Exemple #1
***********							 Write TI_Command							*****************
	Aim  : command strobe acces
	NOTE :[ R/W bit (0)] + [ Burst bit (0)] + [6 bit addres]
				 No data is expected. Chip_status_Byte is returned from chip
void TI_Command( char command )
    SpiStart();																								//Start SPI by CSn Low
    wait_CHIP_RDYn; 																					//Wait for TI's christal to be stabilized
    SPI_Send(command);																				//Send chip command
    SpiStop();	                               								//Stop SPI by CSn High
Exemple #2
***********							 TI_Write							*************************
	Aim  : write 1 byte data to chip via SPI
	NOTE :[ R/W bit (0)] + [ Burst bit (0)] + [6 bit addres] + 8 bit data
void TI_WriteByte( char addr,  char data)
//int dly;
    SpiStart();																										//Start SPI by CSn Low
    wait_CHIP_RDYn; 																								//Wait for TI's christal to be stabilized
    SPI_Send(addr);																							  // Send 1 byte addr and write command
    SPI_Send(data);																								// Send 1 byte data
    SpiStop();	                               											//Stop SPI by CSn High
Exemple #3
char TI_Command_Read(char command)
    char ret;
    SpiStart();																								//Start SPI by CSn Low
    wait_CHIP_RDYn; 																					//Wait for TI's christal to be stabilized
    SPI_Send(command|READ_SINGLE);														//Send chip command with READ bit
    ret=SPI_Send(0x00);																				//send dummy byte so read status byte
    SpiStop();	                               								//Stop SPI by CSn High
    return ret;
Exemple #4
***********							 TI_Read							*************************
	Aim  : Read 1 byte data from chip via SPI
	NOTE :[ R/W bit (1)] + [ Burst bit (0)] + [6 bit addres]
char TI_ReadByte(char addr)
    char data = 0;

    SpiStart();																										//Start SPI by CSn Low
    wait_CHIP_RDYn; 																								//Wait for TI's christal to be stabilized
    SPI_Send( READ_SINGLE | addr);																  // R/w bit (1) + Burst bit (0)+ 6 bit addres
    data = SPI_Send(0x00);             														// Data read (read 1byte data) via dummy write
    SpiStop();																											//Stop SPI by CSn High
    return data;
Exemple #5
***********							 TI_Init							*************************
	Aim  : wait for initialization of CC1120
void TI_Init(void)

    SpiStart();																										//Start SPI by CSn Low
    wait_CHIP_RDYn; 																							//Wait for TI's christal to be stabilized
//	while((SPI_Send(0x00) & 0x80) != 0);
//	x= SPI_Send(0x00);
    //	Delay(0x5000);
    SpiStop();																										//Stop SPI by CSn High

Exemple #6
***********							 TI_READ_brst							*********************
	Aim  : burst read to TI chip
	NOTE :[ R/W bit (1)] + [ Burst bit (1)] + [6 bit addres]
int TI_Read_brst(int addr, char* buf,int len)
    int i = 0;

    SpiStart();					                             	  	//Start SPI by CSn Low
    wait_CHIP_RDYn; 																			//Wait for TI's christal to be stabilized
    SPI_Send ( READ_BURST | addr );												// Address byte 1
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)                    				  // Write data in loop
        buf[i] = SPI_Send(0x00);													//write data to buffer with size of "len"
    SpiStop();																						//Stop SPI by CSn High
    return len;
Exemple #7
***********							 TI_Write_brst							*******************
	Aim  : burst write to TI chip
	NOTE :[ R/W bit (0)] + [ Burst bit (1)] + [6 bit addres stars with 0x2F00]
int TI_Write_brst(int addr,char* buf,int len)
    int i = 0;

    SpiStart();					                             	  	//Start SPI by CSn Low
    wait_CHIP_RDYn; 																			//Wait for TI's christal to be stabilized
    SPI_Send ( WRITE_BURST | addr );											// Send the adrr

    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)              								// Burst Write the data
        SPI_Send (buf[i]);

    SpiStop();																						//Stop SPI by CSn High
    return len;
Exemple #8
void ADXL362_PolledInit(void)

	// Software Reset
	ADXL362_WriteReg(ADXL362_SOFT_RESET, 0x00);

	// Enable Measurement
	ADXL362_WriteReg(ADXL362_POWER_CTL, (2 << ADXL362_MEASURE));

	s_adxl362_state = ADXL362_WaitForCommand;
