Exemple #1
void mq_clustering(SparseMatrix A, int inplace, int maxcluster, int use_value,
                   int *nclusters, int **assignment, real *mq, int *flag) {
    /* find a clustering of vertices by maximize mq
       A: symmetric square matrix n x n. If real value, value will be used as edges weights, otherwise edge weights are considered as 1.
       inplace: whether A can e modified. If true, A will be modified by removing diagonal.
       maxcluster: used to specify the maximum number of cluster desired, e.g., maxcluster=10 means that a maximum of 10 clusters
       .   is desired. this may not always be realized, and mq may be low when this is specified. Default: maxcluster = 0
       nclusters: on output the number of clusters
       assignment: dimension n. Node i is assigned to cluster "assignment[i]". 0 <= assignment < nclusters
    SparseMatrix B;

    *flag = 0;

    assert(A->m == A->n);

    B = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(A, FALSE);

    if (!inplace && B == A) {
        B = SparseMatrix_copy(A);

    B = SparseMatrix_remove_diagonal(B);

    if (B->type != MATRIX_TYPE_REAL || !use_value) B = SparseMatrix_set_entries_to_real_one(B);

    hierachical_mq_clustering(B, maxcluster, nclusters, assignment, mq, flag);

    if (B != A) SparseMatrix_delete(B);

void stress_model_core(int dim, SparseMatrix B, real **x, int edge_len_weighted, int maxit_sm, real tol, int *flag){
  int m;
  SparseStressMajorizationSmoother sm;
  real lambda = 0;
  /*int maxit_sm = 1000, i; tol = 0.001*/
  int i;
  SparseMatrix A = B;

  if (!SparseMatrix_is_symmetric(A, FALSE) || A->type != MATRIX_TYPE_REAL){
    if (A->type == MATRIX_TYPE_REAL){
      A = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(A, FALSE);
      A = SparseMatrix_remove_diagonal(A);
    } else {
      A = SparseMatrix_get_real_adjacency_matrix_symmetrized(A);
  A = SparseMatrix_remove_diagonal(A);

  *flag = 0;
  m = A->m;
  if (!x) {
    *x = MALLOC(sizeof(real)*m*dim);
    for (i = 0; i < dim*m; i++) (*x)[i] = drand();

  if (edge_len_weighted){
    sm = SparseStressMajorizationSmoother_new(A, dim, lambda, *x, WEIGHTING_SCHEME_SQR_DIST, TRUE);/* do not under weight the long distances */
    //sm = SparseStressMajorizationSmoother_new(A, dim, lambda, *x, WEIGHTING_SCHEME_INV_DIST, TRUE);/* do not under weight the long distances */
  } else {
    sm = SparseStressMajorizationSmoother_new(A, dim, lambda, *x, WEIGHTING_SCHEME_NONE, TRUE);/* weight the long distances */

  if (!sm) {
    *flag = -1;
    goto RETURN;

  sm->tol_cg = 0.1; /* we found that there is no need to solve the Laplacian accurately */
  sm->scheme = SM_SCHEME_STRESS;
  SparseStressMajorizationSmoother_smooth(sm, dim, *x, maxit_sm, tol);
  for (i = 0; i < dim*m; i++) {
    (*x)[i] /= sm->scaling;

  if (A != B) SparseMatrix_delete(A);

static void  get_neighborhood_precision_recall(char *outfile, SparseMatrix A0, real *ideal_dist_matrix, real *dist_matrix){
  SparseMatrix A = A0;
  int i, j, k, n = A->m;
  //  int *ia, *ja;
  int *g_order = NULL, *p_order = NULL;/* ordering using graph/physical distance */
  real *gdist, *pdist, radius;
  int np_neighbors;
  int ng_neighbors; /*number of (graph theoretical) neighbors */
  real node_dist;/* distance of a node to the center node */
  real true_positive;
  real recall;
  FILE *fp;
  fp = fopen(outfile,"w");

  if (!SparseMatrix_is_symmetric(A, FALSE)){
    A = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(A, FALSE);
  //  ia = A->ia;
  // ja = A->ja;

  for (k = 5; k <= 50; k+= 5){
    recall = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
      gdist = &(ideal_dist_matrix[i*n]);
      vector_ordering(n, gdist, &g_order, TRUE);
      pdist = &(dist_matrix[i*n]);
      vector_ordering(n, pdist, &p_order, TRUE);
      ng_neighbors = MIN(n-1, k); /* set the number of closest neighbor in the graph space to consider, excluding the node itself */
      np_neighbors = ng_neighbors;/* set the number of closest neighbor in the embedding to consider, excluding the node itself */
      radius = pdist[p_order[np_neighbors]];
      true_positive = 0;
      for (j = 1; j <= ng_neighbors; j++){
	node_dist = pdist[g_order[j]];/* the phisical distance for j-th closest node (in graph space) */
	if (node_dist <= radius) true_positive++;
      recall += true_positive/np_neighbors;
    recall /= n;

    fprintf(fp,"%d %f\n", k, recall);
  fprintf(stderr,"wrote precision/recall in file %s\n", outfile);

  if (A != A0) SparseMatrix_delete(A);
  FREE(g_order); FREE(p_order);
SparseMatrix get_distance_matrix(SparseMatrix A, real scaling){
  /* get a distance matrix from a graph, at the moment we just symmetrize the matrix. At the moment if the matrix is not real,
   we just assume distance of 1 among edges. Then we apply scaling to the entire matrix */
  SparseMatrix B;
  real *val;
  int i;

  if (A->type == MATRIX_TYPE_REAL){
    B = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(A, FALSE);
  } else {
    B = SparseMatrix_get_real_adjacency_matrix_symmetrized(A);
  val = (real*) B->a;
  if (scaling != 1) for (i = 0; i < B->nz; i++) val[i] *= scaling;
  return B;
Exemple #5
SparseMatrix call_tri(int n, int dim, real * x)
    real one = 1;
    int i, ii, jj;
    SparseMatrix A;
    SparseMatrix B;
    int* edgelist = NULL;
    real* xv = N_GNEW(n, real);
    real* yv = N_GNEW(n, real);
    int numberofedges;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	xv[i] = x[i * 2];
	yv[i] = x[i * 2 + 1];

    if (n > 2) {
	edgelist = delaunay_tri (xv, yv, n, &numberofedges);
    } else {
	numberofedges = 0;

    A = SparseMatrix_new(n, n, 1, MATRIX_TYPE_REAL, FORMAT_COORD);
    for (i = 0; i < numberofedges; i++) {
	ii = edgelist[i * 2];
	jj = edgelist[i * 2 + 1];
	SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &(ii), &(jj), &one);
    if (n == 2) {		/* if two points, add edge i->j */
	ii = 0;
	jj = 1;
	SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &(ii), &(jj), &one);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &i, &i, &one);
    B = SparseMatrix_from_coordinate_format(A);
    A = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(B, FALSE);
    B = A;

    free (edgelist);
    free (xv);
    free (yv);
    return B;
Exemple #6
void stress_model(int dim, SparseMatrix B, real **x, int maxit_sm, real tol, int *flag){
  int m;
  SparseStressMajorizationSmoother sm;
  real lambda = 0;
  /*int maxit_sm = 1000, i; tol = 0.001*/
  int i;
  SparseMatrix A = B;

  if (!SparseMatrix_is_symmetric(A, FALSE) || A->type != MATRIX_TYPE_REAL){
    if (A->type == MATRIX_TYPE_REAL){
      A = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(A, FALSE);
      A = SparseMatrix_remove_diagonal(A);
    } else {
      A = SparseMatrix_get_real_adjacency_matrix_symmetrized(A);
  A = SparseMatrix_remove_diagonal(A);

  *flag = 0;
  m = A->m;
  if (!x) {
    *x = MALLOC(sizeof(real)*m*dim);
    for (i = 0; i < dim*m; i++) (*x)[i] = drand();

  sm = SparseStressMajorizationSmoother_new(A, dim, lambda, *x, WEIGHTING_SCHEME_NONE);/* do not under weight the long distances */

  if (!sm) {
    *flag = -1;
    goto RETURN;

  SparseStressMajorizationSmoother_smooth(sm, dim, *x, maxit_sm, 0.001);
  for (i = 0; i < dim*m; i++) {
    (*x)[i] /= sm->scaling;

  if (A != B) SparseMatrix_delete(A);

Exemple #7
SparseMatrix call_tri2(int n, int dim, real * xx)
    real *x, *y;
    v_data *delaunay;
    int i, j;
    SparseMatrix A;
    SparseMatrix B;
    real one = 1;
    x = N_GNEW(n, real);
    y = N_GNEW(n, real);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	x[i] = xx[dim * i];
	y[i] = xx[dim * i + 1];

    delaunay = UG_graph(x, y, n, 0);

    A = SparseMatrix_new(n, n, 1, MATRIX_TYPE_REAL, FORMAT_COORD);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	for (j = 1; j < delaunay[i].nedges; j++) {
	    SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &i,
						       edges[j]), &one);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &i, &i, &one);
    B = SparseMatrix_from_coordinate_format(A);
    B = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(B, FALSE);

    free (x);
    free (y);
    freeGraph (delaunay);
    return B;

Exemple #8
pedge* edge_bundling(SparseMatrix A0, int dim, real *x, int maxit_outer, real K, int method, int nneighbor, int compatibility_method,
		     int max_recursion, real angle_param, real angle, int open_gl){
  /* bundle edges. 
     A: edge graph
     x: edge i is at {p,q}, 
     .  where p = x[2*dim*i : 2*dim*i+dim-1]
     .    and q = x[2*dim*i+dim : 2*dim*i+2*dim-1]
     maxit_outer: max outer iteration for force directed bundling. Every outer iter subdivide each edge segment into 2.
     K: norminal edge length in force directed bundling
     method: which method to use.
     nneighbor: number of neighbors to be used in forming nearest neighbor graph. Used only in agglomerative method
     compatibility_method: which method to use to calculate compatibility. Used only in force directed.
     max_recursion: used only in agglomerative method. Specify how many level of recursion to do to bundle bundled edges again
     open_gl: whether to plot in X.

  int ne = A0->m;
  pedge *edges;
  SparseMatrix A = A0, B = NULL;
  int i;
  real tol = 0.001;
  int k;
  real step0 = 0.1, start = 0.0;
  int maxit = 10;
  int flag; 

  assert(A->n == ne);
  edges = MALLOC(sizeof(pedge)*ne);

  for (i = 0; i < ne; i++){
    edges[i] = pedge_new(2, dim, &(x[dim*2*i]));

  A = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(A0, TRUE);

  if (Verbose) start = clock();
  if (method == METHOD_INK){

    /* go through the links and make sure edges are compatible */
    B = check_compatibility(A, ne, edges, compatibility_method, tol);

    edges = modularity_ink_bundling(dim, ne, B, edges, angle_param, angle);

  } else if (method == METHOD_INK_AGGLOMERATE){
#ifdef HAVE_ANN
    /* plan: merge a node with its neighbors if doing so improve. Form coarsening graph, repeat until no more ink saving */
    edges = agglomerative_ink_bundling(dim, A, edges, nneighbor, max_recursion, angle_param, angle, open_gl, &flag);
    agerr (AGERR, "Graphviz built without approximate nearest neighbor library ANN; agglomerative inking not available\n");
    edges = edges;
  } else if (method == METHOD_FD){/* FD method */
    /* go through the links and make sure edges are compatible */
    B = check_compatibility(A, ne, edges, compatibility_method, tol);

    for (k = 0; k < maxit_outer; k++){
      for (i = 0; i < ne; i++){
	edges[i] = pedge_double(edges[i]);
      step0 = step0/2;
      edges = force_directed_edge_bundling(B, edges, maxit, step0, K, open_gl);
  } else if (method == METHOD_NONE){
    edges = edges;
  } else {
  if (Verbose)
    fprintf(stderr, "total edge bundling cpu = %f\n",((real) (clock() - start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  if (B != A) SparseMatrix_delete(B);
  if (A != A0) SparseMatrix_delete(A);

  return edges;
static SparseMatrix get_overlap_graph(int dim, int n, real *x, real *width, int check_overlap_only){
  /* if check_overlap_only = TRUE, we only check whether there is one overlap */
  scan_point *scanpointsx, *scanpointsy;
  int i, k, neighbor;
  SparseMatrix A = NULL, B = NULL;
  rb_red_blk_node *newNode, *newNode0, *newNode2 = NULL;
  rb_red_blk_tree* treey;
  real one = 1;

  A = SparseMatrix_new(n, n, 1, MATRIX_TYPE_REAL, FORMAT_COORD);

  scanpointsx = N_GNEW(2*n,scan_point);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
    scanpointsx[2*i].node = i;
    scanpointsx[2*i].x = x[i*dim] - width[i*dim];
    scanpointsx[2*i].status = INTV_OPEN;
    scanpointsx[2*i+1].node = i+n;
    scanpointsx[2*i+1].x = x[i*dim] + width[i*dim];
    scanpointsx[2*i+1].status = INTV_CLOSE;
  qsort(scanpointsx, 2*n, sizeof(scan_point), comp_scan_points);

  scanpointsy = N_GNEW(2*n,scan_point);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
    scanpointsy[i].node = i;
    scanpointsy[i].x = x[i*dim+1] - width[i*dim+1];
    scanpointsy[i].status = INTV_OPEN;
    scanpointsy[i+n].node = i;
    scanpointsy[i+n].x = x[i*dim+1] + width[i*dim+1];
    scanpointsy[i+n].status = INTV_CLOSE;

  treey = RBTreeCreate(NodeComp,NodeDest,InfoDest,NodePrint,InfoPrint);

  for (i = 0; i < 2*n; i++){
    fprintf(stderr," k = %d node = %d x====%f\n",(scanpointsx[i].node)%n, (scanpointsx[i].node), (scanpointsx[i].x));

    k = (scanpointsx[i].node)%n;

    if (scanpointsx[i].status == INTV_OPEN){
      fprintf(stderr, "inserting...");

      RBTreeInsert(treey, &(scanpointsy[k]), NULL); /* add both open and close int for y */

      fprintf(stderr, "inserting2...");

      RBTreeInsert(treey, &(scanpointsy[k+n]), NULL);
    } else {
      real bsta, bbsta, bsto, bbsto; int ii; 

      assert(scanpointsx[i].node >= n);

      newNode = newNode0 = RBExactQuery(treey, &(scanpointsy[k + n]));
      ii = ((scan_point *)newNode->key)->node;
      assert(ii < n);
      bsta = scanpointsy[ii].x; bsto = scanpointsy[ii+n].x;

      fprintf(stderr, "poping..%d....yinterval={%f,%f}\n", scanpointsy[k + n].node, bsta, bsto);

     assert(treey->nil != newNode);
      while ((newNode) && ((newNode = TreePredecessor(treey, newNode)) != treey->nil)){
	neighbor = (((scan_point *)newNode->key)->node)%n;
	bbsta = scanpointsy[neighbor].x; bbsto = scanpointsy[neighbor+n].x;/* the y-interval of the node that has one end of the interval lower than the top of the leaving interval (bsto) */
	fprintf(stderr," predecessor is node %d y = %f\n", ((scan_point *)newNode->key)->node, ((scan_point *)newNode->key)->x);
	if (neighbor != k){
	  if (ABS(0.5*(bsta+bsto) - 0.5*(bbsta+bbsto)) < 0.5*(bsto-bsta) + 0.5*(bbsto-bbsta)){/* if the distance of the centers of the interval is less than sum of width, we have overlap */
	    A = SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &neighbor, &k, &one);
	    fprintf(stderr,"======================================  %d %d\n",k,neighbor);
	    if (check_overlap_only) goto check_overlap_RETURN;
	} else {
	  newNode2 = newNode;


      fprintf(stderr, "deleteing...");

      if (newNode0) RBDelete(treey,newNode0);

     if (newNode2 && newNode2 != treey->nil && newNode2 != newNode0) {

	fprintf(stderr, "deleteing2...");

	if (newNode0) RBDelete(treey,newNode2);



  B = SparseMatrix_from_coordinate_format(A);
  A = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(B, FALSE);
  if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "found %d clashes\n", A->nz);
  return A;
void country_graph_coloring(int seed, SparseMatrix A, int **p, real *norm_1){
  int n = A->m, i, j, jj;
  SparseMatrix L, A2;
  int *ia = A->ia, *ja = A->ja;
  int a = -1.;
  real nrow;
  real *v = NULL;
  real norm1[2], norm2[2], norm11[2], norm22[2], norm = n;
  real pi, pj;
  int improved = TRUE;

  assert(A->m == A->n);
  A2 = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(A, TRUE);
  ia = A2->ia; ja = A2->ja;

  /* Laplacian */
  L = SparseMatrix_new(n, n, 1, MATRIX_TYPE_REAL, FORMAT_COORD);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
    nrow = 0.;
    for (j = ia[i]; j < ia[i+1]; j++){
      jj = ja[j];
      if (jj != i){
	nrow ++;
	L = SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(L, 1, &i, &jj, &a);
    L = SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(L, 1, &i, &i, &nrow);
  L = SparseMatrix_from_coordinate_format(L);

  /* largest eigen vector */
    int maxit = 100;
    real tol = 0.00001;
    power_method(L, seed, maxit, tol, &v);

  vector_ordering(n, v, p, TRUE);

  /* swapping */
  while (improved){
    improved = FALSE; norm = n;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
      get_local_12_norm(n, i, ia, ja, *p, norm1);
      for (j = 0; j < n; j++){
	if (j == i) continue;
	get_local_12_norm(n, j, ia, ja, *p, norm2);
	norm = MIN(norm, norm2[0]);
	pi = (*p)[i]; pj = (*p)[j];
	(*p)[i] = pj;
	(*p)[j] = pi;
	get_local_12_norm(n, i, ia, ja, *p, norm11);
	get_local_12_norm(n, j, ia, ja, *p, norm22);
	if (MIN(norm11[0],norm22[0]) > MIN(norm1[0],norm2[0])){
	  //	    ||
	  //(MIN(norm11[0],norm22[0]) == MIN(norm1[0],norm2[0]) && norm11[1]+norm22[1] > norm1[1]+norm2[1])) {
	  improved = TRUE;
	  norm1[0] = norm11[0];
	  norm1[1] = norm11[1];
	(*p)[i] = pi;
	(*p)[j] = pj;
    if (Verbose) {
      get_12_norm(n, ia, ja, *p, norm1);
      fprintf(stderr, "norm = %f", norm);
      fprintf(stderr, "norm1 = %f, norm2 = %f\n", norm1[0], norm1[1]);
  get_12_norm(n, ia, ja, *p, norm1);

  *norm_1 = norm1[0];
  if (A2 != A) SparseMatrix_delete(A2);
Exemple #11
	fprintf(stderr, "deleting2...");

	if (newNode0) RBDelete(treey,newNode);


  B = SparseMatrix_from_coordinate_format(A);
  A = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(B, FALSE);
  if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "found %d clashes\n", A->nz);
  return A;

/* ============================== label overlap smoother ==================*/

static void relative_position_constraints_delete(void *d){
  relative_position_constraints data;
  if (!d) return;
  data = (relative_position_constraints) d;
  if (data->irn) FREE(data->irn);