StdStrBuf StdCompilerConfigRead::ReadString()
	// Virtual key?
	if (pKey->Virtual)
		{ excNotFound("Could not read value %s! Parent key doesn't exist!", pKey->Name.getData()); return StdStrBuf(); }
	// Wrong type?
	if (pKey->Type != REG_SZ)
		{ excNotFound("Wrong value type!"); return StdStrBuf(); }
	// Get size of string
	DWORD iSize;
	if (RegQueryValueExW(pKey->Parent->Handle, pKey->Name.GetWideChar(),
	                    0, NULL,
	                    &iSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		{ excNotFound("Could not read value %s!", pKey->Name.getData()); return StdStrBuf(); }
	// Allocate string
	StdBuf Result; Result.SetSize(iSize);
	// Read
	if (RegQueryValueExW(pKey->Parent->Handle, pKey->Name.GetWideChar(),
	                    0, NULL,
	                    reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(Result.getMData()),
	                    &iSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
		{ excNotFound("Could not read value %s!", pKey->Name.getData()); return StdStrBuf(); }
	// Check size
	if (wcslen(getBufPtr<wchar_t>(Result)) + 1 != iSize / sizeof(wchar_t))
		{ excCorrupt("Wrong size of a string!"); return StdStrBuf(); }
	return StdStrBuf(getBufPtr<wchar_t>(Result));
StdStrBuf C4TeamList::GetTeamDistName(TeamDist eTeamDist) const
	switch (eTeamDist)
	case TEAMDIST_Free:      return(StdStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TEAMDIST_FREE"), true));
	case TEAMDIST_Host:      return(StdStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TEAMDIST_HOST"), true));
	case TEAMDIST_None:      return(StdStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TEAMDIST_NONE"), true));
	case TEAMDIST_Random:    return(StdStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TEAMDIST_RND"), true));
	case TEAMDIST_RandomInv: return(StdStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TEAMDIST_RNDINV"), true));
	default: return(FormatString("TEAMDIST_undefined(%d)", (int) eTeamDist));
void ShowGfxErrorDialog()
	// Application.Close will eventually post a quit message. We need to discard
	// that, so DialogBox() doesn't immediately exit. 
	auto msg = MSG();
	while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) != 0)
		if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) break;

	int ret = DialogBox(Application.GetInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GFXERROR), NULL, GfxErrProcedure);
	if (ret == 0 || ret == -1)
		LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
		DWORD err = GetLastError();
			(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
			0, NULL );
		LogF("Error in GfxErrorDlg: %d - %s", err, StdStrBuf((wchar_t*)lpMsgBuf).getData());

	// If we discarded a quit message, re-post it now
	if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
// Helper for IRC command parameter parsing
StdStrBuf ircExtractPar(const char **ppPar)
	// No parameter left?
	if(!ppPar || !*ppPar || !**ppPar)
		return StdStrBuf("");
	// Last parameter?
	StdStrBuf Result;
	if(**ppPar == ':')
		// Reference everything after the double-colon
		Result.Ref(*ppPar + 1);
		*ppPar = NULL;
		// Copy until next space (or end of string)
		Result.CopyUntil(*ppPar, ' ');
		// Go over parameters
		*ppPar += Result.getLength();
		if(**ppPar == ' ')
			*ppPar = NULL;
	// Done
	return Result;
Exemple #5
StdMeshLoader::StdMeshXML::StdMeshXML(const char* filename, const char* xml_data):
	if (Document.Error())
		Error(StdStrBuf(Document.ErrorDesc()), Document.ErrorRow());
StdStrBuf C4KeyCodeEx::KeyShift2String(C4KeyShiftState eShift)
	// query map
	const C4KeyShiftMapEntry *pCheck = KeyShiftMap;
	while (pCheck->szName)
			if (eShift == pCheck->eShift) break; else ++pCheck;
	return StdStrBuf(pCheck->szName);
StdStrBuf C4RankSystem::GetRankName(int iRank, bool fReturnLastIfOver)
	if (iRank<0) return StdStrBuf();
	// if a new-style ranklist is loaded, seek there
	if (pszRankNames)
		if (iRankNum<=0) return StdStrBuf();
		// overflow check
		if (iRank>=iRankNum*(iRankExtNum+1))
			// rank undefined: Fallback to last rank
			if (!fReturnLastIfOver) return StdStrBuf();
			iRank = iRankNum*(iRankExtNum+1)-1;
		StdStrBuf sResult;
		if (iRank >= iRankNum)
			// extended rank composed of two parts
			int iExtension = iRank / iRankNum - 1;
			iRank = iRank % iRankNum;
			sResult.Format(pszRankExtensions[iExtension], pszRankNames[iRank]);
			// simple rank
		return sResult;
#ifdef _WIN32
	// old-style registry fallback
	while (iRank>=0)
		char keyname[30];
		StdCopyStrBuf rankname;
		rankname = GetRegistryString(Register,keyname);
		if (!rankname.isNull())
			return rankname;
		if (!fReturnLastIfOver) return StdStrBuf();
	return StdStrBuf();
Exemple #8
StdStrBuf C4Network2Address::toString() const
	switch (eProtocol)
	case P_UDP: return FormatString("UDP:%s:%d", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), htons(addr.sin_port));
	case P_TCP: return FormatString("TCP:%s:%d", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), htons(addr.sin_port));
	default:  return StdStrBuf("INVALID");
bool C4ObjectInfoCore::Compile(const char *szSource)
	bool ret = CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(
	             mkNamingAdapt(*this, "ObjectInfo"),
	// DeathMessages are not allowed to stay forever
	if ('@' == DeathMessage[0]) DeathMessage[0] = ' ';
	return ret;
Exemple #10
BOOL C4ObjectInfoCore::Compile(const char *szSource)
	bool ret = CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(
								mkNamingAdapt(*this, "ObjectInfo"), 
	// Do a promotion update to set physicals right
	// DeathMessages are not allowed to stay forever
	if ('@' == DeathMessage[0]) DeathMessage[0] = ' ';
	return ret;
Exemple #11
StdStrBuf C4TeamList::GetScriptPlayerName() const
	// get a name to assign to a new script player. Try to avoid name conflicts
	if (!sScriptPlayerNames.getLength()) return StdStrBuf(LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_COMPUTER")); // default name
	// test available script names
	int32_t iNameIdx = 0; StdStrBuf sOut;
	while (sScriptPlayerNames.GetSection(iNameIdx++, &sOut, '|'))
		if (!Game.PlayerInfos.GetActivePlayerInfoByName(sOut.getData()))
			return sOut;
	// none are available: Return a random name
	sScriptPlayerNames.GetSection(SafeRandom(iNameIdx-1), &sOut, '|');
	return sOut;
void C4ScenarioParameters::SetValue(const char *id, int32_t value, bool only_if_larger)
	if (only_if_larger)
		auto i = Parameters.find(StdStrBuf(id));
		if (i != Parameters.end())
			if (i->second >= value)
				// could become smaller. don't set.
	// just update map
	Parameters[StdCopyStrBuf(id)] = value;
Exemple #13
bool C4Record::StreamFile(const char *szLocalFilename, const char *szAddAs) {
  // Load file into memory
  StdBuf FileData;
  if (!FileData.LoadFromFile(szLocalFilename)) return false;

  // Prepend name
  StdBuf Packed = DecompileToBuf<StdCompilerBinWrite>(
      mkInsertAdapt(StdStrBuf(szAddAs), FileData, false));

  // Add to stream
  C4RecordChunkHead Head = {0, RCT_File};
  Stream(Head, Packed);
  return true;
StdStrBuf C4KeyboardInput::GetKeyCodeNameByKeyName(const char *szKeyName, bool fShort, int32_t iIndex)
    C4CustomKey *pKey = GetKeyByName(szKeyName);
    if (pKey)
        const C4CustomKey::CodeList &codes = pKey->GetCodes();
        if ((size_t)iIndex < codes.size())
            C4KeyCodeEx code = codes[iIndex];
            return code.ToString(true, fShort);
    // Error
    return StdStrBuf();
void StdCompilerConfigRead::String(char *szString, size_t iMaxLength, RawCompileType eType)
	if (!LastString) LastString.Take(ReadString());
	if (!LastString.getLength()) { *szString='\0'; return; }
	// when reading identifiers, only take parts of the string
	if (eType == RCT_Idtf || eType == RCT_IdtfAllowEmpty)
		const char *s = LastString.getData();
		size_t ncpy = 0;
		while (isalnum((unsigned char)s[ncpy])) ++ncpy;
		SCopy(LastString.getData(), szString, std::min(iMaxLength, ncpy));
		LastString.Take(StdStrBuf(s+ncpy, true));
		SCopy(LastString.getData(), szString, iMaxLength);
void StdCompilerConfigRead::String(char **pszString, RawCompileType eType)
	if (!LastString) LastString.Take(ReadString());
	// when reading identifiers, only take parts of the string
	if (eType == RCT_Idtf || eType == RCT_IdtfAllowEmpty)
		const char *s = LastString.getData();
		size_t ncpy = 0;
		while (isalnum((unsigned char)s[ncpy])) ++ncpy;
		StdStrBuf Result(LastString.getData(), ncpy, true);
		Result.getMData()[ncpy] = '\0';
		*pszString = Result.GrabPointer();
		LastString.Take(StdStrBuf(s+ncpy, true));
		*pszString = LastString.GrabPointer();
void C4PlayerInfoCore::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
	C4ValueNumbers numbers;
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(toC4CStr(PrefName),"Name",                 "Neuling"));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(toC4CStr(Comment), "Comment",              ""));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(Rank,              "Rank",                 0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(toC4CStr(RankName),"RankName",            LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_RANK"))); // TODO: check if this would be desirable
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(TotalScore,        "Score",                0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(Rounds,            "Rounds",               0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(RoundsWon,         "RoundsWon",            0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(RoundsLost,        "RoundsLost",           0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(TotalPlayingTime,  "TotalPlayingTime",     0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkParAdapt(ExtraData, &numbers), "ExtraData", C4ValueMapData()));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(numbers,           "ExtraDataValues"));
	if (pComp->isCompiler())
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(toC4CStr(LeagueName),"LeagueName",         ""));

	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(PrefColor,                "Color",            0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(PrefColorDw,              "ColorDw",          0xffu));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(PrefColor2Dw,             "AlternateColorDw", 0u));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(PrefPosition,             "Position",         0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(PrefMouse,                "Mouse",            1));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(OldPrefControl,           "Control",          1));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(OldPrefControlStyle,      "AutoStopControl",  0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(OldPrefAutoContextMenu,   "AutoContextMenu",  -1)); // compiling default is -1  (if this is detected, AutoContextMenus will be defaulted by control style)
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(PrefControl,              "ControlSet",       StdStrBuf()));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(PrefClonkSkin,            "ClonkSkin",        0));

	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(LastRound,                "LastRound"));

	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(Achievements,                "Achievements"));
C4ChartDialog::C4ChartDialog() : Dialog(DialogWidth, DialogHeight, LoadResStr("IDS_NET_STATISTICS"), false)
	// register singleton
	pChartDlg = this;
	// add main chart switch component
	C4GUI::ComponentAligner caAll(GetContainedClientRect(), 5,5);
	pChartTabular = new C4GUI::Tabular(caAll.GetAll(), C4GUI::Tabular::tbTop);
	// add some graphs as subcomponents
	if (::Network.isEnabled())
bool StdCompilerConfigRead::Separator(Sep eSep)
	// ensure string is loaded in case value begins with a separator
	if (!LastString.getData()) LastString.Take(ReadString());
	if (LastString.getData())
		// separator within string: check if it is there
		if (LastString.getLength() && *LastString.getData() == SeparatorToChar(eSep))
			LastString.Take(StdStrBuf(LastString.getData()+1, true));
			return true;
			return false;
		// No separators outside strings
		return false;
void C4ScenarioParameterDefs::RegisterScriptConstants(const C4ScenarioParameters &values)
	// register constants for all parameters in script engine

	// old-style: one constant per parameter
	for (const auto & Parameter : Parameters)
		StdStrBuf constant_name;
		constant_name.Format("SCENPAR_%s", Parameter.GetID());
		int32_t constant_value = values.GetValueByID(Parameter.GetID(), Parameter.GetDefault());
		::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant(constant_name.getData(), C4VInt(constant_value));

	// new-style: all constants in a proplist
	auto scenpar = C4PropList::NewStatic(nullptr, nullptr, &Strings.P[P_SCENPAR]);
	for (const auto & Parameter : Parameters)
		int32_t constant_value = values.GetValueByID(Parameter.GetID(), Parameter.GetDefault());
		scenpar->SetPropertyByS(Strings.RegString(StdStrBuf(Parameter.GetID())), C4VInt(constant_value));
	::ScriptEngine.RegisterGlobalConstant("SCENPAR", C4Value(scenpar));
Exemple #21
BOOL C4Folder::Compile(const char *szSource) {
  return CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(*this, StdStrBuf(szSource),
Exemple #22
void C4TeamList::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
	// if (pComp->isCompiler()) Clear(); - do not clear, because this would corrupt  the fCustom-flag
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fActive,               "Active",               true));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fCustom,               "Custom",               true));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fAllowHostilityChange, "AllowHostilityChange", false));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fAllowTeamSwitch,      "AllowTeamSwitch",      false));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fAutoGenerateTeams,    "AutoGenerateTeams",    false));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iLastTeamID, "LastTeamID", 0));

	StdEnumEntry<TeamDist> TeamDistEntries[] =
		{ "Free", TEAMDIST_Free },
		{ "Host", TEAMDIST_Host },
		{ "None", TEAMDIST_None },
		{ "Random", TEAMDIST_Random },
		{ "RandomInv", TEAMDIST_RandomInv },
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkEnumAdaptT<uint8_t>(eTeamDist, TeamDistEntries), "TeamDistribution", TEAMDIST_Free));

	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fTeamColors, "TeamColors", false));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iMaxScriptPlayers, "MaxScriptPlayers", 0));
	pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(mkParAdapt(sScriptPlayerNames, StdCompiler::RCT_All), "ScriptPlayerNames", StdStrBuf()));

	int32_t iOldTeamCount = iTeamCount;
	pComp->Value(mkNamingCountAdapt(iTeamCount,  "Team"));

	if (pComp->isCompiler())
		while (iOldTeamCount--) delete ppList[iOldTeamCount];
		delete [] ppList;
		if ((iTeamCapacity = iTeamCount))
			ppList = new C4Team *[iTeamCapacity];
			memset(ppList, 0, sizeof(C4Team *)*iTeamCapacity);
			ppList = NULL;

	if (iTeamCount)
		// Force compiler to spezialize
		// Save team list, using map-function.
		               mkArrayAdaptMap(ppList, iTeamCount, mkPtrAdaptNoNull<C4Team>),

	if (pComp->isCompiler())
		// adjust last team ID, which may not be set properly for player-generated team files
		iLastTeamID = std::max(GetLargestTeamID(), iLastTeamID);
		// force automatic generation of teams if none are defined
		if (!iTeamCount) fAutoGenerateTeams = true;
void C4StartupNetListEntry::SetReference(C4Network2Reference *pRef)
	// safety: clear previous
	// set info
	this->pRef = pRef;
	int32_t iIcon = pRef->getIcon();
	if (!Inside<int32_t>(iIcon, 0, C4StartupScenSel_IconCount-1)) iIcon = C4StartupScenSel_DefaultIcon_Scenario;
	pIcon->SetAnimated(false, 0);
	int32_t iPlrCnt = pRef->isEditor() ? pRef->Parameters.PlayerInfos.GetActivePlayerCount(false) : pRef->Parameters.Clients.getClientCnt();
	C4Client *pHost = pRef->Parameters.Clients.getHost();
	sInfoText[0].Format(LoadResStr("IDS_NET_REFONCLIENT"), pRef->getTitle(), pHost ? pHost->getName() : "unknown");
	if (pRef->isEditor())
			StdStrBuf(pRef->getGameStatus().getDescription(), true).getData());
			StdStrBuf(pRef->getGameStatus().getDescription(), true).getData());
	if (pRef->getTime() > 0)
		StdStrBuf strDuration; strDuration.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", pRef->getTime()/3600, (pRef->getTime() % 3600) / 60, pRef->getTime() % 60);
		sInfoText[1].Append(" - "); sInfoText[1].Append(strDuration);
	sInfoText[2].Format(LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_VERSION"), pRef->getGameVersion().GetString().getData());
	sInfoText[3].Format("%s: %s", LoadResStr("IDS_CTL_COMMENT"), pRef->getComment());
	StdStrBuf sAddress;
	for (int i=0; i<pRef->getAddrCnt(); ++i)
		if (i) sAddress.Append(", ");
	// editor reference
	if (pRef->isEditor())
		AddStatusIcon(C4GUI::Ico_Editor, LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_CONSOLE"));
	// password
	if (pRef->isPasswordNeeded())
		AddStatusIcon(C4GUI::Ico_Ex_LockedFrontal, LoadResStr("IDS_NET_INFOPASSWORD"));
	// league
	if (pRef->Parameters.isLeague())
		AddStatusIcon(C4GUI::Ico_Ex_League, pRef->Parameters.getLeague());
	// lobby active
	if (pRef->getGameStatus().isLobbyActive())
		AddStatusIcon(C4GUI::Ico_Lobby, LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_EXPECTING"));
	// game running
	if (pRef->getGameStatus().isPastLobby())
		AddStatusIcon(C4GUI::Ico_GameRunning, LoadResStr("IDS_NET_INFOINPROGR"));
	// runtime join
	if (pRef->isJoinAllowed() && pRef->getGameStatus().isPastLobby()) // A little workaround to determine RuntimeJoin...
		AddStatusIcon(C4GUI::Ico_RuntimeJoin, LoadResStr("IDS_NET_RUNTIMEJOINFREE"));
	// official server
	if (pRef->isOfficialServer() && !Config.Network.UseAlternateServer) // Offical server icon is only displayed if references are obtained from official league server
		fIsImportant = true;
		AddStatusIcon(C4GUI::Ico_OfficialServer, LoadResStr("IDS_NET_OFFICIALSERVER"));
	// list participating player/client names
	if (pRef->isEditor())
		sInfoText[4].Format("%s%s", LoadResStr("IDS_DESC_CLIENTS"), iPlrCnt ? pRef->Parameters.Clients.GetAllClientNames().getData() : LoadResStr("IDS_CTL_NONE"));
		sInfoText[4].Format("%s: %s", LoadResStr("IDS_CTL_PLAYER"), iPlrCnt ? pRef->Parameters.PlayerInfos.GetActivePlayerNames(false).getData() : LoadResStr("IDS_CTL_NONE"));
	// disabled if join is not possible for some reason
	C4GameVersion verThis;
	if (!pRef->isJoinAllowed() || !(pRef->getGameVersion() == verThis))
		fIsEnabled = false;
	// store sort order
	iSortOrder = pRef->getSortOrder();
	// all references expire after a while
	UpdateSmallState(); UpdateText();
Exemple #24
BOOL C4Scenario::Compile(const char *szSource, bool fLoadSection)
	if (!fLoadSection) Default();
  return CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(mkParAdapt(*this, fLoadSection), StdStrBuf(szSource), C4CFN_ScenarioCore);
Exemple #25
StdMesh *StdMeshLoader::LoadMeshXml(const char* xml_data, size_t size, const StdMeshMatManager& manager, StdMeshSkeletonLoader& skel_loader, const char* filename)
	StdMeshXML xml(filename ? filename : "<unknown>", xml_data);

	std::unique_ptr<StdMesh> mesh(new StdMesh);

	TiXmlElement* mesh_elem = xml.RequireFirstChild(NULL, "mesh");

	// Load shared geometry, if any
	TiXmlElement* sharedgeometry_elem = mesh_elem->FirstChildElement("sharedgeometry");
	if(sharedgeometry_elem != NULL)
		xml.LoadGeometry(*mesh, mesh->SharedVertices, sharedgeometry_elem);

	TiXmlElement* submeshes_elem = xml.RequireFirstChild(mesh_elem, "submeshes");

	TiXmlElement* submesh_elem_base = xml.RequireFirstChild(submeshes_elem, "submesh");
	for (TiXmlElement* submesh_elem = submesh_elem_base; submesh_elem != NULL; submesh_elem = submesh_elem->NextSiblingElement("submesh"))
		StdSubMesh& submesh = mesh->SubMeshes.back();

		const char* material = xml.RequireStrAttribute(submesh_elem, "material");
		submesh.Material = manager.GetMaterial(material);
		if (!submesh.Material)
			xml.Error(FormatString("There is no such material named '%s'", material), submesh_elem);

		const char* usesharedvertices = submesh_elem->Attribute("usesharedvertices");
		const std::vector<StdMesh::Vertex>* vertices;
		if(!usesharedvertices || strcmp(usesharedvertices, "true") != 0)
			TiXmlElement* geometry_elem = xml.RequireFirstChild(submesh_elem, "geometry");
			xml.LoadGeometry(*mesh, submesh.Vertices, geometry_elem);
			vertices = &submesh.Vertices;
				xml.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Submesh specifies to use shared vertices but there is no shared geometry"), submesh_elem);
			vertices = &mesh->SharedVertices;

		TiXmlElement* faces_elem = xml.RequireFirstChild(submesh_elem, "faces");
		int FaceCount = xml.RequireIntAttribute(faces_elem, "count");

		unsigned int i = 0;
		for (TiXmlElement* face_elem = faces_elem->FirstChildElement("face"); face_elem != NULL && i < submesh.Faces.size(); face_elem = face_elem->NextSiblingElement("face"), ++i)
			int v[3];

			v[0] = xml.RequireIntAttribute(face_elem, "v1");
			v[1] = xml.RequireIntAttribute(face_elem, "v2");
			v[2] = xml.RequireIntAttribute(face_elem, "v3");

			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
				if (v[j] < 0 || static_cast<unsigned int>(v[j]) >= vertices->size())
					xml.Error(FormatString("Vertex index v%u (%d) is out of range", j+1, v[j]), face_elem);
				submesh.Faces[i].Vertices[j] = v[j];

	// We allow bounding box to be empty if it's only due to Z direction since
	// this is what goes inside the screen in Clonk.
	if(mesh->BoundingBox.x1 == mesh->BoundingBox.x2 || mesh->BoundingBox.y1 == mesh->BoundingBox.y2)
		xml.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("Bounding box is empty"), mesh_elem);

	// Read skeleton, if any
	TiXmlElement* skeletonlink_elem = mesh_elem->FirstChildElement("skeletonlink");
	if (skeletonlink_elem)
		const char* name = xml.RequireStrAttribute(skeletonlink_elem, "name");
		StdCopyStrBuf xml_filename(name); xml_filename.Append(".xml");

		StdCopyStrBuf skeleton_filename;
		StdMeshSkeletonLoader::MakeFullSkeletonPath(skeleton_filename, filename, xml_filename.getData());

		mesh->Skeleton = skel_loader.GetSkeletonByName(skeleton_filename);
		if (!mesh->Skeleton) xml.Error(FormatString("Failed to load '%s'", skeleton_filename.getData()), skeletonlink_elem);

		// Vertex<->Bone assignments for shared geometry
		if (sharedgeometry_elem)
			TiXmlElement* boneassignments_elem = xml.RequireFirstChild(mesh_elem, "boneassignments");
			xml.LoadBoneAssignments(*mesh, mesh->SharedVertices, boneassignments_elem);

		// Vertex<->Bone assignments for all vertices (need to go through SubMeshes again...)
		unsigned int submesh_index = 0;
		for (TiXmlElement* submesh_elem = submesh_elem_base; submesh_elem != NULL; submesh_elem = submesh_elem->NextSiblingElement("submesh"), ++submesh_index)
			StdSubMesh& submesh = mesh->SubMeshes[submesh_index];
			if (!submesh.Vertices.empty())
				TiXmlElement* boneassignments_elem = xml.RequireFirstChild(submesh_elem, "boneassignments");
				xml.LoadBoneAssignments(*mesh, submesh.Vertices, boneassignments_elem);
		// Mesh has no skeleton
		// Bone assignements do not make sense then, as the
		// actual bones are defined in the skeleton file.
		for (TiXmlElement* submesh_elem = submesh_elem_base; submesh_elem != NULL; submesh_elem = submesh_elem->NextSiblingElement("submesh"))
			TiXmlElement* boneassignments_elem = submesh_elem->FirstChildElement("boneassignments");
			if (boneassignments_elem)
				xml.Error(StdStrBuf("Mesh has bone assignments, but no skeleton"), boneassignments_elem);

		TiXmlElement* boneassignments_elem = mesh_elem->FirstChildElement("boneassignments");
		if (boneassignments_elem)
			xml.Error(StdStrBuf("Mesh has bone assignments, but no skeleton"), boneassignments_elem);

	return mesh.release();
void C4Network2IRCClient::OnNumericCommand(const char *szSender, int iCommand, const char *szParameters)
	bool fShowMessage = true;
	// Get target
	StdStrBuf Target = ircExtractPar(&szParameters);
	// Handle command

		case 433: // Nickname already in use
			StdStrBuf DesiredNick = ircExtractPar(&szParameters);
			// Automatically try to choose a new one
			Send("NICK", DesiredNick.getData());

		case 376: // End of MOTD
		case 422: // MOTD missing
			// Let's take this a sign that the connection is established.

		case 331: // No topic set
		case 332: // Topic notify / change
			// Get Channel name and topic
			StdStrBuf Channel = ircExtractPar(&szParameters);
			StdStrBuf Topic = (iCommand == 332 ? ircExtractPar(&szParameters) : StdStrBuf(""));
			// Set it
			// Log
				PushMessage(MSG_Status, szSender, Channel.getData(), FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_TOPICIN"), Channel.getData(), Topic.getData()).getData());

		case 333: // Last topic change
			fShowMessage = false; // ignore

		case 353: // Names in channel
			// Get Channel name and name list
			StdStrBuf Junk = ircExtractPar(&szParameters); // ??!
			StdStrBuf Channel = ircExtractPar(&szParameters);
			StdStrBuf Names = ircExtractPar(&szParameters);
			// Set it
			AddChannel(Channel.getData())->OnUsers(Names.getData(), Prefixes.getData());
			fShowMessage = false;

		case 366: // End of names list
			// Get Channel name
			StdStrBuf Channel = ircExtractPar(&szParameters);
			// Finish
			fShowMessage = false;
      // Notify
      if(pNotify) pNotify->PushEvent(Ev_IRC_Message, this);

		case 4: // Server version
			fShowMessage = false; // ignore

		case 5: // Server support string
			while(szParameters && *szParameters)
				// Get support-token.
				StdStrBuf Token = ircExtractPar(&szParameters);
				StdStrBuf Parameter; Parameter.CopyUntil(Token.getData(), '=');
				// Check if it's interesting and safe data if so.
				if(SEqualNoCase(Parameter.getData(), "PREFIX"))
					Prefixes.Copy(SSearch(Token.getData(), "="));
			fShowMessage = false;

	// Show embedded message, if any?
		// Check if first parameter is some sort of channel name
		C4Network2IRCChannel *pChannel = NULL;
		if(szParameters && *szParameters && *szParameters != ':')
			pChannel = getChannel(ircExtractPar(&szParameters).getData());
		// Go over other parameters
		const char *pMsg = szParameters;
		while(pMsg && *pMsg && *pMsg != ':')
			pMsg = SSearch(pMsg, " ");
		// Show it
		if(pMsg && *pMsg)
				PushMessage(MSG_Server, szSender, Nick.getData(), pMsg + 1);
				PushMessage(MSG_Status, szSender, pChannel->getName(), pMsg + 1);
Exemple #27
	virtual StdStrBuf LoadShaderCode(const char* filename)
		StdStrBuf ret;
		if (!Group.LoadEntryString(filename, &ret)) return StdStrBuf();
		return ret;
StdStrBuf C4KeyCodeEx::KeyCode2String(C4KeyCode wCode, bool fHumanReadable, bool fShort)
    // Gamepad keys
    if (Key_IsGamepad(wCode))
        int iGamepad = Key_GetGamepad(wCode);
        int gamepad_event = Key_GetGamepadEvent(wCode);
        switch (gamepad_event)
        case KEY_JOY_Left:
            return FormatString("Joy%dLeft", iGamepad+1);
        case KEY_JOY_Up:
            return FormatString("Joy%dUp", iGamepad+1);
        case KEY_JOY_Down:
            return FormatString("Joy%dDown", iGamepad+1);
        case KEY_JOY_Right:
            return FormatString("Joy%dRight", iGamepad+1);
            if (Key_IsGamepadAxis(wCode))
                if (fHumanReadable)
                    // This is still not great, but it is not really possible to assign unknown axes to "left/right" "up/down"...
                    return FormatString("[%d] %s", int(1 + Key_GetGamepadAxisIndex(wCode)), Key_IsGamepadAxisHigh(wCode) ? "Max" : "Min");
                    return FormatString("Joy%dAxis%d%s", iGamepad+1, static_cast<int>(Key_GetGamepadAxisIndex(wCode)+1), Key_IsGamepadAxisHigh(wCode) ? "Max" : "Min");
                // button
                if (fHumanReadable)
                    // If there should be gamepads around with A B C D... on the buttons, we might create a display option to show letters instead...
                    return FormatString("< %d >", int(1 + Key_GetGamepadButtonIndex(wCode)));
                    return FormatString("Joy%d%c", iGamepad+1, static_cast<char>(Key_GetGamepadButtonIndex(wCode) + 'A'));
    // Mouse keys
    if (Key_IsMouse(wCode))
        int mouse_id = Key_GetMouse(wCode);
        int mouse_event = Key_GetMouseEvent(wCode);
        const char *mouse_str = "Mouse";
        switch (mouse_event)
        case KEY_MOUSE_Move:
            return FormatString("%s%dMove", mouse_str, mouse_id);
        case KEY_MOUSE_Wheel1Up:
            return FormatString("%s%dWheel1Up", mouse_str, mouse_id);
        case KEY_MOUSE_Wheel1Down:
            return FormatString("%s%dWheel1Down", mouse_str, mouse_id);
        case KEY_MOUSE_ButtonLeft:
            return FormatString("%s%dLeft", mouse_str, mouse_id);
        case KEY_MOUSE_ButtonRight:
            return FormatString("%s%dRight", mouse_str, mouse_id);
        case KEY_MOUSE_ButtonMiddle:
            return FormatString("%s%dMiddle", mouse_str, mouse_id);
        case KEY_MOUSE_ButtonLeftDouble:
            return FormatString("%s%dLeftDouble", mouse_str, mouse_id);
        case KEY_MOUSE_ButtonRightDouble:
            return FormatString("%s%dRightDouble", mouse_str, mouse_id);
        case KEY_MOUSE_ButtonMiddleDouble:
            return FormatString("%s%dMiddleDouble", mouse_str, mouse_id);
            // extended mouse button
            uint8_t btn = Key_GetMouseEvent(wCode);
            if (btn >= KEY_MOUSE_Button1Double)
                return FormatString("%s%dButton%dDouble", mouse_str, mouse_id, int(btn-KEY_MOUSE_Button1Double));
                return FormatString("%s%dButton%d", mouse_str, mouse_id, int(btn-KEY_MOUSE_Button1));

    // it's a keyboard key
    if (!fHumanReadable) {
        // for config files and such: dump scancode
        return FormatString("$%x", static_cast<unsigned int>(wCode));
#if defined(USE_WIN32_WINDOWS) || (defined(_WIN32) && defined(USE_GTK))

    // Query map
    const C4KeyCodeMapEntry *pCheck = KeyCodeMap;
    while (pCheck->szName)
        if (wCode == pCheck->wCode) return StdStrBuf((pCheck->szShortName && fShort) ? pCheck->szShortName : pCheck->szName);
        else ++pCheck;

//  TODO: Works?
//  StdStrBuf Name; Name.SetLength(1000);
//  int res = GetKeyNameText(wCode, Name.getMData(), Name.getSize());
//  if(!res)
//    // not found: Compose as direct code
//    return FormatString("\\x%x", (DWORD) wCode);
//  // Set size
//  Name.SetLength(res);
//  return Name;

    wchar_t buf[100];
    int len = GetKeyNameText(wCode<<16, buf, 100);
    if (len > 0) {
        // buf is nullterminated name
        return StdStrBuf(buf);
#elif defined (USE_COCOA)
    // query map
    const C4KeyCodeMapEntry *pCheck = KeyCodeMap;
    while (pCheck->szName)
        if (wCode == pCheck->wCode) return StdStrBuf((pCheck->szShortName && fShort) ? pCheck->szShortName : pCheck->szName);
        else ++pCheck;
    // not found: Compose as direct code
    return FormatString("\\x%x", static_cast<unsigned int>(wCode));
#elif defined(USE_GTK)
    Display * const dpy = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay(gdk_display_get_default());
    KeySym keysym = (KeySym)XkbKeycodeToKeysym(dpy,wCode+8,0,0);
    char* name = NULL;
    if (keysym != NoSymbol) { // is the keycode without shift modifiers mapped to a symbol?
        name = gtk_accelerator_get_label_with_keycode(gdk_display_get_default(), keysym, wCode+8, (GdkModifierType)0);
    if (name) { // is there a string representation of the keysym?
        // prevent memleak
        StdStrBuf buf;
        return buf;
#elif defined(USE_SDL_MAINLOOP)
    StdStrBuf buf;
    if (!buf.getLength()) buf.Format("\\x%x", wCode);
    return buf;
    return FormatString("$%x", static_cast<unsigned int>(wCode));
bool C4ParticleDefCore::Compile(char *particle_source, const char *name)
	return CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(mkNamingAdapt(*this, "Particle"),
	       StdStrBuf(particle_source), name);
int32_t C4ScenarioParameters::GetValueByID(const char *id, int32_t default_value) const
	// return map value if name is in map. Otherwise, return default value.
	auto i = Parameters.find(StdStrBuf(id));
	if (i != Parameters.end()) return i->second; else return default_value;