Exemple #1
static char * _zuluCryptResolveDevRoot( void )
	const char * e ;
	char * dev ;
	string_t st      = StringGetFromVirtualFile( "/proc/cmdline" ) ;
	stringList_t stl = StringListStringSplit( st,' ' ) ;
	StringDelete( &st ) ;

	st = StringListHasSequence_1( stl,"root=/dev/" ) ;

	if( st != StringVoid ){

		e = StringContent( st ) + 5 ;
		dev = zuluCryptResolvePath( e ) ;
		st = StringListHasSequence_1( stl,"root=UUID=" ) ;

		if( st != StringVoid ){
			 * zuluCryptDeviceFromUUID() is defined in ./blkid_evaluate_tag.c
			e = StringContent( st ) + 10 ;
			dev = zuluCryptDeviceFromUUID( e ) ;
			dev = NULL ;
	StringListDelete( &stl ) ;
	return dev ;
Exemple #2
static string_t _root_device( const char * device,const char ** sys_device )
	size_t e ;
	ssize_t r ;
	string_t st = String( device ) ;
	if( StringStartsWithAtLeastOne( st,"/dev/sd","/dev/hd",NULL ) ){
		 * this path will convert something like: "/dev/sdc12" to "/dev/sdc".
		 * basically,it removes digits from the end of the string to give the root device
		 * required by tcplay's system volume or fde volume
		*sys_device = StringRemoveDigits( st ) ;
	}else if( StringStartsWith( st,"/dev/mmc" ) ){
		 * device path will be something like "/dev/mmcblk0p2" and what we want to do
		 * is cut off the string from p to end iwth "/dev/mmcblk0"
		r = StringIndexOfChar( st,0,'p' ) ;
		if( r != -1 ){
			e = StringLength( st ) - ( size_t )r ;
			*sys_device = StringRemoveRight( st,e ) ;
			*sys_device = StringContent( st ) ;
		*sys_device = StringContent( st ) ;
	return st ;
static int mount_point_prefix_match_0( const char * m_path,uid_t uid,string_t * m_point,int home_prefix )
	int st ;
	 * zuluCryptGetUserName() is defined in ../lib/user_home_path.c
	string_t uname ;
	 * below constant are set in ../constants.h
	const char * str ;

	if( home_prefix ){

		uname = zuluCryptGetUserHomePath( uid ) ;
		str = StringContent( uname ) ;
		uname = zuluCryptGetUserName( uid ) ;
		StringPrepend( uname,"/run/media/private/" ) ;
		str = StringAppendChar( uname,'/' ) ;

	st = StringPrefixEqual( m_path,str ) ;

	if( m_point ){
		*m_point = uname ;
		StringDelete( &uname ) ;

	return st ;
Exemple #4
int zuluCryptOpenPlain_1( const open_struct_t * opt )
	int mode ;
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( opt->device,"/dev/" ) ){

		return _open_plain( opt->device,opt ) ;
		if( StringHasComponent( opt->m_opts,"ro" ) ){
			mode = O_RDONLY ;
			mode = O_RDWR ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( opt->device,mode,&fd,&st ) ){

			r = _open_plain( StringContent( st ),opt ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;

			return r ;
			return 2 ;
Exemple #5
int zuluCryptEXEVolumeInfo( const char * mapper,const char * device,uid_t uid )
	char * output ;
	int xt ;

	 * ZULUCRYPTlongMapperPath is set in ../constants.h
	 * zuluCryptCreateMapperName() is defined at ../lib/create_mapper_name.c
	string_t p = zuluCryptCreateMapperName( device,mapper,uid,ZULUCRYPTlongMapperPath ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;
	 *zuluCryptVolumeStatus() is defined in ../lib/status.c
	output = zuluCryptVolumeStatus( StringContent( p ) ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	if( output != NULL ){
		printf( "%s\n",output ) ;
		StringFree( output ) ;
		xt = 0 ;
		printf( gettext( "ERROR: Could not get volume properties,volume is not open or was opened by a different user\n" ) ) ;
		xt = 2 ;
	StringDelete( &p ) ;
	return xt ;
Exemple #6
static stringList_t _eval_path( string_t path,stringList_t stl_1 )
	string_t st ;
	const char * e ;
	char * ac ;
	if( StringStartsWith( path,"/" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptResolvePath_1() is defined in resolve_paths.c
		st = zuluCryptResolvePath_1( StringContent( path ) ) ;

		if( st != StringVoid ){
			stl_1 = StringListAppendString_1( stl_1,&st ) ;
	}else if( StringStartsWith( path,"UUID=" ) ){
		 * check above did not find '/' character and we are in this block assuming the line uses UUID
		e = StringRemoveString( path,"\"" ) ;
		 * zuluCryptEvaluateDeviceTags() is defined in path_access.c
		ac = zuluCryptEvaluateDeviceTags( "UUID",e + 5 ) ;
		if( ac != NULL ){
			stl_1 = StringListAppend( stl_1,ac ) ;
			StringFree( ac ) ;
	return stl_1 ;
Exemple #7
static void _print_list( stringList_t stl )
	const char * e ;
	char * z ;

	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){
		e = StringContent( *it ) ;
		it++ ;
		if( StringPrefixEqual( e,"/dev/loop" ) ){
			 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1() is defined in ../lib/create_loop_device.c
			z = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_1( e ) ;
			if( z != NULL ){
				puts( z ) ;
				StringFree( z ) ;
				puts( e ) ;
			puts( e ) ;
Exemple #8
int zuluCryptCreateTCrypt( const char * device,const char * file_system,const char * rng,
			   const char * key,size_t key_len,int key_source,
			   u_int64_t hidden_volume_size,
			   const char * file_system_h,const char * key_h,size_t key_len_h,int key_source_h )
	int fd ;
	string_t q = StringVoid ;
	int r ;
	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){
		r = _create_tcrypt_volume( device,file_system,rng,key,key_len,key_source,
					   hidden_volume_size,file_system_h,key_h,key_len_h,key_source_h ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in create_loop_device.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,O_RDWR,&fd,&q ) ){
			device = StringContent( q ) ;
			r = _create_tcrypt_volume( device,file_system,rng,key,key_len,key_source,
						   hidden_volume_size,file_system_h,key_h,key_len_h,key_source_h ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			StringDelete( &q ) ;
			r = 3 ;

	return r ;
Exemple #9
static void _get_result( arguments * args )
	string_t st ;

	int fd ;

	const char * device = args->opts->device ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){

		_get_result_0( device,args ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in create_loop_device.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,args->opts->open_mode,&fd,&st ) ){

			_get_result_0( StringContent( st ),args ) ;

			StringDelete( &st ) ;

			close( fd ) ;
			_get_error( args ) ;
Exemple #10
int zuluCryptOpenTcrypt( const char * device,const char * mapper,const char * key,size_t key_len,
			 int key_source,int volume_type,const char * m_point,
			 uid_t uid,unsigned long m_flags,const char * fs_opts )
	open_struct_t opts ;
	string_t st ;
	int r ;
	const char * keyfile ;

	memset( &opts,'\0',sizeof( open_struct_t ) ) ;

	opts.device      = device ;
	opts.mapper_name = mapper ;
	opts.volume_type = volume_type ;
	opts.m_point     = m_point ;
	opts.uid         = uid ;
	opts.m_flags     = m_flags ;
	opts.fs_opts     = fs_opts ;

	if( m_flags & MS_RDONLY ){
		opts.m_opts = "ro" ;
		opts.m_opts = "rw" ;

	if( key_source == TCRYPT_KEYFILE ){
		st = zuluCryptCreateKeyFile( key,key_len,"open_tcrypt-" ) ;
		if( st != StringVoid ){

			keyfile = StringContent( st ) ;

			opts.tcrypt_keyfiles_count = 1 ;
			opts.tcrypt_keyfiles       = &keyfile ;

			r = zuluCryptOpenTcrypt_1( &opts ) ;
			 * zuluCryptDeleteFile() is defined in open_path_security.c
			zuluCryptDeleteFile( keyfile ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			r = 1 ;
	}else if( key_source == TCRYPT_KEYFILE_FILE ){

		opts.tcrypt_keyfiles_count = 1 ;
		opts.tcrypt_keyfiles       = &key ;

		r = zuluCryptOpenTcrypt_1( &opts ) ;
		opts.key_len = key_len ;
		opts.key     = key ;
		r = zuluCryptOpenTcrypt_1( &opts ) ;

	return r ;
int zuluCryptEXECloseVolume( const char * dev,const char * mapping_name,uid_t uid )
	 int st ;
	 int i ;
	 string_t p = StringVoid ;
	 char * m_point = NULL ;
	 struct stat xt ;
	 const char * mapper ;

	  * ZULUCRYPTlongMapperPath is set in ../constants.h
	  * zuluCryptCreateMapperName() defined in ../lib/create_mapper_name.c
	 p = zuluCryptCreateMapperName( dev,mapping_name,uid,ZULUCRYPTlongMapperPath ) ;

	 mapper = StringContent( p ) ;

	 if( stat( mapper,&xt ) != 0 ){

		 return zuluExit( 1,p ) ;

	  * zuluCryptBindUnmountVolume() is defined in ./bind.c
	 switch( zuluCryptBindUnmountVolume( StringListVoid,mapper,uid ) ){
		 case 3 : return zuluExit( 7,p ) ;
		 case 4 : return zuluExit( 8,p ) ;
		 case 5 : return zuluExit( 9,p ) ;
		 default: ;

	 zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

	  * zuluCryptCloseVolume() is defined in ../lib/close_volume.c
	 st = zuluCryptCloseVolume( mapper,&m_point ) ;

	 if( st == 0 && m_point != NULL ){

		for( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ){

			if( rmdir( m_point ) == 0 ){

				break ;
				sleep( 1 ) ;

		StringFree( m_point ) ;

	 zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;
	 return zuluExit( st,p ) ;
Exemple #12
int zuluCryptBindSharedMountPointPathTaken( string_t path )
	struct stat str ;
	ssize_t index = StringLastIndexOfChar( path,'/' ) ;
	string_t st = String( "/run/media/public" ) ;
	const char * e = StringAppend( st,StringContent( path ) + index ) ;
	int r = stat( e,&str ) ;
	StringDelete( &st ) ;
	return r == 0 ;
Exemple #13
void zuluCryptSecurityUnlockMemory_1( string_t st )
	void * e ;
	size_t f ;
	if( st != StringVoid ){
		e = ( void * )StringContent( st ) ;
		f = StringLength( st ) ;
		memset( e,'\0',f ) ;
		munlock( e,f ) ;
Exemple #14
void zuluCryptSecurityLockMemory( stringList_t stl )
	StringListIterator it   ;
	StringListIterator end  ;
	string_t st ;
	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;
	while( it != end ){
		st = *it ;
		it++ ;
		mlock( StringContent( st ),StringLength( st ) ) ;
Exemple #15
static int _mounted( ssize_t( *function )( stringList_t,const char * ),string_t st )
    stringList_t stl = zuluCryptGetMoutedList() ;

    ssize_t r = function( stl,StringContent( st ) ) ;

    StringListDelete( &stl ) ;

    StringDelete( &st ) ;

    return r != -1 ;
Exemple #16
static const char * _remove_duplicates( string_t st )
	const char ** z = StringPointer( st ) ;
	while( StringHasComponent( *z,",," ) ){
		StringReplaceString( st,",,","," ) ;
	if( StringEndsWithChar( st,',' ) ){
		return StringRemoveRight( st,1 ) ;
		return StringContent( st ) ;
static const char * _clean_loop_path( string_t xt )
	if( StringEndsWith( xt," (deleted)\n" ) ){

		return StringRemoveString( xt," (deleted)\n" ) ;

	}else if( StringEndsWith( xt,"\n" ) ){

		return StringRemoveRight( xt,1 ) ;
		return StringContent( xt ) ;
static int attach_device_to_loop( int fd_path,int * fd_loop,
				  string_t loop_device,int mode )
	char * path ;
	size_t size ;

	struct loop_info64 l_info ;

	*fd_loop = open( StringContent( loop_device ),mode ) ;

	memset( &l_info,'\0',sizeof( struct loop_info64 ) ) ;

	if( *fd_loop == -1 ){
		return 0 ;
	if( ioctl( *fd_loop,LOOP_SET_FD,fd_path ) == -1 ){
		return 0 ;
	if( ioctl( *fd_loop,LOOP_GET_STATUS64,&l_info ) == -1 ){
		return 0;

	l_info.lo_flags |= LO_FLAGS_AUTOCLEAR;

	path = zuluCryptGetFileNameFromFileDescriptor( fd_path ) ;

	if( path == NULL ){
		return 0 ;
		size = sizeof( l_info.lo_file_name ) ;
		strncpy( ( char * )l_info.lo_file_name,path,size ) ;
		l_info.lo_file_name[ size - 1 ] = '\0' ;
		free( path ) ;

		if( ioctl( *fd_loop,LOOP_SET_STATUS64,&l_info ) == -1 ){
			return 0 ;
			return 1 ;
Exemple #19
int zuluCryptAddKey( const char * device,const char * existingkey,size_t existingkey_size,const char * newkey,size_t newkey_size )
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;
	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){
		return _add_key( device,existingkey,existingkey_size,newkey,newkey_size ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,O_RDWR,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _add_key( StringContent( st ),existingkey,existingkey_size,newkey,newkey_size ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return 1 ;
Exemple #20
int zuluCryptCreateVolume( const char * dev,const char * fs,const char * type,const char * pass,size_t pass_size,const char * rng )
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;
	if( StringPrefixMatch( dev,"/dev/",5 ) ){
		return _create_volume( dev,fs,type,pass,pass_size,rng ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( dev,O_RDWR,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _create_volume( StringContent( st ),fs,type,pass,pass_size,rng ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return 3 ;
Exemple #21
int zuluCryptRemoveKey( const char * device ,const char * pass,size_t pass_size )
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){
		return _remove_key( device,pass,pass_size ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,O_RDWR,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _remove_key( StringContent( st ),pass,pass_size ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return 2 ;
static string_t _create_path( uid_t uid,string_t path,int need_privileges )
	string_t st = StringVoid ;

	const char * m_point = StringContent( path ) ;

	if( m_point != NULL ){

		if( need_privileges ){

			zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

			st = _create_path_0( m_point,uid,path ) ;

			zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;
			st = _create_path_0( m_point,uid,path ) ;

	return st ;
Exemple #23
char * zuluCryptEmptySlots( const char * device )
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	char * r ;
	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){

		return _empty_slots( device ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,O_RDONLY,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _empty_slots( StringContent( st ) ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return NULL ;
Exemple #24
void zuluCryptSecurityUnlockMemory( stringList_t stl )
	StringListIterator it  ;
	StringListIterator end ;

	string_t st ;

	void * e ;
	size_t f ;

	StringListGetIterators( stl,&it,&end ) ;

	while( it != end ){
		st = *it ;
		it++ ;
		if( st != StringVoid ){
			e = ( void * )StringContent( st ) ;
			f = StringLength( st ) ;
			memset( e,'\0',f ) ;
			munlock( e,f ) ;
Exemple #25
int zuluCryptMountHasNotAllowedFileSystemOptions( uid_t uid,const char * fs_opts,string_t s )
	const char * fs = StringContent( s ) ;

	if( fs == NULL ){
		 * cant mount a volume with no file system,shouldnt even get here
		return 1 ;

	if( zulucryptFileSystemIsSupported( fs ) ){
		 * file system is supported
		if( fs_opts == NULL ){
			 * file system is supported and user did not change default fs option.
			 * return early with success
			return 0 ;

		if( _option_contain_not_allowed( fs,fs_opts ) ){
			 * file system options are not supported,only privileged users should be allowed to mount
			if( _userIsAllowed( uid,fs ) ){
				 * user is allowed to use non default fs options
				return 0 ;
				 * user not allowed to use non default fs options
				return 1 ;
			 * supported file system with default options,allow it
			return 0 ;
		 * not supported file system
		if( _userIsAllowed( uid,fs ) ){
			 * user is allowed to use a not supported file system.
			 * We cant check for supported fs options in a non supported file system so just return
			 * with success.
			return 0 ;
			 * user not allowed to use the file system,return early with error since we cant support
			 * file system options in a not supported file system
			return 1 ;
void zuluCryptDeleteFile_1( string_t st )
	zuluCryptDeleteFile( StringContent( st ) ) ;
Exemple #27
static int crypt_opt( const struct_opts * opts,uid_t uid,int opt )
	string_t q = StringVoid ;
	string_t p = StringVoid ;

	int st ;
	const char * source	= opts->device ;
	const char * dest  	= opts->m_opts ;
	const char * passphrase = opts->key ;
	const char * type 	= opts->key_source ;
	return zuluExit( 16 ) ;
	if( dest == NULL ){
		return zuluExit( 9 ) ;
	if( source == NULL ){
		return zuluExit( 14 ) ;
	 * zuluCryptPathStartsWith() is defined in real_path.c
	if( zuluCryptPathStartsWith( dest,"/dev/" ) ){
		return zuluExit( 10 ) ;
	if( zuluCryptPathStartsWith( source,"/dev/" ) ){
		return zuluExit( 15 ) ;
	 * zuluCryptPathIsValid() is defined in ../lib/is_path_valid.c
	if( zuluCryptPathIsValid( dest ) ){
		return zuluExit( 5 ) ;
	 * zuluCryptPathIsNotValid() is defined in ../lib/is_path_valid.c
	if( zuluCryptPathIsNotValid( source ) ){
		return zuluExit( 6 ) ;
	 * below two functions are defined in path_access.c
	if( zuluCryptCanOpenPathForWriting( dest,uid ) == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( 10 ) ;		
	if( zuluCryptCanOpenPathForReading( source,uid ) == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( 15 ) ;
	if( type == NULL ){

		printf( gettext( "Enter passphrase: " ) ) ;
		 * ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE is set in ../constants.h
		switch( StringSilentlyGetFromTerminal_1( &p,ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE ) ){
			case 1 : return zuluExit( 12 ) ;
			case 2 : return zuluExit( 13 ) ;
		printf( gettext( "\nRe enter passphrase: " ) ) ;
		switch( StringSilentlyGetFromTerminal_1( &q,ZULUCRYPT_KEY_MAX_SIZE ) ){
			case 1 : StringClearDelete( &p ) ;
				 return zuluExit( 12 ) ;
			case 2 : StringClearDelete( &p ) ;
				 return zuluExit( 13 ) ;
		printf( "\n" ) ;
		if( !StringEqualString( p,q ) ){
			StringClearDelete( &p ) ;
			StringClearDelete( &q ) ;
			return zuluExit( 8 ) ; 
			StringDelete( &q ) ;
		if( type == NULL ){
			return zuluExit( 9 ) ;
		if( StringsAreEqual( type,"-p" ) ){
			p = String( passphrase ) ;
		}else if( StringsAreEqual( type,"-f" ) ){
			p = StringGetFromFile( passphrase ) ;
			if( p == NULL ){
				return zuluExit( 2 ) ;
			return zuluExit( 3 ) ;
	if( opt == ENCRYPT ){
		 * zuluCryptEncryptFile() is defined in ./crypt_file.c
		st = zuluCryptEncryptFile( source,dest,StringContent( p ),StringLength( p ) ) ;
		 * zuluCryptDecryptFile() is defined in ./crypt_file.c
		st = zuluCryptDecryptFile( source,dest,StringContent( p ),StringLength( p ) ) ;
	StringClearDelete( &p ) ;
	switch( st ){
		case 1 : return zuluExit( 4 ) ;
		case 2 : return zuluExit( 11 ) ;
	chmod( dest,S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ) ;
	chown( dest,uid,uid ) ;
	if( opt == 1 ){
		return zuluExit( 1 ) ;
		return zuluExit( 0 ) ;
static int _modify_tcrypt( info_t * info,const struct_opts * opts )
	int k = 4 ;
	int r ;

	string_t st = StringVoid ;
	string_t xt = StringVoid ;

	if( StringsAreEqual( opts->key_source,"-p" ) ){
		info->header_key            = opts->key ;
		info->header_key_source     = "passphrase" ;
		info->header_new_key_source = "new_passphrase" ;
	}else if( opts->key == NULL && StringsAreNotEqual( opts->key_source,"-f" ) ){
		st = info->getKey( &r ) ;
		if( r ){
			info->key = StringContent( st ) ;
			info->header_key            = info->key ;
			info->header_key_source     = "passphrase" ;
			info->header_new_key_source = "new_passphrase" ;
			return zuluExit_1( k,st,xt ) ;
		 * function is defined at "path_access.c"
		zuluCryptGetPassFromFile( opts->key,info->uid,&st ) ;

		zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

		if( st == StringVoid ){
			return zuluExit_1( k,st,xt ) ;
			if( StringHasComponent( opts->key,".zuluCrypt-socket" ) ){
				info->key = StringContent( st ) ;
				info->header_key            = info->key ;
				info->header_key_source     = "passphrase" ;
				info->header_new_key_source = "new_passphrase" ;
				xt = zuluCryptCreateKeyFile( StringContent( st ),StringLength( st ),"tcrypt-bk-" ) ;
				if( xt == StringVoid ){
					return zuluExit_1( k,st,xt ) ;
					info->key = StringContent( xt ) ;
					info->header_key            = info->key ;
					info->header_key_source     = "keyfiles" ;
					info->header_new_key_source = "new_keyfiles" ;

	 * zuluCryptModifyTcryptHeader() is defined in ../lib/create_tcrypt.c
	k = zuluCryptModifyTcryptHeader( info ) ;

	if( xt != StringVoid ){
		 * zuluCryptDeleteFile() is defined in ../lib/file_path_security.c
		zuluCryptDeleteFile( StringContent( xt ) ) ;

	return zuluExit_1( k,st,xt ) ;
Exemple #29
int zuluMountUMount( ARGS * args )
	const char * device    = args->device ;
	uid_t        uid       = args->uid    ;
	char * loop_device ;
	char * m_point = NULL ;
	int status ;
	string_t st = StringVoid ;
	const char * dev = NULL ;
	const char * errorMsg = gettext( "\
ERROR: You can not umount volumes out of \"%s\" since you are not root and do not belong to group \"zulumount\"\n" ) ;
	string_t xt ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/loop" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/lib/create_loop_devices.c
		loop_device = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress( device ) ;

		if( loop_device == NULL ){
			 * the error msg is a lie,but its harmless since the user will most likely never see it as
			 * this code path will not be passed.
			return _zuluExit( 100,StringVoid,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Device does not appear to be mounted" ) ) ;
			st = StringInherit( &loop_device ) ;
			dev = StringContent( st ) ;
			 * zuluCryptGetMountPointFromPath() is defined in defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/lib/process_mountinfo.c
			m_point = zuluCryptGetMountPointFromPath( dev ) ;

			if( m_point == NULL ){

				return _zuluExit( 100,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Device does not appear to be mounted" ) ) ;
		 * zuluCryptGetMountPointFromPath() is defined in defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/lib/process_mountinfo.c
		m_point = zuluCryptGetMountPointFromPath( device ) ;

		if( m_point == NULL ){

			return _zuluExit( 100,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Device does not appear to be mounted" ) ) ;

	 * zuluCryptMountPointPrefixMatch() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/create_mount_point.c
	if( zuluCryptMountPointPrefixMatch( m_point,uid,&xt ) ){

		StringDelete( &xt ) ;
		 * zuluCryptUserIsAMemberOfAGroup() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/security.c
		if( zuluCryptUserIsAMemberOfAGroup( uid,"zulumount" ) ){

			StringDelete( &xt ) ;
			printf( errorMsg,StringContent( xt ) ) ;
			StringDelete( &xt ) ;
			return _zuluExit( 101,st,m_point,NULL ) ;

	StringFree( m_point ) ;
	m_point = NULL ;

	 * zuluCryptBindUnmountVolume() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/bind.c
	switch( zuluCryptBindUnmountVolume( StringListVoid,device,uid ) ){

		case 3 : return _zuluExit( 107,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Shared mount point appear to be busy" ) ) ;
		case 4 : return _zuluExit( 108,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Shared mount point appear to belong to a different user" ) ) ;
		case 5 : return _zuluExit( 109,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Shared mount point appear to be in an ambiguous state,advice to unmount manually" ) ) ;
		default: ;

	 * zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/security.c
	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;
	 * zuluCryptUnmountVolume() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/lib/unmount_volume.c
	status = zuluCryptUnmountVolume( device,&m_point ) ;
	 * zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/security.c
	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	if( status == 0 ){

		if( m_point != NULL ){

			 *  zuluCryptReuseMountPoint() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/create_mount_point.c
			if( !zuluCryptReuseMountPoint() ){

				zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

				rmdir( m_point ) ;

				zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

		return _zuluExit( 0,st,m_point,gettext( "SUCCESS: umount complete successfully" ) ) ;
		switch( status ) {

			case 1 : return _zuluExit( 103,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Device does not exist" ) ) ;
			case 2 : return _zuluExit( 104,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Failed to unmount,the mount point and/or one or more files are in use" ) ) ;
			case 4 : return _zuluExit( 105,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Failed to unmount,could not get a lock on /etc/mtab~" ) ) ;
			case 10: return _zuluExit( 107,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Failed to unmount,multiple mount points for the volume detected" ) ) ; break ;

			default: return _zuluExit( 106,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Failed to unmount the partition" ) ) ;
Exemple #30
int zuluCryptOpenVolume( const char * dev,const char * mapper,
			 const char * m_point,uid_t id,unsigned long m_opts,
			 const char * fs_opts,const char * pass,size_t pass_size ) 
	int h ;
	string_t p = StringVoid ;
	string_t q = StringVoid ;
	int lmode ;
	int fd ;
	const char * mode ;
	const char * mapper_1 ;
	 * zuluCryptPathIsNotValid() is defined in is_path_valid.c
	if( zuluCryptPathIsNotValid( dev ) ){
		return 3 ;
	 * zuluCryptMapperPrefix() is defined in create_mapper_name.c
	p = String( zuluCryptMapperPrefix() ) ;
	mapper_1 = StringMultipleAppend( p,"/",mapper,END ) ;

	 * zuluCryptPathIsValid() is defined in is_path_valid.c
	if( zuluCryptPathIsValid( mapper_1 ) ){
		return zuluExit( 2,p ) ;
	if( m_opts & MS_RDONLY ){
		lmode = O_RDONLY ;
		mode = "ro" ;
		lmode = O_RDWR ;
		mode = "rw" ;
	if( StringPrefixMatch( dev,"/dev/",5 ) ){
		h = _open_mapper( dev,mapper,mode,pass,pass_size ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in create_loop_device.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( dev,lmode,&fd,&q ) ){
			dev = StringContent( q ) ;
			h = _open_mapper( dev,mapper,mode,pass,pass_size ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			StringDelete( &q ) ;
			h = 1 ;

	switch( h ){
		case 1 : return zuluExit( 4,p ) ;
		case 2 : return zuluExit( 8,p ) ; 
		case 3 : return zuluExit( 3,p ) ;
	if( m_point != NULL ){
		 * zuluCryptMountVolume() is defined in mount_volume.c
		h = zuluCryptMountVolume( mapper_1,m_point,m_opts,fs_opts,id ) ;
		if( h != 0 ){
			 * zuluCryptCloseMapper() is defined in close_mapper.c
			if( zuluCryptCloseMapper( mapper_1 ) != 0 ){
				h = 15 ;
	return zuluExit( h,p ) ;