Exemple #1
void ProcessImage::ProcessSaveRes(Image &image, vector<REAL>&r,
		vector<REAL>& g, vector<REAL>& b, const string&ofile) {// Work on each color channel RGB

	if (gamma == 1 && !dog)
		ReadImage(image, r, g, b);

	if (gamma != 1)// Perform the gamma normalization of the image...
	// image magick gamma is x=y^(1/gamma); so sending
	// 1/gamma leads to x=y^gamma;
	// to have tip style normalization...
		image.gamma(1 / gamma);
		if (!dog)
			ReadImage(image, r, g, b);
	if (dog) {
		// Now using ImageMagick Implementation for padding
		UINT k2size = ceil(k2 * 3);
		Image image2 = image;
		// 3 to include 3 sigma bell
		image.blur(ceil(k1 * 3), k1);// applies separable filters...
		image2.blur(k2size, k2);
		SubtractImage(image, image2, r, g, b);
	WriteImageFile(ofile + "_dog", r, g, b, image.rows(), image.columns());
	if (constr || coneq) {
		REAL imgstat[6];
		ExtractChannelStats(r, g, b, imgstat);
		if (constr)
			DoContrastStretching(r, g, b, imgstat);
		if (coneq)
			DoContrastEqualization(r, g, b, imgstat);

Exemple #2
void ProcessImage::ProcessGray(Image &image, vector<REAL>&des1) {
	REAL imgstat[2];
	if (gamma == 1 && !dog)
		ReadImage(image, des1);

	if (gamma != 1)// Perform the gamma normalization of the image...
		image.gamma(1 / gamma);
		if (!dog) {
			ReadImage(image, des1);
	if (dog) {
		// Now using ImageMagick Implementation for padding
		UINT k2size = ceil(k2 * 3);
		Image image2 = image;
		// 2 to include 2 sigma bell
		image.blur(ceil(k1 * 3), k1);// applies separable filters...
		image2.blur(k2size, k2);
		SubtractImage(image, image2, des1);
	if (constr || coneq) {
		REAL imgstat[2];
		ExtractChannelStats(des1, imgstat);
		if (constr)
			DoContrastStretching(des1, imgstat);
		if (coneq)
			DoContrastEqualization(des1, imgstat);
Exemple #3
/* Find keypoints within one octave of scale space starting with the
   given image.  The octSize parameter gives the size of each pixel
   relative to the input image.  Returns new list of keypoints after
   adding to the existing list "keys".
KKeypoint OctaveKeypoints(Image image, Image *pnextImage, float octSize,
			 KKeypoint keys)
    int i;
    float sigmaRatio, prevSigma, increase;
    Image blur[Scales+3], dogs[Scales+2];
    /* Ratio of each scale to the previous one.  The parameter Scales
       determines how many scales we divide the octave into, so
          sigmaRatio ** Scales = 2.0.  
    sigmaRatio = pow(2.0, 1.0 / (float) Scales);

    /* Build array "blur", holding Scales+3 blurred versions of the image. */
    blur[0] = image;          /* First level is input to this routine. */
    prevSigma = InitSigma;    /* Input image has InitSigma smoothing. */

    /* Form each level by adding incremental blur from previous level.
       Increase in blur is from prevSigma to prevSigma * sigmaRatio, so
       increase**2 + prevSigma**2 = (prevSigma * sigmaRatio)**2
    for (i = 1; i < Scales + 3; i++) {
      blur[i] = CopyImage(blur[i-1], IMAGE_POOL);
      increase = prevSigma * sqrt(sigmaRatio * sigmaRatio - 1.0);
      GaussianBlur(blur[i], increase);
      prevSigma *= sigmaRatio;

    /* Compute an array, dogs, of difference-of-Gaussian images by
       subtracting each image from its next blurred version.
    for (i = 0; i < Scales + 2; i++) {
      dogs[i] = CopyImage(blur[i], IMAGE_POOL);
      SubtractImage(dogs[i], blur[i+1]);

    /* Image blur[Scales] has twice the blur of starting image for
       this octave, so it is returned to downsample for next octave.
    *pnextImage = blur[Scales];

    return FindMaxMin(dogs, blur, octSize, keys);