Exemple #1
void DoErrorAlert(OSStatus status, CFStringRef errorFormatString)
    CFStringRef formatStr = NULL, printErrorMsg = NULL;
    SInt16      alertItemHit = 0;
    Str255      stringBuf;

    if ((status != noErr) && (status != 2))           
		formatStr =  CFCopyLocalizedString (errorFormatString, NULL);	
		if (formatStr != NULL)
			printErrorMsg = CFStringCreateWithFormat(
			if (printErrorMsg != NULL)
				if (CFStringGetPascalString (
					StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, stringBuf, NULL, NULL, &alertItemHit);
				CFRelease (printErrorMsg);                     
			CFRelease (formatStr);                             
void WarningMsg(const char *string){
	Str255 msg;
	c2pstrcpy(msg, string);

	SInt16 ret;
	StandardAlert(kAlertCautionAlert, msg, NULL, NULL, &ret);
void InfoMsg(const char *string){
	Str255 msg;
	c2pstrcpy(msg, string);

	SInt16 ret;
	StandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert, msg, NULL, NULL, &ret);
Exemple #4
bool AquaGui::init(int argc, char **argv[]) /* Self-explainatory */

	OSErr err;
	long response;
	Str255 text = " OS X version lower than 10.4 is not supported!", tmp = "";
	/* Version check */
	err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &response);
	Boolean ok = ((err == noErr) && (response >= 0x00001040));
   	if (!ok)
      StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, text, tmp, NULL, NULL);
  	_glue.init(argc, argv);

    _renderer = _glue.createRenderHandler();
    if(!_renderer)return false;

    return true;

void ErrorMsg(const char *string){
	Str255 msg;
	c2pstrcpy(msg, string);

	SInt16 ret;
	StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, msg, NULL, NULL, &ret);
static Boolean ShowMessage(Boolean allowCancel, const char *format, ...) {
    va_list                 args;
    char                    s[1024];
    short                   itemHit;
    AlertStdAlertParamRec   alertParams;
    ProcessSerialNumber	ourProcess;

    va_start(args, format);
    s[0] = vsprintf(s+1, format, args);

    alertParams.movable = true;
    alertParams.helpButton = false;
    alertParams.filterProc = NULL;
    alertParams.defaultText = (StringPtr)"\pYes";
    alertParams.cancelText = allowCancel ? (StringPtr)"\pNo" : NULL;
    alertParams.otherText = NULL;
    alertParams.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
    alertParams.cancelButton = allowCancel ? kAlertStdAlertCancelButton : 0;
    alertParams.position = kWindowDefaultPosition;

    ::GetCurrentProcess (&ourProcess);

    StandardAlert (kAlertNoteAlert, (StringPtr)s, NULL, &alertParams, &itemHit);
    return (itemHit == kAlertStdAlertOKButton);
Exemple #7
/*	XOPEmergencyAlert(message)
	This routine used by the XOP Toolkit for dire emergencies only.
	You should not need it. Use XOPOKAlert instead.
	Thread Safety: XOPEmergencyAlert is not thread-safe.
XOPEmergencyAlert(const char* message)
	Str255 pTitle;
	Str255 pMessage;
	SInt16 itemHit;
	CopyCStringToPascal("Emergency", pTitle);
	CopyCStringToPascal(message, pMessage);
	StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, pTitle, pMessage, NULL, &itemHit);
static void DoAbout(void)
	// Displays the about box.
	SInt16 junkHit;

	(void) StandardAlert(
		"\pA simple program to test LoginItemsAE.\r\rDTS\r\r© 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.", 
Exemple #9
static int checkAppleVideoCard(void) 
	CGLRendererInfoObj rend;
	long theErr;
	unsigned long display_mask;
	long nrend;
	int j;
	long value;
	long maxvram = 0;   /* we get always more than 1 renderer, check one, at least, has 8 Mo */
	display_mask = CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask (CGMainDisplayID() );	
	theErr = CGLQueryRendererInfo( display_mask, &rend, &nrend);
	if (theErr == 0) {
		theErr = CGLDescribeRenderer (rend, 0, kCGLRPRendererCount, &nrend);
		if (theErr == 0) {
			for (j = 0; j < nrend; j++) {
				theErr = CGLDescribeRenderer (rend, j, kCGLRPVideoMemory, &value); 
				if (value > maxvram)
					maxvram = value;
				if ((theErr == 0) && (value >= 20000000)) {
					theErr = CGLDescribeRenderer (rend, j, kCGLRPAccelerated, &value); 
					if ((theErr == 0) && (value != 0)) {
						theErr = CGLDescribeRenderer (rend, j, kCGLRPCompliant, &value); 
						if ((theErr == 0) && (value != 0)) {
							/*fprintf(stderr,"make it big\n");*/
							CGLDestroyRendererInfo (rend);
							macPrefState = 8;
							return 1;
	if (maxvram < 7500000 ) {       /* put a standard alert and quit*/ 
		SInt16 junkHit;
		char  inError[] = "* Not enough VRAM    ";
		char  inText[] = "* blender needs at least 8Mb    ";
		inError[0] = 16;
		inText[0] = 28;
		fprintf(stderr, " vram is %li . not enough, aborting\n", maxvram);
		StandardAlert (   kAlertStopAlert, (ConstStr255Param) &inError, (ConstStr255Param)&inText,NULL,&junkHit);
CGLDestroyRendererInfo (rend);
return 0;
int main(void)
	OSStatus    err;
    UInt32      response;
    err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, (long *) &response);
    if (err == noErr) {
        if ( response < 0x1020 ) {
            SInt16 junkHit;
            (void) StandardAlert(
                "\pLoginItemsAETest requires Mac OS X 10.2 or later.", 
            err = userCanceledErr;
	// Start up the UI.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SetupUserInterface();
	// Install our HICommand handler.
	if (err == noErr) {
		gApplicationEventHandlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(ApplicationEventHandler);
		assert(gApplicationEventHandlerUPP != NULL);

		err = InstallApplicationEventHandler(gApplicationEventHandlerUPP, 
											 kApplicationEvents, NULL, NULL);
	// Run the application.
	if (err == noErr) {


	return 0;
Exemple #11
void Logger::error(const std::string &error_text)
    log("Error: %s", error_text.c_str());
#ifdef WIN32
    MessageBox(NULL, error_text.c_str(), "Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
#elif defined __APPLE__
    Str255 msg;
    CFStringRef error;
    error = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL,
    CFStringGetPascalString(error, msg, 255, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
                  (ConstStr255Param) msg, NULL, NULL);
    std::cerr << "Error: " << error_text << std::endl;
Exemple #12
void ShowSecurityError(const char *format, ...) {
    va_list                 args;

#ifdef __x86_64__
    va_start(args, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
    char                    s[1024];
    short                   itemHit;
    AlertStdAlertParamRec   alertParams;
    ModalFilterUPP          ErrorDlgFilterProcUPP;
    ProcessSerialNumber	ourProcess;

    va_start(args, format);
    s[0] = vsprintf(s+1, format, args);

    ErrorDlgFilterProcUPP = NewModalFilterUPP(ErrorDlgFilterProc);

    alertParams.movable = true;
    alertParams.helpButton = false;
    alertParams.filterProc = ErrorDlgFilterProcUPP;
    alertParams.defaultText = "\pOK";
    alertParams.cancelText = NULL;
    alertParams.otherText = NULL;
    alertParams.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
    alertParams.cancelButton = 0;
    alertParams.position = kWindowDefaultPosition;

    ::GetCurrentProcess (&ourProcess);

    StandardAlert (kAlertStopAlert, (StringPtr)s, NULL, &alertParams, &itemHit);

Exemple #13
int wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()
    int resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL ;

    short result ;

    const long style = GetMessageDialogStyle();

    wxASSERT_MSG( ( style & 0x3F ) != wxYES , wxT("this style is not supported on mac") ) ;

    AlertType alertType = kAlertPlainAlert ;
    if (style & wxICON_EXCLAMATION)
        alertType = kAlertNoteAlert ;
    else if (style & wxICON_HAND)
        alertType = kAlertStopAlert ;
    else if (style & wxICON_INFORMATION)
        alertType = kAlertNoteAlert ;
    else if (style & wxICON_QUESTION)
        alertType = kAlertCautionAlert ;

    if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1000 )
        AlertStdCFStringAlertParamRec param ;
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfNoString(_("No") , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfYesString( _("Yes") , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;

        wxMacCFStringHolder cfTitle(m_caption , m_font.GetEncoding());
        wxMacCFStringHolder cfText(m_message , m_font.GetEncoding());

        param.movable = true;
        param.flags = 0 ;

        bool skipDialog = false ;

        if (style & wxYES_NO)
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                param.defaultText     = cfYesString ;
                param.cancelText     = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultCancelText;
                param.otherText     = cfNoString ;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton;
                param.defaultText     = cfYesString ;
                param.cancelText     = NULL;
                param.otherText     = cfNoString ;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
        // the msw implementation even shows an ok button if it is not specified, we'll do the same
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                // thats a cancel missing
                param.defaultText     = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultOKText ;
                param.cancelText     = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultCancelText ;
                param.otherText     = NULL;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
                param.defaultText     = (CFStringRef) kAlertDefaultOKText ;
                param.cancelText     = NULL;
                param.otherText     = NULL;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
            skipDialog = true ;

        param.position = kWindowDefaultPosition;
        if ( !skipDialog )
            DialogRef alertRef ;
            CreateStandardAlert( alertType , cfTitle , cfText , &param , &alertRef ) ;
            RunStandardAlert( alertRef , NULL , &result ) ;
        if ( skipDialog )
            return wxID_CANCEL ;
        AlertStdAlertParamRec    param;

        Str255 yesPString ;
        Str255 noPString ;

        Str255 pascalTitle ;
        Str255 pascalText ;
        wxMacStringToPascal( m_caption , pascalTitle ) ;
        wxMacStringToPascal( _("Yes") , yesPString ) ;
        wxMacStringToPascal(  _("No") , noPString ) ;
        wxMacStringToPascal( m_message , pascalText ) ;

        param.movable         = true;
        param.filterProc     = NULL ;
        if (style & wxYES_NO)
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                param.defaultText     = yesPString ;
                param.cancelText     = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultCancelText;
                param.otherText     = noPString ;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = kAlertStdAlertCancelButton;
                param.defaultText     = yesPString ;
                param.cancelText     = NULL;
                param.otherText     = noPString ;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
        else if (style & wxOK)
            if (style & wxCANCEL)
                param.defaultText     = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultOKText ;
                param.cancelText     = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultCancelText ;
                param.otherText     = NULL;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
                param.defaultText     = (StringPtr) kAlertDefaultOKText ;
                param.cancelText     = NULL;
                param.otherText     = NULL;
                param.helpButton     = false ;
                param.defaultButton = kAlertStdAlertOKButton;
                param.cancelButton     = 0;
            return resultbutton ;

        param.position         = 0;

        StandardAlert( alertType, pascalTitle, pascalText, &param, &result );

    if (style & wxOK)
        if (style & wxCANCEL)
            //TODO add Cancelbutton
            switch( result )
            case 1 :
                resultbutton = wxID_OK ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                break ;
            case 3 :
                break ;
            switch( result )
            case 1 :
                resultbutton = wxID_OK ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                break ;
            case 3 :
                break ;
    else if (style & wxYES_NO)
        if (style & wxCANCEL)
            switch( result )
            case 1 :
                resultbutton = wxID_YES ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                resultbutton = wxID_CANCEL ;
                break ;
            case 3 :
                resultbutton = wxID_NO ;
                break ;
            switch( result )
            case 1 :
                resultbutton = wxID_YES ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                break ;
            case 3 :
                resultbutton = wxID_NO ;
                break ;

    return resultbutton ;
Exemple #14
void display_mac_alert(char *message, int error)
	window	*wind;
	d_event	event;
	int		fullscreen;
	bool	osX = FALSE;
	uint 	response;
	int16_t itemHit;

	// Handle Descent's windows properly
	if ((wind = window_get_front()))

	if (grd_curscreen && (fullscreen = gr_check_fullscreen()))
	osX = ( Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, (long *) &response) == noErr)
		&& (response >= 0x01000 );


	if (osX)
		DialogRef	alert;
		CFStringRef	error_text = CFSTR("Sorry, a critical error has occurred.");
		CFStringRef	text = NULL;

		text = CFStringCreateWithCString(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), message, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
		if (!text)

		if (CreateStandardAlert(error ? kAlertStopAlert : kAlertNoteAlert, error ? error_text : text, error ? text : NULL, 0, &alert) != noErr)
		RunStandardAlert(alert, 0, &itemHit);
		// This #if guard removes both compiler warnings
		// and complications if we didn't link the (older) Mac OS X SDK that actually supports the following.
		Str255 	error_text = "\pSorry, a critical error has occurred.";
		Str255 	text;
		CopyCStringToPascal(message, text);
		StandardAlert(error ? kAlertStopAlert : kAlertNoteAlert, error ? error_text : text, error ? text : NULL, 0, &itemHit);

	if ((wind = window_get_front()))
	if (grd_curscreen && !error && fullscreen)
Exemple #15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Boolean                 Success;
    ProcessSerialNumber     ourProcess, installerPSN;
    short                   itemHit;
    long                    brandID = 0;
    int                     i;
    pid_t                   installerPID = 0, coreClientPID = 0, waitPermissionsPID = 0;
    FSRef                   fileRef;
    OSStatus                err, err_fsref;
    FILE                    *f;
    char                    s[256];
    char                    *q;
#ifdef SANDBOX
    uid_t                   saved_euid, saved_uid, b_m_uid;
    passwd                  *pw;
    int                     finalInstallAction;
    DialogRef               theWin;

#else   // SANDBOX
    group                   *grp;
#endif  // SANDBOX

    appName[0] = "/Applications/BOINCManager.app";
    appNameEscaped[0] = "/Applications/BOINCManager.app";
    brandName[0] = "BOINC";
    saverName[0] = "BOINCSaver";
    saverNameEscaped[0] = "BOINCSaver";
    receiptNameEscaped[0] = "/Library/Receipts/BOINC.pkg";

    appName[1] = "/Applications/GridRepublic Desktop.app";
    appNameEscaped[1] = "/Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app";
    brandName[1] = "GridRepublic";
    saverName[1] = "GridRepublic";
    saverNameEscaped[1] = "GridRepublic";
    receiptNameEscaped[1] = "/Library/Receipts/GridRepublic.pkg";

    appName[2] = "/Applications/Progress Thru Processors Desktop.app";
    appNameEscaped[2] = "/Applications/Progress\\ Thru\\ Processors\\ Desktop.app";
    brandName[2] = "Progress Thru Processors";
    saverName[2] = "Progress Thru Processors";
    saverNameEscaped[2] = "Progress\\ Thru\\ Processors";
    receiptNameEscaped[2] = "/Library/Receipts/Progress\\ Thru\\ Processors.pkg";

    ::GetCurrentProcess (&ourProcess);
    // getlogin() gives unreliable results under OS 10.6.2, so use environment
    strncpy(loginName, getenv("USER"), sizeof(loginName)-1);

    err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &OSVersion);
    if (err != noErr)
        return err;

    for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-part2") == 0)
            return DeleteReceipt();


    QuitBOINCManager('BNC!'); // Quit any old instance of BOINC manager

    // Core Client may still be running if it was started without Manager
    coreClientPID = FindProcessPID("boinc", 0);
    if (coreClientPID)
        kill(coreClientPID, SIGTERM);   // boinc catches SIGTERM & exits gracefully

    err = FindProcess ('APPL', 'xins', &installerPSN);
    if (err == noErr)
        err = GetProcessPID(&installerPSN , &installerPID);

    brandID = GetBrandID();
    if ((brandID < 0) || (brandID >= NUMBRANDS)) {       // Safety check
        brandID = 0;
    if (OSVersion < 0x1040) {
        // Remove everything we've installed
        // "\pSorry, this version of GridRepublic requires system 10.4.0 or higher."
        s[0] = sprintf(s+1, "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.4.0 or higher.", brandName[brandID]);
        StandardAlert (kAlertStopAlert, (StringPtr)s, NULL, NULL, &itemHit);

        // "rm -rf /Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf %s", appNameEscaped[brandID]);
        system (s);
        // "rm -rf /Library/Screen\\ Savers/GridRepublic.saver"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf /Library/Screen\\ Savers/%s.saver", saverNameEscaped[brandID]);
        system (s);
        // "rm -rf /Library/Receipts/GridRepublic.pkg"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf %s", receiptNameEscaped[brandID]);
        system (s);

        // We don't customize BOINC Data directory name for branding
        system ("rm -rf /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data");

        err = kill(installerPID, SIGKILL);

    sleep (2);

    // Install all_projects_list.xml file, but only if one doesn't 
    // already exist, since a pre-existing one is probably newer.
    f = fopen("/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/all_projects_list.xml", "r");
    if (f) {
        fclose(f);      // Already exists
    } else {
        system ("cp -fp Contents/Resources/all_projects_list.xml /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data/");
        system ("chmod a-x /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data/all_projects_list.xml");
    Success = false;
#ifdef SANDBOX


    for (i=0; i<5; ++i) {
        err = CreateBOINCUsersAndGroups();
        if (err != noErr) {
//          print_to_log_file("CreateBOINCUsersAndGroups returned %d (repetition=%d)", err, i);
        // err = SetBOINCAppOwnersGroupsAndPermissions("/Applications/GridRepublic Desktop.app");
        err = SetBOINCAppOwnersGroupsAndPermissions(appName[brandID]);
        if (err != noErr) {
//          print_to_log_file("SetBOINCAppOwnersGroupsAndPermissions returned %d (repetition=%d)", err, i);

        err = SetBOINCDataOwnersGroupsAndPermissions();
        if (err != noErr) {
//          print_to_log_file("SetBOINCDataOwnersGroupsAndPermissions returned %d (repetition=%d)", err, i);
        err = check_security(appName[brandID], "/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data", true, false);
        if (err == noErr)
//          print_to_log_file("check_security returned %d (repetition=%d)", err, i);
#else   // ! defined(SANDBOX)

    // The BOINC Manager and Core Client have the set-user-ID-on-execution 
    // flag set, so their ownership is important and must match the 
    // ownership of the BOINC Data directory.
    // Find an appropriate admin user to set as owner of installed files
    // First, try the user currently logged in
    grp = getgrnam("admin");
    i = 0;
    while ((p = grp->gr_mem[i]) != NULL) {   // Step through all users in group admin
        if (strcmp(p, loginName) == 0) {
            Success = true;     // Logged in user is a member of group admin
    // If currently logged in user is not admin, use first non-root admin user
    if (!Success) {
        i = 0;
        while ((p = grp->gr_mem[i]) != NULL) {   // Step through all users in group admin
            if (strcmp(p, "root") != 0)

    // Set owner of branded BOINCManager and contents, including core client
    // "chown -Rf username /Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app"
    sprintf(s, "chown -Rf %s %s", p, appNameEscaped[brandID]);
    system (s);

    // Set owner of BOINC Screen Saver
    // "chown -Rf username /Library/Screen\\ Savers/GridRepublic.saver"
    sprintf(s, "chown -Rf %s /Library/Screen\\ Savers/%s.saver", p, saverNameEscaped[brandID]);
    system (s);

    //  We don't customize BOINC Data directory name for branding
    // "chown -Rf username /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data"
    sprintf(s, "chown -Rf %s /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data", p);
    system (s);

    // "chmod -R a+s /Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app"
    sprintf(s, "chmod -R a+s %s", appNameEscaped[brandID]);
    system (s);

#endif   // ! defined(SANDBOX)

    // Remove any branded versions of BOINC other than ours (i.e., old versions) 
    for (i=0; i< NUMBRANDS; i++) {
        if (i == brandID) continue;
        // "rm -rf /Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf %s", appNameEscaped[i]);
        system (s);
        // "rm -rf /Library/Screen\\ Savers/GridRepublic.saver"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf /Library/Screen\\ Savers/%s.saver", saverNameEscaped[i]);
        system (s);
   if (brandID == 0) {  // Installing generic BOINC
        system ("rm -f /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data/Branding");
    // err_fsref = FSPathMakeRef((StringPtr)"/Applications/GridRepublic Desktop.app", &fileRef, NULL);
    err_fsref = FSPathMakeRef((StringPtr)appName[brandID], &fileRef, NULL);
    if (err_fsref == noErr)
        err = LSRegisterFSRef(&fileRef, true);
    err = UpdateAllVisibleUsers(brandID);
    if (err != noErr)
        return err;
#ifdef SANDBOX
    err = CheckLogoutRequirement(&finalInstallAction);
    if (finalInstallAction == launchWhenDone) {
        // Wait for BOINC's RPC socket address to become available to user boinc_master, in
        // case we are upgrading from a version which did not run as user boinc_master.
        saved_uid = getuid();
        saved_euid = geteuid();
        pw = getpwnam("boinc_master");
        b_m_uid = pw->pw_uid;
        for (i=0; i<120; i++) {
            err = TestRPCBind();
            if (err == noErr)

        ProcessSerialNumber ourPSN;
        ProcessInfoRec      pInfo;
        FSRef               ourFSRef, theFSRef;
        char                thePath[MAXPATHLEN];
        // Get the full path to this PostInstall application's bundle
        err = GetCurrentProcess (&ourPSN);
        if (err)
            return -1000;          // Should never happen
        memset(&pInfo, 0, sizeof(pInfo));
        pInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof( ProcessInfoRec );
        err = GetProcessInformation(&ourPSN, &pInfo);
        if (err)
            return -1001;          // Should never happen
        err = GetProcessBundleLocation(&ourPSN, &ourFSRef);
        if (err)
            return -1002;          // Should never happen

        err = FSRefMakePath (&ourFSRef, (UInt8*)thePath, sizeof(thePath));
        if (err)
            return -1003;          // Should never happen
        q = strrchr(thePath, '/');
        if (q == NULL)
            return -1004;          // Should never happen

        *++q = '\0';
        strlcat(thePath, "WaitPermissions.app", sizeof(thePath));
        err = FSPathMakeRef((StringPtr)thePath, &theFSRef, NULL);
        // When we first create the boinc_master group and add the current user to the 
        // new group, there is a delay before the new group membership is recognized.  
        // If we launch the BOINC Manager too soon, it will fail with a -1037 permissions 
        // error, so we wait until the current user can access the switcher application.
        // Apparently, in order to get the changed permissions / group membership, we must 
        // launch a new process belonging to the user.  It may also need to be in a new 
        // process group or new session. Neither system() nor popen() works, even after 
        // setting the uid and euid back to the logged in user, but LSOpenFSRef() does.
        // The WaitPermissions application loops until it can access the switcher 
        // application.
        err = LSOpenFSRef(&theFSRef, NULL);

        waitPermissionsStartTime = time(NULL);
        for (i=0; i<15; i++) {     // Show "Please wait..." alert after 15 seconds
            waitPermissionsPID = FindProcessPID("WaitPermissions", 0);
            if (waitPermissionsPID == 0) {
                return 0;
        CreateStandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert, CFSTR("Finishing install.  Please wait ..."), CFSTR("This may take a few more minutes."), NULL, &theWin);
        HideDialogItem(theWin, kStdOkItemIndex);
        RemoveDialogItems(theWin, kStdOkItemIndex, 1, false);
        RunStandardAlert(theWin, &myFilterProc, &itemHit);

#endif   // SANDBOX
    return 0;
Exemple #16
boolean notifyuser (bigstring bsmessage) {
	use the Notification Manager to ask the user to bring our app to the front.
	note that we must allocate the record in the heap because multi-threading 
	makes stack addresses non-persistent.
	1/18/93 dmb: langbackgroundtask now takes flresting parameter; don't set global
	6/9/93 dmb: don't ignore the result of the background callbacks
	2.1b5 dmb: if we're in the main thread, need to do same as if yield is disabled.

	7.0d6 PBS: In Pike, the header of the dialog should not read UserLand Frontier,
	it should be UserLand [Whatever]. At this writing, [Whatever] is still undefined,
	so we'll go with Whatever for the moment.

	NMRecPtr pb;
	tyiconfamily icons;
	OSErr errcode;
	boolean fl = true;

	#define systemevents (osMask | updateMask | activMask | highLevelEventMask)

			SInt16 itemhit = 0;
			OSErr err = noErr;
			err = StandardAlert (kAlertNoteAlert, bsmessage, nil, nil, &itemhit);
			return (err == noErr);
	pb = (NMRecPtr) NewPtrClear (longsizeof (NMRec));
	if (pb == nil)
		return (false);
	clearbytes (&pb, longsizeof (pb));
	(*pb).qType = nmType;
	(*pb).nmMark = 1;
	clearbytes (&icons, longsizeof (icons));
	icons.hics1 = GetResource ('ics#', 128);
	icons.hics4 = GetResource ('ics4', 128);
	icons.hics8 = GetResource ('ics8', 128);
	newfilledhandle (&icons, longsizeof (tyiconfamily), &(*pb).nmIcon);
	(*pb).nmSound = (Handle) -1;
	if (isemptystring (bsmessage))
		(*pb).nmStr = nil;
	else {
		(*pb).nmStr = (StringPtr) NewPtr (stringsize (bsmessage));
		copystring (bsmessage, (*pb).nmStr);
	(*pb).nmResp = nil;
	errcode = NMInstall (pb);
	if (errcode == noErr) {
		while (!shellisactive ()) {
			if (flscriptrunning) {
				if (fldisableyield || inmainthread ())
					fl = langpartialeventloop (systemevents);
					fl = langbackgroundtask (true); /*let main thread field events*/
				fl = shellpartialeventloop (systemevents);
			if (!fl)
		NMRemove (pb);
	disposehandle ((*pb).nmIcon);
	if ((*pb).nmStr != nil)
		DisposePtr ((Ptr) (*pb).nmStr);
	DisposePtr ((Ptr) pb);

	return (fl && (errcode == noErr));

	char s [256];
	short itemnumber;

	copyptocstring (bsmessage, s);

	releasethreadglobals ();

//#ifdef PIKE
//	/*7.0d8 PBS: name change to Radio UserLand*/
//	itemnumber = MessageBox (hwndMDIClient, s, "Radio UserLand", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_APPLMODAL);

/* 9.1b3 JES: APPNAME macro is defined in versions.h for both Radio and Frontier -- use instead of hard-coded string */
itemnumber = MessageBox (hwndMDIClient, s, APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_APPLMODAL);


	grabthreadglobals ();
	return (itemnumber == IDOK);
	} /*notifyuser*/