OverlapSmoother OverlapSmoother_new(SparseMatrix A, int m, 
				    int dim, real lambda0, real *x, real *width, int include_original_graph, int neighborhood_only, 
				    real *max_overlap, real *min_overlap,
				    int edge_labeling_scheme, int n_constr_nodes, int *constr_nodes, SparseMatrix A_constr, int shrink
  OverlapSmoother sm;
  int i, j, k, *iw, *jw, jdiag;
  SparseMatrix B;
  real *lambda, *d, *w, diag_d, diag_w, dist;

  assert((!A) || SparseMatrix_is_symmetric(A, FALSE));

  sm = GNEW(struct OverlapSmoother_struct);
  sm->scheme = SM_SCHEME_NORMAL;
  if (constr_nodes && n_constr_nodes > 0 && edge_labeling_scheme != ELSCHEME_NONE){
    sm->scheme = SM_SCHEME_NORMAL_ELABEL;
    sm->data = relative_position_constraints_new(A_constr, edge_labeling_scheme, n_constr_nodes, constr_nodes);
    sm->data_deallocator = relative_position_constraints_delete;
  } else {
    sm->data = NULL;

  sm->tol_cg = 0.01;
  sm->maxit_cg = sqrt((double) A->m);

  lambda = sm->lambda = N_GNEW(m,real);
  for (i = 0; i < m; i++) sm->lambda[i] = lambda0;
  B= call_tri(m, dim, x);

  if (!neighborhood_only){
    SparseMatrix C, D;
    C = get_overlap_graph(dim, m, x, width, 0);
    D = SparseMatrix_add(B, C);
    B = D;
  if (include_original_graph){
    sm->Lw = SparseMatrix_add(A, B);
  } else {
    sm->Lw = B;
  sm->Lwd = SparseMatrix_copy(sm->Lw);

#ifdef DEBUG
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen("/tmp/111","w");
    export_embedding(fp, dim, sm->Lwd, x, NULL);

  if (!(sm->Lw) || !(sm->Lwd)) {
    return NULL;

  assert((sm->Lwd)->type == MATRIX_TYPE_REAL);
  ideal_distance_avoid_overlap(dim, sm->Lwd, x, width, (real*) (sm->Lwd->a), max_overlap, min_overlap);

  /* no overlap at all! */
  if (*max_overlap < 1 && shrink){
    real scale_sta = MIN(1, *max_overlap*1.0001), scale_sto = 1;

    if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr," no overlap (overlap = %f), rescale to shrink\n", *max_overlap - 1);

    scale_sta = overlap_scaling(dim, m, x, width, scale_sta, scale_sto, 0.0001, 15);

    *max_overlap = 1;
    goto RETURN;

  iw = sm->Lw->ia; jw = sm->Lw->ja;
  w = (real*) sm->Lw->a; d = (real*) sm->Lwd->a;

  for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
    diag_d = diag_w = 0;
    jdiag = -1;
    for (j = iw[i]; j < iw[i+1]; j++){
      k = jw[j];
      if (k == i){
	jdiag = j;
      if (d[j] > 0){/* those edges that needs expansion */
	w[j] = -100/d[j]/d[j];
	/*w[j] = 100/d[j]/d[j];*/
      } else {/* those that needs shrinking is set to negative in ideal_distance_avoid_overlap */
	/*w[j] = 1/d[j]/d[j];*/
	w[j] = -1/d[j]/d[j];
	d[j] = -d[j];
      dist = d[j];
      diag_w += w[j];
      d[j] = w[j]*dist;
      diag_d += d[j];


    lambda[i] *= (-diag_w);/* alternatively don't do that then we have a constant penalty term scaled by lambda0 */

    assert(jdiag >= 0);
    w[jdiag] = -diag_w + lambda[i];
    d[jdiag] = -diag_d;
  return sm;
TriangleSmoother TriangleSmoother_new(SparseMatrix A, int dim, real lambda0, real *x, int use_triangularization){
  TriangleSmoother sm;
  int i, j, k, m = A->m, *ia = A->ia, *ja = A->ja, *iw, *jw, jdiag, nz;
  SparseMatrix B;
  real *avg_dist, *lambda, *d, *w, diag_d, diag_w, dist;
  real s = 0, stop = 0, sbot = 0;

  assert(SparseMatrix_is_symmetric(A, FALSE));

  avg_dist = N_GNEW(m,real);

  for (i = 0; i < m ;i++){
    avg_dist[i] = 0;
    nz = 0;
    for (j = ia[i]; j < ia[i+1]; j++){
      if (i == ja[j]) continue;
      avg_dist[i] += distance(x, dim, i, ja[j]);
    assert(nz > 0);
    avg_dist[i] /= nz;

  sm = N_GNEW(1,struct TriangleSmoother_struct);
  sm->scaling = 1;
  sm->data = NULL;
  sm->scheme = SM_SCHEME_NORMAL;
  sm->tol_cg = 0.01;
  sm->maxit_cg = sqrt((double) A->m);

  lambda = sm->lambda = N_GNEW(m,real);
  for (i = 0; i < m; i++) sm->lambda[i] = lambda0;
  if (m > 2){
    if (use_triangularization){
      B= call_tri(m, dim, x);
    } else {
      B= call_tri2(m, dim, x);
  } else {
    B = SparseMatrix_copy(A);

  sm->Lw = SparseMatrix_add(A, B);

  sm->Lwd = SparseMatrix_copy(sm->Lw);
  if (!(sm->Lw) || !(sm->Lwd)) {
    return NULL;

  iw = sm->Lw->ia; jw = sm->Lw->ja;

  w = (real*) sm->Lw->a; d = (real*) sm->Lwd->a;

  for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
    diag_d = diag_w = 0;
    jdiag = -1;
    for (j = iw[i]; j < iw[i+1]; j++){
      k = jw[j];
      if (k == i){
	jdiag = j;
      /*      w[j] = -1./(ia[i+1]-ia[i]+ia[ja[j]+1]-ia[ja[j]]);
	      w[j] = -2./(avg_dist[i]+avg_dist[k]);
	      w[j] = -1.*/;/* use unit weight for now, later can try 1/(deg(i)+deg(k)) */
      dist = pow(distance_cropped(x,dim,i,k),0.6);
      w[j] = 1/(dist*dist);
      diag_w += w[j];

      /*      d[j] = w[j]*distance(x,dim,i,k);
	      d[j] = w[j]*(avg_dist[i] + avg_dist[k])*0.5;*/
      d[j] = w[j]*dist;
      stop += d[j]*distance(x,dim,i,k);
      sbot += d[j]*dist;
      diag_d += d[j];


    lambda[i] *= (-diag_w);/* alternatively don't do that then we have a constant penalty term scaled by lambda0 */

    assert(jdiag >= 0);
    w[jdiag] = -diag_w + lambda[i];
    d[jdiag] = -diag_d;

  s = stop/sbot;
  for (i = 0; i < iw[m]; i++) d[i] *= s;
  sm->scaling = s;


  return sm;
real StressMajorizationSmoother_smooth(StressMajorizationSmoother sm, int dim, real *x, int maxit_sm, real tol) {
  SparseMatrix Lw = sm->Lw, Lwd = sm->Lwd, Lwdd = NULL;
  int i, j, k, m, *id, *jd, *iw, *jw, idiag, flag = 0, iter = 0;
  real *w, *dd, *d, *y = NULL, *x0 = NULL, *x00 = NULL, diag, diff = 1, *lambda = sm->lambda, res, alpha = 0., M = 0.;
  SparseMatrix Lc = NULL;
  real dij, dist;

  Lwdd = SparseMatrix_copy(Lwd);
  m = Lw->m;
  x0 = N_GNEW(dim*m,real);
  if (!x0) goto RETURN;

  x0 = MEMCPY(x0, x, sizeof(real)*dim*m);
  y = N_GNEW(dim*m,real);
  if (!y) goto RETURN;

  id = Lwd->ia; jd = Lwd->ja;
  d = (real*) Lwd->a;
  dd = (real*) Lwdd->a;
  w = (real*) Lw->a;
  iw = Lw->ia; jw = Lw->ja;

  if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "initial stress = %f\n", get_stress(m, dim, iw, jw, w, d, x, sm->scaling, sm->data, 1));
  /* for the additional matrix L due to the position constraints */
  if (sm->scheme == SM_SCHEME_NORMAL_ELABEL){
    get_edge_label_matrix(sm->data, m, dim, x, &Lc, &x00);
    if (Lc) Lw = SparseMatrix_add(Lw, Lc);
  } else if (sm->scheme == SM_SCHEME_UNIFORM_STRESS){
    alpha = ((real*) (sm->data))[0];
    M = ((real*) (sm->data))[1];

  while (iter++ < maxit_sm && diff > tol){
#ifdef GVIEWER
    if (Gviewer) {
      if (iter%2 == 0) gviewer_dump_current_frame();

    if (sm->scheme != SM_SCHEME_STRESS_APPROX){
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
	idiag = -1;
	diag = 0.;
	for (j = id[i]; j < id[i+1]; j++){
	  if (i == jd[j]) {
	    idiag = j;
	  dist = distance(x, dim, i, jd[j]);
	  //if (d[j] >= -0.0001*dist){
	  //   /* sometimes d[j] = 0 and ||x_i-x_j||=0*/
	  //   dd[j] = d[j]/MAX(0.0001, dist);
	  if (d[j] == 0){
	    dd[j] = 0;
	  } else {
	    if (dist == 0){
	      dij = d[j]/w[j];/* the ideal distance */
	      /* perturb so points do not sit at the same place */
	      for (k = 0; k < dim; k++) x[jd[j]*dim+k] += 0.0001*(drand()+.0001)*dij;
	      dist = distance(x, dim, i, jd[j]);	
	    dd[j] = d[j]/dist;
#if 0	  
	    /* if two points are at the same place, we do not want a huge entry,
	       as this cause problem with CG./ In any case, 
	       at thw limit d[j] == ||x[i] - x[jd[j]]||, 
	       or close. */
	    if (dist < -d[j]*0.0000001){
	      dd[j] = -10000.;
	    } else {
	      dd[j] = d[j]/dist;
	diag += dd[j];
	assert(idiag >= 0);
	dd[idiag] = -diag;
      /* solve (Lw+lambda*I) x = Lwdd y + lambda x0 */

      SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(Lwdd, FALSE, x, FALSE, &y, FALSE, dim);
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
	for (j = 0; j < dim; j++){
	  y[i*dim+j] = 0;/* for stress_approx scheme, the whole rhs is calculated in stress_maxent_augment_rhs */

    if (lambda){/* is there a penalty term? */
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
	for (j = 0; j < dim; j++){
	  y[i*dim+j] += lambda[i]*x0[i*dim+j];

    /* additional term added to the rhs */
    switch (sm->scheme){
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
	for (j = 0; j < dim; j++){
	  y[i*dim+j] += x00[i*dim+j];
    case SM_SCHEME_UNIFORM_STRESS:{/* this part can be done more efficiently using octree approximation */
      uniform_stress_augment_rhs(m, dim, x, y, alpha, M);
#ifdef GVIEWER
      if (Gviewer){
	char *lab;
	lab = MALLOC(sizeof(char)*100);
	sprintf(lab,"maxent. alpha=%10.2g, iter=%d",stress_maxent_data_get_alpha(sm->data), iter);
      stress_maxent_augment_rhs_fast(sm, dim, x, y, &flag);
      if (flag) goto RETURN;
      stress_approx_augment_rhs(sm, dim, x, y, &flag);
      if (flag) goto RETURN;
#ifdef GVIEWER
      if (Gviewer){
	char *lab;
	lab = MALLOC(sizeof(char)*100);
	sprintf(lab,"pmds(k), iter=%d", iter);
#endif /* UNIMPEMENTED */

    if (Verbose) {
      fprintf(stderr, "stress1 = %g\n",get_stress(m, dim, iw, jw, w, d, x, sm->scaling, sm->data, 1));

    if (sm->scheme == SM_SCHEME_UNIFORM_STRESS){
      res = uniform_stress_solve(Lw, alpha, dim, x, y, sm->tol_cg, sm->maxit_cg, &flag);
    } else {
      res = SparseMatrix_solve(Lw, dim, x, y,  sm->tol_cg, sm->maxit_cg, SOLVE_METHOD_CG, &flag);
      //res = SparseMatrix_solve(Lw, dim, x, y,  sm->tol_cg, 1, SOLVE_METHOD_JACOBI, &flag);

    if (flag) goto RETURN;
    if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "stress2 = %g\n",get_stress(m, dim, iw, jw, w, d, y, sm->scaling, sm->data, 1));
    diff = total_distance(m, dim, x, y)/sqrt(vector_product(m*dim, x, x));
    if (Verbose){
      fprintf(stderr, "Outer iter = %d, cg res = %g, ||x_{k+1}-x_k||/||x_k|| = %g\n",iter, res, diff);

    MEMCPY(x, y, sizeof(real)*m*dim);

#ifdef DEBUG
  _statistics[1] += iter-1;

  if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "iter = %d, final stress = %f\n", iter, get_stress(m, dim, iw, jw, w, d, x, sm->scaling, sm->data, 1));

  if (Lc) {

  if (x0) FREE(x0);
  if (y) FREE(y);
  if (x00) FREE(x00);
  return diff;
Exemple #4
real StressMajorizationSmoother_smooth(StressMajorizationSmoother sm, int dim, real *x, int maxit_sm, real tol) {
  SparseMatrix Lw = sm->Lw, Lwd = sm->Lwd, Lwdd = NULL;
  int i, j, m, *id, *jd, *iw, *jw, idiag, flag = 0, iter = 0;
  real *w, *dd, *d, *y = NULL, *x0 = NULL, *x00 = NULL, diag, diff = 1, *lambda = sm->lambda, maxit, res, alpha = 0., M = 0.;
  SparseMatrix Lc = NULL;

  Lwdd = SparseMatrix_copy(Lwd);
  m = Lw->m;
  x0 = N_GNEW(dim*m,real);
  if (!x0) goto RETURN;

  x0 = MEMCPY(x0, x, sizeof(real)*dim*m);
  y = N_GNEW(dim*m,real);
  if (!y) goto RETURN;

  id = Lwd->ia; jd = Lwd->ja;
  d = (real*) Lwd->a;
  dd = (real*) Lwdd->a;
  w = (real*) Lw->a;
  iw = Lw->ia; jw = Lw->ja;

  /* for the additional matrix L due to the position constraints */
  if (sm->scheme == SM_SCHEME_NORMAL_ELABEL){
    get_edge_label_matrix(sm->data, m, dim, x, &Lc, &x00);
    if (Lc) Lw = SparseMatrix_add(Lw, Lc);
  } else if (sm->scheme == SM_SCHEME_UNIFORM_STRESS){
    alpha = ((real*) (sm->data))[0];
    M = ((real*) (sm->data))[1];

  while (iter++ < maxit_sm && diff > tol){

    for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
      idiag = -1;
      diag = 0.;
      for (j = id[i]; j < id[i+1]; j++){
	if (i == jd[j]) {
	  idiag = j;
	dd[j] = d[j]/distance_cropped(x, dim, i, jd[j]);
	diag += dd[j];
      assert(idiag >= 0);
      dd[idiag] = -diag;

    /* solve (Lw+lambda*I) x = Lwdd y + lambda x0 */

    SparseMatrix_multiply_dense(Lwdd, FALSE, x, FALSE, &y, FALSE, dim);
    if (lambda){/* is there a penalty term? */
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
	for (j = 0; j < dim; j++){
	  y[i*dim+j] += lambda[i]*x0[i*dim+j];

    if (sm->scheme == SM_SCHEME_NORMAL_ELABEL){
      for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
	for (j = 0; j < dim; j++){
	  y[i*dim+j] += x00[i*dim+j];
    } else if (sm->scheme == SM_SCHEME_UNIFORM_STRESS){/* this part can be done more efficiently using octree approximation */
      uniform_stress_augment_rhs(m, dim, x, y, alpha, M);

    if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "stress1 = %f\n",get_stress(m, dim, iw, jw, w, d, x, sm->scaling, sm->data, 0));

    maxit = sqrt((double) m);
    if (sm->scheme == SM_SCHEME_UNIFORM_STRESS){
      res = uniform_stress_solve(Lw, alpha, dim, x, y, 0.01, maxit, &flag);
    } else {
      res = SparseMatrix_solve(Lw, dim, x, y, 0.01, maxit, SOLVE_METHOD_CG, &flag);
    if (flag) goto RETURN;
    if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "stress2 = %f\n",get_stress(m, dim, iw, jw, w, d, y, sm->scaling, sm->data, 0));

    diff = total_distance(m, dim, x, y)/sqrt(vector_product(m*dim, x, x));
    if (Verbose){
      fprintf(stderr, "Outer iter = %d, res = %g Stress Majorization diff = %g\n",iter, res, diff);
    MEMCPY(x, y, sizeof(real)*m*dim);

#ifdef DEBUG
  _statistics[1] += iter-1;

  if (Lc) {

  if (x0) FREE(x0);
  if (y) FREE(y);
  if (x00) FREE(x00);
  return diff;