesn't really matter for now.
    info.startColumn = 1;
    info.endColumn = 1; // Faking it. This doesn't really matter for now.
    info.parametersStartOffset = newProviderStr.find("(");
    info.typeProfilingStartOffset = newProviderStr.find("{");
    info.typeProfilingEndOffset = newProviderStr.length() - 1;

    info.sourceCode =
        SourceCode(newProvider.release(), info.typeProfilingStartOffset, info.typeProfilingEndOffset + 1, 1, 1);
Exemple #2
SourceCode Lexer::sourceCode(int openBrace, int closeBrace, int firstLine)
    if (m_codeWithoutBOMs.isEmpty())
        return SourceCode(m_source->provider(), openBrace, closeBrace + 1, firstLine);

    const UChar* data = m_source->provider()->data();

    ASSERT(openBrace < closeBrace);

    int numBOMsBeforeOpenBrace = 0;
    int numBOMsBetweenBraces = 0;

    int i;
    for (i = m_source->startOffset(); i < openBrace; ++i)
        numBOMsBeforeOpenBrace += data[i] == byteOrderMark;
    for (; i < closeBrace; ++i)
        numBOMsBetweenBraces += data[i] == byteOrderMark;

    return SourceCode(m_source->provider(), openBrace + numBOMsBeforeOpenBrace,
        closeBrace + numBOMsBeforeOpenBrace + numBOMsBetweenBraces + 1, firstLine);
Exemple #3
FunctionExecutable* UnlinkedFunctionExecutable::link(VM& vm, const SourceCode& ownerSource, int overrideLineNumber)
    SourceCode source = m_sourceOverride ? SourceCode(m_sourceOverride) : ownerSource;
    unsigned firstLine = source.firstLine() + m_firstLineOffset;
    unsigned startOffset = source.startOffset() + m_startOffset;

    // Adjust to one-based indexing.
    bool startColumnIsOnFirstSourceLine = !m_firstLineOffset;
    unsigned startColumn = m_unlinkedBodyStartColumn + (startColumnIsOnFirstSourceLine ? source.startColumn() : 1);
    bool endColumnIsOnStartLine = !m_lineCount;
    unsigned endColumn = m_unlinkedBodyEndColumn + (endColumnIsOnStartLine ? startColumn : 1);

    SourceCode code(source.provider(), startOffset, startOffset + m_sourceLength, firstLine, startColumn);
    FunctionExecutable* result = FunctionExecutable::create(vm, code, this, firstLine, firstLine + m_lineCount, startColumn, endColumn);
    if (overrideLineNumber != -1)
    return result;
void Debugger::recompileAllJSFunctions(JSGlobalData* globalData)
    // If JavaScript is running, it's not safe to recompile, since we'll end
    // up throwing away code that is live on the stack.
    if (globalData->dynamicGlobalObject)

    typedef HashSet<FunctionExecutable*> FunctionExecutableSet;
    typedef HashMap<SourceProvider*, ExecState*> SourceProviderMap;

    FunctionExecutableSet functionExecutables;
    SourceProviderMap sourceProviders;

    LiveObjectIterator it = globalData->heap.primaryHeapBegin();
    LiveObjectIterator heapEnd = globalData->heap.primaryHeapEnd();
    for ( ; it != heapEnd; ++it) {
        if (!(*it)->inherits(&JSFunction::info))

        JSFunction* function = asFunction(*it);
        if (function->executable()->isHostFunction())

        FunctionExecutable* executable = function->jsExecutable();

        // Check if the function is already in the set - if so,
        // we've already retranslated it, nothing to do here.
        if (!functionExecutables.add(executable).second)

        ExecState* exec = function->scope().globalObject()->JSGlobalObject::globalExec();
        if (function->scope().globalObject()->debugger() == this)
            sourceProviders.add(executable->source().provider(), exec);

    // Call sourceParsed() after reparsing all functions because it will execute
    // JavaScript in the inspector.
    SourceProviderMap::const_iterator end = sourceProviders.end();
    for (SourceProviderMap::const_iterator iter = sourceProviders.begin(); iter != end; ++iter)
        sourceParsed(iter->second, SourceCode(iter->first), -1, UString());
FunctionExecutable* UnlinkedFunctionExecutable::link(VM& vm, const SourceCode& ownerSource, Optional<int> overrideLineNumber, Intrinsic intrinsic)
    SourceCode source = m_sourceOverride ? SourceCode(m_sourceOverride) : ownerSource;
    unsigned firstLine = source.firstLine() + m_firstLineOffset;
    unsigned startOffset = source.startOffset() + m_startOffset;
    unsigned lineCount = m_lineCount;

    // Adjust to one-based indexing.
    bool startColumnIsOnFirstSourceLine = !m_firstLineOffset;
    unsigned startColumn = m_unlinkedBodyStartColumn + (startColumnIsOnFirstSourceLine ? source.startColumn() : 1);
    bool endColumnIsOnStartLine = !lineCount;
    unsigned endColumn = m_unlinkedBodyEndColumn + (endColumnIsOnStartLine ? startColumn : 1);

    SourceCode code(source.provider(), startOffset, startOffset + m_sourceLength, firstLine, startColumn);
    FunctionOverrides::OverrideInfo overrideInfo;
    bool hasFunctionOverride = false;

    if (UNLIKELY(Options::functionOverrides())) {
        hasFunctionOverride = FunctionOverrides::initializeOverrideFor(code, overrideInfo);
        if (hasFunctionOverride) {
            firstLine = overrideInfo.firstLine;
            lineCount = overrideInfo.lineCount;
            startColumn = overrideInfo.startColumn;
            endColumn = overrideInfo.endColumn;
            code = overrideInfo.sourceCode;

    FunctionExecutable* result = FunctionExecutable::create(vm, code, this, firstLine, firstLine + lineCount, startColumn, endColumn, intrinsic);
    if (overrideLineNumber)

    if (UNLIKELY(hasFunctionOverride)) {

    return result;