Exemple #1
/* called _before_ GAP system initialization to remove command lines, etc. */
void InitPargapmpi( int * argc_ptr, char *** argv_ptr )
{ //char * cmd = (*argv_ptr)[0], * tmp;
  int thrProvided, commSize, myRank;

  if ( 0 != MPI_Init_thread( argc_ptr, argv_ptr, MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, &thrProvided ) ) {
    fputs("ParGAP:  panic:  couldn't initialize MPI.\n", stderr);

  UNIX_Realtime( (Obj)0 ); /* initialize UNIX_Realtime:time_since_start */
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &commSize);
  //if ( INT_INTOBJ( MPIcomm_size( (Obj)0 ) ) <= 1 )
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
  if (!myRank) 
	printf("\nGAP started with %d processes\n\n", commSize);
  if ( INT_INTOBJ(MPIcomm_rank((Obj)0)) > 0 ) {
	SyQuiet = ! SyQuiet;
	{ sigset_t fullset;
	  sigfillset( &fullset );
	  sigdelset( &fullset, SIGINT ); /* Let slaves see interrupts */
	  //#if 0
	  //sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &fullset, NULL );
	  signal( SIGINT, &ParGAPAnswerIntr ); /* Slaves ignore interrupts */
Exemple #2
*F  Panic( <msg> )
void Panic_(const char * file, int line, const char * fmt, ...)
    fprintf(stderr, "Panic in %s:%d: ", file, line);
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, fmt);
    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
    va_end (args);
    fputs("\n", stderr);
Exemple #3
void InitSystem (
    Int                 argc,
    Char *              argv [] )
    Char *              *ptrlist;
    UInt                i;             /* loop variable                   */
    Int res;                       /* return from option processing function */

    /* Initialize global and static variables */
    SyCTRD = 1;             
    SyCompilePlease = 0;
    SyDebugLoading = 0;
    SyLineEdit = 1;
#ifdef HPCGAP
    SyUseReadline = 0;
    SyUseReadline = 1;
    SyMsgsFlagBags = 0;
    SyNrCols = 0;
    SyNrColsLocked = 0;
    SyNrRows = 0;
    SyNrRowsLocked = 0;
    SyQuiet = 0;
    SyInitializing = 0;
#ifdef SYS_IS_64_BIT
    SyStorMin = 128 * 1024L;
    SyStorMax = 2048*1024L;          /* This is in kB! */
    SyAllocPool = 4096L*1024*1024;   /* Note this is in bytes! */
    SyStorMin = 64 * 1024L;
    SyStorMax = 1024*1024L;          /* This is in kB! */
#ifdef SYS_IS_CYGWIN32
    SyAllocPool = 0;                 /* works better on cygwin */
    SyAllocPool = 1536L*1024*1024;   /* Note this is in bytes! */
    SyStorOverrun = 0;
    SyStorKill = 0;
    SyUseModule = 1;
    SyWindow = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      UInt j;
      for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
        SyGasmanNumbers[i][j] = 0;

    preAllocAmount = 4*1024*1024;


    rl_initialize ();

#if defined(SYS_DEFAULT_PATHS)
    SySetGapRootPath( SYS_DEFAULT_PATHS );

    /* save the original command line for export to GAP */
    SyOriginalArgc = argc;
    SyOriginalArgv = argv;

    /* scan the command line for options that we have to process in the kernel */
    /* we just scan the whole command line looking for the keys for the options we recognise */
    /* anything else will presumably be dealt with in the library */
    while ( argc > 1 )
        if (argv[1][0] == '-' ) {

          if ( strlen(argv[1]) != 2 && argv[1][1] != '-') {
            FPUTS_TO_STDERR("gap: sorry, options must not be grouped '");
            FPUTS_TO_STDERR(argv[1]);  FPUTS_TO_STDERR("'.\n");
            goto usage;

          for (i = 0;  options[i].shortkey != argv[1][1] &&
                       (argv[1][1] != '-' || argv[1][2] == 0 || strcmp(options[i].longkey, argv[1] + 2)) &&
                       (options[i].shortkey != 0 || options[i].longkey[0] != 0); i++)


          if (argc < 2 + options[i].minargs)
              Char buf[2];
              FPUTS_TO_STDERR("gap: option "); FPUTS_TO_STDERR(argv[1]);
              FPUTS_TO_STDERR(" requires at least ");
              buf[0] = options[i].minargs + '0';
              buf[1] = '\0';
              FPUTS_TO_STDERR(buf); FPUTS_TO_STDERR(" arguments\n");
              goto usage;
          if (options[i].handler) {
            res = (*options[i].handler)(argv+2, options[i].otherArg);
            switch (res)
              case -1: goto usage;
                /*            case -2: goto fullusage; */
              default: ;     /* fall through and continue */
            res = options[i].minargs;
          /*    recordOption(argv[1][1], res,  argv+2); */
          argv += 1 + res;
          argc -= 1 + res;
        else {
    /* adjust SyUseReadline if no readline support available or for XGAP  */
#if !defined(HAVE_LIBREADLINE)
    SyUseReadline = 0;
    if (SyWindow) SyUseReadline = 0;

    /* now that the user has had a chance to give -x and -y,
       we determine the size of the screen ourselves */

    /* fix max if it is lower than min                                     */
    if ( SyStorMax != 0 && SyStorMax < SyStorMin ) {
        SyStorMax = SyStorMin;

    /* fix pool size if larger than SyStorKill */
    if ( SyStorKill != 0 && SyAllocPool != 0 &&
                            SyAllocPool > 1024 * SyStorKill ) {
        SyAllocPool = SyStorKill * 1024;
    /* fix pool size if it is given and lower than SyStorMax */
    if ( SyAllocPool != 0 && SyAllocPool < SyStorMax * 1024) {
        SyAllocPool = SyStorMax * 1024;

    /* when running in package mode set ctrl-d and line editing            */
    if ( SyWindow ) {
      /*         SyLineEdit   = 1;
                 SyCTRD       = 1; */
        syWinPut( 0, "@p", "1." );

    if (SyAllocPool == 0) {
      /* premalloc stuff                                                     */
      /* allocate in small chunks, and write something to them
       * (the GNU clib uses mmap for large chunks and give it back to the
       * system after free'ing; also it seems that memory is only really 
       * allocated (pagewise) when it is first used)                     */
      ptrlist = (Char **)malloc((1+preAllocAmount/1000)*sizeof(Char*));
      for (i = 1; i*1000 < preAllocAmount; i++) {
        ptrlist[i-1] = (Char *)malloc( 1000 );
        if (ptrlist[i-1] != NULL) ptrlist[i-1][900] = 13;
      for (i = 1; (i+1)*1000 < preAllocAmount; i++) 
        if (ptrlist[i-1] != NULL) free(ptrlist[i-1]);
     /* ptr = (Char *)malloc( preAllocAmount );
      ptr1 = (Char *)malloc(4);
      if ( ptr != 0 )  free( ptr ); */

    /* should GAP load 'init/lib.g' on initialization */
    if ( SyCompilePlease || SyRestoring ) {
        SyLoadSystemInitFile = 0;

    /* the compiler will *not* read in the .gaprc file                     
    if ( gaprc && ! ( SyCompilePlease || SyRestoring ) ) {

    /* the users home directory                                            */
    if ( getenv("HOME") != 0 ) {
        strxcpy(DotGapPath, getenv("HOME"), sizeof(DotGapPath));
# if defined(SYS_IS_DARWIN) && SYS_IS_DARWIN
        /* On Darwin, add .gap to the sys roots, but leave */
        /* DotGapPath at $HOME/Library/Preferences/GAP     */
        strxcat(DotGapPath, "/.gap;", sizeof(DotGapPath));
        if (!IgnoreGapRC) {
        strxcpy(DotGapPath, getenv("HOME"), sizeof(DotGapPath));
        strxcat(DotGapPath, "/Library/Preferences/GAP;", sizeof(DotGapPath));
# elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
        strxcat(DotGapPath, "/_gap;", sizeof(DotGapPath));
# else
        strxcat(DotGapPath, "/.gap;", sizeof(DotGapPath));
# endif

        if (!IgnoreGapRC) {
        DotGapPath[strlen(DotGapPath)-1] = '\0';
        /* and in this case we can also expand paths which start
           with a tilde ~ */
        Char userhome[GAP_PATH_MAX];
        strxcpy(userhome, getenv("HOME"), sizeof(userhome));
        const UInt userhomelen = strlen(userhome);
        for (i = 0; i < MAX_GAP_DIRS && SyGapRootPaths[i][0]; i++) {
            const UInt pathlen = strlen(SyGapRootPaths[i]);
            if (SyGapRootPaths[i][0] == '~' &&
                userhomelen + pathlen < sizeof(SyGapRootPaths[i])) {
                SyMemmove(SyGapRootPaths[i] + userhomelen,
                        /* don't copy the ~ but the trailing '\0' */
                        SyGapRootPaths[i] + 1, pathlen);
                memcpy(SyGapRootPaths[i], userhome, userhomelen);

    /* now we start                                                        */

    /* print a usage message                                               */
 FPUTS_TO_STDERR("usage: gap [OPTIONS] [FILES]\n");
 FPUTS_TO_STDERR("       run the Groups, Algorithms and Programming system, Version ");
 FPUTS_TO_STDERR("       use '-h' option to get help.\n");
 SyExit( 1 );
Exemple #4
static Int enableMemCheck(Char ** argv, void * dummy)
    SyFputs( "# Error: --enableMemCheck not supported by this copy of GAP\n", 3);
    SyFputs( "  pass --enable-memory-checking to ./configure\n", 3 );