// Enable the Speex encoder/decoder and allow the quality setting to be set
// by a single decimal argument.
Cmd_speex(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned long ulTemp;

    // Clear the pass through flag.
    HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_BYPASS) = 0;

    // Check for an argument that is specifying a quality setting.
    if(argc == 2)
        // Convert the value to a numeric value.
        ulTemp = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10);

        // Rail the quality setting at 4.
        if(ulTemp <= 4)
            g_iQuality = (int)ulTemp;

            // Set the quality setting.

            UARTprintf("Speex Encoder Quality set to %d\n", g_iQuality);
            UARTprintf("Encoder Quality not changed, value must be (1-4).\n");

//! Initialize the encoder's state to prepare for encoding new frames.
//! \param iSampleRate is the sample rate of the incoming audio.
//! \param iComplexity is the complexity setting for the encoder.
//! \param iQuality is the quality setting for the encoder.
//! This function will initializes the encoder by setting the sample rate,
//! complexity and quality settings.  The \e iComplexity and \e iQuality
//! settings are explained further in the Speex documentation.
//! \return This function returns 0.
SpeexEncodeInit(int iSampleRate, int iComplexity, int iQuality)
    const SpeexMode *psMode;

    // Clear out the flags for this instance.
    g_sSpeexEncoder.ui32Flags = 0;

    // Read out the current encoder mode.
    psMode = speex_lib_get_mode(SPEEX_MODEID_NB);

    // Create a new decoder state in narrow band mode.
    g_sSpeexEncoder.pvState = speex_encoder_init(psMode);

    // Initialize the bit stream.

    // Set the quality.

    // Set the complexity and sample rate for the encoder.
    speex_encoder_ctl(g_sSpeexEncoder.pvState, SPEEX_SET_COMPLEXITY,
    speex_encoder_ctl(g_sSpeexEncoder.pvState, SPEEX_SET_SAMPLING_RATE,
