Exemple #1
	void StrTrim( char* inout )
Exemple #2
/* for use from fish_inject.dll */
EXPORT_SIG(__declspec(dllexport) char*) _OnIncomingIRCLine(HANDLE a_socket, const char* a_line, size_t a_len)
	if(!a_socket || !a_line || a_len < 1 || *a_line != ':')
		return NULL;

	if(strstr(a_line, " ") == strstr(a_line, " 005 "))
		std::string l_line(a_line, a_len);
		std::string::size_type l_pos = l_line.find(" NETWORK=");

		if(l_pos != std::string::npos)
			l_pos += 9; // strlen(" NETWORK=")
			std::string::size_type l_endPos = l_line.find(" ", l_pos);
			if(l_endPos == std::string::npos) l_endPos = l_line.size();

			// allow overwriting network names for dis/re-connecting BNCs and such:
			s_socketMap[a_socket] = l_line.substr(l_pos, l_endPos - l_pos);

			return NULL;

	// quick exit to save some CPU cycles:
	if(!strstr(a_line, "+OK ") && !strstr(a_line, "mcps "))
		return NULL;

	auto l_ini = GetBlowIni();

	if(!l_ini->GetBool(L"process_incoming", true))
		return NULL;

	/** list of stuff we possibly need to decrypt: **
		:nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #chan :+OK 2T5zD0mPgMn
		:nick!ident@host PRIVMSG #chan :\x01ACTION +OK 2T5zD0mPgMn\x01
		:nick!ident@host PRIVMSG ownNick :+OK 2T5zD0mPgMn
		:nick!ident@host PRIVMSG ownNick :\x01ACTION +OK 2T5zD0mPgMn\x01
		:nick!ident@host NOTICE ownNick :+OK 2T5zD0mPgMn
		:nick!ident@host NOTICE #chan :+OK 2T5zD0mPgMn
		:nick!ident@host NOTICE @#chan :+OK 2T5zD0mPgMn
		:nick!ident@host NOTICE ~#chan :+OK 2T5zD0mPgMn
		(topic) :irc.tld 332 nick #chan :+OK hqnSD1kaIaE00uei/.3LjAO1Den3t/iMNsc1
		:nick!ident@host TOPIC #chan :+OK JRFEAKWS
		(topic /list) :irc.tld 322 nick #chan 2 :[+snt] +OK BLAH

	std::string l_line(a_line, a_len);
	std::string l_cmd, l_contact, l_message;
	std::string::size_type l_cmdPos, l_tmpPos, l_targetPos, l_msgPos;


	l_cmdPos = l_line.find(' ');
	if(l_cmdPos != std::string::npos)
		while(l_line[l_cmdPos] == ' ') l_cmdPos++;
		l_tmpPos = l_line.find(' ', l_cmdPos);

		if(l_tmpPos != std::string::npos)
			while(l_line[l_tmpPos + 1] == ' ') l_tmpPos++;
			l_cmd = l_line.substr(l_cmdPos, l_tmpPos - l_cmdPos);

			l_msgPos = l_line.find(" :", l_tmpPos + 1);

			if(l_msgPos != std::string::npos)
				l_msgPos += 2;
				l_message = l_line.substr(l_msgPos);

	if(l_cmd.empty() || l_message.empty())
		return NULL;

	// check if +OK is in the message part of the line:
	if(l_message.find("+OK ") == std::string::npos && l_message.find("mcps ") == std::string::npos)
		return NULL;

	enum {
		CMD_N332, // 332 channel :topic
		CMD_N322 // 322 channel users :topic
	} l_cmd_type;

	if(!_stricmp(l_cmd.c_str(), "PRIVMSG"))
		l_cmd_type = CMD_PRIVMSG;
	else if(!_stricmp(l_cmd.c_str(), "NOTICE"))
		l_cmd_type = CMD_NOTICE;
	else if(!strcmp(l_cmd.c_str(), "332"))
		l_cmd_type = CMD_N332;
	else if(!_stricmp(l_cmd.c_str(), "TOPIC"))
		l_cmd_type = CMD_TOPIC;
	else if(!strcmp(l_cmd.c_str(), "322"))
		l_cmd_type = CMD_N322;
		return NULL;

	std::string l_leading, l_trailing;

	if(l_cmd_type == CMD_N322 || l_cmd_type == CMD_N332 || l_cmd_type == CMD_TOPIC)
		l_targetPos = l_line.rfind(" #", l_msgPos);

		if(l_targetPos != std::string::npos && l_targetPos >= l_cmdPos + l_cmd.size())
			/* >= because of the leading space in the find string */
			l_targetPos++; // skip the leading space
			l_tmpPos = l_line.find(' ', l_targetPos + 1);

			if(l_tmpPos != std::string::npos)
				l_contact = l_line.substr(l_targetPos, l_tmpPos - l_targetPos);

		if(l_cmd_type == CMD_N322 && !l_message.empty())
			// account for channel modes in /list, like "[+nts] +OK BLAH"
			if(l_message[0] == '[')
				l_tmpPos = l_message.find("] +OK ");

				if(l_tmpPos != std::string::npos)
					l_leading = l_message.substr(0, l_tmpPos + 2);
					l_message.erase(0, l_tmpPos + 2);
		l_contact = l_line.substr(l_tmpPos + 1, l_msgPos - 2 - l_tmpPos - 1);

			case '#':
			case '&':
				// channel, l_contact = channel name, all is fine.
			case '@':
			case '+':
			case '%':
				// onotice or something like that.
				l_contact.erase(0, 1);
				// left in l_contact is the channel name.
				// probably a query message. Need to make l_contact the nick name:
					l_tmpPos = l_line.find('!');

					if(l_tmpPos != std::string::npos)
						l_contact = l_line.substr(1, l_tmpPos - 1);
				// :TODO: for future versions: keep track of local nickname and use that to determine channel/query.

		return NULL;

	if(l_cmd_type == CMD_PRIVMSG && l_message.find("\x01""ACTION ") == 0)
		l_message.erase(0, 8);
		if(l_message.size() > 0 && l_message[l_message.size() - 1] == 0x01) l_message.erase(l_message.size() - 1);
		l_cmd_type = CMD_ACTION;

	if(l_message.find("+OK ") == 0)
		l_message.erase(0, 4);
	else if(l_message.find("mcps ") == 0)
		l_message.erase(0, 5);
		return NULL; // something must have gone awry.

	// account for stuff like trailing time stamps from BNCs:
	if((l_tmpPos = l_message.find(' ')) != std::string::npos)
		l_trailing = l_message.substr(l_tmpPos);

	// get blowfish key...
	bool l_cbc;
	std::string l_blowKey, l_networkName;

	l_networkName = s_socketMap[a_socket];

	l_blowKey = l_ini->GetBlowKey(l_networkName, l_contact, l_cbc);

		return NULL;

	// put together new message:
	std::string l_newMsg;

	if(l_cbc && !l_message.empty() && l_message[0] != '*')
		// silent fallback to old style
		l_cbc = false;
	else if(!l_cbc && !l_message.empty() && l_message[0] == '*')
		// auto-enable new style even for non-prefixed keys
		l_cbc = true;

	if(l_cbc && !l_message.empty() && l_message[0] == '*')
		// strip asterisk
		l_message.erase(0, 1);

	int l_decryptionResult = blowfish_decrypt_auto(l_cbc, l_message, l_newMsg, l_blowKey);

	if(l_decryptionResult == 0)
		// compatibility fix
		// (we only encode the actual MSG part of CTCP ACTIONs, but the old FiSH.dll and some scripts etc.
		// encode the whole thing including \x01 and so on)
		if(l_cmd_type == CMD_PRIVMSG && l_newMsg.find("\x01""ACTION ") == 0)
			l_newMsg.erase(0, 8);
			if(l_newMsg.size() > 0 && l_newMsg[l_newMsg.size() - 1] == 0x01) l_newMsg.erase(l_newMsg.size() - 1);
			l_cmd_type = CMD_ACTION;
		// this obviously needs to be done before appending the crypt mark... fixed 2011-11.

	case -1:
		l_newMsg = l_message + "=[FiSH: DECRYPTION FAILED!]=";
	case 1:
		l_newMsg += "\x02&\x02";
		 /* fall through */
	case 0:
		l_newMsg += l_trailing;
		if(l_ini->GetSectionBool(l_networkName, l_contact, L"mark_encrypted", !l_ini->GetStringW(L"mark_encrypted", L"").empty()))
		{ // try local setting and use global setting as default ^^
			int l_markPos = l_ini->GetInt(L"mark_position"); // 1 = append, 2 = prepend, 0 = disabled
			if(l_markPos > 0 && l_markPos <= 2)
				const std::wstring l_markWide = l_ini->GetStringW(L"mark_encrypted");
				std::string l_mark;

					std::string l_markDumb;
					// if the .ini file is UTF-8 encoded, UnicodeToCp would double-encode
					// the characters, so try this dumbfolded approach of conversion.

					for each(wchar_t ch in l_markWide)
						if(ch && ch <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max()) l_markDumb += (unsigned char)ch;

					if(l_markDumb.empty() || !Utf8Validate(l_markDumb.c_str()))
						l_mark = UnicodeToCp(CP_UTF8, l_markWide);
						l_mark = l_markDumb;
					l_mark = UnicodeToCp(CP_UTF8, l_markWide);

				l_mark = SimpleMIRCParser(l_mark);

#if 0
				bool l_msgValid = Utf8Validate(l_newMsg.c_str();
				bool l_markValid = Utf8Validate(l_mark.c_str());

				if(!l_msgValid && l_markValid)
					// prevent total message corruption by using
					// "neutral" crypt-mark
					l_mark = " \x0315*\x03";

				if(l_markPos == 1)
					l_newMsg.insert(0, l_mark);